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Crazy Kinky Dirty Love

Page 14

by K. A. Merikan

Dan pulled out both his and Kyle’s bags and closed the car. “It is a perk, I won’t lie. I could always wow you with a DIY raft,” he said, pulling Kyle past the low wooden fence and into the walkway that ran along the marina.

  The water glistened in the sun, only enhancing the beauty of boats, big and small, moored along the shore.

  Kyle smooched Dan’s cheek. “You’re wowing me by organizing all this.”

  Everything seemed brighter in the sunshine, and it was so hot he wanted to take off his T-shirt and jump into the clear water. After two months of dull work in a cubicle, he wanted nothing more than to soak up the sun.

  Dan grinned and put his arm around Kyle as they strolled past the pier that provided access to the boats. There were a few of them that could be described as yachts, and knowing Leo, they were heading for the one that stood out the most. Among all the predominantly white ships, one that shone like a silver coin immediately caught his attention. As they started heading its way, he saw a large, black tattered flag with a white skull and crossbones flying in the wind—a Jolly Roger.

  “That’s his ship, isn’t it?” Kyle kissed Dan’s jaw.

  The closer they came to the ship, the more details he picked up on. Big wooden chests and barrels covered the deck. There was a cannon, which he assumed was fake, but one never knew with Leo. The gangplank was decorated with thick rope, and Kyle suspected what kind of play awaited him on the ship.

  The yacht had three decks, including the barely-covered space on top, which could be used for sunbathing. Onboard, Kyle saw more old-timey accessories scattered everywhere. There were some fake cutlasses lying on a wooden bench, which looked completely out of place on the modern ship. They climbed the stairs, straight into a covered terrace with leather sofas obscured by crumpled rags and blankets. The stairs leading to the top deck were blocked, but Dan led Kyle inside the ship, down where he assumed the cabins were, where all the pirates would wait for them, ready to snatch their prey.

  He got a kick from the sole anticipation. Where could they all be hiding? But once they reached a door at the end of the corridor, there was still no one there.

  “Should I know anything else?” Kyle opened the door Dan indicated and smiled as he walked into a room with a queen-sized bed, smooth surfaces, and a basket of fresh fruit. There was enough space to walk around and even an en suite bathroom.

  “This is your room. You can come here whenever you want,” said Dan and planted a soft kiss at the base of Kyle’s neck. He dropped Kyle’s bag to the bed.

  “You’re not staying with me?” Kyle sighed and followed the bag, lying down on the bed with a groan of satisfaction. The soft fabric felt like heaven on his skin.

  Dan shrugged. “You’re not staying either. You need to wait until everything’s set up,” he said and pulled Kyle to his feet. “All you need to know is that there is a treasure at the end of this adventure, but you need to find a map to get to it.”

  Kyle soaked up the information, eager to get into character. “Am I a prince?”

  Dan chuckled and grabbed Kyle’s chin only to tease him with a tiny kiss. “For now, just get cleaned up and relax. Wait on the pier when you’re ready,” he said and left the room, closing the door behind him.

  Kyle couldn’t wait to be ravished.

  Chapter 2

  Kyle sprayed his arms with sunscreen and leaned against the railing on the pier, smiling at the sun. There was an undercurrent of electricity streaming beneath his skin, but he didn’t want to spy on the guys as they prepared for their sexcapade, even as he heard sounds somewhere on the yacht.

  He licked his lips, wondering what kind of scenario Dan and their friends came up with. Would he be a captive prince? A young pirate apprentice drafted into the lifestyle? He was sure he’d be kidnapped, yet not knowing how that would come about made his imagination throb with ideas. For now, he let his muscles enjoy the lazy morning, but the moment he thought that, there was a distinct creaking behind his back. He stiffened and slowly placed the bottle of sunscreen on the hot wood of the pier.

  Was it just the wind, or was there someone behind him? If he looked back, he could spoil the surprise. His blood rushed quicker at the thought that he didn’t even know who was sneaking up to him. Whoever it was, Kyle damn well knew that person wanted to fuck him hard and probably fantasized about this moment just as much as he did.

  He flexed his back, knowing goose bumps were spreading across his skin despite the heat, and the next sound definitely was someone’s heavy footsteps on the wooden planks of the pier. Two heartbeats later, something fell on Kyle, and it took him several seconds to realize it was a fishing net made of rope. Before he could scream, the air became thick with masculine voices. Strong arms pulled the net tighter around him, enclosing him in a cocoon of rope.

  He yelped and tried to turn around, but the net grew more tangled around him. His feet left the ground as one of the men pulled Kyle up, tilting his world around. With the men wearing costumes and the scent of the ocean mixing with the smell of leather, it was hard for him to understand who was who just yet. The net digging into his body like a whole-body hammock wasn’t helping him focus.

  “What do you want?” Kyle asked, his heart hammering despite knowing he was technically safe. A bunch of pirates had kidnapped him, and he would leave all his preconceptions of the scene at the shore.

  “Shut up,” hissed Jon and pulled something over Kyle’s head, completely cutting him off. Kyle’s world became limited to the dots of light coming through the thread and the scent of jute, as several pairs of hands dragged him in the air. He was flying, unable to control the movement of his body, fearful he might end up in the dark water if someone dropped him by accident.

  He stilled and the bag over his head was surprisingly distressing, even knowing his friends had put it on. He didn’t know where they were heading, but he’d be on a boat in the ocean with five guys waiting to get their hands on him. As pirates, they would use him as their cumrag and beat him into submission if needed. All the guys were bigger than he was too, and their strength was yet another kick of arousal.

  Kyle’s cheeks were becoming hot as the men put him down on the deck, which rocked slightly under him. Without being able to see what and who was around, he settled and listened to the pirates instead. Their boots thudded against the floor, some even jangled, but he was sure one of the guys was barefoot.

  He didn’t try to fight and stayed in his place against the wall, smelling wood and the salt in the air as the ship moved, taking him away from the safety of dry land. Oh, the horror of what those brutes would do to him. There was no one here to protect him.

  The men didn’t seem to be talking much, but at some point, long after the ship stopped maneuvering, a squeaky voice startled Kyle into raising his head. The voice repeated the phrase “Damn you, land rat!” over and over again.

  It sounded like one of those annoying children’s dolls that constantly repeat one or two phrases.

  “Make it shut up,” Sam groaned.

  “It can speak if it wishes to. And you better watch how you talk to your captain, or you’ll end up overboard! Or worse … like this bitch boy down here.”

  Leo. Kyle wouldn’t mistake the hoarse cigarette-burnt voice for anyone else’s.

  The tip of a shoe dug into Kyle’s chest, and he curled up into a ball as his heart started pounding.

  “True, Captain. Wouldn’t want to be in his shoes. I want to come at least three times a day, and he’s taking it all,” said Sam’s partner, Derek.

  Dan was the man of Kyle’s dreams, but objectively speaking, Derek had the most ripped body of them all. Kyle would sometimes fantasize about him at work, and if they didn’t live in different cities, he’d definitely buy a subscription for personal training at the gym where Derek worked.

  “Goddamn you, land rat,” screeched the squeaky voice, and at one word from Leo, Kyle was dragged out of his corner.

  There was such power behind the two pairs of arms that pulled
him over the floor that he could already feel his cock springing to life. As soon as the men got him to his knees, the bag was off his head, revealing a fabulously flamboyant-looking pirate in a big tricorne hat that matched the bright red of the period costume. But it wasn’t just something anyone could buy in a fancy dress store—the coat was made of thick fabric with golden thread woven into the details, shiny buttons that looked like silver, and boots that screamed real leather. Leo did not fuck around with his costumes. It took Kyle several moments to recognize him behind an eye patch and a twirled moustache that was bound to be fake, but seemed oddly real at the same time. And just as Kyle heard about the land rat again, he noticed a big green parrot strapped to Leo’s shoulder. It was artificial, of course, but it fooled him at first glance.

  Kyle tore his eyes away from Leo for just long enough to catch sight of Dan nearby. His outfit was the antithesis of Leo’s. Simple brown pants with a thick leather belt, rolled up beneath the knee, and a creamy, half-open poet shirt tucked into them. Dan was the one person barefoot as well, and his stern look, exaggerated by the kohl under his eyes, made Kyle look back up at Leo, just in time to see a cutlass coming at his face.

  Kyle yelped, but as the blade touched his neck, it became clear it was made of plastic. He dared to look up into Leo’s face.

  “Well, well, well, who do we have here?”

  “You said you’d get us a wench for the trip!” Jon hissed and crossed his powerful arms on his chest.

  He was a doctor, but he looked much more like a hot, dirty trucker with his broad shoulders, bear-like build, and a black beard. He too had tall leather boots like the captain, but wore his vest over bare skin, revealing the dark hair on his chest.

  “A wench? We can make him a princess if we want to. A hole is a hole, and those lips look like they’re used to sucking dick,” Leo said, making Kyle’s stomach clench, and his cheeks fire up. “Isn’t that right, hole?”

  Kyle choked up for a few seconds. “No! I’ve never done anything like that. Where am I?” He tried to look around, but the plastic blade pushed at his neck.

  “Where are you?” Leo’s bright green eyes pinned Kyle to the deck. “You are on the ship of Captain Dick and his crew. We’ve sailed from shore to shore to find no women in this area, and my men are thirsty. You will have to do. An ass is an ass where a dick is concerned.”

  A large hand turned Kyle’s face to look up at one of the men who had carried him, and he cringed with a mixture of fear and excitement as he saw the huge, well-sculpted chest and the handsome face of Derek. His short mohawk was dyed red, and it went well with the strings of little bones and fake gold coins dangling off his neck.

  “Maybe we could do something to make this more bearable. There should still be clothes left after the last wench.”

  Leo opened his mouth, but when his fake parrot screeched again, he punched it off his shoulder. It slid to the floor and moved one of its wings while piercing its dead stare through Kyle.

  “Mr. Cocks, take care of Polly!” ordered Leo, and Dan immediately picked up the puppet. He must have switched it off, as it stilled.

  Kyle sucked his lips in at Derek’s widening, malicious smile. Sure, the guy was ridiculously hot with his tan chest exposed under a green vest and his pants hanging low to expose his Apollo’s belt, but Kyle knew all too well that when it came to playing, Derek knew no mercy, no matter how pretty his body was. Kyle clenched his ass at the memory of how Derek had plowed him the last time they met up.

  Leo smirked and twirled his moustache. “Good thinking there, D. Bring the outfit, Jon, let’s make our captive a princess worth fucking. What’s your name, boy?”


  Leo bellowed a laugh worthy of a super villain. “We shall call you Princess Kylita, and you will not get sleep until you have my men satisfied.”

  “I’ll bring them,” said Sam, Derek’s life partner, who was every bit as hot as he was with the bright blond hair and blue eyes. He was usually quiet, but could turn into a real beast in bed.

  “That’s the spirit!” called Leo, his eyes bright. “Mr. Cocks, what do you think of the boy?”

  Dan’s dark gaze settled on Kyle, and he smirked in a way that had Kyle’s ass twitching. “Can’t wait to see him gape.”

  Kyle stopped breathing for a split second. No amount of ripped abs could beat Dan’s intensity, his deep, dark voice, or the way his thick cock fit into Kyle’s ass.

  With the yacht going forward at a steady pace, there would be no escape from a bunch of horny pirates. Jon crouched by Kyle and untangled him from the net, but as Kyle tried to crawl away with a yelp, Jon grabbed his ankle with his meaty paw and pulled him back.

  “You’re not going anywhere, Princess.”

  “Hold him,” said Derek when Sam came back carrying a wicker basket. Jon grabbed Kyle by the shoulders, and in one of the most surreal yet arousing moments of Kyle’s life, Derek retrieved a big hunting knife. It was the real thing this time. He pulled up the hem of Kyle’s T-shirt and slid the knife underneath, letting the fabric cling to the sharp edge.

  “We need to get those rags off you, so you better don’t move, bitch.”

  Their eyes met for a tense moment, and a drop of sweat licked its way down Kyle’s back and into his shorts.

  “I’ll be good,” he whimpered, and all the pirates laughed loudly.

  “You better be,” the captain said. “We make the useless whores walk the plank, so your ass better milk our cocks dry, or you’ll be shark feed instead.”

  Derek pulled on Kyle’s shirt, and the knife went through the fabric, ripping it apart. Before Kyle could protest, Derek ripped it all the way to his neck, exposing his whole chest.

  “You’ll be a real lady now,” he said, but Dan only smirked and pulled on one side of the torn shirt.

  “More like a whore.”

  Sam leaned down and unzipped Kyle’s shorts, pulling them down right away. It didn’t take long for two other guys to join the effort, and Kyle was lifted into the air again. Between Jon holding him up and the others pulling and grabbing at his flesh and clothes, he was helpless against the brutes tearing apart his clothes.

  As Jon pulled down Kyle’s briefs, the last bastion of any dignity, Kyle covered his crotch with his hands. He got a hard slap on the ass for it, and Leo reached out to squeeze Kyle’s nipple.

  “Hard already. That’s what we like to see. I bet that cunt of yours is ripe for fucking, Kylita, isn’t it?”

  As Leo spoke, the hand that gave him a slap, possibly Derek’s, pushed fingers between his clenched ass cheeks and teased at his hole.

  “I’m a virgin!” Kyle blurted out, and as soon as he’d said it, his excitement levels skyrocketed.

  He’d be deflowered by one of the pirates. There would be no mercy. Would all of them watch, or would the captain take the privilege of a tight, virgin ass?

  Leo grabbed Kyle’s jaw and eyed him as someone forced his leg up, and without looking down, Kyle felt the new pants he was getting were lace. The shame of it all hit him when someone pulled his hands away, exposing his raging hard-on, just to cover it with pink panties, high enough to cover all of his cock and trap it under the irritating fabric.

  “I will have the pleasure of creaming your virgin ass, Princess,” Leo said with a grin, and gave Kyle’s hand a mocking kiss.

  Sam laughed and appeared in front of Kyle with what looked like a mass of bright blue velvet. In reality, it was a women’s renaissance costume, quite hot on the skin, with cheap lace by the neckline and at the wrists, but with Kyle’s arms being longer than a woman’s, the sleeves only reached mid-forearm. Someone tightened the lacing around his chest and waist, actually robbing him of breath, as someone else worked under the dress, pulling stockings up his legs.

  “How does it feel to wear a corset, Princess?” asked Derek, gently slapping Kyle’s cheek.

  “Please let me go. I’ll cook, I’ll clean, I’ll be useful,” Kyle moaned, writhing forward, just to enjo
y feeling strong hands pull him back without mercy.

  He was sure bondage would come soon enough, and he couldn’t wait to be completely helpless and humiliated.

  “I think the princess likes the corset,” Jon said from beneath the dress and ran his finger over Kyle’s erection, all the way to the tip.

  Kyle was so surprised by the touch, he clasped his hands on the front of the dress, only to have them pulled back by Sam and bound together with some soft fabric.

  “And the panties,” Jon continued and pulled the panties up on Kyle’s ass so they dug in between his ass cheeks.

  Kyle yelped, only managing to take shallow breaths with the corset on. It took his arousal to the next level. His hands were now bound, he was stuck in a dress, and he could do nothing about Jon molesting him under it.

  Leo smirked and stuck his thumbs under his belt. “We only need you here for one job, Princess. But you still don’t look pretty enough. I’m not dumping my cum into a girl with such an ugly mouth.” He laughed and pulled out a lipstick.

  Kyle tried to take a step back, but Sam held him in place. There was no escaping the strong arms or the humiliation Leo wanted to inflict. Leo trailed the lipstick crudely over Kyle’s lips and even dabbed it on his cheeks to smear it around for makeshift blush.

  “How do you like my handiwork, Mr. Cocks?” Leo asked, stepping back to admire whatever monstrosity he’d created on Kyle’s face.

  Dan smirked. “She does look prettier now, Captain.”

  Kyle yelped when Jon tugged on his cock again, and Leo kicked his man to the side. “You’ll get your share later.”

  “It’s the captain’s call now!” hissed Dan as he pulled Kyle up to his feet. With the lace digging into his crotch and ass and the dress choking the air out of him, Kyle felt completely defenseless as Dan dragged him underneath the deck, right behind Leo, who even had a realistic-looking wig to complete the illusion.

  “Enjoy the sun, crew, I shall be back once I’ve had my fill breeding the princess,” Leo said, giving Kyle a hungry look as they descended toward more cabins. “I bet your ass is throbbing for cock, you slut.”


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