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Wolf's Kingdom_COBRA Coalition

Page 19

by Amber Ella Monroe

  Devin was shocked at this receiving, but he feigned a calm composure and nodded to return the display of respect. The only wolf deserving of this type of welcoming was the Alpha of the pack. Perhaps they’d mistaken him for Daniel’s other son.

  Making his way to the home at the end of the beaten path, he spotted the statuesque form of the elder he came to see. Roman. He was the oldest Caedmon alive. The old man had to have been well over a hundred-fifty years old. The brown cloak that was draped over Roman’s shoulders seemed to weigh down his frail form. One hand rested on his cane, leaving the other free to push the hood of the garment off his head. His white eyes seemed to sparkle with question. He’d been blind since he was born, yet Roman was known as the wisest Caedmon elder to date.

  Roman lowered his head just like the others. “Devin.”

  “That’s not necessary,” Devin remarked.

  “Come inside.” The old man gripped his arm firmly and led him into the home.In the foyer, Devin removed his shoes, leaving them near the door.

  Roman moved through the home as if he had 20/20 vision, and poured two tiny cups of what was likely some herbal tea and placed them on an end table near the fireplace. “Sit.” He motioned to the empty chair with his hand.

  He obliged Roman’s request.

  “What took you so long to come?” the old man asked.

  “I ran into some things that needed to be taken care of first.”

  “The woman? Has she been taken care of?”

  Devin stiffened. He’d forgotten how easy it was for Roman to catch a lie or, for this matter, the other half of the truth. This was the man who’d tutored him for almost seventeen years. He should have known better. “Yes. She ran into some trouble and needed some help.” He picked up the cup and took a sip of the warm tea. “I also needed time to think.”

  “And your decision?”

  “The Blue Moon and voting ceremony are two nights away, is it not?”

  “Do you plan to cast a vote against Darius?” Roman asked.

  “Yes,” Devin said firmly. There was no doubt about that. One thing he never wanted to see was Darius leading his people.

  “Good. Then you will rise to lead the pack.”

  “I did not say that.” Devin placed the cup back on the tray.

  Roman’s face became distorted in anger. “Did you not see tonight that our people have accepted you? You are next in line. They look to you to lead.”

  “I was never meant to lead.”

  “You were always marked to lead us. I told you this long ago.”

  He’d been no more than twelve when Roman told him of the Alpha who would lead their people for over a century, climbing in rank as the strongest pack in the nation.

  “Daniel prohibited me from benefiting from the treasures that he bestowed on his other sons. I was born a bastard, and he was ashamed of me. I wasn’t marked to lead; I was marked as an outcast.”

  Roman sighed heavily and squeezed his eyes shut as if the words hurt him. He knew they were true. Even the Caedmon people knew he was nothing more than the son of the Alpha’s mistress.

  “You were at his funeral, weren’t you?” Roman asked.

  Devin lowered his head. It took every ounce of energy in his body to dispel his pride and see his father being laid to rest.

  “Your father had a change of heart.” The old man stood and moved to the other side of the room near a tall bookcase. “Sadly the death of your mother, his failing health, and seeing you leave the pack indefinitely was likely the cause for this.” He brought a silver scroll and placed it firmly in the middle of the table. “The last will and testament of Daniel Caedmon.”

  Devin shivered visibly as a cold draft stirred in the small home. “It doesn’t matter what is written. I know what he said to me. I saw how he treated my mother.”

  “People say things they don’t mean. Your mother left Daniel to bond with her true mate. Daniel knew that she was not his mate, yet he wanted to claim someone so badly. The Alpha who is prophesized to lead us to greatness claims a mate. He wanted that title. Greed contributed to his ultimate downfall.” Roman pushed the scroll toward him on the table. “Before Daniel passed, he made me promise that you would receive it. Many attempts to contact you in Montana failed.”

  “Damon…Damon claimed a mate. He’d done all the things outlined as prophesized. His death was an accident. Could he have been the chosen?”

  Roman shook his head. “No. Damon rose to leadership because you were absent. AWOL. Only three of us know about the will. Your own brother, Damon, read it to me and the other Elder. We have not told anyone because we want our people to have hope for their futures. We cannot bear to tell them that the pack will die out because the chosen refuses to rise.”

  Devin clutched the scroll in his palm, making a fist. He unscrewed the top and pulled out the rough vellum paper. It took both hands to hold the curled edges down against the table so that he could read the fine print.

  It read: I, Daniel William Caedmon III, of the state of Virginia, son of Daniel William Caedmon II, now leader of the Caedmon people, do make and declare my last will and testament as follows…To my first born son, Devin Tomas Caedmon, I give and devise all lands, buildings and properties that I hold or have a right to. I also give him all sums of money, silver, and gold. I give him my blessing to rise as Caedmon leader should he choose this path…

  Devin looked up, meeting the adamant, blind gaze of the elder.

  Roman whispered one word and one word only on a hoarse breath. “Rise.”


  Tamara threw open the door and raced outside to greet Devin. With open arms, he hugged her close, embracing her the way she’d imagined he would.

  He kissed her feverishly, then stepped back to stare at her. “I’ve missed you.”

  She smiled. “You took the words right out of my mouth.”

  He looked down at her feet. “Where are your shoes?”

  The grass was still damp from the morning dew, but she could care less that her feet were suddenly cold. Devin was home, and she felt completely safe again.

  He scooped her up and carried her back into the cabin. Once inside, he set her down at the foot of the bed. “Stay right there. I have something for you.”

  Tamara waited patiently on the bed, and watched as he set a large bowl of water next to her feet. Before kneeling before her, he grabbed the tail end of his shirt and pulled it over his head, revealing bronze skin and tight muscles.

  He dipped a cloth in the bowl, wrung out the excess water and then lifted her feet onto his thighs. “You look tired. I thought I told you to rest while I was gone.”

  “I couldn’t sleep.” The heated washcloth felt like heaven against the soles of her feet.

  After both feet were devoid of sand, he pulled a bottle out of the bag he brought back. He unscrewed the top and poured a small amount of the liquid into his hands.

  “What’s that?”

  “It’s massage oil. It will help you relax.”

  Strong hands started with her toes, massaging the tension away. She fell back onto the bed and closed her eyes. When he reached the ends of her dress, he slid his palms under the fabric to knead her thighs. He worked his way up to her hips. Before long, her body became lax under his expert fingers. The sweet scent of the oil tantalized her, and he worked with precision.

  The mattress creaked as he joined her on the bed. She opened her eyes to meet his gaze.

  “I sometimes think this is a dream,” he whispered, “and that one day I will wake up and you will be gone.”

  “You would have one less problem to worry about.”

  “No. This is a dream come true.” He stroked her cheek with the back of his hand. “How did I become so lucky to come across a woman like you?”

  Tamara covered his hand with hers. “And how did I become so lucky to come across a man like you?”

  When their lips joined in a kiss, a feeling of euphoria washed over her. His hands traveled un
der her dress once again, grabbing her waist and pulling her closer into him. He dipped lower to kiss her on her face, neck, and shoulders. His fingers moved slow and gentle across and her body. Her mind flourished with lustful naughty thoughts.

  “I would show you how much I have wanted you all this time…if you will allow me.” He breathed hard against her chest as a spoke the words.

  She wanted him to show her how it felt to be wanted. “I’ve never been with a…” Her words trailed off.

  “I can be gentle. Like this.” He slid his lips across the tops of her breast, leaving a flaming sensation across her skin. “Or I can be rough…like this.” He swept his tongue firmly over a nipple and suckled her through the fabric of the dress.

  “Devin…” Her breath hitched sharply and she bit her bottom lip to keep from crying out in pleasure. The sensation of his mouth on her made her toes curl, but the feeling died out quickly when he lifted his head, eyebrows raised in question.

  “Only if you are ready. Only if you will accept me.”

  “I want you.”

  He moved in and brushed his lips to the underside of her chin.

  She grasped his shoulders and held him back. “The lights?”

  He looked up at the light hanging over them. “What about them?”

  “You forgot to turn them off.”

  “No, I did not. When I touch you, I want to see how much it pleases you.”

  She nodded, a heated blush fanning over her face.

  Devin slipped the straps off her shoulders and bared her breasts to him. His gaze never left hers as he grabbed her in one hand and sucked her bud between his lips. He drew circles around the nipple, teasing the aureola. Her nipples puckered painfully under his playful tongue. He gave the other breast as much attention, kneading them with his palms.

  The erection in his pants pressed against her belly. “I smell your sweet heat, Tamara. Say the words, and I will give you the release your body craves.”


  “Yes, what?” He nuzzled the side of her neck, and licked at the sensitive skin behind her ear.

  “I will accept you.”

  His lips and tongue over her body felt as good as the massage he gave earlier. It seemed as though he deliberately slowed things down. He observed her as he teased her with an attentive gaze. She had fallen so deep into his trance that she did not realize that she now lay completely naked on the bed for his inspection.

  Devin was now down to his boxer briefs. The size of his dick did nothing to rid her of her hesitations. He was so big and erect that the head emerged from the waistband.

  He grinned and brought her legs up so that the back of her thighs was against his chest. Bringing her foot to his lips, he kissed her toes. The other foot was given an equal amount of attention. Her pussy clenched as he dragged his tongue up the insole of her foot. She clutched at the bed sheets, as her core tightened into the buildup of an orgasm.

  His lips left a wet trail on the inside of one thigh. He stopped to kiss her at the junction of her thighs.

  “Please…” Her clit throbbed.

  “Come,” he commanded.

  Spreading her thighs further apart, he dragged his tongue slowly through her pussy lips. Her body convulsed involuntary on the bed as her release flooded through her. He found her center and suckled on her clit, prolonging the sensation. Her orgasm was so powerful, that it not only took over her body, but mind and soul as well. He lapped greedily at her nectar as small shivers pulsed through her. It wasn’t until he grabbed her hips and pulled her pussy closer to his mouth that she realized that he wasn’t going to stop. He tongue lashed her already sensitive bud with accurate, firm strokes. A fire raged through her core and she came again.

  He growled in satisfaction, and she moaned in ecstasy. His lips glistened with her honey as he rose to kneel above her on the bed. Her eyes widen at the length and girth of his manhood. His dick was hard as a rock with thick veins running under the thin skin. It stood erect, nearly vertical to the ground, and the head tilted to the right.

  “Your fucking pussy was delicious,” he growled.

  Tamara brought herself to a sitting position to kiss him, tasting her juices on his tongue. She reached for his cock and wrapped her fingers around it. He was nearly as big as her wrist and the veins pulsed against her palm eagerly. She led him down over her and he found her center with no trouble. The head of his dick sunk into her with ease. Her wet pussy clenched in need of him.

  “Tamara, look at me.”

  She lifted her gaze to Devin, to the man who’d saved her life. The pupils of his eyes narrowed. They were the eyes of the wolf.

  He sank deeper into her. “Do you understand what I am? Can you accept that?”

  “I already have, Devin. I owe my life to your wolf.”

  “My wolf…my wolf wants to claim you as his own.”

  She interlocked her fingers around his neck, pulling him closer. He slid inside of her until he was buried to the hilt. She bit into his shoulder as the ache from being stretched subsided. Accepting him, she opened her legs wider, accommodating his girth. His thick shaft moved inside of her with gentle slow strokes at first. When he was completely coated with her juices, he increased tempo and pressure. He grabbed onto her ass and held her down as he pumped into her.

  Gratifying sensations overtook her and she let go once again. As she came, her pussy milked his cock. His breathing came hard and fast against her neck where he rested his face against hers. Wrinkles developed on his forehead at the same time he groaned in pleasure. Hot seed seared her insides as he came within her. He stroked through his orgasm, pumping what seemed like every last bit of his soul inside her.

  After their hearts calmed, he snuggled beside her on the bed and gathered her in his arms.

  She’d fought sleep earlier while waiting for him to return, but now all of her energy was gone for sure. Her eyelids grew heavy.

  “Sleep, love,” he whispered.

  “I don’t want to wake up without you here…with me.” She heard her own voice slur as she fought to keep her eyes open.

  “I will be right here when you wake up,” he said.


  “I promise.” He closed his eyes. “Now let’s sleep. We have a long journey ahead of us tomorrow.”


  Tamara clutched the emerald pendant, running her fingers along the flat edges, as they turned off the main highway onto an unevenly paved road. The stone sign that read Caedmon village was the only indication she needed that they’d arrived.

  She glanced out of the passenger side window, looking between the trees for any sign of life. A feeling of nervousness settled over her as soon as they came across a clearing in the forest. That was when she began seeing the tops of homes, and grown-ups and children walking around going about their daily business. It reminded her of the community she grew up in while living in Florida with her parents. A close-knit community where everyone was considered family.

  Devin placed a hand on her thigh as he turned down a street. “I sense your hesitation. Don’t be afraid.”

  It was probably easier from him to say. He knew these people. They were like a family to him. They were Caedmon.

  “Are there any humans?”

  There was silence for a while. “Not since I last left.”

  “What will happen when they see me?”

  “Nothing,” he said. “All of us interact with humans on a daily basis. Most of them work outside of our community.”

  “Will you be punished?”

  “No. And even if it did come with a punishment, it wouldn’t matter. You are very special to me, and I don’t care what anyone else thinks.”

  Tamara relaxed at those words, but in the back of her mind, she knew there would be consequences.

  Devin drove the truck through some wrought iron gates, and pulled into the driveway of the biggest house on the block. It wasn’t a house, for that matter. It was a three-story mansion.
br />   He parked in front of the garage alongside a black SUV and shut off the engine. Turning to her, he said, “My business here should take less than a week…if all goes well. After things die down, we can start building that house you and I have been talking about.”

  Tamara smiled. Not one day had passed by since he first showed her the sketch of the expansion that they did not talk about the construction of the home, what materials should go into the interiors, where the windows should be, and how high the vaulted ceilings should go. “I’m sure you don’t need my say in the matter. You build homes for a living.”

  He leaned over and kissed her softly on the lips. “But I appreciate your woman’s touch and expertise on some areas.”

  She spotted someone emerging from the home and stand on the doorstep. Another followed until the pair flanked either side of the door. Their actions weren’t consistent with people who owned the home and wanted to welcome a guest. Their stance was more suited to servants. “Exactly whose home is this?”

  “Apparently, it belongs to me.”

  Before she could question him, he got out and came around the other side to open her door.

  A young man appeared beside them. He looked neither of them in the eye. In fact, his head was lowered. “Sir—”

  “That is not necessary. Address me as Devin.”

  “Devin, may I take your bags inside?” the young man asked.

  Devin handed him a set of keys. “Thank you.”

  Tamara clutched Devin’s hand as they took the narrow pathway to the front door.

  “Welcome, sir,” the servants spoke in unison. One of them gave her a quick sideways glance.

  There was yet another servant waiting on them in the foyer. “May I take your coat?”

  Devin helped Tamara remove her coat and then he handed off both garments to the woman.

  “I’m Lenora. I’m the head maid in charge. I would be honored to remain here to serve you as I have your late sibling.” She bowed her head slightly, and then gestured off to their left. “Your bother is waiting for you in the office. You’ve arrived in time for dinner,” the woman said, as she led them down a long corridor.


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