Hope Falls: Hidden Love (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Hope Falls: Hidden Love (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 4

by Nana Malone

  She started. "I —" and then she hesitated. "I like a lot of things about you. You’re kind. Considerate."

  "Sure, I am. My mother raised me right. I open doors, take care of a date. Pull out a chair or two. But what do you really like about me. The man I am? What things do we have in common?"

  Again, more hesitation. "Well, our chemistry is excellent."

  He chuckled softly. Sure, the chemistry was fine. She was attractive. Enthusiastic. Those worked for him. But excellent, not exactly. He was a guy, she was pretty. It wasn’t some off the charts connection like she was trying to make it.

  Hell, that one kiss in Tahoe a year ago had been hotter than any kiss with Melissa. And that had just been a kiss. His sparring conversations with the kid had more fire than their relationship. "You're not allowed to use that. What is it you’re so desperate to get back, that you can't find with anyone else? Someone better for you."

  Again, there was more silence. The last thing on earth he wanted was to have this conversation. After all, they’d broken up. He been very clear when he said it wasn’t working out and they needed to go their separate ways. But somehow, she'd dug in her heels and was sticking around. "You know, I don't really think that's a fair question. You never opened yourself up to me."

  Okay, she wanted to go there, fine. They could go there. He saw some movement behind one of Corin’s windows, and immediately the tension slid onto his shoulders. "Okay, Melissa, what is it I do, exactly?"

  Her answer was immediate. "You work for the FBI." She said that like she was so proud of her herself for knowing the right answer to the question.

  Not so fast, sweetheart.

  "That's easy. What exactly do I do at the FBI?"

  There was a moment of hesitation. "I think you work in antiterrorism."

  "No. I'm working on criminal investigations." But he was going to give her another shot. Except it wasn't exactly a fair shot because he hadn’t told her what he was working on. But, if she'd been half listening to any of the conversations they had, she’d understand that his life was at risk. She’d have noticed security precautions that he took, she'd have picked up on something. "Do you have any idea what I've been working on for the last six months? I'll even make it a little easier. Do you think I work in the field, or behind the desk?"

  "I — well, I think you work the desk. Or like on one of the task force thingies. I don't know what you worked on the last six months. You never told me anything. I just know that you weren’t home."

  "Look, Melissa. I'm sorry the break up seemed sudden to you. But we haven't really spent much time together. You deserve someone who has time for you and makes time. You don't need closure. You need a new boyfriend.”

  Axel frowned when the lights in Corin's place went dark.

  On the phone, Melissa cried. "I just thought that you and I were really connected."

  "And I'm sorry you thought that. But I was really clear, that I wasn’t looking for anything serious."

  "Guys always say that. I thought I could show you I was the right woman."

  Axel sighed. "Okay, piece of advice, next time a guy tells you exactly what he's looking for. That he doesn’t want a relationship, that he’s not really looking for the one, believe him. There's a guy out there who's definitely looking to settle down. Who wants a family, wants all those things. You’ll keep getting hurt if you don't listen. Now, I have to go.”

  He hung up without waiting for a response. He hoped the little chat had done the trick. Now he had to figure out what the hell was going on next door. Just who was Corin Michaels?

  Three nights later, Axel was perched at his new post in his kitchen. He'd taken to watching Corin's place when he came home. Tonight, Corin didn't have anyone with him, but surprised Axel by trying to sneak out the window again. Oh no you didn't. Axel ran straight for the door, grabbing his jacket and shoving his feet in his tennis shoes on the way. Yes, this was crazy. But so was the kid climbing out of a window.

  And what will you do when you catch him or find him? Yeah, he wasn't quite sure what he would do or say or how he would explain following him, other than suspicious activity. But Axel knew something was going on and he needed to find out what it was.

  With this car, it is easy enough to track Corin. The town was so small even with a few wrong turns. Axel found him easily enough. Sure enough, he had headed right back toward the center of town, towards Sue Ann's café.

  But he didn't stop at the café. Instead, he drove two more blocks and made a left until he reached a small craftsman house at the end of the block.

  Axel deliberately drove by the house before doubling back. Something was going on. Even if his background search on Corin had come back clean, just like Bo said it would.

  Axel sat in the car for another thirty minutes before the front door to the house opened and out spilled Sam. He remembered her from high school. Always smiling, chattering a mile a minute. He remembered she loved makeup. She always came to school with a full face of something outrageous.

  His mother had told him that she'd managed to make a career of it or something. But Sam wasn't the one his gaze was trained on. Everywhere he looked, there was no sign of Corin. But, right behind Sam, was the woman. The one from Tahoe. Cara. With all that sexy red hair flowing behind her, short skirt that skimmed to just above her thighs. With golden hoops that peeked out beneath the waves of her hair. From his vantage, he couldn’t get the best look, before they headed into the garage. What in the ever loving fuck?

  He couldn't help but stare.

  Sam knew her? That woman was from Hope Falls? No, you idiot. If she was from Hope Falls, you would have seen her before. Besides, a girl like that, his brother would've noticed.

  Axel's skin itched. When she vanished from that bar in Tahoe, he’d chalked it up to just one of those things. But now, after what he'd seen, now she was here and in touching distance. Kissing distance.

  As Sam pulled her car out of the garage. He had to make a choice. Stay and wait for Corin to show his face. Or follow the girl.

  It wasn't even a question. He was having a whole night of questionable decisions.


  "So you climbed out of the window. Because that's a perfectly rational thing to do?"

  Cara flopped back against the headrest in the car, exhausted from her breakneck pace over to Sam's. "I dunno. It seemed like a good idea at the time. I knew if he saw me, he'd find some reason to come out and then one more reason to give me that look he’s been giving me since he arrived."

  "And exactly what look has he been giving you?" Sam put the word look in air quotes, as she merged onto the freeway.

  "I don't know. Like he knows something is up. Like he knows something is off. I mean he was at the restaurant, and there are times I would swear I saw him following me. But then I turned around, and he wasn't there."

  "Are you sure you're not paranoid?"

  "Just because I'm paranoid, doesn't mean he's not out to get me." Cara blew a hair out of her face. "I don't know. I’ve been on edge. Even when I'm inside my place, and I know I'm safe, I can't shake the feeling, you know? I'm sort of tempted to sleep in the makeup and wig just in case he finds some reason to barge in."

  Sam shook her head. "Okay, look, if it’s that serious, you can stay here. But honestly, he can't just barge in. I think you have like tenant laws on your side or something. Just remember, technically, you're not even his tenant. You’re Bo’s tenant for that matter, and you’re leasing from their parents. So neither one of them can just barge into your place."

  "I know. I know.” She shook her head, letting her hair cascade down her back. If she were to admit to herself, she'd say that it felt good. Having all her hair out, flowing behind her. This was her problem. She missed who she was. Missed being herself. Missed the simple things. Missed being a woman.

  That was what had driven her to break protocol and go to Tahoe a year ago. If she hadn't needed to get out and feel like a girl, none of this would have happened.
  All because she met some guy and they made out a little. Now he was back in her orbit again. The lying all the time was exhausting. Sometimes she needs to cut loose. But she’d learned her lesson. She wouldn’t make the same mistake again. Yeah, because you'll be in jail.

  Sam was wrong. It was time to leave the Corin Michaels identity behind. She’d lived in the skin long enough. Maybe it was time to put out feelers to see about getting her old life back. Being on the run was losing some of its luster. How much jail time would they give her? “You're right, he can't break into my place. But seriously, the guy’s onto something. I could feel him the whole time I was at the restaurant. I feel him watching me when I'm at home. As if he could see right through my disguise. See me.”

  “But he couldn't. Right now, he just knows that something is off about you. It's fine. Look, come back tonight, spend the night here, work your shift tomorrow. You’ll be able to think clearly then. You're just a tad on edge with what happened in the alley the other day. I mean, I still can't believe that happened. You should be safe at work. You don't think he’s anyone from your past life do you?"

  Cara shook her head. "No. Just your garden variety asshole. It’s okay. I can take care of myself. I was just off my game. You know, if I were paying attention, I would've waited for one of the guys to have them take out the trash.” She shook her head. "But the whole time I was focused on Axel and the way he was staring at me. I'll be more careful."

  "Well, you better be. You're the only best friend I’ve got, so I’m not letting some jerk-off get the jump on you."

  Cara gave her warm smile. "Honestly, I don't know what I would've done without you. I love Hope Falls. The people I've met, like you, Renata and Kelly and Sue Ann have made this place feel like home. You know what, I even love the bake sales, and how everyone seems to know everybody else and how Renata is a pistol. And I love that I can run into a pop star here or a world-class skier. These people are my friends. They’re my network. I don't want to leave. But it's a risk for me to stay. I probably only have a few more months in this place anyway. You and I both know I’ve stayed longer than I should."

  Sam clapped her hands over her ears. "La, la, la. No. I don't hear it. We’re not to talk about you leaving. It's my birthday. We’re going out. Tahoe, here we come. Who knows, maybe you’ll meet someone. Even better, maybe I'll meet someone. Happy birthday to me!"

  Cara laughed. "I'm all for you meeting someone. I think I've hit my quota on meeting randoms in Tahoe."

  "Oh, your last random worked out great. Problem is, it's not on the terms that you want."

  Wasn't that the truth. "That karma, she is one hell of a bitch. At any other time in my life. Prior to three years ago, meeting Axel at a bar would've been a fun night." She shifted her gaze away from her friend. "Maybe more." Because the truth of it was, she never felt that connected to anyone in her life.

  It was just a kiss. Not like she could tell anything off of a kiss.

  The hell she couldn't. She shook off melancholy. Tonight wasn’t about her. Tonight was about Sam and her birthday. Your best friend only turned twenty-five once. It was time to tear it up. This time, she keep her lips to herself.

  "Shot," Cara shouted.

  "Oh my God. No more shots. That was my fourth. I'm going to be completely useless."

  Cara laughed. "It's your birthday. I'm the designated driver. You're supposed to be useless."

  "Yes, but it's not as much fun when you're not drinking too."

  "Well, one of us has to get back to Hope Falls. I am willing to fall on the sword for you to have the best twenty-fifth birthday. Or, we could stay the night. Pretty sure a lot of hotels have rooms open right now. We could find something fabulous."

  Sam rubbed her nose. "Actually, that's not a bad idea. Let's go dance one more time, then come back and do a quick search of the hotels. That way you can start drinking with me."

  Cara rolled her eyes but laughed and let her friend tug her onto the dance floor. They danced to Lady Gaga and Fifth Harmony, and whoever that upbeat boy band was. The music wasn't great, but it was still fun because they were together. For the first time in a long time, Cara felt free.

  It was on the third or fourth spin around the dance floor, that Sam suddenly clutched her arm. “Oh my God, it's him."

  Cara looked around. She half expected to find Axel at the bar again, like last time. But no, all she saw was a guy with tussled dark brown hair and a wide smile, and he was staring at them. Cara turned her attention to her friend. "Am I supposed to know who that is?"

  Sam tugged her arm and tried to pull her back towards the bathroom. "That is Toby Smalls. He was only like the best football player in Hope Falls. We went to high school together and I had a ridiculous crush on him. He now plays for some professional team or another. We have to get out of here.”

  “What? You’re being insane. Go say hi.”

  Sam stared at her like she’d lost her mind. “Oh, so I’m just going to walk up to Toby fucking Smalls and talk to him. Like we’re even in the same stratosphere?"

  “Yeah, something like that.” Cara giggled. "For once, I'm the calm one? Looks like we’re in the Twilight Zone. What the problem?"

  Sam stared at her. "One does not just roll up to Toby Smalls and say ‘Hi, remember me. I used to stare at you in biology class, not that that was creepy or anything.’"

  As her best friend chattered on, Cara didn't have the heart to tell her the none other than the object of her affection was approaching her from behind. Instead, Sam went on and on about how much she'd crushed on Toby Smalls so hard. This is going to be a disaster. She had to say something. "Sam—"

  "This is not the time to try and keep me calm, to tell me everything will be okay, that I won't embarrass myself. What if you ran into your high school crush? Could you just stroll up to him, and his godlike demeanor. And just be like, I used to fantasize about what our babies would look like."

  And bingo. As soon as she said ‘fantasize about what our babies would look like.’ Toby Smalls stood right behind her.

  Cara flushed and tried to get her friend to stopped talking. "Sam, stop for a second, I think —"

  But Sam was on a roll. She waved her arms. "Now we gotta go to a different bar. Because I’ve probably already embarrassed myself already. Maybe he noticed it was me and how I totally ran away. Hell, I'm being kind of crazy if I even think that Toby would even remember who I was.”

  "Of course I remember who you are. I stared at you in biology when you weren't staring me."

  Sam's face flushed red and her mouth dropped open. "Please tell me that's not Toby behind me."

  Cara shrugged. "I tried to get you to stop talking."

  Sam turned around slowly, her ears going red.

  “Oh my God. Is there any chance we can just all forget you heard any of that?”

  He grinned at her. "I'll tell you what. We can forget I heard any of that, if you dance with me."

  Sam slowly turned back to Cara and made the oh-my-fucking-God-I'm-freaking-out face before she turned back to Toby with a wide smile. "Of course. Anything to save some face."

  As the two of them headed toward the dance floor. Cara went back to the bar and attempted to rustle up a hotel room for them to stay in that night.

  "It's a sad thing when a woman spends time at a bar with her nose in her phone instead of being told she's beautiful."

  Oh shit. She knew that voice. Man, did she ever know that voice. But more than ever, she knew the feeling. The too tight skin, blood pumping and thrumming under her skin, as if trying to seer her alive. She turned around slowly. Axel.

  She hadn't imagined it. He'd followed her, which was unsettling to say the least.

  "It’s you," she whispered on a breath.

  He inclined his head. "That it is. And it's you. I hope you don't plan on running off this time."

  Actually, that was exactly what she planned. "Nope. But why don't you hang out here, I'll just let my friend know that I've got som
eone to talk to." Read make a fast getaway.

  But then he smirked. “With you I know what that means. You’re gonna vanish into thin air again.” Axel held out his hand. “Tell you what, one dance, then if you want to vanish on me, I’ll understand.”

  Cara swallowed hard. She knew what she’d feel in his arms. “I—”

  “One dance Cara. I just want to know if I imagined how you felt in my arms. What do you say? You willing to take the risk that you don't want to leave?”

  She met his gaze and the crackle of electricity told her everything she needed to know. Once again, she was going to make some bad decisions.


  One dance. That was all it had taken. He hadn’t been imagining that shit. Their connection, the gravitational pull into her orbit, that shit was real, tangible. The moment she’d stepped into his arms she’d sighed against his chest and her body went languid.

  After one dance he leaned in and whispered, “You still feel like running?”

  Cara met his gaze levelly. “I never felt like running. I just know how this ends.”

  Axel held her closer feeling her soft curves press into him. “How about we worry about how this feels right now and not worry about the ending.”

  The corners of her lips tipped into a smile. “I can live with that.”

  That had been the moment he knew he’d do anything to keep holding her. Rational or not. Smart or not. He wanted her.

  So thirty minutes later when the DJ switched songs again and she still didn’t leave his arms, but instead grinned up at him and said, “So are you gonna torture a girl all night or are you going to kiss me,” he wove his hand gently into her hair and slid his lips over hers.

  The kiss was meant to be gentle, soft, an invitation, but when she met his tongue with hers, it quickly morphed into something intense, greedy and desperate. Cara finally dragged her lips from his. “You're making me want to break the rules.”


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