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Wolf's Kingdom_COBRA Coalition

Page 23

by Amber Ella Monroe

  “I’ve got the gas and these here snacks. Will this be all?” The clerk at the register asked when she dropped her items on the counter.

  Selene glanced toward the window. The sun was a calm orange and low in the sky. It would get dark soon, and she needed to hurry. She swallowed down those reservations again. She’d come too far to let doubt and trepidation stop her from helping a friend.

  She turned back to answer the clerk. “I suppose so.”

  Nick Hyatt dropped his backpack to the ground, bent down, and peered inside the cave. The cobwebs on the ceiling and broken tree branches on the floor told him the space had long been abandoned. It was the perfect place to rest for the evening before his big plans tomorrow.

  He crawled inside and pulled a lantern and lighter from his pack. Light illuminated the inside of the small cave as the flames engulfed the wick. Resting his back on the rigid stone, he lifted his canteen of water to his lips and guzzled it down.

  It had been hours since he left the confines of the village, and the weight of his burdens seemed to have already faded away. A loner since birth, he’d always preferred to chill in the privacy of his own surroundings. Except these weren’t his normal surroundings. Only a few days had passed since he’d made the decision to sell his bachelor pad back in Montana. He was needed here, in Virginia. Back with his pack.

  After his friend, Devin, rose to Alpha leader of the Caedmon Pack, he’d then honored Nick by naming him one of his most trusted confidants and advisors. Second-in-Command. Nick had accepted, fully aware that his life would take a sharp turn.

  But the direction of the Caedmon Pack had turned sour following the death of its previous leader. Devin, on the other hand, wanted to turn it back around…and for the better.

  Nick wanted to help, but he needed refuge from it all before the real grind began. At times like this, he’d talk with Devin about his issues. Now Devin had a mate to love and care for, as well as pressing duties of the pack inherited from the last leader. He doubted the man would have much time for him anymore. Not with a mate…

  Mate. He laughed. Was there even such a thing as a mate? He could remember several years ago when even Devin himself swore up and down that finding a true mate was like finding a piece of thread in a haystack. Devin had obviously been wrong. One woman. A human woman, for that matter, had turned his friend’s life around. To their people, a union such as theirs was highly unlikely. Yet the truth was in the details. Devin had found his mate.

  Seeing them together affected Nick in a way he couldn’t fathom. It wasn’t jealously. He was happy for Devin. For all the guy had been through, he deserved a life-long companion. It was a different feeling. The desire to feel wanted and needed just like he saw how Tamara wanted and needed Devin. And likewise, how Devin needed and wanted Tamara.

  Nick had been successful for years in keeping those feelings from ever resurfacing. He had everything he wanted and needed within himself. Wanting for more only caused disaster and heartbreak in the long run. He’d never let another woman break his heart.

  Nick kicked off his boots and slumped deeper against the rocks. He would rest this evening. Tonight, he would hunt. In the morning, he’d do something he hadn’t done in five long years.

  Climb a mountain.


  Selene drummed her fingers on the steering wheel and bobbed her head to the hip-hop music blaring from her car speakers. Music was the only thing that really kept her sane on this dismal journey. At least this part of the country looked a bit more habitable. Every so often, she would pass a farmhouse or a group of residences.

  She picked up her cell phone on the seat next to her. The reception bars had been going in and out for hours.

  “Mierda! What a piece of shit phone,” she mumbled, as she checked the time. It was nearly six o clock. Dusk surrounded her like a blanket. Night was approaching fast and the temperature had dropped considerably, but she wasn’t far from her destination. According to her notes on the map, there should have been a small motel about five miles up ahead where she’d reserved a room for the night.

  With eyes still on the road, she grabbed for the map and unfolded it on the steering wheel. She wondered how Tamara could have called her from a cell phone with the crappy reception out here. This place was basically a damn forest. Where was the town? The homes? Why would Tamara come here?

  The car swerved and she threw the map down. It slid off the seat onto the floor.

  “Shit.” With one hand on the wheel, she leaned to the side and tried to reach it. Her arms weren’t long enough.

  When she glanced back up, she spotted a sign up ahead. It was nearly hidden by overgrown trees, and the writing was so small that she had to really focus to read it.

  “Caedmon village?”

  She hadn’t remembered seeing anything like that on the map. She slowed as she came into full view of the sign. There was an unpaved road alongside it.

  It wasn’t where she was going, but it certainly piqued her interest.

  Shoving her curiosity aside, she looked back at the road.

  A large brown animal stood on the pavement in her path. Its big blue eyes shone brightly against the evening backdrop. Eerie and majestic at the same time.

  Her foot slammed on the brake pedal.

  It was too late.

  As the car slid across the asphalt toward the big critter, she got a better look at it unmoving in the middle of the highway.

  It was a wolf. She was sure of it now.

  Selene grabbed the steering wheel and jerked it to the left. The car swerved and jolted. All she glimpsed were trees before she squeezed her eyes shut and prepared herself for impact.

  “Oh, dear God.”

  Her eardrums seemed to explode as blood rushed to it. Fingers gripped the wheel like a vice.

  The pad of her shoe was still glued to the brake pedal. Burnt rubber fumes assaulted her senses. The sound of metal crashing into trees alarmed her. Every nerve ending in her body seized in pain.

  The impact knocked the breath right out of her, immobilizing her. Her head spun as she shifted her gaze from left to right, but focused on absolutely nothing but a blur.

  Her eyelids folded, and she succumbed.

  Something tickled Selene’s face and her eyes flew open.

  Murky gray irises looked back at her.

  Her head pulsed in enormous pain as she struggled to focus on the face. After her vision cleared, she realized there was a man standing over her.

  She parted her mouth to scream, but her lips were taped together.

  Her breath hitched as she jerked away from him. Something bound her, preventing her from moving.

  A wide grin spread across the man’s face. “Hello, doll.”

  The tone of his voice matched his sinister grin. He had three long scars on his left cheek as if someone had clawed him across the face. They were raised, ugly imperfections. Scarface.

  Everything about him—from the way he stood before her with defiance to his demeaning greeting warned her.

  Selene’s heart sped up and her brain worked overtime trying to backtrack. What had happened? Why was she lying here?

  Pain gripped the entire left side of her body as she attempted to sit up. Where am I? She tried to speak but it was difficult to talk with the gag.

  “If I told you, I’d have to kill you?”

  “Mmmm, mmm, oooo,” she muffled again. Who are you?

  Scarface laughed. “Shall I repeat myself?”

  Her arms were tied together. Her legs were bound too. She thrashed about on the bed. The rough cords cut into her wrists and ankles, adding to the sharp pain radiating through her body.

  “I’m going to remove your gag, but when I do…you remain quiet.”

  It was a threat, but the consequences if she didn’t cooperate were not made clear. She nodded anyway.

  As he reached out, she inspected him. His skin complexion nearly matched hers, and there were black and brown streaks throughout his hai
r. The trench coat he wore made him seem bigger than he really was. There was some sort of chain worn at the waistband, like a belt. The fabric of his shirt was stretched tight against his chest.

  He ripped the tape from her lips, causing a stinging pain on her mouth. She screamed, but more from the shock of it.

  He smiled. “I knew you couldn’t remain quiet.”

  “Who the fuck are you?” The force of her voice surprised her.

  “Ooooo.” He stood back and sized her up. “A feisty one.”

  Despite his facial scars, her captor was easy on the eyes, tall, and built, but from the expression on her face and the way she was tied up on the bed, he didn’t seem like the type of man to play nice.

  “What am I doing in this place?” Selene looked around at her surroundings. The room was dark and there were no windows. The walls were cinder block and painted with a muted light blue. Upon closer inspection, she realized that what she was sitting on was no more than a cot and a cheap mattress. She frowned. “What is this place?”

  “Would you rather be dead in the fucking ditch?”

  “M-my car?” Her head rang in pain as she tried with all her energy to remember what happened. The wolf. The car. The cra— “I was in a car crash.”

  “What else do you remember?” He asked, slowly.

  She tried so hard to recall everything, but couldn’t. She shook her head.

  Scarface walked around the other side of the bed. “What were you doing out here…all by your lonesome?”

  “Don’t come any closer,” she warned.

  “Or what?”

  Her captor seemed to think this was a game. She was in an accident, was now in serious pain, and the idiot had tied her up. Did he enjoy this? What if he was a pervert? A rapist? A serial murderer? He could have been feeding off her anger.

  She took a deep breath. “Look, Mister…” when Scarface didn’t give a name, she continued “…I don’t know you. I had a very bad accident. I’m in pain, and I don’t understand why I’ve been tied up.”

  “Why were you trespassing?”

  “Trespassing? I was driving on a damn public highway when I ran off the road.”

  He frowned. “That mouth of yours is foul.”

  “I didn’t ask to be here.”

  Her captor shrugged, a nonchalant expression riddled his face. “You’re right. But do you know what happens to those who trespass on our lands?”

  “On your land?” What was this idiot talking about?

  “You crashed on our land.”

  She huffed. “I was trying to prevent running over a wolf.”

  “Too bad. You’re now my prisoner.”

  “Prisoner!” She gawked, and then struggled against the ropes again.

  Her captor moved swiftly, rushing to stand over her. He grabbed her forearm, and she grimaced.

  “Listen to me, human,” he hissed into the side of her head. “You will listen to me, and do as I say. Should you do anything sly, the next time you wake up you just might find yourself six feet under.”

  She gasped, and held her breath in. His threats seemed real. This wasn’t a game.

  He jostled her. “Do you understand?”

  She bit her lip, holding back a protest. “Yes.” What had she gotten herself into?

  “My maid will assist you in getting cleaned up. If you cooperate, there will be food.”

  Her eyes widened in disbelief, and she searched his expressionless face. “I don’t understand why you’re doing this. You don’t have to do this. I’ll give you anything you want. Money? What is it?”

  His gaze darted back and forth over her. “You’re not being held for money.”

  The nameless scar-faced man turned to leave.

  “Wait.” She swung her bound legs clumsily over the bed. “What is it that you want?”

  Her captor continued toward the metal door. “I’ll return tonight.”

  He slammed the door shut. She heard keys rattling, and then the sound of a lock being turned.

  Her breathing became uneven as the reality of her predicament set in.

  It felt like she was in a prison cell. No, this wasn’t a prison cell. This was some kind of dungeon. No windows. Cement floors. A steel door. Metal furniture. An uncomfortable cot for a bed. What had she done to deserve this? This was not the hotel she’d made reservations at.

  Selene glanced down at the white silk gown the maid had given her. It was tasteless, and barely covered her breasts. Her legs were bound once again and the ends of the lace reached only the middle of her thighs.

  She’d been allowed a shower, but it was granted under the watchful eye of the maid who ignored every one of her questions. This time, her feet had been tied to the bedpost. Her hands were free, but she felt like a creature in a zoo being kept hostage this way. Not only that, she was scared for her life.

  Selene cringed as she heard slow footsteps approaching. She pulled the quilt over her shoulders, attempting to cover herself up.

  When her captor entered the room, she avoided making eye contact with him. “Why won’t you let me go?”

  Scarface pulled up a wooden chair and came to sit at the foot of the bed. Letting his posture slump as he sat, he observed her with a mischievous expression laced across his face.

  “Selene Moore. From Tennessee. Never married. No children. A counselor at Domestic Peace Group. You’re practically a nobody,” he said. “What business do you have here?”

  Selene’s eyes widened in surprise. The lunatic had searched her belongings. “I’m visiting someone in the area.”

  “A relative?”

  “Yes,” she whispered, examining the crisscross pattern of the quilt. Anything to avoid his menacing stare.

  “Liar!” He bolted upright in the chair.

  “You tell me why I’m here—tied to this bed,” she shot back.

  “I did you a big favor.” He interlocked his fingers, and rested back in the chair. “Now you will do me one.”

  “What favor are talking about?”

  “I could have left you to die on the highway in your mangled car.”

  She didn’t know how to answer that one. Was dying any worse than being held captive like a slave? “People will come looking for me when I don’t report to work.”

  He clucked his tongue and shook his head. “They’d have a hell of a time finding you. Something tells me no one knows you came all this way.”

  She swallowed. He was right. She was on a two-week vacation from work. Everyone thought she’d taken a trip to the beach like she’d told them.

  He laughed. “I can see that you’re not very good at lying or hiding your emotions.”

  “What do you want?”

  “I saved your life, now you will give me a life.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’re a young female of breeding age. You will become a surrogate. And produce an offspring for me.”

  “Offspring? Are you insane?”

  His expression remained serious. “I’ve been asked that many times.”

  “What you propose is called harassment. Rape. You will go to prison.”

  “I’m not bond to follow the rules of the humans.”

  Why did he keep saying humans that way? As if he hated the word. Wasn’t he human? “Are you nuts?”

  “You will be compensated.” He paused, as though he were trying to read her expression. “Based on the account balances in your checkbook, it seems you can use some funds.”

  “No amount of money will change my mind. You’re a sick freak.”

  He rushed at her and grabbed up her wrists. “Then you will do it for free. If you wish to ever be released, you will cooperate. I saved your life, now you will lend me your body.”

  Selene jerked, but to no avail. “You want me to have a child?”

  “Yes. My mate cannot have any.”

  He averted his gaze as if he was ashamed, but she didn’t feel the least bit sorry for the ass.

  “That’s your dam
n problem.” She frowned. “Not mine.”

  He jumped up, and snatched a handful of her hair. “Obey or die.”

  “I’d rather die,” she hissed, her heart nearly exploding from fear.

  He gripped her neck, squeezing tight against her larynx until she couldn’t breathe.

  “I could kill you right now. You humans are so fragile.” He smiled. “It would take half a second.”

  He sounded like an animal.

  She couldn’t speak. Couldn’t stop him for her wrists were bound. Couldn’t kick him for her legs were tied. Her body responded on impulse, producing tears that she’d held for hours. She didn’t want him to know that she was scared. Weak. Helpless.

  Right when she thought she would pass out from lack of oxygen, he released her.

  She panted rapidly, trying to catch her breath again. “What…What will you do to me?”

  “I’m going to fuck you.”

  Her eyes widened, and she swallowed. “No.”

  Just then, there was a knock at the door.

  He jerked away from her, appearing alarmed at the interruption.

  The maid that assisted with cleaning her up stepped inside. “Darius. You are needed urgently. There has been a breach.”

  Darius. Scarface’s real name.

  His gaze whipped away from the maid back to Selene. He produced another rope and tied up her wrists quickly. “Prepare yourself. I will return, and you will take my seed.”

  She shivered as a slight breeze blew against her bare skin when he snatched away from her.

  Sitting here waiting for someone to come to her rescue wasn’t working. Her captor wasn’t playing nicely. He had no remorse, and had saved her and brought her here for his own motives.

  Selene looked about the small clammy room for a weapon. Nothing usable was in her reach. She needed something that would inflict immense pain. She might not escape here alive, but she was not about to let an irrational stranger steal her innocence.

  She spotted the glass of water sitting on the table by her bedside. Looking down at the ropes tied around her wrists, she tried to squeeze her hands out.


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