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Trusting Bull: Savage Brothers MC

Page 13

by Marie, Jordan

  “Well fuck, Doc. What’s the point of keeping shit from you, if you have already seen everything?”

  “Gee, Bull. I don’t know. A better question might be, why in the world would you try to hide this from me?”

  “I’m not weak, Skye.”

  “I never thought you were. Though, I’m starting to wonder how smart you are if you think I could ever view you as weak. Now, sit up for a second, and let me get you some medicine…”

  “No pills, Doc.”


  “I’m not taking no goddamn pills.”

  Her movements halt abruptly, she takes a deep breath and lets it out.

  “Now that I have you Skye, I’m not taking a chance on anything that might make me lose you. No pills.”

  “Bull? What does that even mean?”

  “I saw you and the minute you stood up to me, something clicked. I knew you were it. I wasn’t about to touch that stuff again when I had my future staring at me.”

  “Oh. My. God.”

  “No pills, Doc. I’m not putting that in jeopardy.”

  “It’s Ibuprofen, and a very mild dose, and your future? Do you know how crazy that sounds? You didn’t even know me! Heck-fire! You don’t even know me now! I could be a serial killer! Bull, that’s not even sane and it’s a piss poor reason for being sober. You can’t pin your reason for staying sober on another person. That’s just doomed for failure.”

  “Who says? It’s a damned good reason for me. And I do know you. I know everything about you.”

  “No you don’t, we just started dating, Bull, seriously…”

  “I know you love the smell of coffee, but can’t stand the taste. I know you take two hour long bubble baths even when you can barely stay awake, because it helps you unwind. I know your favorite food is Chicken Marsala, you only drink water with a twist of lemon on the side, but when you’ve had a really bad day, you will drink red wine. I know you love foot massages while you’re watching silly Christmas movies on television, even though you say you don’t like television. I know you hate the taste of spinach but love the dip made from it. I know you never talk to your parents and that they cut you off when you became pregnant with Matthew. I know you will come up with the craziest words to use instead of curse words, because you don’t want to be a bad influence on Matthew. I know you love chocolate ice cream, but hate chocolate pudding. I know….”

  “Okay, okay. Stop it already. I get it. You take really good notes when I talk.”

  “I’m not taking notes, Skye. You’re important to me. Everything you are, and everything you do fascinates me. I’m not taking notes. I’m learning about the woman I love, because it brings me joy.”

  “Dang it, Bull! Do not make me cry. I’m going to get up and get you some ibuprofen. It’s not addictive and hopefully it will stave off the majority of the pain,” she says, patting my back, “lean up and let me out of here.”

  I don’t want to. I don’t want to let her leave. I like this connection with her. I do it, but as she stands up, I grab her hand and pull her so her lips are near mine. I look in her eyes. They punch me in the gut, just like they have from the beginning.

  “I love you, Doc.”

  She doesn’t answer, like I hoped, but she leans in and gives me her mouth. My tongue leisurely invades her mouth, taking time to taste her, and relearn everything about her, from the flavor, the texture, and hidden areas. Her tongue mates with mine, just as slow, just as relaxed, and somehow, it draws a deeper response between us than has been there before.

  When we break apart her forehead rests on mine, her fingers are caressing each side of my neck.

  “You aren’t why I’m sober, Skye. You’re the reason I want to be a better person. The reason I want to be a man that deserves you,” I tell her, letting my hands get lost in her hair.

  “You’re the best man I’ve ever met, Bull. If I didn’t believe that completely, I would never trust you with Matty, because he’s the most important thing in my life.”

  I take in her words and let her leave me. Our eyes stay connected, because she backs away from me. I think it might be happiness I see in her. I can’t help but return her smile—even through the pain.

  “There’s something you don’t know about me, Bull,” she says before she leaves the room.

  I don’t want to tell her she’s wrong, but I’m pretty sure I know all things Skye.

  “What’s that, Doc?” I ask, just to humor her.

  “When you smile? I feel like I’ve just won the lottery.”

  Damn. That’s all I can think. Damn.

  “I’ll be sure to do that more,” I tell her.

  “That’d be appreciated, heck I might even reward you.”

  I do the only thing I can…I smile bigger.

  Chapter 31


  I definitely miss riding on the back of Bull’s bike this morning. Even though the temperatures are cool this time of year, there’s something amazing about holding onto him, while the wind whips through my hair. Plus, you can feel the joy radiate from Bull. Thinking of Bull makes my heart speed up. I’m in love with him. I haven’t told him and I’m mad at myself because I haven’t. I’m letting fear hold me back, and that’s not fair to me or Bull.

  I left Bull sleeping this morning. He’ll be mad, I know—especially after the note from my friendly-neighborhood-stalker. But, he was in so much pain last night, and it was almost three this morning before he fell back asleep. I sure wasn’t going to wake him up at four and tell him I had to leave to meet with my chief of staff in some emergency meeting. Walter texted. He asked me to come in for a meeting, before my rounds. He wouldn’t explain why, so I’m worried. If I had to explain all that to Bull, he would have demanded I wait for him, and then I’m pretty sure he would have insisted on being present at the meeting. Sneaking out was my best option. I sent a text to Blair, who gets up at four thirty every morning anyways. I told her I was going in early and that Bull was with Matty right now, but she would might need to be on standby because Matty’s holiday break at school starts today. I owe Blair so much and she barely lets me pay her.

  I’m driving down the road and my brake light comes on. I want to groan out in frustration. This damn car just cost me two hundred dollars in repairs last week. I rub the tension at the back of my neck and pray it’s nothing serious. My Christmas fund is going to be awful tight if it’s something major. Matty wants a bike and I need to make sure he gets one, because he hardly ever asks for things.

  I come to the stop sign at the end of my street and the car comes to a stop okay—but the pedal goes all the way to the floor, before it finally stops. Damn. I don’t know much about cars, I was hoping the light meant I needed new pads or something. But now, I’m starting to worry it is low on fluid or something. That was supposed to have been checked at the last service.

  I decide to drive extra slow, just in case. Dr. Walter can just be pissed if I’m late. I listen to the music on the radio, while thinking over my night with Bull. Who knew life with a biker could be so…normal. Well, fucking hot, but normal. I’m grinning like a loon as I start down old Crawford Mountain. I came this route without thinking. There’s a second way to get to the hospital, it’s just that this one is closer. The bad part is, it winds and twists in‘s’ shaped curves. They are so steep, that sometimes make you think you are passing yourself. I usually come this way, but if I had thought about it, I wouldn’t have—especially with my brakes acting up. I’m a little worried, but I can always gear the car down into a lower gear, and that combined with my brakes should be enough to make it safe.

  My cell phone rings and I pick it up, glancing at the number. Great. He woke up early.

  “Hello?” I answer, trying to interject cheerfulness into my voice.

  “Doc, where the fuck are you?”

  “I’m headed to work, honey.” I tell him and I’m distracted by his anger. His anger irritates me. I was trying to do something nice for the dumbass. Besides,
I’m a grown woman!

  “Damn it, Doc! You told me you didn’t have to go in until six this morning. It’s barely five!”

  I take a deep breath as I top the hill, and try to remember he’s only being an ass because he cares about me. He said he loved me. That thought feels me with warmth.

  “Walter called and asked me to come in before rounds for a meeting.”

  “I bet that sorry sack of shit wants a meeting. Why in the fuck didn’t you wake me, Doc?”

  “You had barely slept. I’m sure it’s nothing, and I’m perfectly safe.”

  “You weren’t safe when he tried to force himself on you, and did you forget about the fucking notes?”

  “Bull, for gods-sake, I’m going to be in public at the hospital, I’ll be fine.”

  “And the fucking notes?”

  “Will you give it a rest? I’m sorry I even told you about them. If the police aren’t worried about them, I don’t know why you should be!” I yell back, upset with him, and that’s bad because I forgot two very important things. I didn’t gear down when I started going downhill. That might not have been horrible in and of itself, but the more agitated I get, the more my foot presses on the accelerator. I’m going much faster than I do normally, let alone when I’m worried about my brakes.

  “The police are morons and I’m worried, because someone has been targeting my woman! Damn it, Skye! You better call me the minute you get to the hospital, and make sure you tell me what that fuckwad wanted. I have to go meet with Freak this morning, but I’ll be…”

  “Bull!” I stop him, because this time when I press the brake pedal nothing happens. Instead of slowing down, the car picks up speed.

  “I’m sorry, Doc. I shouldn’t have yelled. It’s just I love…”

  “Bull! My brakes aren’t working!”

  “What? What do you mean? Where are you?”

  “I mean, I’m pumping the pedal and nothing happens! I just keep picking up speed!”

  “Fuck, where are you Skye?”

  “Coming down Crawford,” I tell him, fear thick in my voice. I can feel the tears spilling from my eyes. I ignore them, trying to think of what to do. I’m a damned medical school graduate. I can do this. I hold human hearts in my hand while they’re beating for Christ’s sake.

  “Fuck! Okay sweetheart, press hard on the brake pedal, does anything happen?”

  “No! That’s what I’m trying to tell you!”

  “I need you to lift the lever for your emergency brake, Skye. Do it slowly, but get it up all the way.”

  Emergency brake. Why the hell didn’t I think of that? I do as he says. I don’t know what I expected. On television when someone does this, they usually fishtail in some kind of cool smoking doughnut, parking lot stunt. I’ve got the steering wheel gripped tight, waiting for that. It never happens.

  “Why the fuck isn’t it happening?” I cry out.

  “Skye? What’s going on?” Bull asks, and I don’t know if it’s just because I’m terrified, or if he is but, all I can hear is you’re going to die, in his voice.

  “Nothing! Bull! Why did nothing happen?”

  “It had to slow down some, sweetheart. Now, I need you to gear down into low gear. Can you do that?”

  He’s talking so cool and calm, and that should reassure me, but right now it doesn’t. Still, I do what he tells me. My speedometer at one time read eighty, but now I’m in the curviest part of the hill. I do what he says, and notice my speed is down to sixty now. The hand on my RPM dial is way in the red. I decide I don’t care if I do blow up my car—I may never drive again. My wheels screech as I slide sideways around a steep curve. My speed is now fifty-five and that’s great! It would be awesome—except I’m not on an open road. No, I’m halfway down the mountain and going into the largest switchback curve of them all. My car slides again. Half of it goes air born when I cut the wheel too deep. My cellphone goes flying through the air, as I use both hands on the steering wheel, trying to get it back under control.

  “Skye, sweetheart you have to talk to me.”

  I hear Bull’s voice from somewhere in the car. I know he can’t hear me, and I don’t know where the phone is, plus the squealing of my tires is deafening. A horn blows, adding to the noise, because just as I do a one-eighty spin in the curve, another car is coming in the opposite lane, on the other side of the road. They are going slow, and they do their best to steer their car out of my path, but it’s no use. I’m going too fast, my car is too out of control. I’m sideways and taking up entirely too much road.

  “I love you, Bull!” I tell him, uselessly. Then, there is the screaming sound of metal against metal, as my car collides with the other. The air bag explodes, my head is thrown backwards…and then…blackness.

  Chapter 32


  If I live to be a hundred and one, I never in my lifetime want to relive those last few moments on the phone with Skye. Jesus fucking Christ, my body is still shaking a day later. She had her seat belt on thank God, and somehow—miraculously, she came out with just a mild concussion, some cuts, a few stitches and bruised ribs. The paramedics and medical staff were all amazed, and I guess I need to start praying more, because the way I look at it, I owe the big guy upstairs for still having Skye in my life. She lost consciousness for a little while, but she came through and was able to talk to me and Matty last night, before she went back out. I stayed with her. I had Blair and her man take Matty with them, but I put two prospects outside their home. I’m not taking any chances from here on out. I’m going to find who this motherfucker is, and when I do, I’m going to tear them a part piece by piece.

  I called Dragon, and instead of staying with Crusher until after Christmas, they’re all coming back after Thanksgiving. I hated asking, but I need my brothers around me. I need to find out who this motherfucker is and get rid of them. I had thought it was Melissa, but I don’t think she’s dumb enough to try this stunt. Plus, I think my calling her out for talking about the Savage MC scared her, because the bitch has disappeared. Now that Skye has told me about all of the notes, I’m starting to think some man has her in his sights. The problem is, he is definitely a few bricks shy of a full load.

  “Hey you,” I jerk my head up, and lock eyes with Skye. Her poor face is bruised, scraped, and she has a hell of a cut on the side of her forehead. It took six stitches to sew it up. She’s never been more beautiful to me, though.

  “Hey, Doc,” I tell her, my voice hoarse. I squeeze her hand and she tightens her fingers against mine briefly.

  “You been here all night?”

  “I’m not leaving you, Doc.”

  “You should have gone home to rest. You’re going to bring on another one of those headaches.”

  “I’ll sleep when I get you home in my bed,” I tell her, and I’m not kidding. There’s no way I will be able to sleep, until she’s with me.

  “When will that be?”

  “Well I see you’ve decided to wake up and join the world.”

  I look up and the doctor who has been taking care of Skye comes through the door.

  “Hey, Scott,” Skye says, with a genuine smile and I try to ignore the hint of jealousy that I feel.

  “Hey yourself. I didn’t realize you were into fast cars. It’s always the quiet ones you have to look out for.”

  I grit my teeth to keep from telling him to let go of her hand. It bothers me, even if he is just taking her pulse.

  “When do I get out of here?” Skye asks the doctor. My hand shakes with the need to pull his hand away from her chest, as he uses his stethoscope. He doesn’t know how close he’s coming to losing that fucking hand.

  I hear a giggle. Skye is watching me. She knows what’s going on in my head, and she’s shaking her head. I just shrug, because hell—I am who I am.

  “If all your test results come back okay, you can go home this evening.”

  “Thank God! And work?”

  “No fucking way!” I interrupt.

gnore him, he gets grumpy when he hasn’t had sleep.”

  The doctor looks at me and then back at Skye. “At the risk of taking my life into my own hands, you can actually return to work Monday. I want you to rest this weekend and do absolutely nothing, but as long as your ribs aren’t giving you pain, and you feel up to it, you can resume normal duties Monday.

  “Yay!” Skye says and I just bite my tongue.

  “As long as those duties don’t include pretending you’re Mario Andretti,” the doctor adds.

  Skye laughs and they talk a few more minutes, while I quietly stew by the window. I look out, not really seeing anything. I’m mad. Skye doesn’t take this threat seriously and she needs to. I’m going to have to work double time to keep her safe, because for some reason the woman refuses to see danger.

  “Bull?” Skye asks, and it’s only then that I notice the doctor has left.

  “I don’t want you to go back to work, Doc. Someone out there is trying to hurt you.”

  “You don’t know that for sure.”

  “I do, every brake line on your car had been fucked with.”

  She takes that information in and her complexion goes white.

  “Then you can have one of your men follow me around.”

  “Doc…” I start, because that’s not good enough, at least not for me.

  “He can follow me around, Bull. I won’t even argue. The one thing I’m not going to do, is give up my life.

  “Someone has a special delivery,” that chick Judy comes in carrying a vase of red roses, two dozen to be exact. She been in more than anyone to check on Skye.

  “Judy! You shouldn’t have!” Skye says, reaching for the vase.

  “Don’t look at me girl, I can’t afford this shit on my budget, especially after the house.”


  “Wasn’t me Doc, but I can tell you right now, if they’re from that fucking Walter, I’m going to march them in his office and make him eat them.”

  Judy starts laughing. She probably thinks I’m kidding. I’m not.


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