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Wolf's Kingdom_COBRA Coalition

Page 8

by Amber Ella Monroe

  "They can pledge loyalty all day. Anyone could lie to your face."

  "You asked me what I was doing and the correct term for that is demolition and reconstruction. Only those who prove true loyalty will be welcomed into the family, just like I do with my own Elites and Enforcers in our Pack. You very well know that I don't tolerate weak links. And as it seems, I've had humans who aren't even blood related to us show more honor and loyalty than the Zovics," I told him. "I restructured and Chancey wasn't included in the fold. Maybe that's why he felt the need to link up with them. Doesn't matter now. Dead men don't speak."

  "Yes, Tristan, but you have to understand that this feud goes a lot further back than we all care to admit. The Zovics have always made it clear that they feel superior to us. They are Other. We are true Arnou. We are wolves. We were meant to guard them and protect them always while they dealt with their adversaries and gained the trust of the Commission," my grandfather reminded me.

  "Times have changed. We're no longer what we were decades ago. We don't have to hide in secrecy. We're not slaves to the Others. We have control of our animal sides," I said, my frustration rolling through me. "They've been spewing the same bullshit for years, trying to talk us out of why we can't seize control of what is rightfully ours."

  "I understand your vision, but this plan of taking control and unifying our Pack can't be done in a short period of time. Not a year. Not even under a decade." He shook his head.

  "Our Pack is more unified than it has ever been before," I said.

  "That's because of you and Devin Caedmon. You did what those who came before you could not. You found peace. You made amends. You took down a mortal enemy. Not because you had to, but because you wanted to," he added.

  "Yes. Devin wasn't hard-headed like his father…or his grandfather for that matter."

  "And we're most certainly not a perfect family either," my grandfather added.

  "You're right. And if I hadn't moved to form that alliance with Devin, I never would've known that my mate existed." I smiled.

  My grandfather half-chuckled. "Fate isn't always unfair. If you complete your union, you won't just be a unified Pack, you'll be the Pack."

  "Mate. Pack. And Kingdom. That's all I've wanted," I said. "One thing you always taught me was patience. That the prize comes to those who've waited long enough. I've waited. What belongs to me is right in front of me. I'm taking it. If I wait any longer, the kingdom will crumble before I ever begin. The Pack will doubt my efforts of unity. My mate will further distance herself from me."

  "Of course, you'll have it," he whispered, short of breath now. "You're my grandson. You're Arnou. And I get it."

  "You always did," I said, quietly.

  "I invested my life's earnings into the network. I wasn't as bold as you were and I trusted Goran to his core. Had no idea he would turn his back on me. I put our Pack gold on the line for this business. My earnings have been reinvested twelve times over and put back into the business under Goran's leadership. It's unfortunate that Goran let it get to the point where we're no longer one of the strongest syndicates in the world."

  "We will be again," I stated. " I swore to you that I'd make the network whole again, but I'm not an advising type of man. I couldn't do that from my role of Capo," I told him. "Not under Goran, anyway."

  "No, Tristan. You're a leader. Through and through," he sighed. "But my fear is things will get worse before they get better. In the past, when our leaders have tried to control all aspects under one family, things didn't go over so well. That's why we had the Council when your father was Alpha, remember?"

  I nodded. "He controlled the Pack. You controlled the family's business after your father died. Da, I remember."

  "Even before…" He paused and pressed his eyes closed. "Even before my son's death, I knew we were at a crossroads and I thought we'd have to give up something. Goran was trying to push us out anyway. I was prepared to fold and go back to my Pack, withdraw our offer of protection from the network, and leave the family money on the table with the Zovics. But the day you stood up at that conference room table and said what you did solidified it for me—you wouldn't let our legacy die. And that wasn't all. Somehow you had gained the support of Vinny and that scared Goran half to death. He was afraid of Vinny anyway. Of what he was capable of."

  "Da. I remember…"

  * * *

  My parents had just been laid to rest. They'd literally just been lowered into the ground two days ago. The headstones still hadn't been planted, and yet, Goran Zovic insisted on a meeting. A transition meeting.

  There were eight of us there that day seated around an oval table in the conference room of one of Zovic's five homes. In attendance were Goran Zovic, the Boss and his son, Jovan. My grandfather and Advisor, Thibaud Jr. and me. The underboss, Vincent Reynolds and Stanley, the 1st Capo. Also in the room were the two bodyguards of Goran and Jovan and two of our family's most trusted Enforcers.

  Goran sat at the biggest chair in the room, displaying his sense of authority over us. "Well…" Goran said. "I didn't know we'd be here so soon after you just laid old Thibaud to rest. I'm deeply saddened by this."

  Goran didn't appear to be saddened at all. Thibaud Sr. wasn't a push over during his time as Adviser. The pair didn't always see eye to eye. And Goran never liked my father anyway. I don't think the old Boss even cared for me.

  "I guess you all know we're here to discuss the restructuring of the network. The way we do things in the network is quite different from the way of your Pack. Sons don't kill fathers here only to assume a certain position." He cast a scornful look at me which ended with a sly smile.

  "We're not here to talk about the Pack. That's off limits," my grandfather stated, bringing a halt to that issue.

  Goran shrugged, but I could tell he wasn't going to let this one down. Not today. Not ever. "Anderson Arnou dealt with a number of our business associates and he also took care of matters involving security," he said, tapping an ink pen on the edge of the table. "I've been top boss for a while, so I know what works and what doesn't when it comes to network matters and how we need to run business in order to sustain existence as we have for decades."

  My patience was running thin. I wanted to take the ink pen and stab him in the eye with it. I shifted in my chair, unbuttoned my suit jacket, and rubbed my chin. I studied Goran intently wondering if he thought I was just going to bow down to him like a beat dog.

  "I may not have Caedmon blood, but I am Other," Goran continued. "I owe it to my ancestors to sustain my bloodline. Even the men that have come before me understood the importance of this. That's why we're sitting here today, Arnou and Zovic. Our families were united in marriage for just this purpose, strengthening the bloodlines. It worked quite well. We have Others on one side and shifter on the other side. Our families have prospered well with this one thing in common—the network."

  He lifted his glass of Scotch and downed the rest of it and then continued with his speech. "When Vuk Zovic made the arrangement that wed Natalija Zovic to my former Advisor, the late Thibaud Sr., he had every intention of handing over the network to an Arnou. That was the deal, but that was before his death and before he found out that his other wayward son finally produced a male heir. Maurice Zovic, my father."

  I sat straight up in my chair, knowing where this was going, but then my grandfather touched me on the arm. His eyes met mine and he silently urged me to remain quiet.

  "The birth certificate of Maurice Zovic proves that he came into this world before you did, Thibaud. Isn't that right?"

  My grandfather looked taken back by the random question being thrown his way.

  "Yes, but a birth certificate isn't what our agreement is based on. My father married my mother on the grounds that this kingdom—this network—would be ours. It doesn't matter that Vuk dropped dead before witnessing my birth. Hell, he dropped dead before witnessing the birth of any of either grandson. In either case, the agreement remains unfulfilled as you have
yet to hand over the keys to the kingdom which my family was promised. Now we sit here today and all you can bring up is a fucking birth certificate.”

  My grandfather rose from his seat after a sudden escalation of his temper that surprised me and everyone else. Unlike me and my father, he seldom lost his cool.

  Goran's guard came to his side with their hands inside their vests ready to pull weapons. I also heard several clicks under the table and then realized that Goran's guards weren't the only ones who had guns on the ready should anything flair up.

  My grandfather sat down.

  "Hear me out." Goran held up his hand. "I'm not calling the agreement null and void. Not entirely anyway. I'm just modifying it a bit. It was never signed." He pushed a scroll across the table at Thibaud Jr., who read it. "See. Never signed. As you said, Vuk dropped dead before he ever did. He wasn't stupid, you see. The key to this kingdom wouldn't have been granted without a male heir."

  "And I am that male heir," my grandfather stated.

  "Presumably, yes. Technically, no."

  "This is fucking bullshit!" I stated and rose from my chair. "Why bring this up now? This was truly your intention, wasn't it? You've strung us along all this time. Had us fight for you. Had our wolves jump in front of bullets and die for you. You sack of shi—"

  "Tristan!" My grandfather pointed to my chair. "Sit down."

  "That's right. Sit down, little wolf. You're barely old enough to have any sway. You killed your fucking father and now you're their Alpha. At the age of eighteen. Just a kid. They pledged their loyalty to a murderer." He scoffed. "Let's see how this works out. Let's see how long you run your Pack before someone turns their back on you."

  My chair slammed back into the wall behind me when I shot up again. This time, it was Vinny who stopped me from doing something I'd regret later. He was the only man standing between me and the guns aimed at my chest.

  "Your son's kid has a temper. A bad one. Like father, like son, I guess," Goran stated, angering me even further.

  "Don't do anything stupid," Vinny hissed into my ear. "We'll fix this. Me and you. I promise. Don't get yourself killed."

  It took everything in my power to listen to him, but he was my tutor. My mentor. He was like a father to me. And I loved him like one. I trusted him more than anyone else in the world.

  "Take a seat," Goran ordered, breaking our connection.

  "I'm not going to sit down anywhere. If you want to end it, end it here. Now. Shoot me now for this confession will come back to bite you in the ass," I said.

  Goran was silent as a wave of fear passed across his features. It only lasted a mere second and I might have been the only one who picked up on it.

  He shrugged. "Suit yourself. You Arnou men are already dropping like flies. I don't want to be the man that kills the next one."

  I didn't take his threat lightly and I hope he didn't take mine lightly either.

  "I've done some thinking and have decided not to risk what we've built. Zovics have been at the forefront of this operation for some time now. We lost footing along the way and sure the late Thibaud's money, properties, and other business holdings helped us out substantially. But let's be honest here, you wolves won't be able to run this thing. Not like we have. To remain in hiding and live in secrecy like you've done all these years, you mustn't do anything that will bring about future risk of discovery. We're not a high-profile network, but it only takes one snitch to bring the whole operation down. To even suggest taking on a network of this magnitude would be going against the customs that your ancestors set for you. To live in secrecy as you've done for hundreds of years. The humans won't understand you. As a descendant of Other, I…this family, the Zovics…we know all your secrets. We've guarded your secrets. We've helped you secure lands, erect homes and villages for your Pack, evade capture, falsify documents so that the knowledge of Arnou and Caedmon shifters wouldn't get out. We've remained an underground network for a reason. Wolves were never meant to run this. Not at the magnitude that you suggest…no. Never. Your blood is pure. You are pure Arnou. But you are animal. At the least, this is what you owe us. You need us. We need you as a part of this network."

  "So, what do you propose?" Thibaud, Jr. asked.

  Goran smiled and looked to the right at his son, Jovan. "The next heir is sitting right next to me. When I fall, Jovan will take my place."

  I wasn't the only one who looked shocked as hell. Vinny's eyes widened as if it was the first time he was hearing that he would not rise from his position as underboss into the Boss role when Goran perished. As Goran's nephew, Vinny had just as much right to step into the role of Boss as any of the Arnou and Zovic men at the table.

  "So that's it then," Thibaud, Jr. concluded. "It's been decided."

  "You know it's true. No one is challenging it. No one has ever challenged it," Goran stated.

  I broke free from Vinny and stated, "I challenge it."

  A hush fell over the room and then Goran burst out laughing. Jovan joined him, chuckling nervously.

  "You want to be Boss one day, little wolf?" Goran asked.

  "An agreement is an agreement. Whether written or stated. How men of Arnou bloodline choose to lead their lives and live their legacies is not up for you to decide. You weren't presenting this evidence when you were receiving funding from my grandfather. I reviewed the accounts. The money, the land, the holdings…very little belongs to you—"

  "Boy, there's no—"

  "I wasn't fucking finished!"

  "I could have your brains blown out right here. Do you understand who you're talking to?" Goran rose from his seat for the first time. "I haven't passed my chair onto my son yet. I'm the fucking Boss and I demand some respect from you."

  "It is what it is. I'm Arnou Pack Alpha now. The rightful heir of the estate of Thibaud Arnou Sr. And Natalija Zovic," I countered. "Perhaps you don't understand that. Everything with the Arnou name is mine. Eighteen years of age. Just a kid." My last words were mocking of his earlier statement about my young age.

  Goran looked to my grandfather.

  I shook my head. "No, don't look to him. He has no authority to sign a goddamned thing."

  Goran looked confused. "Come again?" he asked.

  "I didn't come the first fucking time! You've wasted your breath trying to convince the wrong man of this…" I walked over to the table picked up the birth certificate and the old agreement and tore the pages down the middle. "…this fucking bullshit. I don't care what the fucking paper says. I know what was promised. What was said. You don't get to make amendments to a deal that was sealed in blood the moment Natalija accepted my great-grandfather's seed and bore a natural heir for the kingdom which was promised. You reneging bastard!"

  "Grab him!" Goran pointed at me.

  Before his guards could cross that line, Vinny stepped in their path and produced his gun, his finger on the trigger. "If you cross the line…" he told the guard, "…your death awaits you."

  It was Goran's time now to drop his jaws in shock.

  "You're right," I said, my gaze trained on Goran. "There will be a transition. And what do you call it…" I waved my hand in the air, dismissively. "Some amendments. For the time being, you'll finish your responsibilities or you'll drop dead…whichever comes first. And when it's time to transition…" I paused and my gaze landed on Jovan who seemed angry at my display of power.

  "…you'll take the position for yourself. Is that it?" Goran added.

  "I guess we shall see," I told him and turned to leave the room.

  One of Goran's guard blocked the door and a single red dot appeared on my chest. I sighed heavily, my patience running thin. Even my wolf protested. The animal wanted out. I met the gaze of the man pointing the gun at my heart. I did nothing to stop my canines from extracting from my gums. He scampered out of the way.

  I pushed the double doors opened and exclaimed, "I'm done here."

  I didn't have to turn around to know that Vinny had followed me out of the room.

  "Tristan…" he called out.

  "Not now, Vinny. I need run. I need to get away."

  I exited the home and let my wolf break free.

  * * *

  Thibaud Jr. interrupted my thoughts. "You were remarkable that day. I hesitated to challenge Goran because I feared change. I feared discovery about us in favor of what I knew, what was safe, and what I was used to. I was so proud of you for stepping up. I've always been proud of you."

  I sighed.

  He began coughing and reached for his glass. I poured some water for him and said, "Get some rest. I'm taking care of everything. You don't have to worry about a thing."

  Chapter Eleven


  The toddlers and I were playing on the porch of the new Caedmon mansion when a black Lamborghini pulled up in the driveway. Instantly, I knew who it was. Who else would drive such a fancy car through the modest neighborhoods of the Caedmon Village? I hadn't seen Tristan since the night of the wedding and my heart skipped several beats at the prospects of seeing him again. The more I saw him, the more I wanted him. But I knew this would happen. I couldn't deny what I wanted, what my heart so obviously wanted.

  I rose up holding Channing on my hips, with Aiden and Boyd tugging at my pants begging to be picked up too. Tristan emerged from the car. I was surprised to see that he came alone. Usually, he had a team of bodyguards at his service—his Elites and Enforcers—is what he called them.

  Devin hadn't told me anything about Tristan coming here and I wondered if this was a setup. The moment he got out of the car, our gazes met and my body was on fire. My wolf awakened and everything in me wanted to go to him. To run to him.

  "Tristan, Tristan, Tristan," the little voices of Aiden and Boyd called out. Before I knew it, they were hobbling down the steps and across the courtyard to meet Tristan.

  Little Channing fought to release himself from my grip, slid down my torso, and took off running to join his brothers.


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