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ZetaTalk: Myths

Page 7

by Nancy Lieder

  Note: written on Jun 15, 1996

  The Masons, being one of the most widely known secret societies, have generated less gossip than those secret

  societies which are less visible. The Masons have lodges and members, all out in the open. That a group could survive

  on a premise that secrets are being shared, when none are, shows how strong the desire to be elitist, to have one up on others, can be. Founded by St. Germain, who claimed to have alchemy secrets, the Masons became simply an

  organization of rituals and rules, not unlike the Boy Scouts.

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  ZetaTalk: Knights Templar

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  ZetaTalk: Knights Templar

  Note: written on Sep 15, 1996

  Many situations fraught with injustice take a turn for the better due to reactions, where those injured and those in

  sympathy are impelled to action where they would otherwise be passive. Such a situation occurred during the era of

  inquisitions and the political marriage of church and state in Europe centuries ago. Integrity is one of the first

  casualties when those living by lies come into power, and thus the Knights Templar came under attack. As with most

  casualties of the inquisitions, they were blameless and set up with all manner of accusations that were totally

  unfounded. Those offended by this injustice live on today, by proxy, as an organization that has lost all semblance to the original group, becoming, as most groups do over time, simply a group fraught with procedures and rules and

  hierarchies to be honored.

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  ZetaTalk: Mary's Message

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  ZetaTalk: Mary's Message

  Note: written on Jul 15, 1995

  Much has been made of the supposed miracle at Fatima, where the image of Mary, mother of Jesus, appears, floating

  overhead. Crowds form in awe, whispering to one another, and the local merchants clean up. When one does not see

  the image of Mary, one is told their faith is not strong enough. Since the vast majority coming to the site have their lives wrapped in Catholic doctrine, they come prepared to see something, and see something they do. Was it in the shape of Mary? They believe so, and chalk up any distortions in the image to the angle, their tired eyes, the weather, or whatever. Since so many others are rapt, would one complain about the image being out of focus? Any explanation

  but lack of faith is preferable.

  The eyes see what the heart hopes to see. Seeing what is anticipated is so common that it is almost a daily occurrence experienced by all. Individual described as having a closed mind will only see what they anticipate or expect to see,

  feel comfortable with. This phenomenon is very much with you. The mind supersedes what the eye sees, colors it, and

  filters out certain things that will contradict the expectation. This occurs for future anticipation as well as for memories that are disturbing. For instance, if someone sees something that is upsetting to them, they will rapidly forget it, distort it, and selectively have amnesia. The same kind of screening works on future events.

  Beyond the visions induced by suggestibility or a desire to see what one is expected to see, there is fraud. Just as UFO

  sightings and contactee status are faked for the attention and financial side benefits such claims bring, visits from Mary are on occasion frankly faked. Just as UFO fakes involve altered photos and videos and witnesses backing each other

  up and presenting scars or other marks supporting their claims, fraudulent visits from Mary use these physical props.

  We are also told that a Pope, now deceased, wrote a diary of predictions delivered by Mary. The now deceased Pope's

  diary, whom one cannot ask the Pope about, is a colossal fraud. No such conversations took place, not even in the

  Pope's mind. Can this be disproved? No. What would one do, go to the grave and ask? It's a safe bet for those

  perpetrating the fraud. Who are these perpetrators, and what do they hope to gain? Inspect the message carefully, and

  you will find, repeatedly, two elements.

  First, the promise that the Earth will be led to safety by saviors of a religious nature. The second coming, or

  variations on that theme. Why would this be important to the perpetrators, who are, as one might expect, in the

  church, and what do they stand to gain? The church fears that other gods will replace the ones they promote, and

  hopes to gain increasing converts as millennium fever increases.

  Second, the reference to large cities as the focus of rescue. The opposite is in fact the case, as during the

  cataclysms cities will be leveled and be death traps. Nor can one grow beans and rice and maintain fish tanks

  effectively in large cities, sustaining oneself when the grocery stores go out of business, permanently.

  Why this message? Check out where the large, lucrative churches are located. It is not in rural areas, where the parish is hard pressed to feed the priest. Cash flow wise, it is the big city parish, sustained by the wealthy suburbs, the

  enclaves of estates, the city home and condominiums kept by the rich and comfortable - that are solidly in the black.

  Those perpetrating this fraud do not intend to be with the faithful when the cataclysms strike. They will be long gone to safely, bought and paid for by the faithful who have remained, as instructed, in the death traps that big cities will become.

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  ZetaTalk: Stigmata

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  ZetaTalk: Stigmata

  Note: written on Sep 15, 1999

  The body can create stigmata through a force of will. This is often suspected. A great deal of illness, almost the

  majority, is caused by what is termed psychosomatic problems - tension, or a decision by the person to become ill - as astonishing as this may seem. There are a great many auto-immune diseases, infection that just doesn’t seem to heal,

  that antibiotics can’t suppress so the infection overwhelms. Cancer itself is a decision by the body to die. If

  inflammation can be caused by the will, then why can’t a person cause an inflammation to the point of burst capillaries in the center of one’s palm? This is quite possible. People who walk on hot coals, who are able to hold their breath and be almost buried alive and manage to be dredged up hours later - they have learned to control their bodies as the

  Yogi’s do. This is not all that unusual. It’s not common, but not all that unusual. People who have great faith, and wish to join with the aesthetics, with the saints, to merge with them and be dead before their time, will often take on those physical forms that make their life on Earth more similar to where they wish to be, with their admired ones.

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  ZetaTalk: Joan of Ark

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  ZetaTalk: Joan of Ark

  Note: written during the Dec 21, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session.

  Joan was intent on countering what she viewed as brutality in the church. She gave the Call, and was counseled, but

  her decisions were her own. The view from many that God speaks directly to this or that human is faulty, in that most

  such imagined communications are with spirits. Her desire to communicate, and her responses, were akin thus to the

  Call, only.

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: In Whose Service

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  ZetaTalk: In Whose Service

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  Where the Christian religion is supposedly established in the name of Christ, it is hardly based on the teachings of

  Jesus. Look to the lifestyle of many at the heads of these religions.

  The Pope lives in grandeur, surrounded by gold and silken robes, servants, and guaranteed comfort throughout

  retirement. What happened to the message of Jesus, about a rich man reaching heaven?

  The Catholic church is one of the wealthiest entities in the world, yet it is supported by those most poverty-

  stricken. What happened to the message of Jesus to give unto the poor, share and share alike?

  The Mormon and Catholic churches, both based on the sayings of Jesus, use extreme threats to control and

  dictate to their masses. Excommunication, which is plainly delivered as eternal damnation to the fires of hell.

  What happened to the message of Jesus to forgive? Let he who is without sin be the first to cast a stone, etc.

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  ZetaTalk: Twisted Message

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  ZetaTalk: Twisted Message

  Note: written on Feb 15, 2000

  Religions take two paths. They are primarily influenced, when they are influenced, by benevolent entities from higher

  densities who wish to explain a message of love - the message of Jesus, the simple Golden Rule, to do unto others as

  you would have them do unto you, etc. These messages are meant to teach democratic concepts - how to get along

  with one another and be accepting of differences and the like. Because religion has an element of adoration, humans

  tend, as all 3rd Density cultures do, to look as children toward the messenger and say “Ah, we have gotten this from a wise parent”. Because of this, those who would rule humans and be despots try to slip behind and assume the robes of

  the religious morays and become what we have termed the religious elite.

  All religions have to some degree, and some to a great degree, assumed the nature of laying down the rules and the

  laws. Forget about being concerned or empathic to your neighbor. Where is your money? Where is your obedience to

  the rules? Where is your fear? The message thus twists and turns. The major religions on the Earth - those formed by

  Mohammed, Buddha, and Jesus - were influenced by Star Children who came down with the right message, but they

  have been twisted to some degree or another. Similarly, this occurs in New Age groups, which try to form life styles

  such as communes, and occurred in communism, which might be considered a religion of sorts. Communism describes

  how to get along with one another and it is no secret as to how it was twisted. Communism is as corrupt, with black

  markets, as capitalism. So these underlying themes are present in all religions, large and small.

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  ZetaTalk: Mormons

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  ZetaTalk: Mormons

  Note: written on May 15, 1997

  Where there are literally thousands of variations of Christianity, most go virtually unnoticed by either the public or the religious elite that keep tight hold on the reins. If a particular sect has bizarre or even illegal activities, this is not considered a problem unless it amounts to bad publicity for the church. The priesthood sodomized the choir boys for

  centuries, with nary an eyebrow raised, as the church could suppress talk with threats. As long as business as usual

  could proceed and the church dues collected, immoral and even illegal activities are tolerated. When the Mormon

  church became more than a single man’s enclave, this raised eyebrows, not because of any illegal or immoral

  activities, but because of the practical nature of many of the rules, which appealed to many. Thus, the Mormons were

  considered a threat, and still are.

  Polygamy is at direct opposition to the Christian insistence that sexuality should be suppressed and well taxed.

  Catholicism collects dues coming and going from their guilt ridden members, and hardly appreciates having sexual

  freedom under the flag of Christianity waved about as an alternative. Historically, polygamous practices developed

  where hardship presented the culture with widows or single women without the possibility of male protection.

  Extended families also traditionally have more strength, where the women can take turns attending to the children and

  harvest time demands can be shared by the group. Thus, many solid citizens saw advantages to the polygamy the

  Mormon church sanctioned, to the horror of the elite in the traditional Christian churches.

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  ZetaTalk: Paganism

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  ZetaTalk: Paganism

  Note: written on Mar 15, 2002

  Paganism, or witchcraft as it is often called, is misunderstood by those who would suppress it. As with simple and

  humanistic concepts such as the American Indian practice, such as adopting the offspring of early coupling not

  resulting in marriage, this is considered blasphemy by the religious elite. The American Indian practices allow a

  practical and humanistic arrangement that does not create a bastard child from the offspring of young love. Christianity treats the innocent child as a bastard and punishes it. Seeing God in nature is so prevalent among mankind, who

  recognizes instinctively God's hand in nature, that it is universal and throughout mankind’s history. Yet the Christian church states that God is found in the church, and speaks only though the words of the elite who preach in what they

  term the house of God. Thus, those in touch with nature were burned at the stake in Christianity's history. God created nature, and the bonding that those aware of nature's rhythms have with nature are a bonding with God's rules and

  edicts. Thus, we would advise that those who sense God in nature are not amiss, nor should they be put off by the loud demands of those who would control their thoughts.

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  ZetaTalk: King David

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  ZetaTalk: King David

  Note: written on Jul 15, 1997

  Like many humans who bore genes originating from the giant hominoids from the 12th Planet, King David was greatly

  admired for his strength and courage. That he took on one of these giants in the historic David and Goliath battle is not surprising, as he had a personal hatred of their domination, learned at his mother’s knee. Female slaves, who were held in bondage to act as more than cooks and maids, became pregnant on occasion by the brutish and fiercely strong

  soldiers working in service to the mining outposts the 12th Planet rulers routinely put into place during every periodic passage of the 12th Planet through the Solar System. Chosen for their unhesitating brutality in the line of duty, these soldiers were used to keep the human slaves that worked the mines in line, and seldom displayed any tenderness, not

  even to their lovers.

  Most often, a female slave that had been impregnated would die in childbirth, unable to deliver an oversized infant,

  taking her infant with her. On rare occasions half-breeds survived, often without their mothers who bled to death or

  were torn beyond repair. David’s mother, like he, bore genes from a half-breed, and thus had the hips to bear ther />
  product of rape and live. Beyond the great strength and unflinching courage which are traits of the giant hominoids from the 12th Planet, they have a singleness of purpose when aroused into anger. Thus he became a leader of the

  downtrodden, and was held in great esteem, this reverence expressed in devotion to his symbol, the Star of David. His

  lineage, the House of David, was noted primarily for its courageous leadership, not surprising when one considers the


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  ZetaTalk: David and Goliath

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  ZetaTalk: David and Goliath

  Note: written on Feb 15, 2002

  There is confusion about the Quarantine, as this was not a one-day imposition such that on Tuesday, all must vacate Earth. The giant hominoids on the 12th Planet in fact are unaware that a Quarantine was imposed! What they became

  aware of was increasing problems while living on Earth. They considered Earth to be a swamp, in any case, full of

  carnivores their world does not have, and disease. They lost Gold shipments in heavy storms at sea, lost slaves and

  soldiers to accidents, and became disenchanted with living on Earth. They were already on Mars, and this became

  increasingly attractive. After leaving, in the main, they found mankind increasing in numbers and tinkering with

  technology, tool, etc. However, there were some who liked living on Earth, enjoyed pushing their slaves about and raping captive women, and were loath to leave. Thus, tales like David and Goliath have their roots in truth.

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  ZetaTalk: Day of Rest

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  ZetaTalk: Day of Rest

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  The Christian rule that one should rest on the seventh day grew by bits and pieces. This was never a rule that Jesus set down, as he was not so silly. In the beginning this rule, like many that mankind ends up slavishly following, was


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