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Deceptive Love: A Dark Mafia Duet (Mackenzie & Volkolv Book 1)

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by Elizabeth Knox

  “I thought I’d need to have hours of foreplay to prepare you for my cock, but I don’t think so,” he whispers in a sultry tone. Valentin’s hands slide under my ass and he lifts me up, tossing me on the bed. “Keep your legs open for me, Sofia,” he orders out, and I listen. I lean back with my legs open, nervous as he inches toward my body. Valentin brings his thumb over my clit and repeatedly rubs until I feel myself shaking and more wetness comes out of me. It isn’t a lot, but it’s a good bit.

  “You might think you’re not ready, but you are. I’m going to take your cunt now. You’re a Volkolv already even if you don’t have my name, Sofia. I’m going to cum inside this sweet pussy of yours and mark you as mine.” Valentin lines the head of his monstrous cock up with my entrance and slides his way in, inching bit by bit. He goes in and out, until I feel a pop and burn with pain. He lifts my right leg up and holds it against his shoulder, quickening his speed.

  “Fuck, your virgin cunt is tighter than I imagined.” He flutters his thumb over my clit and taunts me even more, causing a fire to boil up inside me and explode out of nowhere. “Da, yes my Sofia, cum over my cock.” Valentin lifts my other leg up, holds onto them with his hands and rams his cock into me time and time again until he comes to a stop and is growling on top of me. The look in his eyes is ferocious, making me not want to say a thing.

  Valentin falls to the bed on top of me, slowly rolling his hips back and forth. We stay like this for ages, and suddenly I feel the urge to get some water. “I’m thirsty, do you want anything?” I ask.

  He shakes his head, “No, I’m good. I’ll get some after round two.”

  “Round two?”

  “Yes, you’re not getting away that easily, Sofia. I have plenty more in here for you.” He points to his large cock and I snicker.

  “Alright, I’ll be back in a few minutes,” I say, forcing him to allow me off the bed I go to the door, unlock it and walk towards the kitchen. When I get there I see I’m not alone. Natalia is staring right at me, cocking her brow.

  “Oh, I didn’t realize what sort of mess we made.” I feign, approaching the cabinet where the glassware is. I open the door, pick up a glass and go to the refrigerator for a fresh bottle of water to pour into the cup.

  “You are a little Mexican slut,” she hisses out.

  I set the glass on the counter and grab a knife from the butcher block in front of me, quickly turn around and shove it against her throat, backing her into the full wall of cabinets. “I will make this plain and simple for you, puta. I am going to be Sofia Volkolv and nothing you do will stop that. Valentin will be in my bed at the end of every day. I will be the one having his children and you will be the sad, pathetic woman who dotes over him praying you were the one in my shoes. But here’s the thing, you never will be, because you mean nothing to him. If you did, he’d be marrying you instead of me. Are we clear?” I seethe, pressing the blade into her throat a tiny bit.

  Natalia fails to answer so I wait until I feel I’ve given her an adequate amount of time to respond, bring the blade up and dig it into her face. She cries out, so I place a finger in front of my mouth. “Shh, Natalia. If you’re too loud I might accidentally cut you up even more.” I snicker, removing the blade from her face I toss it in the sink. “I’m pretty sure I’ve made myself clear. Don’t fuck with me, bitch. ‘Cause rest assured I’ll be the one who wins this war.”

  I take the glass back in my hand and head to Valentin. He said we’re not done, and so we’ll continue our festivities. It seems I killed two birds with one stone. Gosh, it’ll be easy to get some good sleep tonight.

  Chapter Nine

  “I often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day.”

  ~ Vincent Van Gogh


  Early this morning when I left the house I informed Natalia she could have the day off and to not come home until very late this evening. It’s important to me that the boys get used to Sofia being around them constantly, so I’ve left them with their soon to be stepmother for the day. Though, telling Natalia to go out wasn’t as easy as I’d hoped. She stood there with an awful cut on her face— making me wonder how she got it— and tried enticing me with her good looks throughout the entire conversation. She even asked me if I’d come to her bedroom tonight. I didn’t bother giving her an answer. The ground rules were laid out before Sofia came to Moscow. Once Sofia came into town everything we had been doing would stop.

  This was in no way, shape or form a surprise to her. Hell, I’ve been down the road of marrying a woman from the streets before. She ended up betraying me, showing that women outside of the crime families are not trustworthy in any fashion. I refuse to make that mistake again and luckily have a perfect partner in Sofia.

  She surprised me more than she knows last night, standing her ground about the Natalia issue and then urging me to her bedroom for a long night of extra-curricular activities.

  Today I’m over at my parents' house, visiting with my mother for a bit while I wait until after one in the afternoon to head to where my father is. According to him, we have another shipment of women coming in this evening and we’re transporting a separate container to the United States. All I have to do is drive him over to the property our family owns at the docks.

  “How do you like the girl?” my mother asks, lifting her eyes up from the magazine she’s reading.

  “I fancy her quite a bit,” I admit, not feeling the need to hold anything back.

  “She’s not Russian, so I do not like her. I liked Anastasia more. At least that one was Russian, even if she was a traitorous rat.” I roll my eyes at my mother’s words, not paying much attention to them. She’s extremely old fashioned, meaning she doesn’t give a damn about anything except the old traditions. Russians should marry Russians and Russian women should be pretty, give birth to many sons and keep their noses out of their husband’s business. Sofia checks all the boxes off, minus being Russian. However, I believe she will have a difficult time staying out of my business. Although, I’m up for the challenge.

  “Why do you even ask if you don’t care?” I question her.

  She huffs, “All you men care about is a good fuck. I suppose it doesn’t even matter to you as long as she keeps her legs open.”

  There aren’t many times when I will use my rank over my mother, but now is one of those times. Taking a step closer I slip my hands into the pocket of my trousers, “You’d better remember Sofia is about to be my wife, Mother. One day she will be the Queen of the Bratva and you will have to kneel before her.”

  Mother scoffs, rolling her eyes in the process. “I will never kneel in front of a Mexican girl. You should be marrying a Russian! God, how I wish Anastasia were here!” she screams, rising from her luxurious armchair.

  I can’t believe the audacity she has to wish my betrayer of a wife was still here, but fuck does it infuriate me. “Placing the order to have her executed was the best decision I ever made. Anastasia was tearing our entire empire apart, bit by bit. What would you have done when we were all in prison, Mother? Would you be giving Anastasia praise then as well?”

  “At least you would have been following our family rules. I am disgusted by your father breaking them in this way. We had another Russian option for you but he chose the Mexican instead. You will never understand how this makes me feel.” She’s a disgusting, incorrigible woman.

  I nod, “Yeah, you’re right about that. I will never understand how you feel,” I hiss out, heading for the front door. Fuck this shit, I don’t need my mother to treat Sofia this way and I’ll be damned if Sofia ever has to spend a moment in her presence. I need to ensure my mother and Sofia never meet, and I already have a great way to do that.

  Within twenty minutes I’m out of my car and walking up to the private gate that my father, myself and a few other of our most trusted associates can only gain entry to. A good percentage of the docks we own conduct legitimate business. However, we have a separate one for the
things we don’t want everyone else to know about. Our security level is good regardless of which part of the property you’re on, but on this side it’s like you’re on Alcatraz.

  I spot my father from the distance smoking a cigar while he speaks to a couple of our men. His trench coat comes down to his mid-calf. Honestly, right now he looks like a New Yorker instead of a Russian.

  “Afternoon, Valentin.” They both greet me with a nod. “We were both about to leave. Nice to see you.”

  “Likewise,” I say to them as they walk off in the opposite direction.

  “How was your visit with the deranged woman you call mother?” my father asks.

  For a moment I think about lying, but I simply can’t do that. No matter what we’re always going to have issues with her when it comes to Sofia. Here and now I’m putting my foot down. “It’s funny you bring it up. I think she’s losing her mind and it’s time we get her committed into an asylum. For her own safety, of course.”

  My father arches an eyebrow, “I can’t tell if you’re serious or joking.”

  Shaking my head, “When do I joke these days? Put the woman in an asylum or I will.”

  “Fuck, I thought you’d hate it if I did. The only reason she hasn’t been in one is because of you. What did she do to change your mind?” he asks.

  Sucking in a breath, I wish things were different but sadly they never will be. “She has an issue with Sofia. That will never fly. If my own mother doesn’t show respect to the future Queen of the Bratva, how will anyone else?”

  My father nods, “Now you’re starting to think like a leader. Excellent decision. I’ll make sure she’s taken care of quietly.”

  “Thank you. Now you said something came up and I needed to come down here,” I state.

  My father motions for me to follow him with his hand. I stand behind him and head in the direction of one of the warehouses. While we’re walking he speaks, “Yes, I did. The boys were out earlier and spotted those two fuckers picking up product again. I have them chained up back here. I haven’t decided what I’ll do with them yet, but we can figure that out later. I need your help figuring out which dock in the States to send this shipment to. It’s . . . riskier than the others for multiple reasons.”

  We arrive inside the warehouse and I can’t help but notice how my father’s tone shifted a few moments ago. Internally, my red flags are up. We go into the office and I look at the schedules for our containers. “The easiest would probably be Miami. We have a ship heading out in a few hours so I’d say to load it up on that one. But I’m intrigued. Why are you so worried about this shipment? The girls aren’t usually too vocal.” It’s because my father fucking drugs them. Sick bastard.

  He sucks in a breath, “Because the bastards didn’t just take women this time. I made do and found a buyer for the oddball.”

  “You still haven’t answered my question,” I state, glancing down at the paper I grab the number of the shipping container and leave the office. Since my father doesn’t want to tell me, I’ll just figure it out myself.

  I head down two rows and there the container is with the usual wire fence around it. The fence keeps the women who may be awake from fighting their way out. Only, much to my surprise I see a child behind the fence. The little boy is small, probably between Aleksei and Aleksandr’s age.

  “Hello,” I say to him, wondering if he’ll speak.

  “Where is my mom? She gave me away to those men,” He points across the way and I turn back, seeing the two men my father was speaking about. “I want to go home.”

  Jesus Christ. A fucking child. What the fuck is my father thinking?!

  “I’m sure you do. What is your name?” I ask him.

  He looks up to me and then those men in the back before answering, “Dmitri.”

  “What a strong name,” I tell him, but instead of acting like a normal child he rolls his eyes as if he is a rebellious teenager.

  “I want to go home,” he repeats.

  “Dmitri, I won’t lie to you. You aren’t going home because you don’t have a home anymore. But I can tell you life gets better after this trip. You just have to make it day by day.”


  I nod, “Yes. The women here will be kind to you, but you must always stay strong. Okay?”

  “Okay,” he mutters, walking away from me.

  I charge my way back to the office and kick open the door. “What in the fuck is wrong with you?! There is a child in that container! A child who could be one of your grandchildren’s ages,” I scream, watching as his eyes widen. Something isn’t right. There’s something about this kid.

  “These idiots were going to sell him on the streets and let him starve just to get high. He would’ve been dead by nightfall with no place to sleep, no food to eat and most likely die alone. I found a man who wanted to adopt a Russian boy, off the record, of course. You should be thanking me for doing a dutiful act, not berating me for saving this child’s life. I could’ve let him slowly rot on the streets.”

  “Make sure the bastards die slow,” I hiss out, exiting the office and head toward where my car is parked. There is nothing I can do for Dmitri, but at least I can sleep knowing he’s been adopted by a man in America. My hope is the boy will have a better life. Yet, my intuition is telling me there is something more to the story.

  Fuck it. I’ll never really know anyway.

  Chapter Ten

  You stole so much from me that night, but my voice was not one of those things



  I’ve officially become one of those girls I used to hate. You know, the ones you’d see walking arm in arm with their boyfriend down the street with that sickening look of love in their eye. I’m that woman, walking hand in hand with her fiancé while two little boys run ten feet ahead of us while we walk down the street.

  The only thing that sets me apart is the newly added security detail we have. Valentin hired two men named Dominik and Mischa to watch over the boys and I when he’s not around. Although whenever we go out these two are hot on our heels, surveying for threats, protecting my newfound family.

  Valentin refuses to tell me about what’s going on, but I can tell the stakes are high right now. He’s constantly stressed and over the last month he seems to be losing grip a bit. Back in Mexico I saw my father in situations like this. Usually when he was dealing with dire situations. I won’t poke my head into his private business; however, I do express my concern from time to time. For the last month things have been getting increasingly worse. I keep my focus on the boys, trying to make sure they’re having a grand time since I fired Natalia.

  She snuck into Valentin’s office two weeks ago and tried to fuck him. He was honest and told me it happened. I lost my shit right then and there, marched across the penthouse to where she was with a pair of scissors and went after her. I took the blades to her throat at first but ultimately decided to give her a botched haircut as payback. That woman believed her beauty was above all else so I made her a little ugly. I screamed and told her to get out of the house which she did. But the worst part was her smiling as she left the penthouse. It’s like she had something up her sleeve and boy did that make me sick.

  Valentin’s hands are sweaty and I glance up at him while the city lights illuminate the dark streets for us. “Valentin, are you alright?” I ask, stopping where we stand. I turn my head quickly to the boys, “Aleks, ‘Leksei, stop for a minute okay?” The boys immediately stop and act silly amongst each other for the moment.

  “I’m fine, Sofia. Just stressed. There’s a lot of threats being made against the family right now. It’s why I hired Dominick and Mischa to watch over the three of you. A teenage street thug named Sergei has promised to rein hell down on our family. On top of that, the Greek mafia has been at our throats. I feel like it’s only a matter of time until something truly horrific happens.”

  “So, what are you suggesting?” I ask, knowing he has to have some sort o
f plan. Valentin is a smart man. Plus, he wouldn’t be saying any of this unless he knew what we were going to do.

  “My best friend is Desmond Mackenzie. He’s the head of the Irish Mafia after his mother and father’s tragic accident earlier last year. I’ve asked him if you and the boys could stay with him on his family estate outside of Dublin while I try to handle things in the way I need to. Having you all so close has been making me fearful for acting in a . . . brutal manner. All I can think about is the payback you three might catch. I simply can’t risk it. Not until I know you’re safe. Now I know you don’t want to be away from me, but please will you do this for me? I promise it won’t be for long. Maybe a couple of months at best.”

  I put my eyes back on the two little boys who are smiling, playing a little hand game on the streets and know in my heart there isn’t any choice. It’s a given what I must do. I have to go to Ireland. It’s the only way to protect my family. Instead of answering I simply nod at Valentin.

  “Thank you, my love. I hope you know you’re the light of my life. Losing you or the boys would ruin me. I’m afraid of the type of man I’d become if I lost one of you.”

  I press my lips against the corner of Valentin’s lips. “Well, you won’t ever have to worry because we’ll be okay.”

  For the first time in a few days, Valentin smiles like he means it. “How about we send Mischa to watch over the boys tonight while you and I get some alone time before you all leave?”

  “That’s a splendid idea,” I say, thinking about the nefarious ways he’ll make love to me.

  Everything was going great until it wasn’t. Valentin and I had just made nasty, filthy love to one another for the second time of the night and he went into the bathroom. He’s been spending a lot of time in the bathroom over the last week and I haven’t figured out why. I didn’t think anything of it at first, but when he spends more time than me in there I have cause to be concerned. So, I slipped on my silk robe and opened the bathroom door to find Valentin snorting some white powder up with a folded up Russian ruble.


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