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Fight 4 Us (Book 4): Conquered

Page 7

by Grenda, Brian

  Several of William’s men look worried after what William just said.

  One of the men asks, “Are you sure dad? How can we trust these people?”

  “My son Jeremy. Trust is earned. This is a good lesson to be learned for you and everyone. If the dog attacks, kill the dog and all of them. It’s that simple,” says William.

  William looks at TJ and asks, “What are you going to do sir?”

  TJ shouts, “Odin down.”

  Odin immediately sits and calms down.

  TJ says, “I’m going to open the driver side door now fellas. I’m not reaching for a weapon of anything. Please don’t shoot us.”

  TJ slowly opens the driver side door of his jeep.

  Before he fully opens the door, TJ shouts, “Odin down, stay next to me.”

  Odin growls as he slowly jumps down into the street and sits next to TJ.

  Odin looks right at William, while he sits.

  “Good. Now that’s better. I didn’t want the dog to be in the hot jeep anymore,” says William.

  Shaun says, “We mean no harm William. We are just checking out the school as we thought it might be run by The Conquerors.”

  “What do you know about The Conquerors? Tell me everything you know about them,” says William.

  Phil says, “May we go inside though. It’s way too hot to be doing this outside in the Florida sun.”

  “Where are my manners. Yes. Let’s take this inside. We have a lot to talk about,” says William.

  William gestures for his men to take the weapons and vehicles that belong to Shaun, TJ, and Phil.

  “What’s this?” shouts Shaun.

  William replies, “We will escort you, your belongings and vehicles onto our property inside the school where it is safe. If all goes well, you will get them all back.”

  Phil says, “That’s fine William. As long as we get everything back in the shape we left it.”

  William says, “I’m sure you will.”

  Two men drive Shaun’s jeep and TJ’s jeep around the school parking lot, while William and his men escort the guys and Odin into the school.

  Shaun walks into the school and says, “You guys need to replace my back window. It was intact before you shot it out.”

  William says, “We will replace it, don’t you worry about that.”

  The guys are escorted onto the high school property and they notice that the school is setup very well for surviving a zombie apocalypse.

  Shaun, TJ, and Phil are amazed as they walk down a long covered outdoor walkway.

  Odin sees several other dogs in a covered area.

  The dogs park at the sight of Odin. Odin barks back as to say hello.

  TJ asks, “What is this place?”

  William opens the door to a classroom, turns towards TJ and says, “I told you. This is our home.”

  William walks into the classroom and sits in a chair at the front of the classroom.

  TJ, Phil, Shaun, and Odin are escorted into the room by six armed men and woman.

  “Please sit down. We have a lot to talk about,” says William.

  Shaun and the guys sit in three chairs next to each other and Odin sits on the floor next to TJ.

  Shaun asks, “Can I get some water before we start? I am parched.”

  William asks, “Anyone else need anything?”

  TJ and Phil ask for a water as well.

  “Justin? Can you bring in three bottles of water and a bowl of water for us?” asks William.

  Justin exits the room to get the water.

  “Now, first I want to introduce myself. I am William. This is my family, and this is my home. We are called The Warriors,” says William.

  Shaun replies, “I am Shaun. This is Phil, TJ, and Odin. We are from a group that lives nearby called Citrus Oaks.”

  “I’m not familiar with Citrus Oak. We are somewhat new to this area. My son and I moved to Tampa from San Francisco right before the zombie apocalypse. My neighborhood was attacked by The Conquerors. We defended the neighborhood, but at great cost. We recently moved into this school and took it over. I’m surprised that we haven’t seen The Conquerors yet here though,” says William.

  “That is probably because, our group took out Joseph, a lot of his people and buildings. We control the Big Club now and have for over a month now,” says Phil.

  “Your group. Are you the leader Phil?” asks William.

  Justin comes back in the room with four bottles of water and a bowl. Justin hands each of the men a bottle of water and then fills up the bowl with water for Odin.

  Shaun, TJ, Phil, and Odin are thankful for the water.

  Phil says to William, “I am not the leader. Our friend Ryan is the leader.”

  “Where is he?” asks William.

  TJ says, “Back home at Citrus Oaks.”

  “I must meet this Ryan, before we continue on with our meeting,” says William.

  Shaun asks, “Okay? How do you want to do that?”

  William says, “You will bring him here. One of you.”

  “One of us?” asks Shaun.

  “Yes. I don’t care who it is, but only one of you can leave,” says William.

  Phil interrupts, “I will go. I will bring Ryan back with me and we will meet you in a couple hours.”

  Shaun looks at Phil and asks, “You sure man?”

  Phil replies, “I will be back very quick with Ryan, and we will get this all settled.”

  Shaun and TJ agree that Phil can leave.

  “Very well then Phillip. My men will escort you back to your vehicle and we will hopefully see you back soon. Your friends will be well taken care of,” says William.

  TJ says, “Take my jeep as Shaun’s jeep is missing a window now.”

  Shaun says, “Yeah it is. Mr. William. You going to fix my window, right?”

  Phil leaves the room with Justin and he walks to the school parking lot.

  As Phil gets into TJ’s jeep he looks at Justin and asks, “What’s up with this place? Is it for real? Is it safe?”

  Justin replies, “Yes. It’s really safe and the best place I have seen so far. William and Jeremy are good people. They take some time to trust people, but once they trust you, they are valuable and helpful.”

  Phil starts up TJ’s jeep and exits the school.

  As Phil speeds down the road back home to Citrus Oaks, he feels uneasiness to get home quick and get back to The Warriors even quicker.

  The drive from the high school to Citrus Oaks takes Phil about 45 minutes as the roads are congested with fallen trees, debris, vehicles, and dead bodies.

  Phil pulls up to the South entrance and honks his horn.

  Lisa opens the gate, and Phil drives through the entrance.

  Lisa flags down Phil and asks, “Where is Shaun?”

  “He and TJ are at the high school with this new group,” says Phil.

  “What? What are you talking about Phil? New Group?” asks Lisa.

  “I don’t have time to explain Lisa. Close the gate. Where is Ryan?” asks Phil.

  Lisa closes and locks the South entrance gate and says, “Ryan should be at Matt’s house. He was checking out the babies the last time I saw him.”

  Phil says, “Get in. We need to get Ryan and get back to the high school.”

  Lisa gets in the jeep, and Phil drives to Matt’s house.

  Phil and Lisa arrive at Matt’s house and they exit the jeep.

  Lisa asks, “Is Shaun okay?”

  Phil enters the house and says, “Yeah Lisa. Shaun is fine. They are safe there. The leader wants to meet Ryan and said that we all couldn’t leave until Ryan met with him.”

  “Sounds like a great guy,” says Lisa.

  I come out of the back room of Matt’s house and see Lisa and Phil standing in the living room.

  Phil shouts, “Ryan, you need to come with me right now!”

  Nicole comes out of the kitchen and walks over to Lisa and Phil.

  “Everything okay Phil?” asks

  Phil replies, “Everything is good. How are you and the babies?”

  I look at Phil who seems to be frazzled and asks, “Sure Phil. Where we going? What’s up?”

  “To Tampa high school. We met a new group there. They have TJ, Shaun, and Odin right now,” says Phil.

  Nicole asks, “What do you mean have them?”

  “Is everything okay Phil?”

  Phil replies, “Everything is okay, but we need to get back to the high school now. Their leader is William and he wants to meet Ryan before he lets TJ and Shaun go.”

  “Is it safe Phil? Do we need to fight these people?”

  Phil looks at Nicole and says, “It’s safe, we are safe. Don’t worry.”

  I look at Phil and say, “I will be right back. I have to get my weapons and say bye to Lauren.”

  I exit the house and run across the street to my house to get my handguns and katana along with my body armor.

  Lisa says, “I’m going with your Phil. I need to get my gun first. I will be right back.”

  Lisa leaves Matt’s house and runs to her house to get her gun.

  Nicole and Phil are left alone in the living room.

  Phil looks at Nicole and isn’t sure what to say. He wants to setup some alone time with Nicole, but is afraid to ask.

  Phil says, “Nicole. Do you want to….”

  Before Phil can finish his question, Nicole interrupts him.

  “I’d love to Phil,” says Nicole.

  “Okay great. Let’s get together when we have some downtime. I have a couple things that I want to tell you,” says Phil.

  Nicole walks over to Phil and says, “I do too Phil, but I don’t want to wait.”

  Nicole steps closer to Phil and kisses him.

  Phil is taken back by the kiss, but is glad Nicole kissed him.

  Nicole steps away and is partially shocked that she just kissed Phil.

  Nicole says, “Phil. I’m so…”

  Before Nicole can finish, Phil pulls Nicole to him and kisses Nicole.

  Phil and Nicole kiss passionately in the living room.

  I clear my throat as Lisa and I stand at the front door of Matt’s house watching Nicole and Phil make out in the living room.

  Nicole and Phil break away from each other and start laughing.

  I look at Phil and Nicole and say, “Alright you two crazy kids. We have to go, but you two can resume that when we get back.”

  Phil gives Nicole one more kiss and then says goodbye.

  Phil, Lisa, and I enter TJ’s jeep.

  Phil starts up the jeep. I sit in the passenger seat and Lisa sits in the back seat.

  I look at Phil and say, “Good work with Nicole bro. It’s about time.”

  Lisa says, “I’m happy for you guys Phil.”

  Phil gets red in the face and says, “Thanks guys, but let’s focus on meeting this new group and leader William.”

  “What’s it like at the high school and what’s William like?”

  Phil replies, “The high school is setup pretty nice. They call themselves The Warriors and William is nice, but a little off the wall.”

  Phil exits the driveway and we drive to the South entrance gate.

  I look at Phil and say, “I believe that high school mascot was The Warriors so that’s probably why they call themselves that. Are they friendly are will they be a pain to deal with?”

  “So far they have been friendly but it could be a front. William seems very smart, but I think we can trust him,” says Phil.



  Phil speeds into the front entrance of Tampa high school.

  Lisa gets out of the jeep and shouts, “Where is Shaun? Where is my husband?”

  Justin walks over to Lisa and says, “He is safe inside. I need you to lower your voice and hand over your gun.”

  “Hand over my gun? You crazy?” asks Lisa.

  Phil gets out of the jeep and says, “It’s okay Lisa. We can trust them. Sorry Justin. This is Lisa. Shaun’s wife.”

  Justin says, “It’s okay. I know this is a stressful situation, but I can assure you Lisa that Shaun and TJ are fine.”

  Phil looks at Lisa and says, “Please, Lisa give him your gun.”

  Lisa gives a look of disapproval, but eventually gives Justin her handgun.

  A guard comes over to me and asks me for my weapons.

  I look at the man and ask, “The only way I’m getting in is if I surrender my weapons?”

  The man nods and says, “Unfortunately, yes sir.”

  I hand the man my handgun and katana.

  “You be careful with those. Especially the sword.”

  The man says, “I will sir. The katana is a fine weapon. I can show you how to use it someday if you would like.”

  I laugh at the man, but see that he has two of them behind his back and realizes that he is serious.

  I look at the man and say, “Maybe. What’s your name?”

  The man replies, “My name is Bruce sir.”

  “Nice to meet you Bruce. I like that name. You named after the martial artist?”

  “I’m named after my father, but what martial artist are you referring to?” asks Bruce.

  “You know, Bruce...”

  Before I can finish my statement, Bruce interrupts, “I’m just joking. I know who you are talking about. Follow me.”

  Another male Warrior drives TJ’s jeep into the parking lot next to the main building of the school.

  Justin and Bruce escort, Phil, Lisa, and myself into the center courtyard of the high school.

  As I walk through the property of the high school, I am amazed in what I see.

  The high school has been turned into a huge self-sustaining safe zone. The whole perimeter is secured with thick metal fencing. The buildings of the high school are protected by fencing as well.

  They have a solar power grid that can power the entire school. Vegetable gardens, fruits trees, and crops growing in the center of the property.

  As we make our way to the middle of the campus, I see several areas for animals. There is a coop for chickens, a large area for horses to run, a cow and two goats.

  “Welcome to our home!” shouts William as he sits in a shaded area.

  Shaun runs over to Lisa and gives her a big hug and kiss.

  Lisa looks at Shaun and shouts, “What are you doing here? I was worried sick about you!”

  Shaun replies, “I saw this building and thought we should check it out. They are very nice here.”

  TJ and Odin are sitting in a gazebo when I arrive to talk to William.

  I walk over to Shaun and ask if he’s okay.

  Shaun replies, “I’m okay bro. They are nice here.”

  I shout at TJ and Odin, “You two okay?”

  TJ replies, “We are okay.” While Odin barks a greeting at me.

  I walk towards William to shake his hand and greet him.

  As I step closer to William, I am stopped by three men with weapons. They each point a different sharp object at me and I stop.

  “Okay fellas. I’m just trying to say hello.”

  “Stop right there!” shouts William’s son Jeremy.

  “Lower your weapons. You must forgive my men and especially my son Jeremy. He is only a teenager and is full of testosterone and the will to fight,” says William.

  The men lower their weapons, and I step back.

  “No problem. We were all young and ready to fight once.”

  Bruce hands William my sword and I’m taken back by seeing my sword being given away like that.

  I look at William and say, “That is my sword William. It’s not a gift.”

  William replies, “I understand Ryan. Bruce was merely showing me the sword as he knows I’m fond of a good blade.”

  William takes my sword out of its red scabbard and examines the blade, the handle, and the weight.

  “We will sharpen the blade for you and give you a kit, for you to keep it in good wo
rking condition,” says William.

  William puts the sword back into the red scabbard and throws the sword to me.

  “Fine blade you have. Hopefully you know how to use it,” says William.

  I think to myself, why does everyone here think I don’t know how to use my sword? I guess I don’t look the part to know how to use it correctly.

  William walks over to me and says, “Your men tell me that you took down Joseph and a lot of his buildings and homes.”

  “Yes, sir. Unfortunately, Joseph and his brother got away. I sent my men to look for them and to clear out a lot of their businesses and homes in the process.”

  William starts to walk and I follow suit.

  “The Conquerors attacked my family and my neighbors at our neighborhood. They killed my wife and a lot of my neighbors,” says William.

  “They attacked us at our neighborhood as well. We fought back and then went after them. We took over the Big Club and my men went out looking for Joseph and any remaining Conquerors.”

  William says, “Shaun and TJ told me how busy they have been. They cleared out a big chunk of the area but with our help, we can finish them off around here, and even more.”

  “We have both lost people by the hands of The Conquerors. My people and I are good people, we want to live in peace and take back the world from the dead. Rebuild the world. Save the world. What do you want William?”

  “I want to live in peace as well. Live off the land. Give back to the land, the Earth and the world. Make the world right again,” says William.

  I look around the school and marvel at all William has.

  “You have a very nice setup here William. Tons of people, can you feed all of them?”

  William replies, “We have the ability to grow food, we barrel water, and have the ability to cook here at the school. This high school was recently built. It was designed to be one of the leading new schools in the country and was built with the idea of being self-sufficient. The school was offering cooking, automotive, medical, and technology programs to students. We are pretty set here.”

  “You seem very smart, educated, and calculating. What was your job before the world ended William?”

  William says, “I did a lot of things back in San Francisco. I was involved with a lot of things and hold a lot of degrees, but my biggest role was being a father to my son Jeremy.”


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