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Helena's Demon

Page 2

by Charisma Knight

  His baritone should have struck fear into her, but it only intensified her desire for him. The mingling of fear and lust was erotic in itself. Female family members who had struck sexual bargains with their demons had said the pleasure was more than one could handle.

  Helena’s teeth chattered, and she was close to backing out, until her aunt’s face flashed in her mind. Closing her eyes, she extended her hand. Before she knew it, the dagger pierced her palm. She dipped the pen in blood and signed her name once again.

  “There.” Cyn smiled. “The business aspect of this bargain is now complete.” He studied her palm. “Love, let me lick your wound, just as I did a year ago.”

  The pain was brief. When she opened her eyes, her soon-to-be demon lover was gently licking her wound. Exhilarating bolts of pleasure coursed through her body, centering in on her clit.

  “Cyn…I.” She watched as he glared at her with intense, gold eyes. She began to gyrate in her chair as cream flooded her panties. Licking her lips, she released a moan. “I…” She couldn’t think because the pleasure was beyond exquisite. The impending orgasm made her moan as the demon wrapped his long tongue around her finger.

  Gently he engulfed the digit and she exploded. “Unh!” Her nipples painfully pushed against her bra at the intolerable, skull-shattering pleasure. Her body shook as she stifled a cry, but it was no use. He certainly knew how to utilize that long, rough organ of his. Images of him licking her everywhere flashed through her mind as heat rose in her cheeks. She wanted to beg him to bend her over the desk and take her now.

  Without warning, and much to her disappointment, he released her hand. With a blatant smile, he rose and casually walked around the desk and over toward her. She stood up to meet him, wondering if he had somehow suddenly grown. The man towered above her so much, it was almost intimidating. He had to have been at least six and a half feet tall.

  “If there is anything you need, I am fully staffed. Everything is at your fingertips.” He motioned her toward the large wooden double doors. “You can’t see my servants, but they are here. You are no guest here,” he assured her. “You are to remain with me for the rest of your days. You can never leave.”

  She cringed as he dropped the final bomb on her. “What are you saying to me, Cyn?” Her eyes narrowed in anger. “I can never return to my home? That’s not what the contract stated and you know it! Now, I agreed to stay here, since I have no choice in the matter, but—”

  “My dear, I now own you.” His eyes began to glow, and she could see he was becoming aggravated. “Why would you want to leave, anyway? After experiencing pleasure at my hands, you’ll never want to leave me. You are mine to do with as I please. Don’t ever forget that.”

  “I don’t belong to you, or any other man—demon—for that matter.” She folded her arms and shifted her weight to her other foot. “You’re a liar, Cyn. The contract never stated that I live here for the rest of my life, and you know it. I’ll stay for a little while, but after that, I’m going back home.”

  “Oh? You think?” The demon grinned. “Perhaps you need new glasses. The contract stated you will stay as long as I want you to. I prefer that you never leave. Your mind wasn’t on the task at hand.” He let out a cocky laugh as he turned on his heel and strode toward the large doors. Immediately they opened. “You’re wasting my time, Helena. Now, this way. I’ll show you to my chambers.”

  “Your chambers? I can’t even have a room of my own? At least, when we’re not…coupling?”

  He looked at her smugly. “No.”

  That one little word made her want to slap the taste out of his mouth. She stormed up to him and stood on the tips of her toes, poking him with her index finger. “I change my mind. You can’t do this to me! I’m calling the whole thing off!”

  “I love the fire in you. Careful, or else I’ll bend you over the desk now and have my way with you!” Cyn’s eyes narrowed, and for a brief instant, she caught flames dancing within them.

  “The deal is off!”

  “You dare renege on our bargain?” He clucked his tongue and shook his head coolly as his dark hair brushed the black suit he sported. “Helena, Helena, Helena…what shall I do with you?” His words ended and he grinned. She didn’t need to be psychic to know what he was thinking at the moment.

  He placed a large hand against her cheek and stroked it. She winced at the sensation on her tender skin. It felt like his palm was burning an imprint on her flesh. Anger riddled her insides, and she pushed his hand away.

  “Get off me, you beast!”

  “You are as beautiful as you are defiant,” he stated in his usual calm manner. “I was hoping things would not come to this.” He slipped a finger beneath her chin. “As far as being a beast,” he intoned, “I suspect we are one in the same.”

  “Come to what?” she huffed before pushing his hand away again. “I’ve done everything you wanted me to. Why did you have to lie to me? Unlike you, I am no beast, I can assure you!”

  He smiled. “I am a demon. What did you expect? I suspect there is more to your heritage than you know.”

  “Bastard!” She pushed him hard, but he didn’t budge.

  Cyn yawned and flashed another quick smile. “You should be restrained for your actions.” Before she could say anything, he’d bent down and tossed her over his large shoulder. He strode out the double doors and out into the large hall that could fit at least several single-family homes in it.

  The floors were black marble with gold-and-white streaks running through them. She could see her reflection in the beautiful floor, and she almost became mesmerized. Perhaps this was Cyn’s way of soothing her ruffled feathers. He always had a trick or two up his sleeve.

  The gold flecks appeared to swirl and grow larger for some reason. Had he slipped her something in her drink, too?

  “Cyn! Put me down now! I demand it!”

  Chapter Two

  Cyn’s eyes narrowed as he strolled casually up the staircase. The woman was starting to tear down his defenses. He wanted her beneath him. He just had to have her, but he sought to strengthen his patience, not that he was all that patient to begin with. He craved her touch and desired her as much as he hoped she desired him. His cock had become hard as steel as soon as he tossed her five-foot-ten-inch frame over his shoulder. The soft press from her voluptuous body ignited his lust further.

  Last year, she’d worn her long hair in beautiful auburn curls pinned on top of her head. This year, Helena’s straight hair cascaded down her back. Her sienna complexion was flawless and felt like spun silk to the touch.

  Her large brown eyes gave her an innocent, yet exotic, appearance. Helena’s features were strong and majestic. Prominent cheekbones graced her oblong face, proudly boasting her partial Native American heritage. He ached as he pictured her sweet, full lips wrapped around his cock. He released a growl at the thought of his seed covering her beautiful face.

  “Put me down, Cyn!” She continued to kick and scream.

  She’d just interrupted one hell of a vision. “Please. Don’t make me punish you.” He smiled again. He loved toying with her. Helena ignored him and kicked harder. Apparently the little wench enjoyed toying with him, too. They were definitely a match made in Hell. Without further warning, his large hand connected with her soft bottom. “Next time I won’t be so gentle,” he warned her. “You’re really starting to test my patience, Helena.”

  He smiled gently as she whimpered her rebuttal. That was more like it. Well, at least she wasn’t squirming around and kicking anymore. Little did she know how close he was to ripping her clothes off and taking her here and now. He fought the urge hard. He’d been patient all this time, what was another few minutes or so?

  “I hate you,” she said quietly. “I really hate you, Cyn.”

  Her words cut through him like a dagger, and his heart sank, though he didn’t know why. He was simply there to claim her for his mate.

  “Hate is not a good word.” He had to warn her. Delvi
ng into deep, negative emotions wasn’t good for people in her family. They came with dark consequences. He cared for her, as much as a demon could care for anything. The thought of losing her caused his blood to boil.

  He thought of her aunt, who was now sleeping peacefully over in the west wing. Surely Mimi had filled her in on the darkest consequences of the Pearsall family curse. It was believed that Mimi’s demon had waited centuries to steal Helena’s soul. He shook his head in disbelief at the pact her distant relative, Silas, had struck with Mimi’s demon, Barius. Helena was in grave danger.

  Cyn strode down the winding, dark hallways of his mansion and inhaled deeply. Whether she knew it or not, she was aroused. He inhaled once again and felt his cock throb. He wanted to taste her. Just one little taste was all he needed—for now. He groaned because he knew he’d lose himself to this woman. He’d seek the answers he needed now and play later.

  Impatiently, he summoned the double doors to her room open and dropped Helena to her feet. He needed to get away from her, or he’d ravish her on the spot, but the little vixen wouldn’t let him leave so easily.

  She tugged at his arm. “Where do you think you’re going?” Anger blazed in her chocolate eyes, and red flushed her honey-bronzed face. “You’re not leaving me here like this.”

  He turned and looked at her. “Oh? I think you forget who’s in charge here. I don’t have time for your shenanigans. Now let me go, I’ve business to attend.” He needed to talk to Mimi; surely she could tell him the few tidbits of knowledge he sought.

  “Cyn, I trusted you, and you lied to me!” She gripped his muscled arm. “This isn’t supposed to be happening. Please…I don’t think I can do this,” she retorted. “Please, let me out of this bargain.”

  He growled deep in his throat as he broke free of Helena’s grasp. “Woman, you’re becoming more trouble than you’re worth. How dare you touch me in such a manner? You didn’t pay attention to the contract. I’m not responsible for that.” Actually, he loved her touch, although she was quite pissed at him.

  “I swear to you, I’ll find a way out of this bargain.”

  Cyn laughed at the threat. “And how do you propose to do that when you couldn’t even find a solution to your money problems! Get a grip, woman.”

  “Don’t underestimate me!” she warned. “I know things. I’ll…”

  In an instant, he grabbed her and flung her to the bed on her stomach. His fingers wove their way into her dark tresses and pulled. His cock became rock hard again as he placed a thick leg in between her thighs. He could feel her heat against him and it burned him.

  She struggled, but he pulled her hair to show who was in charge. When her actions ceased, he mentally heaved her dress up around her waist, baring her ass to his view.

  He grunted his disapproval of the red lace underwear she wore. They were beautiful and he loved the color, but she had defied his orders.

  “I thought I ordered you not to wear any underwear?” he said with a growl before delivering a blow to her ass. In anger, he snatched the delicate material from her body. It caught fire in his hands and burned to ash before it hit the ground.

  “Let me go,” she whispered, rotating her hips against the bed. “Oooh.” She moaned deeply as he dipped a finger between her drenched folds. Who the hell did she think she was fooling? She was just as turned on as he was.

  He shook his head. He’d become drunk with her scent. The little vixen was bewitching him with her actions. With a groan he began to deliver long, powerful blows to her rear until her cheeks glowed a dark red. With every blow, she screamed out loud, begging him to stop. Her feminine scent infiltrated his nostrils, and the sight of her grinding her cunt against the bed set his body on fire.

  “Cyn. Please,” she begged between sobs. He pulled her hair tight, eliciting another groan from her. He smiled at the sight before him and began to soothe her ass cheeks. Now he was in control once again.

  He released her and stood up, and Helena scooted off the bed and faced him.

  “You’re an asshole,” she said. “I will get you back for everything you’ve done to me.”

  He could see tears filling her eyes, and if it weren’t for her threat, he would have regretted losing his temper with her, even though she deserved it. She still sought to vex his temper, and he needed to put a stop to it now.

  He growled as he pressed a shocked Helena hard against the wall. “I’m tired of your threats.” He grasped her chin as he brought his face down to hers. “You are in no position to demand anything of me. You know nothing. If you did, you wouldn’t be in this position.”

  “Let me go—”

  “Be quiet and listen to me, you foolish woman.” Now he was starting to lose his patience. Helena had a good heart, but she was also stubborn to the core. One day that stubbornness would get her killed, or worse, if she didn’t listen to him now. “You have no idea what you’re about to face. I’m locking you in here for your own good and will release you once you’ve calmed the fuck down. This is not open for discussion. One more outburst from you, and I’ll find something to occupy that mouth of yours. Do I make myself clear?” He felt himself slipping as bad thoughts entered his mind. The thought of binding her and placing her in a swing while he fucked her hard shifted through his mind. Yeah, that would be one of the first things he’d try out on her. Hopefully she wouldn’t bow beneath him, because he had no intention of taking it easy on her. He’d take her and show her who was boss; he swore it.

  Helena nodded as her eyes widened. Apparently she’d caught a glimpse of his true form because when he released her chin, she just stood there trembling like she’d seen a ghost. Good; it served her right. She pissed him off.

  “Now. I’m leaving.” He turned away and walked toward the door, but thoughts not his own crossed his mind. Her thoughts escalated and she even hurled a few insults at him. Oh, he’d get her later for calling him a motherfucker. How dare she plot her escape when he hadn’t even left the room!

  He turned on his heel to face her. “You can never leave, not without my say-so.” As he spoke, he mentally placed boundaries around the room. Nothing could get in, and she couldn’t get out.

  “You’ll never leave because you’re magically bound to this room. I’m sorry, darling, but you’ve left me no other choice.” He grinned because the shocked expression on her face was priceless. Apparently she’d forgotten he could read her mind.

  “When are you coming back?” she asked as she stood with her back to the wall. She hadn’t moved an inch.

  “I’ll return once I’ve found out more answers.”

  She folded her arms and shot him an annoyed stare. “Answers about what?” she snapped.

  “Just wait here,” he bit out sharply. “If you and I are to exist under the same roof, you need to cool that temper of yours.”

  Helena plopped herself down on the large bed and scowled at him. She looked cute when she scowled.

  “Is there something other than our bargain I should be worrying about?”

  Her scowl turned into a mask of concern. Even a hint of fear lurked in her brown eyes. That sank his heart. “I’ll let you know when I find out.” With that, he exited the room, leaving a fuming Helena sitting on the bed.

  As he strode through the empty corridors of the gloomy mansion, Cyn wondered why Sorscha sought out a mere human for his mate. Not that he was complaining. The woman had a hold on him, and he knew it. The vixen would probably wrap him around her little finger. Apparently there was something his mother wasn’t telling him.

  Deep down, his instincts told him he should be prepared for what they all were about to face.

  Chapter Three

  When he left, Helena leaped off the bed and ran over to the door. She reached out for the doorknob, but her hand bounced off it. “Damn you, Cyn!” She cursed out loud. She couldn’t get her hand anywhere near the damn knob. A force field or something was around it. She tried several times in vain and sought other ways to gain her freedom. />
  She went over to the tall windows that were draped in blood-red velvet curtains. She smiled as she pulled the curtains back and peered outside. For as many miles as her eyes could see, there was nothing but rich, green land. Was this what Hell looked like? She rubbed her eyes at the paradise laid out in front of her.

  Desperate, she tried opening the window, but it wouldn’t budge. Frantically, she looked around the room. Yeah, the chair should do the trick. She rushed over and tried to pick the chair up, but it seemed to weigh more than she thought.

  Cursing, she glanced over at the large fireplace. Okay, so a poker would have to do. Relieved, she marched over to the window, pulled the curtains back, and pounded the poker against the glass. To her surprise, it only bounced off. She tried several more times, stifling her sobs.

  She threw her head back and cursed the demon some more. “Damn you!” She stomped her foot and tossed the poker to the ground. Windows that couldn’t break? Seriously? He sure as hell had thought of everything to keep her where he wanted her.

  Helena wouldn’t cry. She’d have to beat the demon at his own game. But how? He owned her now and that infuriated her. Why had she entered into this bargain? At the time, her gut had told her it was a good thing. Aunt Mimi would receive proper treatment, and all would be well. But now she wondered if she’d made a deadly mistake. She paced back and forth, trying to come up with a plan. Perhaps she could cast a spell? No, that wouldn’t work. Spells usually backfired in her family. She flopped onto the bed and examined her life. Where had she gone wrong? She’d spent most of her life wishing she hadn’t been born into the Pearsall line. Hell, she was doomed the moment she’d been brought into the world thirty years ago. All Pearsall women were.

  The family curse had existed for centuries from what previous family members told her. Women were never happy in money or love, although greed and lust ran through the line like a virus. No one could help themselves.


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