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Every Breath You Take (Redeeming Love Book 2)

Page 17

by J. E. Parker

  No one was around; the coast was clear.

  “I want these off.” I didn’t stop to think as I lifted my butt off the seat and ripped them down my legs. Anthony jerked them off my ankles and tossed them in the backseat next to my phone. Looking down at the juncture of my thighs, he inhaled harshly. “Spread your legs.”

  Panting, I did as he commanded.

  I can’t believe I’m doing this!

  His fingers rested on the seam of my bikini panties. “Tell me you want this,” he commanded in a deep voice. “Tell me it’s okay for me to touch you here, baby.”

  At his words, the walls that I’d erected around my heart to keep him out began to crumble, and I knew—I fricken knew—that nothing would ever be the same between us again. He was asking for my permission; asking for my consent. There was no way he could’ve known how much those words would mean, but to me, they meant the world.

  Tell me it’s okay for me to touch you here…

  “Anthony…” Emotion began to overwhelm me. I slid my eyelids closed and took a deep breath.

  You can do this, Shelby. Just breathe.

  “Please touch me.” My eyelids fluttered open, and I looked him directly in the eyes. “I want you to touch me.” I lifted my hand and entwined my fingers in the fabric of his soft shirt. “But only you.”

  He leaned forward, closing the gap between us. His lips hovered an inch from mine and his scorching hot fingers delved beneath my panties. I gasped when his index finger grazed my clit. “I’m the only one who will ever touch you from this moment on.” He slid a finger inside of me, and I bit my lip to keep from screaming. “You’re mine, Shelby. From now until forever.”

  My heart swelled with an unfamiliar emotion—hope, maybe?—when he pressed his lips to mine in a soft, chaste kiss. Sliding his finger out of me, he plunged it back in with more force than the first time. Red hot pleasure zinged through me.

  I ripped my mouth from his and cried out his name. “Tony!”

  “Fuck,” he cursed through gritted teeth. After sliding his finger out, he plunged it back into me again, and I bucked in the seat. “You’re going to be the damn death of me.”

  Pulling his finger from me, he leaned back. I opened my mouth to beg him to come back; to continue touching me, but stopped when he pulled the seat belt across my body and strapped me in. “Safety first.”

  Kissing me one last time, he stepped back and slammed the door shut. His eyes never left mine as he moved to the front of the Tahoe. Climbing into the driver’s seat, he started the engine and peeled out of the parking lot in record time.

  “Are you taking me to your house?”

  Jaw clenched harder than granite, he shook his head. “Yes.”

  Wrapping his long fingers around the inside of my left thigh, he pulled my leg into his lap, making my body twist in the seat. Eyes still on the road, his right hand slipped under my panties again. “You’re fucking soaked.”

  His calloused finger trailed down my center, and I jerked against his hand. Leaning my head back against the window, I slid my eyes closed and pressed myself against him. “Tony,” I panted, “please—”

  I screamed as he pressed two fingers inside of me, knuckle deep. “We’ll have to go slow, baby,” he continued to pump his long digits in and out of me painstakingly slow, “you’re tight, and my cock isn’t small.”

  My stomach clenched at his words.

  Desire flooded my veins, making me feel lightheaded.

  Opening my eyes, I righted my head. My gaze slid to the bulge in the front of his slacks, and my fingertips itched to touch it. Calling upon all the willpower I possessed, I wrapped my fingers around Anthony’s wrist and pushed his hand away. My body screamed at the loss of his fingers.

  Before Anthony could ask what the hell I was doing, I unbuckled my seatbelt, planted my knees in the seat, and leaned over the center console. “Shelby,” his voice was guttural as I undid his belt with adept fingers. His button popped open with one flick of my wrist, and the zipper slid down with ease.

  My hand slid into his slacks and my fingers wrapped around his cock.

  I hurriedly pulled him free of his pants.

  My mouth watered at the sight before me. Anthony wasn’t just big; he was huge.

  Long. Wide. Extremely hard.

  “Oh God,” I moaned, pumping a hand up and down his steel length.

  He’s so fricken big!

  A drop of saliva slipped free from my mouth and landed on the engorged crown. Anthony hissed in return. Burying his right hand in my hair, he wrapped the long, silk strands around his fist. “Shelby,” he pulled my hair, forcing my face up. Our eyes locked. “If you aren’t going to suck my cock then get your lips away from it, you little fucking tease.”

  A sultry smile spread across my face, and I licked my lips. “Say please, Tony.”

  Anthony pulled his eyes from the road for a brief second. “Baby,” his jaw ticked as he looked back out the windshield. “You’re playing with fire.”

  I’ve heard that before.

  “Well,” I replied, dipping my head to his lap. “let’s just see if I can make us both go up in flames.” I gave him no warning before I wrapped my lips around the head of his cock and sucked. Hard. A sharp expletive flew from his mouth, and my belly tightened in response. I inhaled through my nose and took him deep into the back of my throat. How I managed to keep from gagging, I’ll never know.

  Ass in the air, I relaxed my jaw and gave him everything I had.

  As Anthony mumbled a string of incoherent curses under his breath, all I could think was: Thank God for tinted windows.



  On a normal day, it would’ve taken me almost thirty minutes to drive from Toluca to my house in Kissler. That day, it took me less than twenty.

  Coming to a sliding stop in my driveway, I killed the ignition and jumped out of my Tahoe. I practically ran around the front end to reach Shelby’s door. Popping it open, I lifted her off the seat and tossed her over my shoulder.

  “Anthony,” she yelled, swatting my lower back with her hand. “You could have at least let me put my shorts back on. My ass is on display for the whole world to see!”

  Holding her tight with my right arm, I smacked her ass with my left palm. “Nobody is outside, sunshine. I already checked. Besides your ass isn’t the only thing hanging out.” Her laughter surrounded us as I unlocked the front door and moved us inside. Slamming it shut with my foot, I twisted the deadbolt and headed straight for my bedroom.

  Once in my room, I dropped Shelby onto her back on the bed. She bounced on the soft mattress; her heavy breasts swayed, and her legs fell open on impact.

  My cock jerked in response.

  Heart racing, I raked my gaze over her from head to toe. Just looking at her made my cock throb. I wanted her; needed her.

  I fucking craved her.

  Encircling her ankles with my fingers, I yanked her to the edge of the mattress. She squealed and wrapped her legs around me, forcing her hot center to press against my cock.

  She moaned at the contact, and I bit the inside of my cheek to maintain control.

  I ran my hands up the outside of her thighs in long, firm strokes. “Do you have any idea how gorgeous you are?”

  Her cheeks flushed, and she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth. “I’ve been told that a time or two.” Smartass. “But it never meant much until I heard you say it.”

  My hands stilled. “Yeah?”

  “Yeah.” She tilted her head to the side, and her eyes gleamed with something akin to adoration. “Want to know a secret, Tony?” I nodded. “You make me believe things I never believed before.” She inhaled through her nose. “And you make me want things I never thought were possible.”

  I placed my hands on the bed and leaned over her. “What do you want? All you have to do is ask. I’ll move heaven and earth to give you anything you want, baby.”

  She sucked in a breath. “You can’t say stuff like th

  “Why not?” I ran my nose along the line of her jaw. “It’s the truth.”

  Raising herself onto her elbows, she brought her face to meet mine. “Because saying stuff like that gives me hope.”

  I stilled, completely taken aback by her words.

  At that point, I still didn’t know what Shelby had gone through or what had happened to her in the past, but whatever it was, it’d obviously done more damage than I’d initially thought. Not only did my girl not have much faith in the things I said, but she didn’t have any hope for the future either.

  Both were things I was going to change.

  I pressed my lips to her throat, tasting her skin. “Tell me what you want, sunshine.” She arched her neck, giving me better access. I took full advantage and trailed my tongue up the delicate column of her throat. “Anything you want, it’s yours.”

  Lifting her hands, she slid them beneath my untucked shirt. Her small hands scorched my skin as her palms slid from my abs to my chest. “Well,” she replied in a teasing tone. “First, I think you should repay the favor I did for you on the drive over.” Her fingers pinched my nipples, and I hissed at the sensation. “Then, I’m hoping you’ll give me a few more orgasms with that big cock of yours.”

  My control snapped.

  I straightened and shoved her back on the bed. “Don’t you fucking move.”

  She grinned but didn’t speak nor move. I ripped my shirt free from my body with one forceful jerk. Shelby laughed as buttons sailed through the air before falling to the hardwood floor and scattering in ten different directions. Fisting my undershirt behind my neck, I pulled it over my head in one quick move.

  Shelby moaned and gripped the blanket beneath her at the sight of my bared torso. Her eyes dipped and traced every inch of my chest and abs. When her nipples hardened beneath her tank top, I lost it.

  “Get your damn shirt off,” I snapped. Bending over, I ripped my shoes, pants, and socks off in record time. Wearing nothing but a pair of dark grey briefs, I looked back up, fully expecting Shelby to be naked.

  She wasn’t.

  Her panties had disappeared, but her shirt was still on.

  “I know you don’t listen very well baby, but when we’re in this bedroom, I expect you to do as you’re told.” I waited for her to hurl a smartass comment my way but she didn’t. Instead, she looked at me with unsure, almost pleading, eyes. “Shelby—”

  “My shirt has to stay on, Tony.” There was something in her voice that made the hair on the back of my neck stand on end. “And before you ask, no, we’re not going to talk about the reasons why right now.”

  She sat up and pulled the thin straps of her shirt down her arms. Then, she pulled her arms through the neck of the shirt, stretching the fabric. Tugging it down her chest, she revealed the lacy blue bra she was wearing. Stomach still covered by her shirt, her hands disappeared behind her back. A second later she’d unsnapped and completely removed the lace.

  My mind blanked when I got my first glimpse of her tits.

  Standing there like a mute, I did nothing but stare.

  “Tony,” Shelby said, leaning back on the bed. “Are you going to keep staring or are you going to touch me?” She lifted her bare foot and rubbed her toes along the front of my briefs. “Because if you’re just going to stand there gawking at me, I guess I’ll have to take matters into my own hands.”

  Not happening.

  I pointed to the head of the bed. “Get your ass up there.” Surprisingly, she rolled to her knees and moved like I asked. “Good girl.” After pulling off my briefs, I climbed onto the bed behind her. Placing my hands on her hips, I flipped her onto her back and covered her body with mine. “You ready for me, Shelby?”

  She closed her eyes and exhaled. “Yes, but I need to tell you my hard limits.”

  I dipped my head and pressed a kiss to the center of her chest. She arched her back, pushing her tits towards my waiting mouth. “Tell me,” I said, taking the first pebbled peak between my lips and sucking. Hard.

  Shelby gasped and snaked her fingers into my hair. “I n-need,” she stuttered, barely able to speak. “I need to see…” her voice trailed off, and I pinched her neglected nipple between my index finger and thumb.

  “Tony!” She screamed my name, yanking on my hair so hard my scalp burned. “Please!”

  I released her nipple and looked into her glazed over eyes. “Hard limit, baby... Tell me what it is because I’m seconds away from tearing your first orgasm from you.”

  Her eyes popped open, and her head jerked up. “Okay,” she nodded, “I need to see your face when you—”

  I took her breast in my hand and kneaded the soft flesh. The sensation caused her mouth to snap shut and her eyes to roll back in her head. “You need to see my face when I slide into you, is that it?”

  Face reddening, her gaze crashed back into mine. “Yes.”

  I moved my hand to her other breast. “What else?”

  She shook her head frantically. “That’s it.” My hand slid between her thighs, finding her wetness. Brushing my thumb over her clit, I slipped my middle finger deep into her tight pussy. “Oh God!” Shelby screamed, pressing down on my hand.

  Sweat dripped from my brow. “What do you want first, baby? My mouth or my cock?” Her hips twisted and her hands flew to my shoulders. I added a second finger and slammed it inside of her. A choking sound ripped from the base of her throat. “Answer me, Shelby.” My voice was hard, my tone forceful. “Tell me what you want.” She jerked and moaned but didn’t speak.

  I pressed my thumb against her clit and wrapped my hand in her hair. Jerking her head back, I forced her eyes to meet mine. “Talk to me,” my breath came in quick, heavy pants, “do you want me to make love to you? Or do you want me to fuck you?”

  Digging her fingertips into the top of my shoulders, she licked her lower lip. “Fuck me, Tony.” Her deep southern accent went straight to my cock, making it even harder. “And hurry up. Else I’ll push your hand away and use my own.”

  Two words: Fuck that.

  I pulled my fingers out of her pussy, leaned back on my calves, and hooked her right leg over my hip. “You on birth control?” She shook her head. Exhaling, I reached over to my nightstand and pulled out an unopened box of condoms. “We need to make that a priority.” I ripped the box open and grabbed a foil pack. “I don’t want anything between us.” She opened her mouth to say something, but I cut her off. “I’ll get tested, prove to you that I’m clean.” After rolling the condom down my throbbing cock, I leaned over and cupped Shelby’s jaw with both hands. “I won’t ever do anything to put you at risk.” Pressing a soft kiss to her chin, I whispered, “I’ll die before I cause you harm.”

  Her chin wobbled and if I didn’t know better, I could’ve sworn she was about to cry. “Don’t make promises unless you plan on keeping them, Tony.” The words were spoken so softly I barely heard them.

  Sliding my hands up her face, I caressed the apples of her cheeks with my thumbs. “One day, you’re going to trust me. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but one day, sunshine, you’re going to realize that every word I speak is the truth.” She visibly swallowed and wrapped her arms around my neck. “I will never lie to you, and any promise I make might as well be written in stone.” She exhaled, and her sweet breath wafted across my face. “I wasn’t kidding when I told you that you’d become my life.” Pressing one last kiss to her lips, I leaned back and positioned the tip of my cock at her entrance. “From now until forever, you are mine, Shelby. The sooner you realize and accept that, the better.”

  With no further warning, I thrust inside of her, sinking balls deep into her tight channel in one stroke. Her silky-smooth heat gripped my pulsating flesh, and every muscle in my body tensed as red-hot pleasure ripped through me.

  “Tony!” She screamed, gasping for breath and clawing at my shoulders with her sharp nails. Wrapping a second leg around my hip, she arched her back and rolled her hips making me slip fre
e an inch or two.

  I grabbed her shoulders, stopping her from tearing herself away from me. “Don’t you…” I gritted my teeth and inhaled deeply through my nose. She felt so damn good. “Move.”

  Her hands dropped from my shoulders and wrapped around my wrists. Half-lidded eyes stared up at me. “I can’t… It’s so…” She cried, lifting her head off the mattress and looking down at where our bodies were connected. “It’s so fucking big!”

  Needing to give her time to adjust to my size, I fought for control.

  Breathe you, idiot, I told myself. You can’t hurt her.

  “sunshine,” I said, exhaling through gritted teeth. “You good?”

  Shelby moved her hips again and sucked in a breath. Nodding once, she placed her hands on the back of my head and pulled me down for a kiss. Our lips met, and my heart stuttered, it’s cadence suddenly becoming off rhythm.

  “Anthony…” Shelby ripped her mouth from mine, and I growled in protest. “Sugar, you’ve got to move. If you don’t, I feel like I may die.”

  I didn’t need her to tell me twice.

  Grasping the back of her neck with one hand, I wrapped my free arm around her lower back and lifted her off the mattress. Still impaled on my cock, her chest crashed into mine. Lips inches away, I couldn’t resist kissing the fuck out of her again.

  She moaned—low and deep—into my mouth before breaking away.

  Leaning her forehead against mine, she clutched my biceps with her hands. “Move, sugar.” Her eyes slid closed, and she took a shaky breath. “Give me what I’ve been missing all these years.” Her eyes fluttered back open. “Give me what I’ve never had.”

  I didn’t have a clue what she meant by that, and I wasn’t in the position to ask. Spreading my knees further apart to give me more leverage, I pressed my lips to the shell of her ear and whispered, “Hold on, baby, because you’re about to take one hell of a ride.”

  I didn’t give her a chance to reply before I lifted her up and then slammed her back down on my rigid length. She tossed her head back, exposing her neck, and screamed something indecipherable at the top of her lungs.


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