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Sweetest Obsessions - Anthology

Page 256

by Anthony, Jane

  I hang my head in my hands. “Do I have a choice?”

  “Not really.”

  I nod. “I guess I’ll see you in a bit.”

  “See you then, Gabs. We’ll get this figured out.”

  I fight back tears as I press the end button. I don’t see how we can fix this after Ethan’s publicist’s statement. Why would she do that? I guess the only way I’m going to find out is by asking the man himself.




  “I need you to track down the guy who sold my sex tape.”

  “Why would I do that?” I can practically see my publicist rolling her eyes through the phone.

  “Because, I want the name of the person that really gave the footage to him. Whatever they paid him, I’ll pay more for the truth once he goes on record with it.”

  Avery laughs. “You can’t be serious, Ethan. Why would you even want to stir this up again?”

  Because my gut is telling me that I’m destroying a woman who doesn’t deserve it.

  I scrub a hand over my face. “I don’t think she did it.”

  “Damn it, Ethan. This is your dick talking. I told you not to open your store by the pier. I told you to stay far away from Gabriela Martinez. Why couldn’t you just listen?”

  “Avery, I know you know your shit, but something’s not right. If I was thinking rationally back then, I probably would’ve fought you harder on it. Gabbie was the best thing that ever happened to me and I threw her away like she meant nothing. Seeing her again, now that I can look at the situation logically, I know I fucked up by letting her go. I don’t have proof yet, but I fucking know it.”

  She sighs. “Fine. I’ll make some calls.”

  I smile. “Let me know.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” she mutters before ending the call.

  While she’s doing that, I need to make some calls of my own. One way or the other, I’m going to make this right.




  “Miss Martinez, please have a seat,” our producer, Eric, says as I knock on the open doorframe.

  I walk into the conference room, evidently the last one to arrive. The long mahogany table is filled with people. Network executives, our producer, director, my agent and lawyer, and finally, Ethan and his team. I stifle a gasp when we make eye contact. His cold glare feels like a slap across the face. The tension radiating between us is tangible. I open my mouth to greet him, but my attorney, Jeff, interrupts and steps between us.

  “Gabbie, come sit by me.” He leans down and lowers his voice. “Do not say a word unless I give you permission.”

  “Did Margo call you?” I whisper back.

  “Yes,” Jeff says harshly. “I know where you stand. Now let me do the talking.”

  I lower myself into the chair as our producer says, “Thank you for coming to this meeting with so little notice. As we’re all aware, we have yet another scandal on our hands, and I’d like to manage the situation with as little collateral damage as possible.”

  I avert my eyes to the polished tabletop, feeling my cheeks flush at the realization that every person in this room has likely seen that video. Seen me having sex. Thank God there wasn’t any nudity on my end, but still, it’s obvious that Ethan’s dick was inside of me. I groan inwardly, wondering what these people must think of me right now.

  “So...” Eric continues, “after speaking with Mr. Baldwin’s and Ms. Martinez’s representatives, I feel confident we have a solid plan.”

  My lawyer slides a document in front of me and hands me a pen from the breast pocket of his suit jacket. I look it over as our producer keeps talking.

  “Since both parties have confirmed that the...incident in question was consensual, the network has agreed to remove the no fraternization clause from their contracts. That said, it’s contingent upon both parties agreeing to film the rest of their contracted segments without regard to their personal relationship.” Eric looks in my direction. “Or lack thereof.”


  Eric clears his throat. “When the cameras are rolling, they will smile and act friendly toward one another. Additionally, since we’ve already lost several sponsors, both parties agree to take a significant pay cut to compensate for that. In return, the network will not pursue any legal action toward them for breaching their contracts.”

  I immediately glance at Ethan and find his gaze directed toward the front of the room, pointedly ignoring me. His nostrils flare, as if he’s angry. Does he actually think I’m guilty?

  Our producer pinches the bridge of his nose. “Furthermore, the network has decided to table any future opportunities within the Cooking Network for both parties. We will reevaluate that after they fulfill their current obligation. Any questions?”

  Yeah, I have a shit ton of questions but none that I’m going to ask in front of an audience.

  Eric’s eyes slide to mine and then Ethan’s. “If you agree to the terms, I need you to sign the amendment in front of you.”

  Ethan signs so forcefully, I swear he almost poked a hole through the paper.

  My lawyer taps his finger on the signature line. “Sign it, Gabriela. This is the best possible outcome we have.”

  I don’t know about that, but I sign anyway after reading through the final paragraph.

  Eric nods, apparently satisfied that we’ve signed.

  After several people shake their heads our producer nods. “Very well. Thank you for coming today. We’ll resume filming as scheduled at seven tomorrow morning.”

  The network suits leave the room while I’m still sitting in my chair, trying to digest what’s just happened. I practically leap out of my seat as soon as I spot Ethan trying to make a quick exit.

  His muscles tighten when I grab his forearm. “Wait, Ethan. Can we talk?” I look around. “Privately?”

  Ethan jerks his arm away from me and glances at his lawyer, a fifty-something woman with a fierce expression. “Ms. Martinez, Mr. Baldwin has requested that you limit your conversations with him to those required when filming. Beyond that, he has no desire to speak with you.”

  My mouth gapes. “What? You can’t be serious.” I turn toward Ethan. “You don’t think I actually did this, do you?” Ethan looks me over with so much disgust, his answer is obvious. “Oh my God, you do! What the hell, Ethan?”

  His agent—Ken something, I believe—leads him out of the room. “Let’s go, Ethan.”

  I stand in the doorway, completely dumbstruck as Ethan and his entourage walk away without a backwards glance.

  My agent, Barb, takes me by the elbow. “C’mon, Gabbie, let’s grab some coffee. Margo is meeting us at the Starbucks on the corner. After we gather a formal statement, we’ll discuss how we’ll handle your future with the network.”

  “I don’t want a future with the network.” I shake my head as I wipe a rogue tear from my cheek. “I’m done.”

  “That’s not necessarily true,” Barb counters. “If your third season ratings are as strong as we suspect, I’m sure they’ll want to renew.”

  I sniff and look her in the eye. “You’re not getting it, Barb. I’m done, done. I want out of the public eye if this is what it’s like. After this season is over, I want nothing to do with this world.”

  She sighs. “Gabbie, I know this is hard, but it’s a minor speedbump in the grand scheme of things. Don’t be rash.”

  I laugh humorlessly. “Maybe it’s minor to you because you see this kind of thing all the time, but it’s not minor in any way to me. The world has seen me having sex! They think I’m a fame monger! No matter what I say, after Ethan’s statement and the pictures online, no one will believe me. I don’t need to meet with Margo. My official statement is no comment.”

  Barb blinks rapidly. “I’m not your publicist, but I think that would be a big mistake, Gabbie. Let’s go talk to Margo and we’ll get this to blow over soon enough.”

  I furiously swipe at the tears that are now flowing freely.
“I appreciate all that you’ve done for me, but I mean it. I’m done. This is not what I signed up for. I won’t be needing your services or Margo’s after today. Goodbye, Barb.”

  As I drive away from the Cooking Network’s building, I think about what lies ahead. If Ethan’s not even willing to listen to what I have to say, then I obviously didn’t mean as much to him as I thought. I don’t know how I’m going to sit next to him for twelve hours a day over the next month and pretend everything’s okay, but I’m going to have to figure it out.




  “Are you sure about this, Ethan?” my realtor, Hank, asks.

  “I’m positive,” I say. “Get the paperwork ready and I’ll take care of the rest.”

  I end the call and dial the woman who manages my finances next.

  She picks up on the first ring. “Hello, little brother. To what do I owe the pleasure of this call?”

  I decide to get straight to the point. “Hey, Liz. I’m closing the new store, effective immediately.”

  “What?” my sister asks incredulously. “You’ve barely been open a month and sales are through the roof. Why would you even think about closing now?”

  “Because I fucked up and I need to make things right.”

  “Is this about a certain Latina next door?”

  Jesus, I can practically see the condescending smirk on her face. When everything went down with Gabbie, Elizabeth tried convincing me to talk it through with her, to hear her side of the story, but I refused. I’m sure Liz is dying to shout, “I told you so!” right now.


  “I’m proud of you for finally pulling your head out of your ass, Ethan. Even though it’s going to cost you a small fortune to dig yourself out of this.”

  I wave my hand dismissively. “I don’t care about the money. This is more important.”

  “So...what’s the plan? Are you selling and relocating?”

  “Neither. I’m just closing up shop. Don’t worry; I’ll give the existing staff a nice severance package plus another opportunity for work again soon.”

  Liz clears her throat. “Ethan, I’m behind you one-hundred-percent, but as your financial advisor, I’m professionally obligated to tell you what a mistake that would be. That’s valuable real estate. At the very least, put the property back on the market or consider leasing it.”

  “Can’t,” I say. “I already have plans for it.”

  “What are you not telling me?”

  I smile. “You’ll find out soon enough.”




  “Not that I’m complaining, but what the hell’s happening today?” Caroline asks.

  I smile. “Maybe people are finally coming to their senses.”

  Sweet Temptations has been swamped since we opened the doors. It’s just after ten in the morning and we’re already low on inventory. I had to call in a few of my part-timers to work the register so Caroline and I could head in the back and throw some more stuff in the oven. My head’s been all messed up since my encounter with Ethan yesterday but we’ve been so busy today, I haven’t had much chance to dwell on it.

  As I’m placing a colorful tray of macarons in the display case, I’m shocked by what I overhear.

  “Do you know why they closed so suddenly?”

  “No,” my employee, Denise, says. “I didn’t even know about it until you said something. It explains why we’ve been so busy though.”

  I stand upright. “Who closed?”

  The customer nods to her left. “Baldwin’s Bakery. There’s a sign on the store saying they’re closed indefinitely.”


  This is something I have to see for myself. I step from behind the counter and head through the front door. Sure enough, there’s a handwritten sign on Ethan’s front door.

  Baldwin’s Bakery is no longer operating at this location.

  Sweet Temptations has the best confections in town.

  Step next door and see for yourself!

  I close my eyes to clear my vision. Surely, I’m seeing things. When I reopen them, the sign hasn’t changed.

  What is going on?

  “Uh, Gabbie, could you step back into the kitchen please?”

  I look up at the sound of Caroline’s voice and see her poking her head out the front door. “Sure. Of course.” I weave my way through the line of customers on the way back in, muttering, “excuse me,” as I pass them.

  I stop mid-stride when I see Ethan standing in my kitchen donning his signature black apron.

  “What is he doing here?” I look to Caroline for answers but she simply smiles and busies herself with a piping bag.


  “You look like you could use some help.” Ethan spreads his arms wide. “Put me to work, Gabs.”

  I don’t mean to stare, but c’mon! I’m pretty sure I’m hallucinating right now.

  He clears his throat. “Did you hear what I said?”

  I blink repeatedly. “I did. But I’m still trying to figure out whether or not you’re a mirage.”

  Ethan belts out a husky laugh. “You’re more than welcome to touch me and find out. Go ahead and run your hands all over my body. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it almost as much as I will.”

  I roll my eyes and fight a smile, reminding myself what this man has put me through. “Not necessary. That comment just answered my question.” I narrow my eyes. “Seriously though, why are you here? And why is your shop closed?”

  “I’m here to help. I’ve been told once or twice I know my way around a kitchen.” He shrugs. “As for the bakery, I’ve decided to close it.”


  He nods. “Forever.”

  My brows furrow in confusion. “But...why?”

  “Hey, Caroline?” Ethan calls. “Do you mind giving us a minute?”

  Caroline wipes her hands on a towel and grabs the tray of vegan cupcakes she’s just finished decorating. “Not at all. I need to put these out front anyway.”

  Ethan waits for Caroline to leave the room before stepping closer to me. “I meant what I said yesterday. I’m not going anywhere. I let you go once and I have no intention of doing it again.”

  I glare. “You didn’t let me go. You shoved me out of your life.”

  He winces. “I know. And it was the biggest mistake I’ve ever made. I allowed my emotions to guide me back then—and yes, maybe a little bit of it was ego—but I was wrong. So fucking wrong. I’m sorry for doubting you, for treating you like shit, for taking two fucking years to come to my senses. For everything, Gabbie. And I’m going to do whatever it takes to prove that to you. Shutting down the bakery was my first step in doing that.”

  I flinch when he cups my jaw, but I don’t move out of the way. “Ethan, I—”

  He places his index finger over my lips. “Hold on. I’m not done. My publicist is trying to track down the real person that sold the footage of us in your dressing room. Not because I need proof, but because I want to clear your name.”

  I shake my head. “I don’t care about that. I don’t want to draw attention to myself again, even if your intention is honorable. The story’s dead now. I’d rather keep it that way.”

  “Well, then do what you want with it when we get a name.” Ethan brushes his thumb against my cheek. “Go out with me. Give me a chance to prove myself.”

  My eyes are downcast, unable to meet his gaze. “Ethan, I can’t just forget everything that’s happened.”

  Ethan lifts my chin with his finger. “I’m not asking you to. I’m just asking for another shot. I’ll make it right, Gabbie.”

  Our eyes lock, dark brown to light blue, and we just stare for a moment. I know I might regret this, but I think I would regret it more if I didn’t try.

  I sigh. “Fine. One date. But don’t make me regret this.”

  He smiles so widely, his whole face lights up. “Baby, when you see what I have planned, regret will be th
e last thing on your mind.”




  “This is the first time I’ve ever had to say this in my career, but I owe you a huge apology.”

  I look up as my publicist, Avery, tosses a folder in front of me. When she called earlier, telling me she had an update for me about the sex tape scandal, she insisted we meet in person. I was already at the coffee shop right by my house in Malibu so she drove straight here.

  I pull out the picture of a woman that seems to have been taken with a long-range lens. She looks familiar but I can’t quite place her. “Why am I looking at this?”

  Avery takes the seat in front of me and gestures to the photo. “Besides the shorter hair, she bears an awfully strong resemblance to Gabriela Martinez, doesn’t she?”

  I study the woman in the picture. I can easily spot the differences between the two women, but then again, I have every curve of Gabbie’s body memorized. To someone who doesn’t, I can definitely see where they could be mistaken for one another.

  “Who is this?”

  “Maria Sánchez,” Avery replies. “Does that name ring a bell?”

  My eyes widen as I finally place her. “Shit. As in Jay Caruso’s assistant?”

  Avery smiles. “Exactly. Getting into Gabbie’s dressing room wouldn’t be a problem because a director’s assistant would have free rein in the studio. Look at the signed statement.”


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