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Catching Her Bear

Page 12

by Vella Day

  Once she managed to climb off him, Elana rushed back into her room, mixing whimpers with screams of Oh my God and Stay away.

  Fuck. She slammed the door, and he shifted back into human form then knocked. “Elana, are you okay?” That was a stupid question, but he wanted her to speak to his human half. Then he’d tell her he was the bear in front of her door.

  Suddenly, the door flung open and Elana grabbed his arm to pull him into her room. She then slammed and locked it once more. The next thing he knew, she threw herself in his arms then leaned her head back looking up into his face with scared wild eyes.

  Seconds later, she released him and frantically paced the room not paying any attention to him. She waved her arms around. “There’s a bear out there. Didn’t you see him? We need to get out of here.” Elana was headed for melt down, and he needed to do something.

  “It’s okay, calm down. We’re safe. I promise.”

  She edged her way toward the window and clicked on the light next to her bed. When she swung around, her eyes became as large as the white moon.

  “What’s wrong? I won’t let anything happen to you, trust me.”


  Oh, fuck! He’d completely forgotten that when he shifted back to human form he would be wearing clothes. Of course his cock had no problem showing just how happy it was to see her. Kalan clasped his hands in front of his cock and balls, but it didn’t help much, not with Elana dressed in an adorably thin T-shirt that had her perky nipples poking through just begging him to suck them. Add in her loose pajama bottoms, and he was hotter than the fire they’d lit tonight. “How about I put on something?”

  He opened the door and she rushed toward him. “What about the bear?”

  “The bear’s gone,” he said walking back to his room. He was botching this badly, but he wasn’t going to have a conversation when she was gawking at him, and he was pretty sure right now she was staring at his ass.

  “How is that possible?”

  He just needed to tell her. Taking a deep breath, he turned around to face her. “I was that bear.”

  She stared at him like he had two heads. Kalan rushed back to her, ready to calm her down.

  All of a sudden, a broad smile split her face. “You’re a werebear?”

  Her gaze dropped to his hands that were once more trying to cover his junk.

  “Yes,” he said hesitantly, shocked at her wide eyes and the joy in her voice. His bear was pushing hard from the inside, forcing his incisors to sharpen and hair to sprout on his body.

  “Ohmigod. I know Rye is a werewolf, but I had no idea bear shifters even existed.”

  “Well, we do, but I’m a bit confused by your reaction. You aren’t scared? Or even surprised?” His voice deepened.

  “No. I’m excited. This is so cool. Can you shift back for me?”

  The joy in her voice caught him of guard. As his brain tried to catch up and comprehend what she had asked, he stumbled with his words. “What…Why?”

  “I love bears. They’re one of my favorite animals, so big and cuddly. Izzy said Rye is really sweet even when he’s in his wolf form.”

  Sweet? He doubted the Alpha would appreciate that label. “We’re not vicious in our animal form if that’s what you’re asking.” He stepped back. “I’ll go change.”

  “Yes, change into a bear.”

  Was she crazy? Her mind must have scrambled from the shock. Elana hadn’t even been aware his kind existed, yet she seemed to accept it. Having grown up with the Wendayans probably helped. “Are you sure?”


  From the gleam in her eye, returning to his bear form would delight her even more. He couldn’t help but shake his head. She was practically giddy about finding out he was a werebear. Never had anyone had that kind of reaction to him before.

  This can’t be good, but since Elana was his mate, he’d do it. Steeping back, he did what she wanted—he shifted.


  The sight before Elana overwhelmed her. Kalan Murdoch really was a bear. How cool was that? She couldn’t decide what part of him she should touch first. She’d had a love affair with animals from a young age, but her parents had steadfastly refused to let her have a pet, saying they were too messy and too much trouble. No amount of arguing had swayed them. After she finished her schooling and moved out of the house, she’d decided against having one, as she’d been too busy getting her business off the ground.

  Now she was actually standing in front of a real live animal—and what a glorious creature he was. Standing, he was a good seven feet and quite imposing. His fur was a dark brown and shiny, except around his mouth, where it was streaked black and white. He had a long and sleek snout, but his black nose was compact and cute. Kalan made a handsome bear.

  With caution, she stepped out of her room and faced him, keeping her back to the living room. “Kalan can you understand me?”

  Izzy said Rye could understand her when he was in his wolf form, but she also said that once they mated, they were able to communicate using only their minds, but that seemed like science fiction to her.

  He gave a huffing sound and nodded his head. Yes!

  Believing the human Kalan was inside the large bear, she walked behind him to test his reaction. Bear Kalan didn’t move. “Can you get on all fours for me?” she asked as politely as she could.

  What sounded like a low growl came out, but he did as she asked. Even in this position, he was huge, but that wasn’t going to stop her from fulfilling her fantasy. Grabbing hold of his coarse fur, she bent her knees and sprung up onto his back, his body more muscular than she’d expected. As soon as she was seated, he moved forward as if he wanted to take her outside.

  “Not too fast,” she said. She petted his head, loving the silkiness of his fur. “Nice.”

  This time his growl turned even deeper. Instead of heading for the front door, he lifted up and she gently slid off, thankfully landing on her feet. “Whoa.”

  Fur flew and what sounded like bones cracked. A blurry whirlwind later, Kalan was back in his human form—and gloriously naked too.

  The smile she expected from him wasn’t there. “I hope you had some fun, but I need to explain something to you,” he said in a stern voice as he stalked towards her, towering over her. “I am not a pet. You may touch me all you want, but I am still a man who has wants and needs. You’re little riding exercise has caused my hormones to explode, and if you don’t want some hard loving right now, I suggest you run and lock your door.”

  Holy crap. Elana couldn’t move. For years, she’d dreamed of this moment, but this serious side of Kalan scared her in its intensity. It also made her juices flow. “Okay.”

  He stopped and clenched his fists. “Okay, what?”

  I’d like to make mad, passionate love with you. “I’d like to kiss you.”

  Kalan closed his eyes and groaned. “I couldn’t stop at one kiss if I tried. The moment you say yes, beware I might lose control.”

  Those words resonated deep within her. Until now, she hadn’t realized how much she truly wanted and needed this man—to breathe, to think, to be happy.

  “Yes,” she said, her heart pounding so hard she feared it might burst from her chest.

  Clasping her shoulders, he walked her backward until she ran into the wall next to the front door. As much as she wanted to look deep into his gorgeous eyes—eyes that seemed to be changing from hazel to amber—she wanted to gaze at his cock even more.

  Kalan grabbed her hand, his palm rough and calloused, and placed it on his super long, thick shaft. Elana had slept with a few men, but none were anything like this. “You’re so big,” she said as she hesitantly ran her hand up and down its length.

  “The more to satisfy you with.” This time he graced her with quirked up lips that turned his rugged good looks into a highly sensual one.

  He cupped her face and kissed her with what was probably restraint for him, but what was to her an amazingly take
charge kind of kiss. She released his cock and dragged her hands up his back, mapping out every ridge and muscle. Elana couldn’t touch him enough. Kalan must have sensed her desperation and wrapped his arms around her, drawing her close, and then running his tongue along the seam of her lips. Passion and desire swamped her and she opened up. The moment their tongues came in contact, she could actually taste the minty toothpaste from when he had brushed his teeth earlier. As their breaths increased, so did the pressure on her chest. She dragged her hands back down his rippled back, loving the play of his muscles each time he moved or ran his hands up and down her butt.

  Kalan broke the kiss. “Need you naked now.”

  Oh, God. Did he really just say that? Given he was so large in his bear form, she hoped he’d appreciate her larger-than-life size. “Umm, ohhkay.”

  Elana hated that she hesitated in her response, but suddenly she was nervous and unsure how to proceed. He was already naked—thankfully. If she’d had to take off his clothes, she might have melted into a big puddle of goo on the floor. Just the sight of his glorious was body was making it hard to think clearly.

  “I need to warn you first,” he said.

  That made her a little nervous. “About what?”

  He huffed out a breath. “The longer we stand here, the harder it will be for me to stay in my human form. You know nothing about what we shifters go through once our bodies tell us that we have to have you. If you see my eyes change color or my facial hair grow, it means I’m about to shift, and I really don’t want to do that, but damn, it’s hard not to.”

  Elana was speechless. The whole concept that a man would want her that much blew her away. “Can I touch you?” She reached out to him.

  “I don’t think that would be a good idea, at least not this first time.”

  This first time? Did that mean he wanted her for longer than tonight?

  “What would you like me to do?”

  “Keep your hands at your sides.”

  A giggle escaped. Gah. She was a twenty-seven year old woman, not some virginal teenager, so she shouldn’t be shocked at the idea of sexual attraction. He slipped his fingers under her T-shirt, and when he dragged his palms up to her breasts, she actually shuddered with pure lust and desire.

  “So nice and firm and round. I bet they taste sweet too,” he said.

  “You won’t know unless you try them.” Where that boldness had come from, she didn’t know. It must have been a residual effect from that witch’s spell.

  Elana wasn’t sure what possessed her right then, but she reached out and ran her hands up his hard abs. A strong visceral reaction to touching such hardness left her panting. As if Ophelia herself was in the room guiding her, Elana’s hands then lowered until she ran into the tip of his cock. It felt like warm velvet but hard as steel at the same time.

  Grab it.

  Just as she was about to, Kalan clasped a hand around her wrist and put her arm back to her side. He raised his eyebrow giving her a look that told her to leave it there. He then slipped her shirt up and over her head.

  “Exquisite,” he said.

  She was about to say sucking on his cock would be exquisite too, but all words flew out of her head the second his tongue touched her nipple with his finger. Bending over, he squeezed one breast, rolling the nipple between his thumb and forefinger. At the same time, he performed a circle dance with his tongue around the other while giving little nips to the tight bud. If she hadn’t been leaning against the wall, she’d have had a hard time staying upright as her knees were starting to give out.

  “You sure I can’t touch you?” she asked as her hands fisted, digging her nails into her palms.

  “Fine, but don’t freak out by what you might feel.” Then he winked at her.

  She giggled, catching his double entendre. “I’ll go slowly.”

  Elana didn’t want to be distracted from the glorious bliss coursing through her, but on the other hand, seeing him struggle to keep control would be such a high—one she’d never experienced before.

  His glorious locks were begging her to run her hands through them. So she did. The silky texture was a stark contrast to the coarseness of his animal fur, and his hair was lighter in color.

  He looked up at her. “I don’t know how long I can last.” His eyes were glowing amber now and his scruff had turned fuller. “You are just so beautiful.”

  Don’t dispute it. “So are you.” She pulled her hand along his shaft again, running her thumb across the tiny slit gathering some moisture then glided it around the edges of his cock head.

  “Holy Fuck! You’ve had your fun. Let’s go.”

  In one easy motion, Kalan lifted her up and strode down the hallway. Elana couldn’t help but laugh. No man had ever carried her.

  His bedroom was dark, but the door was open. As soon as he stepped in, he set her down then flicked on the light. Kalan walked over to the table next to his bed and pulled open the drawer. “Need one of these.”

  His king-sized bed was unmade, but the rest of the room was neat. One long dresser graced the wall opposite the bed, and a chair sat in the corner, bordered by two windows. It would be a perfect spot to read.

  Kalan strode toward her waving the condom. Thinking about what came next had her inner walls cramping with need. She wanted him so badly. He tore open the foil and was about to put it on when she stopped him.

  He looked up. “What’s the matter? Have you changed your mind?”

  “No! B…but…” She looked down at his massive cock and licked her lips then brought her lust-filled eyes up to his. “I want to taste you first.”

  “Goddess help me, but I’m so on the edge, I might blow.”

  She smiled. “I’ll be quick.” Then she added a muffled or not as she dropped onto the soft carpet. Before he could change his mind, Elana drew his big shaft toward her and encompassed as much of it in her mouth as she could. The problem was that she was only able to fit about two to three inches. While he moaned then planted a hand on her head, she wanted him a sexually frustrated mess before they made love.

  With her free hand, she cupped his balls and simultaneously pumped her other fist up and down the rest of his shaft.

  Before she could even swipe her tongue back over the head, he grabbed her shoulders and lifted her to her feet. “Enough.”

  His nails actually grew before her eyes and his teeth elongated. He glanced away. “Sorry. Please, Elana.”

  Please, what?

  Now it was his turn to go down on his knees. Hooking his thumbs in the waistband of her pajama bottoms, he dragged them down, closed his eyes, and inhaled. “So sweet.” His reverent tone almost made her believe he was falling in love with her.

  She stepped out of them, a bit self-conscious until he opened her folds and lapped up her juices. Then all embarrassment disappeared as bolts of electricity shot straight through her. She swore his tongue was closer to sandpaper than silk, but oh, how that set her whole body on fire. She planted her palms behind her on the wall next to his bedroom door to gain some control, but when he quickly flicked his tongue over her clit then sucked it into his mouth, she lost it. If it hadn’t been so long since she’d made love with a man, she might have lasted. Then again, just being with her dream man almost made her come.

  When her climax finally ebbed, he sat back on his haunches. She’d been about to apologize when he grinned. “What?” she asked.

  “You are beautiful when you soar. I love how responsive you are.”

  He stood, leaned over, and then kissed her again like a man possessed. Their tongues danced, dueled, and explored—as did her hands. This time she didn’t hold back. She grabbed his ass, and when he didn’t balk, it boosted her confidence. He had buns of steel, and she could only imagine what kind of power this man could generate. She prayed she could accommodate him.

  He broke the kiss and then stared at her, making her a little uncomfortable with the intensity.

  Kalan dropped his forehead down to hers a
nd growled. Then suddenly, he spun her around and pressed a hand on her back, forcing her to support herself by palming the wall. Latex snapped and a second later, he widened her legs with his foot.

  “You have no idea how much being around you has caused me to lose sleep.”

  How was that possible? “You barely know me.”

  “My bear knows he wants you.”

  She didn’t care about his bear. Wanting the man, she craned her neck to look behind her. “I’m about to make love with you, not your bear.”

  “I’m afraid we come as a package, honey, but I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  Elana had been a bit confused when Kalan said his bear half wanted her too, but all thoughts were erased when his fingers plucked both of her nipples. He then pressed his rock hard pecs against her back, and the hair on his chest tickled her skin, despite it being soft.

  “I want you to relax and enjoy,” he whispered into her ear.

  Kalan seemed to understand the perfect combination of tension, pressure, and timing to make her want him even more. His sheathed cock then slid between her legs, and when he rubbed it back and forth across her slit, she became wetter than the flowers after a long rain.

  “Oh my God, please!” she begged.

  “Please what? You want it slow and easy or hard and fast?”

  Both were good but right now, but for their first time, she wanted to feel all his pent up desire slamming against her. “Hard and….oh hell, please just give it to me now!”

  He growled. “You asked for it, but know that it will take every ounce of control not to claim you quickly.”

  Claim her? What did that mean? Was that the same as mating? It was too soon to be thinking about something so permanent—or maybe not. Her body was singing with pleasure so intense that she never wanted to stop.


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