Every Breath You Take (Redeeming Love Book 2)

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Every Breath You Take (Redeeming Love Book 2) Page 37

by J. E. Parker

  I ran the brush through her long, silky chestnut hair once before I realized that Grandmama was uncharacteristically quiet. I glanced at the small sofa where she was sitting; her purse clutched tightly in her hands. “You alright, Grandmama?”

  Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath. “I’m fine, sweetheart. Just an emotional day.” I wanted to prod her and ask more questions, but something told me not to. So instead, I chose to remain silent.

  “Alright y’all. Let’s get to work.”

  Almost An Hour Later

  Maddie was the most beautiful bride I’d ever seen.

  Wearing her mother’s wedding dress that Grandmama had altered to fit her and her growing bump along with the veil that Grandmama had worn at her wedding, she looked like a princess straight out of a fairy tale.

  Seriously, I couldn’t stop staring at her.

  “You’re so beautiful, Maddie.” Tilting my head to the side, I smiled. “My big brother is going to lose his mind when he sees you.”

  Maddie chuckled. “That’s what I’m hoping for.” Looking at her reflection in the mirror, she turned to the side. “Gah, look at my belly. I look like Shamu the Whale.”

  I scoffed. “No you don’t, so hush.”

  She waved a dismissive hand in my direction before dropping it to her belly. Rubbing her palm over the burgeoning bump, she whispered, “Soon as your daddy puts his ring on my finger feel free to come out, sweet baby. I’m ready to meet you now.”

  I will not cry. I will not cry.

  Who the hell am I kidding? I’m totally going to cry!

  Dropping my head back, I stared at the ceiling in an attempt to keep my tears at bay. “I second that. I’m ready to meet my niece or nephew now.”

  Maddie’s head turned and her gaze met mine. “You still think it’s a girl?”

  I nodded. “I do.”

  “Well”—Maddie’s mouth quirked up into a smile—“I guess we’ll see.”


  Someone knocked on the door, cutting me off. “Keith if that’s you come on in. We’re ready.” Clara, Hope, and Grandmama were already seated in the chapel. It was just Maddie, and I left in the dressing room. When the door didn’t open, I huffed out a breath and marched over it. Twisting the knob, I pulled it open. “Lord, Keith, I told you just to open the—”

  The man standing before me wasn’t Keith.

  “Well, hey there, stud muffin. Fancy seeing you here.”

  Anthony’s gaze dipped and ran the length of me, taking in the emerald green maid of honor dress that I wore. I had no idea what kind of material it was made of, but it was slinky and hugged every one of my curves. Whether that was a good thing or not I wasn’t sure. Neither my boobs nor my butt was exactly small.

  “Jesus Christ,” he murmured under his breath. “You got a minute, sunshine?”

  “I’ve always got a minute for you.” Looking over my shoulder to Maddie, I said, “Be right back, sugar. Anthony needs me.”

  Biting back a smile, Maddie rolled her eyes. “Make it snappy; Daddy should be coming to get me any minute.”

  Stepping out of the room, I pulled the door shut behind me, and looked into Anthony’s eyes. “What is it?”

  Sliding one arm around my waist, he pulled my body flush against his. “Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?” Dipping his head, he gently touched his lips to mine. Swear to God, my heart almost melted. “I hate being here.”

  My body tensed. “What? Why?”

  “Because I’m jealous as fuck.” I raised my brows and waited for him to continue. “It should be me standing at the front of the church waiting on you to walk down the aisle.”

  Wrapping my arms around his neck, I softly played with his hair. “It will be, sugar.” Anthony’s beautiful grey eyes met mine. “Soon, Tony, you’re going to be the one standing at the front of the church sliding your ring onto my finger.”

  Without saying another word, Anthony wrapped a hand around the back of my neck and crashed his lips onto mine. The kiss wasn’t sweet nor was it gentle like the one minutes earlier had been. No, this kiss was intense, brutal, unyielding.

  Breaking away from him, I gasped for air. “Anthony Marcello Moretti!” I fussed. “We are in a church for heaven’s sake. You might as well look up toward heaven and beg God to smite us both.” He chuckled in response. “Don’t you laugh at me, Detective Moretti. I am not in the mood to be smote. Especially today. Now”—I paused and sucked in another breath—“if you don’t mind, I’ll be getting back to my official maid of honor duties.”

  Anthony licked his lips and ran his gaze over my body one last time. “Soon as the ceremony is over, I want you to find me.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You act like I’m going to run away or something.” I waved a dismissive hand at him. “Get your butt back in the chapel.” Looking down the hall, my eyes found Keith. “Here comes the man of the hour.” I felt giddy with excitement. “It’s time, it’s time, it’s time!” Holding my hands up in the air, I danced around in a complete circle.

  Again, Anthony chuckled at my shenanigans. Pulling me into his side, he kissed me on the cheek. “See you in a few minutes, sunshine.” Nuzzling his lips against my jaw, he kissed me one last time. “Love you, beautiful.”

  “Love you more, stud muffin. From now until forever.”

  Keith looked like he was going to faint.

  Standing at the entrance to the chapel, his left arm linked with Maddie’s right one, he honest to God looked like he was going to pass out. “Princess,” he said, talking to Maddie. “You look beautiful, honey. You look”—he paused and took a deep breath—“you look just like your mother.”

  Maddie beamed a megawatt smile at him. “Thanks, daddy.”

  I glanced over my shoulder at the two of them. “You two better knock it off. I’ve made it this dang far without shedding a single tear.” I eyeballed them both. “I’m not going to start bawling now.”

  I turned back around just in time for the music floating through the speakers to change. The wedding planner AKA Grandmama standing by the chapel’s door waved her hand in my direction. “You’re up, blondie.”

  Guess that’s my cue.

  “Go, Shelby,” Maddie hissed from behind me. “If you make me late for my wedding I swear—”

  Without wasting another second, I took the first step.

  Everyone’s eyes landed on me as I made my way down the aisle.

  “Ma-ma!” Lucca squealed happily as I passed by him and Anthony both.

  Holding a finger against my lip, I signaled for him to be quiet. Tossing his head back against Anthony’s chest he giggled before shaking his head no.

  Little turkey.

  Taking my place at the front of the church, I looked over at Hendrix. “Henny,” I whispered, getting my big brother’s attention.

  “What do you want, brat?” He quirked a grin. “I’m kind of busy at the moment.”


  “Just wait until you see your future wife.” I paused. “She’s beautiful.”

  His lips tilted heavenward. “She’s always beautiful.”

  “Yeah, well,” I continued to whisper. “She’s extra beautiful today.”

  Not even a second later, the music once again changed and the congregation stood. I watched in fascination as Hendrix’s back straightened and his eyes lit up.

  Here she comes.

  Tears filled my eyes when I caught sight of Keith escorting Maddie down the aisle. Across from me, I heard Hendrix mumble, “Fuck me,” under his breath. I couldn’t help but laugh.

  Maddie had only made it halfway down the aisle when Hendrix started towards her. “Wait!” I squeaked, chasing after him. “You’re supposed to wait for her at the altar, behemoth.”

  Hendrix ignored me, along with Keith’s protests, as he bent down and scooped Maddie up in his arms. Turning around, he carried her back to the altar. Once in place, he nodded at the preacher. “Let’s go, preach. I’ve been waiting for this moment since
I was eight years old. I’m not waiting another second.”

  My jaw almost hit the floor.

  Fricken caveman idiot!

  The entire congregation chuckled at Hendrix’s antics.

  Shaking my head, I took my place back at the front of the chapel. As I waited for the preacher to start, I glanced over at Anthony. His eyes were locked on me.

  Winking at him, I mouthed, we’re next.

  He nodded once before readjusting a fidgeting Lucca at his side. Then, he mouthed, you’re mine, sunshine, in return.

  My heart swelled so much it nearly burst.

  Blowing out a breath, I waited for the preacher to begin the ceremony.

  I didn’t have to wait long.

  Two seconds later, he stood tall, and said, “Today, we are gathered together to celebrate the very special love between Hendrix and Madelyn by joining them in marriage.”

  It’s about fricken time.

  Standing on the steps outside of the church, Hope looked at me like I was crazy. “I thought people threw rice at weddings?” She looked at the bag I’d given her. “This is bird seed, not rice.”

  Holding Lucca on my hip, I stood beside Anthony. “You’re not supposed to throw rice anymore. It’s bad for the birds.”

  Her brows furrowed. “So, people throw bird seed now? I mean, that just seems kinda… uh, crazy.” She tilted her head back and looked up at the sky. “Won’t that like… have a bunch of birds descend on us or something?”

  I shrugged. “I hope not.”

  She opened her mouth to say something else but snapped it shut when the heavy, wooden church doors swung open. Standing at the top of the steps, Grandmama stepped forward, and hollered, “I present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Hendrix David Cole.”

  When Hendrix and Maddie stepped out of the church and into the afternoon light, I raised my hands in the air and shouted my congratulations. Everyone else followed suit.

  Smiling, Hendrix lifted Maddie into his arms—because, duh—and started to carry her down the concrete steps to the limo that was waiting to take them to the reception. They were halfway down the steps when Maddie’s face suddenly dropped.

  Wide-eyed she looked over at me.

  Knowing something was wrong, I stepped forward, halting Hendrix in his tracks. “Maddie, what’s wrong.” She open and closed her mouth in rapid succession as she tried to think of the right words. “Sweetpea, talk to me. You’re scaring the hell out of me.”

  “Change of plans,” she said, wrapping her fingers in the material of Hendrix’s suit. “We aren’t going to the reception.”


  “What?” As usual, I was confused. “I don’t understand.”

  Taking a deep breath, Maddie looked from me to Hendrix. “We aren’t going to the reception because my water just broke.” All the air left my lungs in one mega swoosh. “Get me to the hospital, handsome—now!”

  Without uttering a single word, Hendrix moved his ass.

  Grandmama stomped down the steps. “Shelby!” She hollered. “What’s going on?”

  Gesturing for Anthony to follow me, I replied, “It’s baby day, Old Biddy.” I paused as I shifted Lucca to my other hip. “Maddie’s water just broke.”

  At my words, everyone hustled towards the parking lot.

  It’s show time.



  “I can’t do this,” Maddie screamed, shaking her head back and forth. “It’s too much. I’m too tired.”

  Running a cold, damp rag over her face and neck, I tried my best to reassure her. “Maddie, listen to me. You can do this.” Running the cloth down her neck and over her chest, I continued, “your body is built for this. Trust me, sugar, you’ve got this.”

  “Says the woman who had a C-section!” She snapped, clearly irritated with my pep talk.

  Narrowing my eyes, I hissed, “Only after thirty-four hours of labor. Lucca weighed over ten pounds for Christ’s sake!” Maddie never got snippy with me but she sure as heck had been for the last four hours. Not that I blamed her. I mean, she was in labor, trying to push a baby out. Not to mention, she’d also forgone pain meds because she wanted to experience birth naturally.

  Yeah, okay. And people say I’m crazy. Righttttt.

  If it were me in labor again, I’d be all like, “Give me the epidural now!”

  “Okay, Ms. Davis—” The doctor began before being rudely interrupted.

  The behemoth has absolutely no manners.

  “Cole,” Hendrix barked from the other side of the bed where he stood. “It’s Mrs. Cole.”

  The doctor looked at me before glancing back to Maddie. “Okay, Mrs. Cole,” he said, emphasizing her new last name. “On the next contraction, I want you to bear down and give me everything you’ve got. The baby is crowning. We just need—”

  Maddie screamed as another contraction hit her. Holding her hand in mine, I helped pull her left leg up and toward her chest. Hendrix did the same on her other side. “Come on, pretty girl… push baby.”

  Gritting her teeth, Maddie closed her eyes and pushed until her face, upper arms, and entire chest were blood red. “Remember to breathe, sugar. The last thing we need is for you to pass out.” She dug her nails into my hand, and I had to bite my bottom lip to keep from screaming right along with her.

  I was going to kill Clara for suggesting pre-wedding manicures. Maddie’s damn acrylics were like talons as they dug into my skin!

  The contraction ebbed, and Maddie dropped her head back to the pillow as she sucked in handfuls of air. “Swear to God, Hendrix,” she huffed, “if your dick gets anywhere near me ever again I’m going to have your sister cut it off.”

  Hendrix shuddered, and I smirked.

  “Another contraction. Push Mrs. Cole!”

  Pressing her chin against her chest, Maddie gave it everything she had. “Come on, sugar!” I cheered. “We’re almost there.”

  “Head is out,” the doctor said. “Give me one more big push, Maddie.”

  More screaming. More pushing.

  Hendrix slid a hand into Maddie’s hair and turned her face to meet his. “You can do this, pretty girl. Push for me!”

  With a quick nod, Maddie pushed again. She squeezed my hand so hard I could’ve sworn she was going to crush my bones into a pile of heaping dust. I wouldn’t have cared if she did. It would’ve been worth it.

  Almost there!

  Eyes wide, Maddie released a long, blood-curdling scream before allowing her entire body to go lax. A look of relief washed over her face.

  “Baby is out!”

  Blinded by tears, I ducked my head and held onto Maddie’s shaking hand.

  After taking a deep breath, I looked up to see the doctor holding the baby in his lap as he worked to clear the sweet little peanut’s airway. I couldn’t tell if the baby was a boy or girl. All I saw was a headful of black hair.

  Just like Hendrix and Lucca.

  Seconds later, a shrill cry ripped through the air. Then, “Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Cole. You have a beautiful—and from the sound of those lungs—healthy baby girl.”

  A girl…

  Hendrix and Maddie had a daughter, and I, in turn, had a niece.

  Oh. My. God!

  The doctor stood with my niece in his arms before lying her on Maddie’s chest. Sob after sob wracked Maddie’s body as she placed both of her hands on her newborn baby’s back. “Hendrix,” she cried, looking up at her husband. “She’s a g-girl.” Struggling to speak through the tears, she stuttered every other word. “We h-have a b-baby girl.”

  My eyes bounced to Hendrix.

  Seeing Maddie cry was one thing.

  Seeing Hendrix cry? Whole different ballgame.

  “I know, pretty girl,” he said as he leaned over and pressed a kiss to her head, followed by the baby’s Tears streamed down his face and his entire body trembled as he stared down at the two girls—one big and one little—who were his entire world. “And she’s beautiful just like you.”

With my own tears falling down my cheeks, I ran my finger down the baby’s spine. “What’s her name?”

  Maddie looked up at me with so much love in her eyes it was almost paralyzing. Never in my life had I seen someone filled with so much happiness and light. “Melody,” she whispered. “Her name is Melody Ray.”

  Melody Ray.

  My entire body went still as my heart pounded against my ribcage. “Maddie…” There were no words for what I felt at that moment. Absolutely. No. Words. “M-my name?” It was my turn to become a stuttering fool. “You’re naming her after m-me?”

  Melody was Maddie’s late mother’s name, but Ray was all me.

  Standing tall, Hendrix reached across the bed and ran a knuckle down the side of my face. “We wanted her to have a strong name.” My big brother smiled. “And there isn’t a woman on this earth who’s stronger than you, Shelby Ray Mason.”

  Fanning my face, I blew out a breath. “Y’all are trying to kill me, aren’t you? Like, y’all are seriously trying to give me a heart attack, a stroke, something.” Still wearing my emerald green maid of honor dress, I held onto the hospital bed rail with a white-knuckled grip as my legs shook beneath me. “You can’t just spring this type of stuff on me. You know I need time to prepare. I need time to—”

  Big, strong arms suddenly engulfed me and my feet left the floor. I squealed in shock. “Hendrix Cole! Don’t you have a daughter to hold? You put me down right this gosh dang minute!”

  “Shut up, brat. I’ve got a baby sister to hold too. I’ve missed out on too many years with you,” he growled, pressing a kiss to my cheek. Hugging me tight, he spun me around in a circle. “Despite your smart mouth and prissy attitude, you’re the best little sister I could’ve ever asked for.” Leaning my face on top of his shoulder, I continued to cry like a baby.

  At that point, I’m sure I had snot running down my face.

  I doubt it was a pretty sight.

  “Thank you for saving her, Shelby. Thank you for saving me, for saving us.” Hendrix’s hot tears drenched my skin. “My sweet, baby sister, I owe you everything.”


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