Tales From Development Hell
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Edelmann, Heinz 54
Edwards, Blake 32
Ego Makers, The 242-243
Elfman, Danny 36
Elliot, Denholm 93
Elliott, Ted 148-153, 161
Emmerich, Roland 42, 124, 130, 132, 229, 231, 234, 235-237
Evans Jr., Charles 142-143
Evans, Maurice 34
Exorcist, The 246-247
Exorcist: The Beginning 239, 244, 247
Exorcist III 246
Exorcist II: The Heretic 246
Fain, Brett 21-22, 24
Fantastic Voyage 11
Fantastic Voyage: Microcosm 236
Fantastic Voyage II: Destination Brain 231
Fantastic Voyage 229-238
Farmer, Philip José 231
Farmer, William 153-159, 162
Fasano, John 21
Fergus, Mark 227
Ferretti, Dante 128
Fincher, David 142
Fincher, Jack 143
Finger, Bill 187
Fisher, Carrie 180
Fleischer, Richard 230
Florence, Bill 64
Ford, Harrison 89-94, 97-102, 106
Forman, Milos 135, 142
Foster, Jodie 172, 175-178, 186
Frakes, Jonathan 80
Frank, Scott 47
Friedenberg, Richard 10, 165, 173-174, 177, 179, 181, 186
Friedkin, William 143
Friedman, Brent V. 207, 209-211
Frye, Steven 97
Gaghan, Stephen 101
Gaiman, Neil 147-163
Gale, Bob 77
Gard, Toby 206, 227
Gasmer, Alan 18-19
Georgaris, Dean 169, 225-226
Gere, Richard 145
Giger, H.R. 122-123
Girard, Francois 28
Goff, Harper 230
Goldman, Bo 137
Goldman, Gary 10, 67-82, 85, 112-117, 119
Goldsman, Akiva 198-199
Goldwyn, John 207, 212
Gordon, Lawrence 123, 207, 211, 213, 218, 225-226
Gordon, Mark 137, 144
Goyer, David S. 202-203
Granat, Cary 77
Greatest Sci-Fi Movies Never Made, The 9, 11
Green, Walon 108-109, 111-114, 117
Greengrass, Paul 237, 248-250
Guber, Peter 188
Hallström, Lasse 145
Hamm, Sam 41, 189-190
Hamsher, Jane 9, 37-41
Harlin, Renny 245, 247
Harris, Lynn 169
Harrison, George 54
Harrison, Linda 32
Hart, James V. 168-174, 176-179, 181-182, 184-186, 225, 251
Hayes, Terry 39-41, 137
Hell-Fire 248
Hell Fire Club 248
Hennessy, Dale 230
Henning, Ted 15, 21-23, 25-26
Herek, Stephen 211-213, 216
Heston, Charlton 32, 34, 36, 44-45
High Rise, See The Ego Makers
Hobbit, The 49, 52-53
Horn, Alan 201-202
Hot Zone, The 11, 165-186, 248, 251
Hughes, Albert 42, 137
Hughes, Allen 42, 137
Hughes, Howard 135-145
Hurt, William 64
Husky, Rick 253
Illusionist, The 29
Indiana Jones 11, 87-106
Indiana Jones and the City of the Gods 103
Indiana Jones and the Garden of Life 93
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull 87, 106
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade 87-90, 102, 104
Indiana Jones and the Lost Continent 90, 94
Indiana Jones and the Monkey King 93
Indiana Jones and the Red Scare 98
Indiana Jones and the Saucer Men from Mars 94-96, 98
Indiana Jones and the Sons of Darkness 91, 97
Indiana Jones and the Sword of Arthur 96-97, 100
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom 89, 101, 105 (footnote)
Indiana Jones and the Tomb of Ice 100
Indiana Jones: The Law of One 94
Inhuman Remains 251-252
Irving, Clifford 137-139, 145
ISOBAR 11, 121-133
Jackson, Peter 42, 49, 51-52, 56, 59, 60
Jacobs, Arthur P. 31-34
Jacobson, Tom 38, 41, 168-169, 173-174
Jaffa, Rick 46, 47, 168
Jendresen, Erik 184-185
Jeter, Michael 126
Jimenez, Neal 172, 180, 182
Jolie, Angelina 211, 212, 218-220, 224, 225
Jones, David 25-26
Kalogridis, Laeta 218, 221
Kane, Bob 187-188
Kang, Peter 47
Karaszewski, Larry 142
Kasdan, Lawrence 88
Kassar, Mario 67, 70-71, 73, 85, 109, 121, 124, 126, 129
Katz, Gail 182
Katzenberg, Jeffrey 18
Kaufman, Philip 88
Keaton, Michael 189-190
Kennedy, Kathleen 20, 101-102
King, Graham 143, 227
Klein, Bobby 224
Kleiner, Harry 230
Klement, Otto 230
Knowles, Harry 93
Koepp, David 106, 135, 138-140, 145
Kon, Satoshi 240
Konner, Larry 44
Kopelson, Arnold 166, 167, 180, 182-183, 185
LaBoeuf, Shia 106
Ladd Jr., Alan 141-142
Landau, Jon 236
Lansing, Sherry 181
Lara Croft Tomb Raider 225, 227
Lara Croft Tomb Raider – The Cradle of Life 227
Leder, Mimi 28
Lennon, John 53-54
Levin, Lloyd 205, 207, 212, 218, 225-226
Levine, Tom 19
Levy, Marvin 101-102
Levy, Shawn 238
Lewellen, Wayne 227
Logan, John 140-141, 144
London, Michael 168, 173
Lord of the Rings, The 11, 49-60
Loren, Sophia 126
Lucas, George 87-106
Ludwig, Tony 149, 154
Maddock, Brent 253
Magician’s Wife, The 28
Mailer, Michael 242
Mancuso Jr., Frank 241
Manis, Brian 160
Mankiewicz, Tom 188
Mann, Michael 140-143
Marshall, Alan 116
Marshall, Frank 20-21
Massett, Patrick 213-214, 218, 220-221, 223
Mathison, Melissa 28
McCallum, Rick 94, 97-99
McCartney, Paul 54, 56
McConaughey, Matthew 239, 242
McGehee, Scott 184
McKeown, Charles 190
McQueeney, Patricia 99
McTiernan, John 26-27
Medavoy, Mike 58, 118
Melnick, Dan 58
Melniker, Benjamin 188
Mestres, Ricardo 18, 19
Milchan, Arnon 117
Miller, Frank 188, 193-196
Miller, Ron 65
Milius, John 29
Minority Report 73, 86
Moore, Alan 148
Moore, Terry 136, 141-142
Moore, Vince 86
Morgan, Glen 232-235, 237-238
Moritz, Neil 244, 250
Morrison, Grant 148, 202
Mr Hughes 139-140, 145
Murphy, Don 31, 37-42, 45
Murphy, Tab 130-132, 235, 238
Nathanson, Jeff 106
Nicholson, Jack 189, 190-191
Nolan, Christopher 135, 143-145, 202-203
Norton, Edward 142-143
Nothing to Declare 242-243
Noyce, Phillip 40
Nye, Ben 33
O’Bannon, Dan 62-64, 68
Obst, Lynda 167-169, 173-175, 177-
180, 184-185
Ostby, Hawk 227
Outbreak 165, 168-169, 172, 175-176, 180-182, 184, 186, 248-249, 252
Pallenberg, Rospo 55-57
Pandora 167
Parker, Hutch 47
Perfect Blue 240
Peters, Jon 149-150, 152-155, 157, 162-163, 192, 198, 200-201
Petersen, Wolfgang 19, 172, 180, 183-184, 199-200
Planet of the Apes 11, 31-48
Polk, Mimi 173-174
Pool, Robert Roy 166-167, 180-184
Povill, Jon 68
Prentice, Michael 97
Pressfield, Steven 68
Prestige, The 29
Preston, Richard 165-167, 169, 171-178, 180-181, 183-186, 248
Protosevich, Mark 192
Raiders of the Fallen Empire 93
Raiders of the Lost Ark aka Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark 88-89, 93, 98, 100, 103-104
Raimi, Sam 37
Redford, Robert 173-174, 176-177, 179-181
Reeves, Keanu 197
Reitman, Ivan 188
Return of the Apes See Planet of the Apes
Revelations 241
Revell, Graeme 224-225
Rice, Peter 37-38, 234
Riche, Alan 149, 154
Rifkin, Adam 35-37, 45
Ringwood, Bob 65
Rise of the Planet of the Apes 47-48
Robards, Jason 137
Robinson, Dana 224
Robinson, Edward G. 32
Robinson, Jim 245, 247
Rona, Andrew 77, 81, 84-85
Rosenthal, Mark 44
Rossio, Terry 148-153, 161
Roth, Tim 46
Rothman, Tom 41, 43
Rush, Richard 63, 66
Sandman, The 11, 55, 147-163
Schaffner, Franklin J. 32-34
Schnabel, Marco 132
Schölermann, Marc 244
Schow, David J. 160-162
Schrader, Paul 245-247
Schumacher, Joel 191-193, 203
Schwarzenegger, Arnold 40-42, 61, 64, 66-68, 71, 73-74, 77, 79, 80-81, 83-86, 107-109, 111-113, 115-120, 123
Scorsese, Martin 144
Scott, Ridley 119, 121-123, 165, 172-176, 179-181, 186
Sellers, Dylan 40
Serling, Rod 32-33
Sewell, Rufus 160
Shanley, John Patrick 21
Shatner, William 252, 254
Shusett, Ronald D. 61-65, 67-69, 71-74, 75, 77-79, 81-82, 85-86
Shyamalan, M. Night 99-100
Sibley, Bryan 51
Siegel, David 184
Silver, Amanda 46-48, 168
Silver, Joel 121, 123-124
Skaaren, Warren 190
Smith, Jack Martin 230
Smith, Robert 91-92
Smoke & Mirrors 11, 15-29
Smoke and Mirrors, see Smoke & Mirrors
Snyder, Bill 52-53
Soeteman, Gerard 108-109
Spacey, Kevin 142
Spielberg, Steven 75, 87-106
Stallone, Sylvester 124-127, 129, 133
Starr, Ringo 54
Stern, Jay 18
Stewart, Douglas Ray 21
Stigmata 240-241
Stone, Oliver 38-41
Stone, Sharon 66, 73, 78, 80-81
Stoppard, Tom 102
Streep, Meryl 179
Strick, Wesley 190-191
Stuart, Jeb 90, 95, 180, 182
Superman 188-189
Svankmajer, Jan 152-153
Swayze, Patrick 66-67
Tally, Ted 167, 182
Teague, Lewis 63
Thewlis, David 160
T.J. Hooker: The Movie 2 39, 252-254
Tolkien, J.R.R. 49-59
Tomb Raider 11, 205-228
Topor, Tom 173, 176, 179-181
Total Recall 11, 61-86
Total Recall 2 73-86
Total Recall 2070 75
Train, The 123
250 GTO 243-245
Uhls, Jim 121-124, 128
Uslan, Michael E. 188
Vajna, Andrew G. 18-20, 24-25, 29, 67, 70-71, 73, 85, 109, 121, 129
Vance, Marilyn 128
Vengeance from the Deep 248
Venville, Malcolm 242
Verhoeven, Paul 66-74, 76, 107-109, 111-119
Visitor, The See Planet of the Apes
Voight, Jon 220, 222
Wachowski, Andy 196
Wachowski, Larry 196
Wainwright, Rupert 240, 241
Walker, Andrew Kevin 198, 199
Warren, Estella 45
Weg, Howard 76
Weinstein, Bob 76-77, 80, 84-85
Weinstein, Harvey 78
Werb, Mike 214-215, 218, 223
West, Simon 216-219, 221-225
Wheaton, Wil 160
Wheeler, William 139
Wibberley, Cormac 237
Wibberley, Marianne 237
Wilson, Michael 33
Wilson, S.S. 253
Winston, Stan 42
Wong, James 232-235, 237-238
Wyatt, Rupert 47
Yakin, Boaz 197-198
Yari, Bob 242
Yorn, Rick 143
Young Indiana Jones Chronicles, The 89, 102
Young, Sean 190
Zaentz, Saul 58-59
Zanuck, Richard D. 32, 35, 43
Zeta-Jones, Catherine 25-27, 29
Zimmerman, Morton Grady 50-51
Zinman, John 213-214, 218, 220-223