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Ready To Blow - 8 Filthy Tales

Page 8

by AE Publications

  “I’ll tell you,” she said. “Eventually you’ll learn how to read it yourself, but for now, just listen and do what you’re told.”

  So he did, slowing down a bit, getting in a rhythm, only speeding up when she told him to, eventually slipping another finger in at her request, following her every direction as accurately as he could, from depth to speed to positioning to what to do with his mouth, his tongue, his other hand.

  Alex was surprised to find that her enjoyment was getting him off. The more she got into it the more he did too, and it didn’t take long before his cock was rock-hard once again, without her so much as touching it.

  “See,” she said, reaching down and giving Alex’s cock a couple of strokes with her hand while he continued banging her. “I told you I’d take care of that part, didn’t I?”

  Alex nodded, too busy to talk.

  “Now let’s see you put it to good use again,” she said. She pulled his hand out of her pussy, stuck his index finger in her mouth, licked it clean, and popped it back out of her mouth. “Do you think—” She popped his middle finger in her mouth and gave it the same treatment. “You can—” She paused in order to lick his ring finger clean too. “Do that?”

  Alex swallowed hard and again nodded. He knew that eventually he’d have to get over the embarrassment of talking during sex but for now he was going to stick with what was comfortable.

  She slid up and away from him. Still on her back, she spread her legs and beckoned him over. “Then come over here and stick that giant cock inside me.”

  Alex didn’t need to be told twice. He practically jumped atop her, so anxious was he to fuck her pussy again. Grabbing his cock in his hand he slid it inside her and started to move quickly against her.

  “Ah, ah, ah,” she said, her hand on his chest to halt his progress. “Slowly, just like with your fingers. Take your time. There’s no need to rush. It’s not a race.”

  He started to apologize again but she cut him off by covering his mouth with her hand.

  “I told you before, no apologies. You don’t have anything to be sorry about. This is a learning process. Nobody gets it right the first time. Okay?”

  Alex nodded.

  “I want to hear you say it,” she said. “I want to be sure you understand.”

  “Okay,” he said quickly, wanting to get it over with. His cock felt like it was going to burst through his skin. “I understand.”

  “Slowly,” she said, drawing the word out.

  Alex dropped his gaze for a moment. With his cock still inside her, he took a deep breath to gather himself, then looked back up at her gorgeous face. “Okay,” he said, far more calmly this time. “I understand.”

  “Then prove it,” she said.

  He leaned in and starting kissing her. While moving his lower half very slowly inside her, Alex explored her mouth with his tongue.

  As she returned his kiss Alex found himself moving slightly more quickly, still taking his time as much as possible, but unable to completely contain his excitement.

  “That’s it,” she said, pulling her mouth off of his. They were face-to-face, their noses practically touching. “There you go. Right there, baby. Right there.”

  Her encouragement didn’t help him stay calm. In fact it got him more excited, causing him to move faster against her. Which he was starting to think was her purpose all along, as the more quickly he moved against her the more she talked, which just got him going even faster, to which she replied by talking even more. She had to know what she was doing to him.

  “Give it to me,” she said, her voice louder now, more intense, pushing him further and faster with every word. “Fuck me with the big cock of yours. That’s right. Like you mean it. Yes! Yes! Yes!”

  Alex was giving it to her with everything he had now, his cock slamming into her pussy with every bit of force he could muster.

  “God-dammit!” she screamed, losing herself for the first time. “That feels so fucking good! Fuck, fuck, fuck! I’m gonna fucking cum, don’t stop, don’t stop, don’t fucking stop!”

  He couldn’t stop, not now. It felt too damn good to even think about slowing down, let alone stopping. And her being so into it just turned him on even further. Right about now Alex was a speeding train that had lost all its brakes. There was only one thing that could end his ride. The end of the line.

  They got there at almost exactly the same time, her body shaking and shimmying beneath him just as he tensed up in anticipation of finishing up for good. Her gyrations put him over the edge, causing him to shoot his seed inside her without the usual extended moment of anticipation before release.

  “Not bad,” she said between large gulps of air after they’d stopped moving against each other. “Not bad at all.”

  Smiling, Alex climbed off of her and dropped onto the covers next to her. He was proud of himself. He wasn’t sure exactly why, but he felt good nonetheless. Far different than the guilt he usually felt after orgasm.

  She turned on her side and looked over at him. “You did good, kid. Surprisingly good, actually.”

  “Thanks,” he said, feeling his face growing red. He was never very good at taking compliments.

  “So what do you say? Should we try this again tomorrow. Say, around noon?”

  “I can probably do that,” he said. “But I need to know one thing before I commit to anything.”

  “Just one?”

  “For now.”

  “Then fire away,” she said.

  “What’s your name?”

  She looked at him and smiled. “Francesca.”

  Alex nodded approvingly. The name fit her perfectly. “Pleased to meet you, Francesca. I’m Alex.”

  “I know,” Francesca said.

  “You do?”

  “Of course,” she said. “Do you think I’d just bring home a stranger to fuck?”

  “Well, I . . .” Alex stammered.

  “I’ve had my eye on you for a while, Alex T. Foxx. Quite a while, indeed. Of course, if I would have known how big that hand cannon you keep beneath your pants was, I would have manufactured our little collision quite a bit sooner.”

  He tilted his head and eyed her carefully. “You planned this whole thing out?”

  “More or less,” she said. “This morning was supposed to be the first of many accidental occurrences that would have inevitably led to the same situation that played out here today, but lucky for me things turned out differently than I had planned, so I sped up the process a bit.”

  “How’d you know I go along with it?”

  “Please,” she said with a smirk. “What young man wouldn’t take the opportunity I was affording him? Anyone you know?”

  He had to admit, she had him there. “No, I guess not,” he said with a little chuckle.

  “Of course they wouldn’t,” Francesca said. “Just as none would pass up the chance to continue the affair.”

  “You’re that confident I’ll keep on coming over, huh?”

  “Absolutely,” she said. “Especially once you’ve had a night to think about where we’re going to go from here.”

  “You mean it gets better?”

  “Well it sure as hell isn’t going to get worse. Not with what I’ve got planned.”

  “And what is that, exactly?”

  “You’ll just have to come back to find out,” Francesca said. “But let’s just say that today was just the tip of the iceberg. I’ve got a thousand little tricks I can teach you, if you’ll just give me the chance.”

  “Like what?” he asked. “Just give me one example.”

  Smiling, she leaned over and starting whispering in his ear. Just a couple sentences, but they were enough to make his cock stir around, even though they hadn’t been done for more than minute.

  He laughed and shook his head. “Who in their right mind would pass up something like that?”

  “Who indeed?” Francesca said.

  “Certainly not me,” Alex said.

  “So I’ll
see you again tomorrow?”

  “Do we have to wait that long?” he said, half-jokingly.

  “Unfortunately I already have plans for the rest of the day,” she said. “Otherwise we could hang out and screw around until night fell. But as it is, I’m already running late, so I’m going to have to call an end to day one of your education.”

  “That’s too bad.”

  “Not necessarily,” Francesca said. “You can actually make it work to your advantage if you go home and do a little homework tonight.”

  “What kind of homework?”

  “Just a bit of studying.”


  “Positions. Things you’d like to do to me. Things you’d like me to do to you. Tomorrow we’re going to see how you react when you have control.”

  Alex’s face started to flush.

  “But first you need to figure out how to get over your embarrassment,” she said. “Because I’m certainly not going to start mincing my words. If anything, I’m going to get more blatant, more bold as we go along. And I expect you to also. Do you think you can handle that?”

  “I can sure try.”

  “That’s not good enough,” Francesca said. “You need to figure it out. And right quick. Otherwise you might end up paying the price.”

  “And what price is that?”

  “You don’t want to know,” she said, flashing him an evil smile. “Of course, after you experience it, you might like it. After all, like I said earlier, it truly is impossible to know if you like something until you try it. And I seem to have a way of making people like it, no matter how much they think they won’t. I can make pretty much anything feel good.”

  “I have no doubt about that,” Alex said.

  “All right, that’s enough chit-chat,” Francesca said, giving him a little peck on the cheek before climbing up and out of the bed. “I’ve got to get out of here. You can show yourself out I presume?”

  “Not a problem.”

  “And I’ll see you tomorrow?”

  “I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Alex said.

  “I knew you wouldn’t,” Francesca replied, looking over her shoulder and flashing him a smile as she made her way into the bathroom. “I’ll be expecting you around noon.”

  “I’ll see you then,” he said, rolling out of bed himself. He made his way downstairs, gathered up his clothes, and put them on. With the sound of the shower filling the house he looked around one last time, laughed softly, then shook his head and made his way out the back door.

  Alex started jogging back towards his house, feeling a thousand things at once, and not one of them bad. He had a big smile on his face. For once he had homework that he was looking forward to doing. Life was good. And it was about to get even better. A whole lot better.

  He couldn’t wait for day two.





  I think whenever people experiment, it’s usually in college. Clothing styles, haircuts, drugs, sex, whatever. College is the time all of us remember as having no reservations, no real responsibilities or concerns. You can try whatever you want and it’s okay, simply because it’s college. It’s like a free pass into whatever worlds you are curious about.

  On this particular evening, I was curious about Linda. Linda was my roommate my senior year. We had an apartment near campus. She had dropped out of school about ten years before but stayed put and kept renting the other bedroom to college students. I had met her while waitressing to pay the bills and I moved in soon after. Linda had experience like no else I had ever met. Not just life experience, but sexual experience. She would know a guy for less than a day but if he was the right height, build, and had a southern accent, she’d blow him in the car as he drove her home. She’d swallow too! She was a little hard around the edges from years of men who didn’t know how to treat a woman, or just didn’t care, but that made her all the more soft and gentle when she did let you in her private world. As roommates we had grown to love each other as good friends do. I didn’t want to mess that up or have it be weird. That’s why for the year we had been roommates each off-handed comment about her having a man over and my joining them was met with my short laugh, walking into my room, turning the music on and then lowering the volume as they began to groan so I hear just enough to help me reach that wonderful warm, wet explosion between my legs when they did, even if I did have to get it from something that used 2 D batteries and a fumbling left hand with a wall in between so that I wouldn’t have to worry about things being awkward when the booze wore off and daylight hit.

  Tonight though, things were different. Linda had met a man who she felt was perfect. He was a trucker, gone most of the time and didn’t mind at all sharing her with whoever she wanted to get to know physically. He loved her as she was and she was grateful to find a man who didn’t hit her when he got pissed off but was still willing to spank her ass at least twice a day. They were a match made in, well, the trucker dive restaurant where she waited tables on the graveyard shift so she could take a quick break to the restroom or anyone’s car for a quickie whenever she felt like it. TJ had asked her to marry him and move back home with him to Tennessee. She had decided that any other man either wouldn’t put up with her current lifestyle or they would have that mean temper she had grown so used to, so she agreed. Boxes were packed. Most of the kitchen and living room went into my new apartment across town along with my bedroom furniture. The only things left in our apartment were the few items she felt she had to pack at the last minute. The television, DVD player loaded with her favorite girl on girl porn, her king size bed, and a small suitcase with a change of clothes, an extra pair of panties, her vibrator, few more choice DVDs and a bath towel.

  I had brought over two bottles of red wine to toast her new found happiness and we sat on the bed drinking and talking about all the crazy things that had happened to us over the year we lived together. We had grown close and that friendship was about to end. You never mean for it to, but it always does. No one stays in touch across the country, not with new husbands and lives. At least, I knew that wasn’t me and I was losing my dear friend who I had grown to admire and respect so much.

  Well, if she was leaving then I wanted the two things that I had been secretly wanting since we met. I wanted to learn how to strip and I wanted to see if she could bring me the greatest orgasm I had ever had. Many a man had left our apartment blown away by her talents and I knew that she had been with women as well as men. Could she do the same for me? Could she leave me going home with a “sure am glad I came over tonight” stupid smile and not much else?

  The second bottle of wine had a good dent in it when I felt brave enough to say, “You know how you offered to teach me to strip? I’d like to learn before you leave. Who knows if I will ever meet another ex-stripper who can teach me how to really do it, not just one who’s found a way to get off rubbing against a pole.” Linda laughed and said “We don’t have a pole but I can show you how to do a floor dance and a lap dance if you’d like.” “That could probably come in handy,” I replied and she hopped off the bed onto the floor.

  I don’t really remember all the instructions that came along with it but I do remember how she moved like she was the most sexual creature in the world. Her physical appearance didn’t matter. She owned anyone watching, including me. She was rocking and grinding and twisting in ways that made my lower half heat up and my nipples hard. She knew where this was going. I didn’t move off the bed for fear she would smell how much I wanted her at that moment. She just kept dancing for me. Fully clothed at first, then she slowly peeled out of her shorts. Dancing in her shirt, bra and panties. Her ass was perfect. Waitressing and quickies had kept her in shape and toned. Her hands were touching her body as she danced. Strippers knew exactly how to turn you on as you watched, they had to if they wanted to eat well. Linda was no exception. I had not known her when she worked the clubs and had n
ever before seen how amazing her body was and that look in her eyes that told me she wanted this as much as I did but she was going to make me wait for it.

  Next, the shirt was unbuttoned one at a time and she was dancing around in her black lace bra and panties with her shirt over her shoulders like a cape swaying behind her. It was beautiful. Then, the show took a turn. She went to the TV and began to play the DVD in the background. “I need music for this part.” The video did provide music but also the moans and pleasure sounds of the two perfect women who were about to take turns on one another’s best parts. Linda dropped the shirt on that end of the bed, so that I was watching her and the two girls in the background. She knew exactly where this was going and knew that if I was going to chicken out, it would have been right then. She was good.

  Seeing that this was not going to stop anytime soon, she handed me my wine glass, poured some, drank it down and then refilled it for me this time. “While you watch the show.” As she handed me the glass with her left hand, my crotch shot up to attention. There was a pressure different from that of just pent up excitement. When she reached for the wine, she also grabbed her vibrator and stuck it in between my legs with her right hand as she handed me the glass with her left. That sneaky bitch. It wasn’t on, yet, but it was pushing against me in the just the wrong spot. I drank half the glass, licked my lips, and moved my right leg to get more comfortable with the piece of plastic that was causing me to soak through my cotton panties. Linda took that as a good sign—which it was—and continued to slowly lose her bra and panties. At that point I had finished the wine and she leaned over me with her breasts an inch from my lips. I wanted to reach out and bite her nipple but I was nervous and clearly not the one in control of this situation. “Lap dance time. If I’m going to teach you, we need to make it fun for me too.” She took the vibrator and turned it on and had me hold it between my legs. My hand was wrapped around it but the vibrations could be felt going from the back of thumb to my crotch that my hand was right against and I was doing everything I could to keep a straight face and my breathing in check. Hell, I was trying to remember to breathe. I so badly wanted to move my hand and put that fabulous plastic dick on my clit and in my wet, hot hole that was clearly begging for something to fill it. But again, I wasn’t the one running the show and I didn’t want to risk breaking her rhythm and having this end before both of us were spent. We had ten hours before she left town and I was hoping at least a couple of them would be with us both naked and cumming together.


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