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Every Breath You Take (Redeeming Love Book 2)

Page 24

by J. E. Parker

  His words should’ve pissed me off, but they didn’t.

  Instead, they hurt. Like a dagger straight to my heart, they cut me deep.

  He thought I was stupid? Because of what I’d done? It had nothing to do with being hotheaded or stupid. I was just trying to protect Ashley, to save her.

  Like someone should’ve saved me.

  Wrenching my wrist free from his hand, I took a step back. I bit my lip to stop my chin from wobbling. I’d never—not once in my entire life—allowed a man to reduce me to tears over something as small as spoken words. But Anthony was about to. I was weak and vulnerable when it came to him. The man may not have realized it, but he could break me in a way that Damien never had.

  The thought alone scared the hell out of me.

  “Stupid is my middle name, Tony.” My throat suddenly felt tight. “I would think you’d have figured that out by now. Especially considering all the dumb shit I’ve done in the past.” I humorlessly chuckled to myself. “Seems I never learn.” My chest felt like it was splitting in half. “Probably best you realize that now. Makes it easier for you to walk away.” I sarcastically winked. “Because let’s face it, that’s probably what’s about to happen.”

  Heart-shattering, I walked out of the room without saying another word.

  Hope pounded on the window of my truck as I slid the key into the ignition.

  “Shelby!” She hollered, frantically, a look of panic etched across her flawless face. “Roll the window down,” she begged in a high-pitched voice, “please.”

  Blowing out a breath, I rolled the window halfway down. “What is it, my little muffin?”

  “Where are you going?” Her brows were furrowed, her eyes shiny with worry. “Are you crying?”

  I closed my eyes, blocking her view of the unshed tears that filled my eyes. “I’m taking the rest of the day off. I’ve already texted Maddie.” Drumming my shaking fingers on top of the steering wheel, I tried to keep my traitorous tears from falling down my cheeks. “It’s not a big deal so why don’t you go on and head back inside, sugar. I’m sure Evan is looking for you.”

  Hope didn’t move, and her stare didn’t relent. “Why isn’t Anthony taking you home?” She leaned against the door and propped her chin on the half-opened window as she peered at me with wide eyes. “Did you guys have a fight?”

  I shook my head as my throat began to close. “No, we didn’t have a fight,” I choked out. Turning the key, I started the truck’s engine. “Though I don’t think you’ll be seeing much of Anthony anymore.”

  It physically pained me to speak those words.

  “What?” Hope shrieked. “Why?”

  My entire body ached as red-hot pain sliced through me at the speed of light. “Because I’m pretty sure he just realized the truth about me.” The first tear slipped free. “Better it happens now rather than later, I reckon. At least now he knows how fricken stupid I am and how much time he’s wasting by chasing after me.”

  Hope’s head jerked back as if she’d been slapped. “Did he call you stupid?” Her normally soft voice hardened a tad. “Because if he did, I’ll kick his ass myself.”

  Any other time, I would’ve laughed at sweet little Hope threatening to kick someone’s ass. But at that moment, I was too busy trying to keep my heart from splintering into a million pieces. “Don’t worry about it, muffin.” I shifted the truck into drive. “Can’t be mad at him for speaking the truth.”


  “Back up, Hope. I wouldn’t want to run your pretty little toes over.”

  She took a step back. “Shelby, wait. I can see your hands shaking, and I know you’re fighting back a slew of tears. Don’t drive like this. Let me take you home.”

  “No,” I replied, easing my foot off the brake. “Just go back on inside and help Maddie out, okay? She gets off in a few minutes and the transition to night crew needs to run smoothly.”

  Hope hesitantly nodded. “Will you at least call me when you get home? If you don’t, I’ll worry all night.”

  It was my turn to nod. “Promise I’ll call.”

  Forcing a smile just for her, I removed my foot from the brake and stepped on the gas. My spinning tires kicked up dirt and gravel creating a cloud of dust behind me. Nearing the exit, I looked in the rear-view mirror and saw Hope standing exactly where she’d been before, except now she was tapping the screen of her phone with lightning quick fingers.

  Bet I know who she’s texting.

  Focusing my gaze out the windshield of the truck, I headed for the main road that would lead me away from the shelter and to my duplex.

  I’d barely made it past the gate before the first wave of tears fell.



  I was freezing.

  Sitting on the shower floor, my entire body trembled as cold water rained down on me from above. I didn’t know how long I’d been sitting there—could’ve been minutes, could’ve been hours—but the water had long turned cold.

  You need to get out, dummy. Else you’re going to freeze to death.

  Gathering my strength, I leaned forward and shut off the chilled water.

  Placing my elbows on my bent knees, I dropped my head in my hands and focused on the shivers racing through every inch of my body in an attempt avoid thinking about the bitter disappointment I’d seen dancing in Anthony’s eyes before I ran away from the shelter like a coward. His words combined with the scathing look he’d aimed in my direction were enough to summon feelings of embarrassment and emotional hurt—two things that I thought I’d buried long ago.

  Lifting my head, I was seconds away from pushing to my feet when the shower curtain was suddenly ripped open. I yelped in surprise and raised my hands over my head to ward off an attack.

  “Sunshine,” Anthony growled, causing my face to jerk up and my eyes to meet his. “It’s thirty degrees in here. What the fuck are you doing?”

  That seems to be the question of the hour.

  Chewing on my bottom lip, I merely shrugged in response. My nonverbal reply only served to piss him off further. He mumbled something that I didn’t catch under his breath before sliding his hands under my arms and lifting me to my feet. “Your skin feels like ice,” he barked in a low, deep voice that sent shivers racing down my spine. “You’ll be lucky if you don’t get sick.”

  Grabbing a soft, cotton towel from the rack above the toilet, he wrapped it around my body tightly before lifting me into his arms. I shrieked as my feet left the ground unexpectedly. “What are you doing?” I half hissed, half yelled. My teeth were dang near chattering, and my throat felt raw from crying so much.

  It was a miracle I could speak at all.

  After carrying me into the living room, Anthony deposited me on the couch. I jumped up, ready to run to my room to get dressed when he shot me a scathing look that had me sitting right back down.

  Before I could ask what he was doing, he walked into my bedroom and grabbed the blue and white comforter off my bed. Coming back into the living room, he set it beside me, before beginning to unbutton his shirt slowly.

  “What the hell are you doing?” I asked, dumbfounded.

  He still didn’t speak as he shucked his shirt along with his slacks, briefs, shoes, and socks to the floor. Completely mesmerized by his body, I just stared at him like a fool.

  Holding out his hand, he demanded, “Give me your towel.” Like an obedient dog, I obeyed. Then, he commanded, “now stand up.” Once again, I did exactly as told.

  Why do I automatically bend to his will?

  Lying down on the couch, Anthony gestured for me to climb on top of him. “Come here, gorgeous.” I hesitated and narrowed my eyes. “I’m not going to ask you again, Shelby. Your freezing and the fastest way for me to warm you up is with a combination of my body heat and a thick blanket.”

  Well, hell.

  Rolling my eyes, I called on my inner sass and smart-mouthed him. “Whatever, but I’m only doing this because I’m freezing. After
the way you spoke to me earlier, the only thing you deserve is my foot up your ass, not my naked body pressed against yours.”

  My body settled over his as I dropped on top of him.

  I sucked in a breath when my frozen nipples scraped along his hard pecs. Anthony stilled for a moment before pulling the blanket over both our bodies. He wrapped his arms around my back, and I snuggled against his chest. The asshat may have hurt my feelings earlier, but his body still felt amazing against mine.

  Anthony’s fingers slid through my wet, unbrushed hair. “I didn’t call you stupid earlier, sunshine.” My body stilled. “I said what you did was stupid,” he paused, “and for the record, it was.”

  I gritted my back teeth together in annoyance.

  He doesn’t get it!

  “At this point, I don’t care if you think I’m stupid.”

  Liar, liar pants on fricken fire!

  “I did what I had to do to save Ashley. If I had it to do all over again, my actions would remain the same, sugar. Dangerous or not, I’m not going to stand idly by and watch someone else be hurt.” I closed my eyes and focused on his warmth before continuing. “I know how it feels for people to stand by and watch someone else hurt you. I know how it feels to know that someone could’ve stopped a whole bunch of bad stuff from happening to you if they’d only stepped up and done something.” Painful memories washed over me. “And right or wrong, I flat out refuse to be one of those people who fail to act.”

  Please understand.

  “I hope you find a way to understand that.”

  Anthony didn’t speak for a minute or two. Then, “I shouldn’t have talked to you the way I did.” My brow furrowed at his admission. “I admit I’ve got a temper, baby, and even though I keep it in check most of the time, I’ve got a mouth to rival yours. When I’m pissed, I don’t always stop to think about the tone I’m using.” Fingers gently massaging my scalp, he hooked a leg around the back of my calves. “But I’ll always apologize, and I’ll damn sure try my best to make it up to you.” It was my turn to go silent. “And for the record, short of sleeping with another man—which let’s face it, won’t happen—there isn’t a fucking thing on this earth that could make me walk away from you.” He placed his thumbs under my chin and lifted my face to meet his. “You’re mine, Shelby Mason, and it’s about time you realized that.”

  My lips parted as my expression softened. Mouth dry, throat thick, my body temperature began to rise. “Yeah, well, if I’m yours then that means you’re mine too.”

  Heart pounding, adoration spread through me when Anthony smiled from ear to ear. “Always, baby.” Wrapping one arm around my lower back and the other around my shoulder blades, he flipped me to my back, switching our positions.

  As his big body hovered over mine all I could think was: this feels right.

  “Tony,” I whispered his name, “I want you to make love to me.” Before he could respond and before I lost my nerve, I kept speaking. “You’ve already shown me what it’s like to be fucked by you, but now,” I paused and sucked in a much-needed breath, “now, I want to find out what it feels like to be made love to by you.”

  Keep going, Shelby. Spill your secrets.

  “I’ve never had that.” Wrenching my eyes shut to avoid his gaze, I slid my hands into his hair. “I’ve never known what it feels like for someone who cares about me to make love to my body, and I want you to show me how it can be, how it can feel.” Anthony’s face dipped closer to mine, and my heart stuttered in my chest. “I want you to give me everything I’ve never had before.”

  After planting a gentle kiss on the side of my jaw, Anthony trailed his scorching hot lips to the shell of my ear, leaving me a quivering mess of want and need. It was crazy how such a small action could have such a massive impact on my entire body. Pulling my earlobe between his lips, he bit down on the soft flesh. “I’m going to give you everything you never had, baby.” Another bite, another kiss. “Along with everything you’ve always wanted.”

  I didn’t respond. I doubted I could have if my life had depended upon it.

  The man left me speechless, which let’s face it, was no easy feat. Hendrix didn’t call me mouth of the south for no reason. “Tony,” I whispered his name again. “Please take me.” A throaty, desire driven moan slipped past my lips. “I can’t wait any longer.”

  Without wasting another second, Anthony picked me up from the sofa and laid me on the floor. “I need room to work if you expect me to create a masterpiece,” he said, a tantalizing smile spreading across his face.

  My head dropped back against the carpeted floor, and I couldn’t help but giggle. The man could take me from being madder than a wet hen to happier than a pig rolling in its own excrement within a matter of seconds. “Sweet baby Jesus,” I blew out a breath, “you’re going to be the death of me.”

  He didn’t reply as he dipped his head and latched onto the base of my throat with his mouth. My hands flew to his shoulders, and his fingers dug into my sides. Wholly bared to him, I felt exposed, almost vulnerable. Yet, at the same time being naked in front of him made me feel powerful.

  Ripping his mouth from my neck, he leaned back on his calves and looked down at me with piercing eyes. “You’re so fucking, beautiful.” His gaze raked over me as his fingertips drew invisible patterns on the outside of my thighs and hips. “Pure fucking perfection.”

  Palming my cheeks, he leaned down and took my mouth in an eager kiss. His hands slid from over my belly to cup my swollen breasts. Rolling my hardened nipples between his fingers, he shifted his position, lining his hard cock up with my soaked center.

  Tearing my mouth from his, I gasped when he slid himself against me. The head of his cock tapped against my clit and my hips flew off the ground. “Tony!” He chuckled before dipping his head and taking one of my pebbled nipples into his mouth.

  He was killing me.

  Slowly but surely, the man was going to be the death of me.

  His hot tongue lashed at my sensitive peak as his fingers paid special attention to my other breast. Before long, he switched sides, driving me crazy all over again. Feeling his cock jerk against me with every beat of his heart, I couldn’t take it anymore.

  “Anthony,” I moaned, giving his hair a hard tug. “Baby, I can’t wait anymore.”

  Pulling himself away from my breasts, he sat back on his haunches. “You never give me time to play.” Licking his lower lip, he looked down at my exposed body. “We need to fix that, baby. A body like yours,” he shook his head, “a man needs time to explore, sunshine.”

  Yep, going to be the death of me.

  Trailing his fingers down my tummy, he stopped at the lateral scar resting just above my bikini line. My belly tensed as he traced the straight line with his index finger. “Is this one from having Lucca?”

  Nodding my head, I smiled. “C-section.” I could barely speak. “He was a big baby. Weighed a little over ten pounds.”

  Anthony continued to trace the scar. “One day, Shelby,” he paused, “one day, you’re going to give me another baby.” I sucked in a breath. “Lucca needs a sibling—or two—and we’ve got a four-bedroom house to fill.”

  The man is nuts.

  “But first I’m going to give you my last name.”

  With that, he leaned down and blanketed my body with his. Taking my mouth in a heated kiss, he slid the head of his cock through my wetness. My eyes slid closed at the sensation, but they flew right back open when he pressed forward, pushing himself inside of me.

  “Wait!” I hollered, jerking my head upright.

  Anthony looked like he was teetering on the edge of losing control. “What is it?” He asked, concern etched on his handsome face. “Did I hurt you?”

  I shook my head wildly back and forth. “No,” I replied on an exhale. “But we need a—” My insides clenched causing me to lose my breath and my words. “Condom—get one!”

  With a groan, he reached over and pulled his wallet out of his discarded pants. Aft
er seeing to our protection, he leaned back over me and retook my mouth.

  Kisses this good should be illegal.

  Pulling his mouth from mine, he gazed down at me. “Wrap your legs around my hips.” His lips tickled my forehead. “Open yourself up for me, sweetheart.”

  I wrapped my legs around his lean hips and looped my arms around his neck. He smiled at my obedience. “Good girl.” He moved another inch, pushing deeper. “Now hold on.”

  With one solid thrust, he seated himself fully inside of me.

  Screaming at the potent mixture of pain and pleasure spreading through me, I dug my nails into his shoulder blades and writhed beneath him. Without giving me much time to adjust, Anthony began to move. Slow and steady, he drove his hips into mine.

  “Give me your hands,” he said, removing my arms from his neck.

  Too lost in the pleasure that he was giving me, I didn’t argue.

  Entwining my fingers with his, Anthony raised our hands above my head.

  “That feel good, gorgeous?”

  Raising my hips to meet his, I stared up at him and nodded.

  “You want me to give you this every day for the rest of our lives?” When I didn’t answer, Anthony squeezed my hands. “Answer me.”

  He expects me to speak?

  “Is this what you want?” He thrust harder. “Every day for the rest of your life?”

  Arching my back, I pressed myself against him. “Yes!”

  Anthony smiled at my shouted response. “Good, because this,” he twisted his hips, hitting a spot deep inside of me that made me see stars, “is yours. From now until forever.” Another hard thrust. “I’m going to make you the happiest woman in the world, Shelby.”

  How the hell is he still talking?

  “All you have to do is give me a chance.” Another twist. “All you have to do is give me your heart.”

  Oh, for fuck’s sake!

  “Anthony!” I gasped, looking directly into his eyes. “Stop talking and make me come!” This was too serious of a conversation to have when his cock was lodged deep inside of me. Or maybe that was the damn point. Perhaps he was trying to convince me to spend the rest of my life with him while I was so blitzed out of my mind with pleasure that I couldn’t think straight.


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