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Page 6

by Brenda Trim

  The clock was ticking for him. He wanted to keep his body, but more than that he wanted to develop a true and lasting love with Rayna. It was what he’d always wanted, but it had never been in his reach, until now.

  “I need you, Rayna. I want you. Will you accept me?” he asked, holding his breath as he waited for her to answer. He saw the indecision on her expressive face.

  He wondered if fear would keep her away. The first lesson he learned in observing others was that fear was intimacy’s greatest enemy. Fear made people run away or cling in desperation, but it never created a loving relationship.

  “I need time to think, Zaid. This has happened so fast. Ten minutes ago, I was terrified for my life and now I discover that you’re my mate. It’s a lot to take in,” she admitted as she shook her head.

  He was glad he hadn’t mentioned the fact that if she didn’t complete their mating within twelve hours, he’d revert to his ghostly state. If she knew, she would bolt for sure.

  “At least don’t leave me here naked,” he said with a wry twist of his lips, hoping to take her mind off the gravity of their situation. “You never know who might happen by. Besides, you can’t possibly leave me in this state.” He smiled and looked pointedly at his erection.

  She returned his smile and cocked her head. “Males are all the same. You get an erection and can’t think straight.”

  “It’s rather painful,” he teased.

  “Come on, Zaid, but keep that thing away from me,” she ordered with a finger in his direction.

  “No promises,” he murmured as he hurried to her side. “It seems to have a mind of its own.”


  Struggling to grasp what had happened, Rayna couldn’t take her eyes off Zaid. One minute, she was throwing a rune at him, and the next thing she knew, he was a flesh and blood male. And, he was gorgeous. Tan skin, shoulder-length brown hair, and a body that had her biting her lip hard enough to draw blood. Black pits that had been soulless eyes were now the deepest shade of blue and full of life.

  Her body screamed jump his bones and she was inclined to agree. His impressive erection stood at attention and her libido was waving a white flag, surrendering to his need.

  “This isn’t going to work,” Zaid scoffed and brought her out of her fantasies. He eyed the glider then looked Rayna’s way. “I just got this body. I don’t want to lose it by crashing on that thing.”

  “Don’t be such a baby. These are perfectly safe,” she indicated as she jumped on the small black hoverboard.

  Zaid’s eyes went straight to her ass and stayed there. She wanted to be annoyed with his ogling, but she was enjoying the attention. Males so rarely looked at her like a sex object, but Zaid had no problem showing his desire for her and it was fueling a craving that had long been denied.

  His declaration, basically a proposal of sorts, was surprising and she wasn’t sure how she felt about it. No male had earned that level of trust from her. She was closed off and leery. It was the main reason she remained single. If she couldn’t fully trust someone, why bother with the rest of the bullshit that came with a relationship.

  “You’re right. It doesn’t look so dangerous now,” he replied and jumped up behind her. They both teetered on the narrow platform and almost toppled to the ground until she threw out her arms and widened her stance to balance them.

  His body was firm against her backside, causing a shiver to run down her spine. She’d never been more aware of a male and her heart raced in anticipation.

  “This feels incredible,” he groaned in her ear and she felt his erection press against her backside.

  Without thought, her hips pushed back and instinct had her wanting to rub against his hard length, encouraging more. Resisting the strong impulse, she stuttered, “We need to go. Keep control of that thing, would you? Where do you live anyway?” she asked as she input her residence into the control panel on the glyder.

  The hover board took off before she was ready and she slammed against him. “That’s not helping,” he replied as he wrapped arms around her waist and pulled her close. It was very intimate and her core clenched with need. “And, even if your soft curves weren’t teasing my cock and making it ache, I wouldn’t know how to control it. You forget. This is my first bodily experience, Rayna.”

  The way he murmured her name fired multiple rounds of arousal to her lower body and she gripped the glider’s handlebars, trying to tamp down her out of control hunger. Damn, what his nearness was doing to her. Thankfully, he was standing behind her; otherwise, she’d be wrapping her legs around his hips and taking him for a ride of a very different kind.

  Trying her nonchalant best, she replied, “I’m still in shock and can’t imagine what you’re feeling. Well, I guess I have an idea,” she giggled as she felt another jerk from Zaid’s groin. Yeah, she was failing miserably at remaining calm, she thought, as sweat broke across her forehead.

  It suddenly dawned on her this male was a virgin. She’d never been someone’s first and the thought was enticing. “For now, I can overlook the boner poking me in the butt, but after you adjust to your new friend, I’ll expect better behavior from you.”

  “You’re my mate. I have a feeling a hundred years could pass and I would still feel this way when you’re near,” he admitted. The reminder that they were mates was a douse of cold water and her natural wariness came rushing back, along with, her rising fear.

  Zaid was right, though. They were mates. She refused to allow irrational paranoia to overshadow and ruin the one good thing she might have in life. Her parents had taught her how rare and beautiful mates were. Deep down, she had always wanted a mate and Zaid tempted her to throw trepidation aside and enjoy the journey.

  “I didn’t realize your kind could have mates. I always thought of you like ghosts, incapable of connecting with anyone. Gods, I’m sorry, that was rude of me,” she admitted as they soared through the Forest dome’s night air.

  One thing she absolutely loved about the Complex was the evenings. The temperatures were perfect and there was always a cool breeze, although, she had no idea where it came from, considering it was a domed environment.

  “No, you’re fine. I thought it was a myth myself. Very few ever talk about mates. In fact, I’ve never met a mated Buruburu. My kind is more focused on torturing and killing their victims and typically don’t stop to consider the consequences of their actions. They’re very selfish creatures if you ask me,” he muttered in her ear.

  It was odd how he talked about his species as if he weren’t one of them. Evidently, he felt disconnected from aspects of his true nature.

  “You never did answer me. Where do you live?” Rayna asked, wondering if taking Zaid to her place was a bad idea.

  “I live in the Forest, too. I have an apartment, but I’ve never slept or eaten there. The place looks exactly as it did the day I moved in. It was issued to me on principle, but I haven’t needed it. Guess that will change now.”

  “That would explain why I’ve never seen you.”

  “Yeah, I work long hours and the rest of my time is spent roaming the woods. I don’t sleep much and the forest is peaceful. I enjoy nature,” he admitted.

  There was so much more to him than she’d originally thought. She’d believed his sole focus was scaring others to feed his twisted needs. She realized she carried many prejudices towards the world based on the trauma she’d experienced throughout her life.

  There was no way to change all her beliefs in one day, but she could start with him. Funny how things worked out. Just when her fear rune had infinite power, she was finally in a place where she wouldn’t continuously rely on it. Snorting, she shook her head at the irony. That was the story of her life.

  The glyder stopped outside her apartment building and they climbed off. Rayna was reminded of Zaid’s nudity when several Humans gasped and pointed at them. If she didn’t get him inside, he might get arrested. Or worse, fired from his job.

  “This is going to be a problem
. AS will issue clothes for you, but you need something to wear until then,” Rayna murmured. “Follow me and stay close to my back. I’ll call Charlotte and see if she has any suggestions. This seems right up her alley,” she explained as she grabbed his hand and led him inside the building to the elevator.

  “Is this close enough?” he asked as he plastered his body against her backside. Once again, she felt his hard length and moisture pooled between her legs. She needed to get a grip before she lost all control and ravaged his virginal body.

  “Too close,” she croaked and his deep chuckle told her he knew how aroused she was.

  Pushing the elevator button, she blocked him with her body when the buzzer dinged, signaling the door was opening. Relieved to see an empty car, she pulled him inside and quickly pushed the button to her floor. The doors closed and she immediately felt awkward standing in the confined space with the ruggedly handsome male.

  Before, Zaid had been at her back, but now they were facing each other and his deep blue eyes pinned her. His gaze captured hers and jittery nerves had her chewing on her lip, praying the elevator ride ended soon.

  He moved closer and leaned his head so they were scant inches apart. “I can’t take this anymore,” he murmured then pressed his mouth to hers.

  His full lips were soft but firm as they lightly touched hers. Rayna closed her eyes and savored the moment. He tasted like a fine wine and she was buzzing from the first sip. She parted her lips, inviting him in, but he didn’t take advantage. He took his time, tenderly exploring with each soft kiss. He slowly moved along her lower lip then sucked a little when he reached one corner.

  She moaned when her nipples hardened and reached up to wrap arms around his neck, pulling him against her enlivened body. She had never been so turned on by a simple kiss.

  The elevator car stopped and the door opened, bringing her out of the sensual moment. She opened her eyes to see blue depths staring back at her.

  “You are delicious. I want to do that all over your body. Will you let me?” Zaid asked and Rayna nearly stripped her clothes in the elevator. What she would give to have this fine specimen do that all over her ignited flesh.

  “You are direct, I’ll give you that,” she replied, unable to form a coherent thought. “Let’s get you inside and cover that area that seems to be making you say all kinds of crazy stuff,” she countered as she squirmed past him and led the way to her apartment.

  Opening her door, she was surprised to see her friend sitting on her sofa. Charlotte spouted, “Bout damn you got here. Where the hell you bee–,” she said, stopping midsentence when she saw Zaid. Her eyes bulged when they trailed down the length of his naked body.

  “As you can see, I’ve been a little busy. How are you feeling?” Rayna asked as she closed the door then walked to the bathroom to grab a towel.

  She rushed back to her living room and proceeded to wrap it around Zaid’s waist, hoping if she covered the overly-excited stiffy, it would calm down.

  “Ummmm, like a bus ran me over,” Charlotte replied. “Who’s your friend?”

  “What is that incredible aroma?” he asked before Rayna could answer.

  “It’s pizza,” Charlotte curiously responded as she looked at the open box sitting on the coffee table. “I figured you would be hungry after working all day,” she added as her eyes went from Rayna to Zaid then back to Rayna again.

  Zaid walked over and grabbed a slice, taking a large bite. “Oh, for the love of the Gods, this has to be the tastiest thing ever created,” he groaned around a mouthful and shoved more of the pepperoni-topped pie in his mouth.

  Charlotte looked to Rayna with a what-the-fuck expression. Rayna half-laughed then explained, “Charlotte, this is Zaid, the Buruburu I told you about. Ta-da, he’s no longer a ghost,” she gestured and gave her a you-have-no-idea glare.

  “Seriously, Rayna, you have to try this. In fact, I’d like to spread this sauce all over your skin and lick it off,” he offered and she blushed to the roots as Charlotte choked with surprise.

  “He’s a little overzealous right now. Everything is new to him, so you can imagine the rollercoaster of emotions he’s dealing with,” Rayna said with a lift to her shoulders.

  “Not to mention this lovely creature is my mate. We’ve had a full day, Charlotte,” he interrupted as he picked up another slice of pizza and sat on the sofa beside the redheaded female.

  The towel hiked up his hips and from where Rayna stood, she got another glimpse of the larger-than-life dangle between his legs. He was more endowed than any male she’d ever seen and she couldn’t help wonder what it would feel like to have him fill her.

  “For once in my life, I’m at a loss for words, girlfriend,” Charlotte rushed out and drew Rayna’s attention from her lascivious thoughts. “But, I’ll say this, I like him,” she admitted, crossing her arm over the back of the couch and turning towards Zaid.

  Jealousy sparked when Rayna reached over to tug on his brown hair. She typically didn’t give a rat’s ass who Charlotte flirted with, but to see her bat eyes at Zaid had her wanting to snatch a handful of hair from her friend’s head. Zaid scooted away from Charlotte and patted the seat between them for Rayna to join him.

  For once, she wasn’t an afterthought with a male when it came to the female. It gave Rayna great satisfaction to see a male focused solely on her. Walking over, she took a seat between the two and was greeted by cold pizza shoved into her mouth.

  Taking a small bite, she pushed the food away, “Thanks, but I prefer mine hot.”

  “Oooo, that sounds delicious. Where is your kitchen? I’ve seen Scott heat things at work so I think I can figure it out. I’d like to heat you up if you’ll let me,” he said with a sly grin.

  Rayna blushed to her roots as she pointed towards the kitchen. Zaid grabbed the box of pizza and darted in the direction she indicated.

  “Aaaaand that would be my clue to leave,” Charlotte replied as she stood. “Very nice to meet you Zaid. Can’t wait to hear all the details,” she called out and winked to Rayna. “He’s magnificent, did you see how hung he is,” she whispered as she stroked her hand through the air.

  “Stop it,” she shushed back, “I can barely think straight without any encouragement from you,” she added when Charlotte began humping the air.

  As her friend turned to walk to the door, Rayna stopped her. “Wait, I need your help. He needs clothes. AS will issue him some when he goes to work tomorrow, but he needs some now. Any thoughts?” Rayna asked.

  “I was thinking clothes won’t be needed,” she countered.

  Rolling her eyes, Rayna implored, “I’m serious. He can’t leave without something to wear.”

  “You’re no fun. Ummm, he looks to be about the same build as Jax. I’m headed over to see him now. I can see if he’ll loan him one of his if you want.”

  “I’m glad you approved his call. How is he doing?” Rayna inquired. She had thought about him several times and hoped he was okay.

  “The poor vamp has to have a cybernetic leg attached in a couple of days and is in extreme pain. They aren’t letting him leave the clinic until after the surgery so I’m stopping by his place to grab a few items before I see him. If he says it’s okay, I’ll grab a uniform and bring it by later, unless…you two will be preoccupied,” she insinuated and waggled her eyebrows.

  “You can stop by later. We’ll be here,” Rayna said as she shoved her friend towards the door.

  “I don’t know. He seems to have other ideas,” Charlotte answered as she leaned her head and peeked to the kitchen area. Rayna couldn’t see Zaid, but, whatever he was doing, he was making a ruckus.

  “I tell you what, if the Do Not Disturb, Mating In Progress sign is out, I’ll leave the clothes on your doorstep. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” she teased as she walked out the door before Rayna could respond.

  Her friend’s words hit a nerve. Rayna had no idea what mating meant to a Buruburu, but for her kind they sealed the deal during sex
by casting a spell binding their souls. Regardless of whether they sealed the deal or not, she would have a connection to him. The magic she’d used had already begun interlocking their life forces and nothing could reverse that.

  The jury was still out if Rayna planned on completing things with Zaid. Admittedly, he was sexy and physically everything she’d ever dreamed of, but she couldn’t imagine letting him into the depths of her soul. Flight or fight instinct kicked in and she wanted to run and hide.

  Her escalating fear never failed, preventing her from experiencing true happiness.


  Zaid heard Charlotte shut the door and smiled. Finally, he was alone with Rayna. He wanted to kiss her again. There were so many things he craved to experience, but his desire for this female took precedence. The need to consummate their mating rode hard and for good reason. His time was running out.

  But it was more than that. Rayna’s fear permeated the air and it still called to his inner beast. Even with his new form, he was feeding off her fright. That, combined with his craving to mate, was the best high ever.

  “Need any help in here,” she asked as she appeared in the doorway.

  She was incredibly sexy as she leaned against the counter. Her long silver hair framed her soft features. Light green eyes held him captive and he almost sank to the floor when his knees buckled at the sight.

  Walking to stand in front of her, he husked, “I need a lot of help.”

  He glanced down at the towel around his waist and watched his erection push the fabric, forming a tent that could withstand the strongest winds.

  Giggling, she said, “I told you to control that thing.” Her words implied stay away but the heat in her eyes told a very different story.

  “It has a mind of its own, love. It knows what it wants and is trying to go after it,” he declared as he pulled her close.


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