Every Breath You Take (Redeeming Love Book 2)

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Every Breath You Take (Redeeming Love Book 2) Page 36

by J. E. Parker

  Gun in hand, I rolled to my back. He was only five feet away when I pointed the barrel of the gun at his chest. Stopping mid-stride, he stared down at me with disbelieving eyes.

  “Tony!” I screamed, pushing to my feet.

  Damien made a noise that sounded like a mixture of a growl and a pain-filled moan. “You… Stupid…”

  “Yeah, yeah,” I replied, waving the gun in the air for emphasis. “I’m a stupid whore, a stupid bitch”—I paused and sucked in a lungful of oxygen—“I’ve heard it all before!”

  My side burned like someone had sliced open my skin and poured half a bottle of bleach into the wound. Still holding the gun, I wrapped my arm around my torso and gritted my teeth.

  Angry tears began to stream down my face. “Why couldn’t you just leave me alone?” I screamed. “Why couldn’t you just let us go?”

  Damien sneered. “I’ll die before I let you go.”

  My hands shook. “You don’t have a choice.” Voice steady, I focused on his eyes. His dark, soulless eyes. “I don’t belong to you, Damien.” More shaking; more tears. “I never did.”

  Swaying on his feet, Damien began to pale. “You’ll always be mine, you stupid bitch.” He smiled. “I marked you, I claimed you.” Tilting his head to the side, he stared at me with pure malice. “Only way you’re escaping me is if one of us dies.”

  It was my turn to smile. “That can be arranged.”

  Tossing his head back he laughed. Hard. “Save the bullshit! You don’t have it in you to kill me, Shelby Ray.” Licking his lower lip, he took a step forward. “If you were going to shoot me you already would’ve.”

  I nodded toward his stomach. “Pretty sure I was the one who put that hole in your gut. What’s a few more?”

  As if just realizing that I was the one to stab him, he reared back and screamed so loud my ears rang. “Yeah, and you’re going to fucking pay for it! Remember what happened the last time I had to discipline you?” Holding one hand over his stab wound, he pointed at me with the other. “Only mistake I made was letting the kid I put in you live.” Slamming his hand against his chest, he took another step forward. “I should’ve ripped him all the way out of your damn stomach. Then I should’ve slit your fucking throat for all the shit you caused me!”

  At his words what little control I still possessed began to slip and the thread that was tethering me to sanity started to fray. This son of a bitch had tortured me for six years until I found the lady balls to fight back. Then, he held me down and raped me when I tried to leave. After that, he—with the help of my mother—hunted me down like a dog and tried to take my innocent baby away from me.

  Enough is enough. It’s time for this nightmare to end.

  “Your little boyfriend may throw me back in jail again, but I’ll be back, baby.” My chest fell and rose in rapid succession. “Mark my words, my little pet, when I come back, I’ll make you watch me cut our son’s heart out with the same knife that I used to mark your skin forever.” My grip on the gun tightened. “And then I’ll kill every person you love. Maddie, Hope, Clara”—he paused and licked his lower lip—“Anthony, Hendrix, your father, and that old bitch that you call Grandmama.”

  Hearing him threaten my family’s life was the final straw.

  It was evident that the son of a bitch had been stalking me.

  Knowing that he’d been watching not only me but my family caused my control to snap, and my sanity to disappear. Rage took over as the need to protect, to defend, to fucking survive rose in my chest. “I won’t let you hurt them.” I took a step forward. “I won’t let you touch them!” My finger hovered over the trigger. “I won’t let them become your victims too!”

  Damien smirked before running a blood covered hand down his face.

  “Turning me into a victim was enough.” Another step. “I swear on my life I won’t allow you to do it to them.”

  “Such brave words for such a scared little girl.” He leaned forward and spread his arms out at his sides, taunting me. “Tell me, Shelby Ray—how the fuck are you going to stop me?”

  The world around me stilled as determination set in. “I’m going to keep the promise that I made myself two years ago.” Damien waited for me to continue. “I’m going to kill you, Damien.”

  “Shelby!” Anthony screamed from somewhere close by. “Answer me!”

  I ignored Anthony.

  “You tried to destroy me. You tried to break me.” I smiled. “Well, guess what, Damien? I’ve got two words for you.” I paused. “You failed.”

  Infuriated, Damien roared as he stepped toward me.

  Unlike the other times, I didn’t back down. Nor did I retreat.

  Never again.

  “I’m done being your damned victim, Damien Black!” My head began to spin, but I forced myself to focus. “This. Ends. Now!”

  With a yell loud enough to wake the dead, Damien lunged for me. It didn’t matter though. He wouldn’t ever get near me again.

  Steadying my arms, I aimed the gun.

  Exhaling, I pulled the trigger.


  Damon’s body jerked, but he didn’t fall.

  Re-adjusting my aim, I pulled the trigger again.


  His mouth went slack, his brows furrowed.

  It wasn’t enough.

  It wouldn’t be enough until his heart ceased beating forever.

  Another shot.


  Damien’s knees hit the ground as he began to struggle for breath.

  I took three steps forward.

  Blood trailed from his mouth; he began to pale.

  Bending at the waist, I wrapped my free hand in his hair and jerked his head back, forcing him to look into my eyes. “I was seventeen the first time you hit me”—I paused, letting my words sink in—“I was twenty-two when you raped me.” My voice calm was calm and soft. “Six months after that you tried to take my son from me.”

  A trickle of blood spilled over his lip before running down his chin and dropping to his chest. My shoulder was killing me, and my arms were shaking from holding the gun, but I wouldn’t back down.

  I will not lose. Never again.

  “Tonight you made the mistake of coming after us and pointing a gun at my best friend, sealing your fate.” I smiled. “Your biggest mistake was underestimating me.” Standing straight, I released his hair and raised the gun once more. “Burn in hell, Damien.”

  Three more pulls of the trigger.

  Pop, Pop, Pop!

  Damien’s eyes slid closed before he fell to the side, landing on the grass-covered ground with a thud. I bent over and pressed my fingers to the side of his neck, feeling for a pulse.

  He no longer had one.

  Relief washed over me, and I dropped the gun to the ground before falling to my knees. Suddenly weak, my body swayed from side to side. Head spinning, I tried to focus on my surroundings but the world around me distorted.

  “Shelby!” I turned my head to the sound of Anthony’s voice. I didn’t see him anywhere. “Maddie, show me where the hell she was!”

  “Down there,” Maddie screamed in return. “By the creek.”

  The sound of footsteps reached my ears. Someone was running toward me.

  Please let it be, Tony.

  Black bled into my field of vision. My body continued to sway, and I knew it would only be seconds before the darkness claimed me. Falling on my side, I looked in the direction Maddie had come from.

  The sound of twigs snapping continued. “Shelby, baby!”

  I opened my mouth to call his name, but the words wouldn’t come. My tongue was heavy, my mouth dry, my throat sore. Just as my eyes were about to slide closed, a tall figure emerged from the trees, running straight for me.

  I smiled as Tony’s handsome face came into view.

  Everything will be okay, I told myself. Anthony is here now.

  My saving grace is here.

  Sucking in a small breath, I closed my eyes, and let the blackness t
ake me.



  I was sitting on the end of my bed, holding Shelby in my lap.

  “I can’t believe it’s over,” she whispered, trembling in my arms. “I can’t believe he’s gone”—she paused—“or that I killed him.”

  Resting my chin on top of her head, I rubbed my hand up and down her back in long, smooth strokes. “Don’t you dare feel guilty, Shelby.”

  I slowly began to rock her.

  Back and forth.

  Back and forth.

  She shook her head. The movement was so slight, I barely noticed it. “I don’t feel guilty. If anything I feel relieved.” I opened my mouth to say something but snapped it closed when she kept speaking. “For the first time in eight years, I feel like I can finally breathe.” Tilting her head back, she looked up at me. “Are they going to arrest me?”

  I scowled. “Fuck no.” It was the truth. “It doesn’t matter who Damien’s daddy is, the evidence can’t be refuted. The DA already said he’s treating it as self-defense. You don’t have anything to worry about, beautiful.”

  After the police interviewed everyone that had been at Grandmama’s house—including Liam and Declan, who’d explained how Damien got his hands-on Lucca—the police weren’t going to do shit. I gritted my teeth just thinking about it.

  Apparently, the sick son of a bitch saw the boys playing in the kitchen alone through the patio door. Knowing that it was a once in a lifetime shot, he knocked on the door and told Liam that he was one of Hendrix’s friend. Liam, being an innocent six-year-old opened the door not realizing how dangerous it was. When Damien grabbed Lucca, he told Liam and Declan both that he would kill Lucca if they cried or told anyone.

  It’s why he had enough time to plant Lucca as bait and wait for Shelby to appear. The power going out had been a fluke. Damien had nothing to do with that.

  Shelby shivered against me so I tightened my hold on her. “What about his family? Will I have to fight them for custody? I don’t have any money. I can’t—”

  Wrapping my hand around her chin, I lifted her face to meet mine. “Baby, listen to me.” The tears filling her eyes nearly broke my heart. “Damien’s family might be rich, and they might be powerful, but above all else, they’re political. They’re going to try and distance themselves from you as much as possible. I would bet everything I own that you won’t ever hear from those people.” Relief washed over her features. “In fact, I bet they’ll take steps to keep you from coming after them… financially so to speak.”

  Shelby rolled her eyes. “Pffft... I don’t want their money. I just want them to forget Lucca, and I exist.”

  “I think that’s probably what will happen,” I replied, honestly.

  “What now?”

  I smile before pressing a kiss to the tip of her nose. “Now, we move on.”

  My woman ran the tip of a finger down the side of my face. “Just like that?”

  I nodded. “Just like that.” Standing up, I moved Shelby to the other side of the bed. Pulling back the blanket, I laid her down before climbing in beside her. “Listen to me, sunshine. From this moment forward, I don’t ever want to hear another word about your mom, about Damien, about what happened in the past… none of it. It’s over, it’s done, and we’re not going to give them another second of power over us. Got it?”

  Shelby hesitated.

  Then, “I’ve got it.” She licked her lower lip and turned on her side to face me fully. “From this moment on, they don’t exist.”

  Good girl.

  “Exactly.” Wrapping my arm around her, I pulled her into me. “From this moment on, every breath you take will be free of their toxic bullshit, yeah?” Again, she nodded. “From this moment on, it’s just me, you, Lucca and your crazy family.”

  Snorting, Shelby playfully smacked my chest. “They’re not crazy.”

  I raised a brow. “Have you met Grandmama?” Shaking my head, I looked at her in disbelief. “Hell, after hearing about what happened at the Bachelorette party, I’m beginning to think Clara and Hope are loco too.”

  Tossing her head back, my girl laughed. Hard.

  It was one of the most beautiful sounds I’d ever heard.

  After a few seconds, her laughs quieted to giggles. “Will you take me to see Felix tomorrow?” She plucked at the collar of my shirt with her fingers. “I miss him and I know he misses us.”

  “Of course I will. I’ll take you to see him whenever you want.”

  Shelby’s eyes slid closed. “Can you go get Lucca out of his playpen? I want him to sleep with us tonight. I don’t like—”

  I pressed a finger to her lips, silencing her. “I’ll get him. Don’t you move. I don’t want you to mess up your side or your shoulder any more than you already have.”

  “Oh, please,” she mumbled, half asleep. “My side is just a superficial wound, and my shoulder is only bruised. Don't be a ninny, Tony.”

  Climbing out of bed, I stood next to her. “I don’t care, sunshine. You’re hurt; therefore you keep your happy ass in my bed, yeah?”

  “Whatever, Tony,” she hissed playfully. “Just go get my son.”

  I leaned over, kissing her one last time. “I’ll be right back. I’m going to get our son.”

  Without waiting for her to reply, I walked out of the room.



  It was Hendrix and Maddie’s wedding day.

  Standing outside of the small bridal suite tucked near the back exit of Kissler Baptist Church I lightly tapped on the pine door.

  Tap, tap, tap.

  “Who is it?” A nervous voice asked from the other side of the door.

  “It’s your sister,” I replied, smiling from ear to ear. I couldn’t believe that Maddie was moments away from marrying my big brother. I was so dang excited I could hardly contain it. “I’ve got all the girls plus one mean old biddy with me. Open up.”

  “Insolent little shit,” Grandmama mumbled from behind me.

  Wide-eyed, my head whipped around. “Grandmama,” I hissed. “You can’t curse in church. The roof may cave in on us.”

  Clara snorted from beside me. “If the roof didn’t cave in when Pop, Hendrix, Evan, and Anthony walked in an hour ago then I think we’re good. Lord knows those four have probably dropped at least a hundred f-bombs by now.”

  She was probably right. I cursed all the time but the men—especially Hendrix—cursed enough to make a sailor blush. “That’s the truth.”

  “It’s unlocked. Come on in, y’all.”

  With a giddy expression on my face, I twisted the knob and pushed the door open. At the sight of the bridal suite, my mouth fell open. “Holy crap,” Hope said, moving past me and into the room. Raising her hand, she pointed at the dozens of red roses that seemed to take up every inch of the place. “Where did all of these come from?”

  Maddie’s tear-filled eyes met mine. “Hendrix sent them.” Clasping her hands together, she visibly swallowed. “Though I know you had something to do with this, blondie.”

  I shrugged. “I plead the fifth.” Yes, I’d told Hendrix to buy her flowers. I’d even found the number for a local florist. I didn’t tell him to buy the entire dang store though. “The behemoth loves you, Maddie. Let the man buy you flowers.” Chest tightening, my face began to heat. “So”—I smiled at my best friend—“are you ready to get married?” Maddie’s chin wobbled, and my eyes burned with unshed tears in return. “Because I’m sure as heck ready to watch you walk down the aisle, sugar.”

  Tilting her head back, Maddie fanned her face with her hands and giggled. “Oh my God,” she whispered. “I’m getting married.”

  Yes, you are, sweet girl.

  “I’m marrying Hendrix.” Beside me, Grandmama blotted a hanky beneath her eyes. “I’m about to become Mrs. Hendrix Cole.”

  “Ah, crap,” Clara said before turning and covering her face with her hands. “I knew I should’ve skipped make-up. We haven’t even made it to the ceremony yet, an
d I’m already crying.”

  Snorting, I elbowed Hope. “Are you going to cry too?”

  Like Maddie, she visibly swallowed. “I’m on the verge.”

  Oh, good gravy!

  Clapping my hands together, I pulled everyone’s attention to me. “Alright, y’all. Before we all turn into blubbering messes, we need to get the bride ready.” I pointed at Clara. “You ready?”

  Blowing out a breath, she nodded. “Sit your butt in that chair over there, Madelyn Grace.”

  Maddie’s face paled. “Why? What are y’all planning to do to me?”

  Reaching into the black bag that hung from her shoulder, Clara pulled out a huge curling iron followed by a gigantic can of hairspray. “We’re about to fancy you up, beautiful girl.”

  “No make-up,” Maddie replied, pointing her finger at each of us. “You know Hendrix doesn’t—”

  I raised my hand and cut her off mid-sentence. “I don’t give a poot what my big brother likes.” Maddie’s eyes narrowed. “We aren’t putting a stitch of make-up on you because you don’t need it.” Closing the space between us, I placed my hands on her shoulders and turned her around to look in the mirror. “Do you see how beautiful you are?” Scrunching up my nose, I stuck my tongue out at her, making her laugh. “You’re perfect just the way you are, Maddie.” Dropping my hands, I took a step back. “Besides, it would be a dang crime to cover up your freckles.”

  Behind me, Clara agreed.

  Blowing out a breath, Maddie plopped down on the vanity chair. “Okay you three,” she said, waving her hand over her head. “Get to work.” She glanced at the clock on the wall and smiled. “We’ve only got an hour, and it’s gonna take me thirty damn minutes just to get in my dress.”

  Clara waved a hair brush in the hair. “Catch, blondie.” She tossed it, and I caught it in one hand. Next, she handed to curling iron to Hope. “Plug it up, Muffin.”

  Tools in hand, we all saddled up around Maddie and prepared to fix her up.


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