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Wolf's Kingdom_COBRA Coalition

Page 36

by Amber Ella Monroe

  He slid his hand behind her head and bent low to draw on her human scent. “Maybe. I can be quite an animal…at times.”

  She lifted her neck. “I like it rough.”

  Carly was too vulnerable. These were the types he avoided at all costs. No matter how nerve wracking, he actually enjoyed a good chase once in a while. After all, he was wolf.

  The full moon tonight did not help his raging appetite for carnal pleasure. She placed her hands on his groin, rubbing him through his jeans.

  He growled, lifted her hand, and placed it on her own thigh. “I can see that you’re not very patient.”

  “I can’t really help it,” she whispered. “You feel so good.” She rubbed her breasts against his arm.As he was about to wrap his hand around her waist to move her in closer, he saw her.

  Arianna Klein.

  She was seated at the bar talking to a man on the stool next to her.

  Jayson’s awareness set in and his hands went lax against the female as his nostrils flared and ears perked up.

  “Excuse me,” he said to Carly, and promptly dismissed himself.

  He barely heard her protest as he left the security of the warm couch and his drink behind. It took him seconds to cross the distance to reach the bar on the other side of the room.

  Arianna didn’t notice him right away because her back was facing him, but the guy who was with her did.

  Jayson scowled. Who was this guy? And what was he doing with Arianna?

  The guy must have sensed his silent threat because he got up, leaving the seat empty beside her.

  Arianna spun around on her stool, and her eyes widened when she saw him.

  The music seemed to halt as he took her in. She was dressed to the T in a dark royal blue dress and shining silver jewelry that seemed to sparkle like the disco balls that hung from the ceiling. Her dark brown hair was curled and flowed slightly past her shoulders. Her skin looked flawless and succulent like milk chocolate. What he’d always truly admired about Arianna was that she didn’t have to cover herself in pesky makeup and faux adornments to look as stunning as she did tonight.

  Her lips parted. “Jayson.”

  The same heavy, but potent underlying scent that told him she was his mate was the same one, which alerted him that her blood was tainted with alcohol.

  He looked down at the shot glass between her fingers. “How many vodka shots have you turned up tonight?”

  “How many times do I have to tell you that you’re not my father?” was her quick reply.

  To illustrate her rebellious nature, she lifted the glass to her lips and swallowed.

  Jayson took a seat on the stool next to her. “I would ask you what you were doing here if I was certain you’d give a reply.”

  Her eyes pierced him. “Are you following me?”

  Arianna was one of the strongest women he knew, so it surprised him to see that her eyes were watery with what looked like tears.

  “Have you been crying?”

  She broke eye contact. “No. Why would I be crying?”

  He could smell a lie. “Who hurt you, Arianna?”

  “No one.” She threw some money on the counter next to the empty shot glass and got up.

  This time, he did follow her. She made it several feet before he took her in his embrace and pulled her to his chest.

  “You like to run from problems, Arianna?”

  “Stop chasing me like I’m your prey,” she demanded.

  “It would be so much easier on both of us if you admit how much you want this.”

  “Unfortunately, some things I want aren’t always good for me.”

  He lifted her hand and pressed his lips to the long scar on the inside of her palm. The familiar scar brought back too many fond memories. “I may not be the perfect wolf or man, I agree, but you and I both know that you are my perfect mate.”

  She pulled from his grasp and successfully made it to a corner of the room.

  “Do you enjoy chasing me?” she asked, when he boxed her against the wall.

  Jayson grinned. “Do I really need to answer that?”

  “I’m trying to leave, if you would let me.”

  “I’m not letting you drive anywhere under the influence.”

  “I have a designated driver waiting for me outside.”

  “Oh yeah?” He quirked his brow. “It’s unusual seeing you in nightclubs and at parties all of a sudden.”

  “I needed a change of scenery.”

  “A change from what? What’s been bothering you?”

  “I…” Arianna’s gaze shifted from him to something else further in the room. “…you’ve got to be kidding me.”

  “What is it?” He attempted to turn, but she caught his shoulder.

  “No, don’t look.” She squeezed lightly on his forearm. “One of the escorts…he’s looking at us. I knew they were watching me.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Zeldano’s driver and an escort brought me here. I—”

  “Zeldano?” The name rang a bell, but he was too confused to decipher where from.

  “He’s coming this way. I’ve got to go.” She snatched away from him. “I don’t want you getting into this.”

  Jayson turned and watched as she made a beeline for the exit. It wasn’t until he saw a man in a red shirt trailing after her did his feet really begin to move. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end as he gained on her.

  In that moment, he knew there would be trouble.

  “We have orders to return you to the Zeldano Estate,” the man in the black tailored suit said, blocking Arianna’s path.

  “Orders?” she gawked.

  They were already causing a scene as the late night partygoers stood outside of the establishment staring. But at the moment, Arianna could care less about reputation and integrity.

  Was her father insane? What mess had he gotten them into this time?

  “Get in the car,” he ordered, opening the door and pointing at the back seat.

  “No.” She refused to be sold to the highest bidder. “You can tell both my father and Zeldano to shove it where the sun doesn’t shine.”

  “Ms. Klein!”

  She didn’t heed his warning, but what she did heed was the sound of a motorcycle racing straight at them. Fast. It seemed that the rider was headed right to her and would run her over if she didn’t move.

  Arianna prepare to dodge out of the way at the same time she saw wild black hair wiping in the breeze. The rider held a gloved hand out to the side as he rushed toward her.

  It was Jayson. Again.

  It was now or never. Accept his help or face the consequences of her father’s actions.

  She ignored the calls of Zeldano’s escorts as she thrust out her hand. Her heart pounded vigorously as Jayson gripped her arm. Her body seemed to sail through the air before her butt landed on the seat of the bike behind him. They jolted forward as Jayson twisted the throttle and increased the speed.

  She grabbed him around the waist as the breeze rushed against her bare skin and face, preventing her from fully catching her breath.

  Jayson lifted a helmet over his shoulder and handed it back to her. Before putting it on her head, she stole a glance backward.

  The black Cadillac that had escorted her to the nightclub was hot on their tail.

  “Shit, they’re gaining up on us,” she cursed, slipping the helmet over her head.

  “I’m trying to lose them. Hold tight.”

  Pressing her chest against his back, she gripped his waist once again, this time a little tighter. His entire body was tense and his abs grew taut against her fingers as they reached breakneck speeds.

  Just like Arianna, Jayson was a thrill-seeker. It was one of traits that attracted her to him, but never had she been faced with actually being chased after. Ever since she could remember, he was always into bikes and racing. When she’d been old enough to ride with him, they’d cruise on the back of his bike for hours, dozens of
miles from home. They’d even taken risks several times by riding out on the open highways at hair-rising speeds.

  Suddenly, Jayson took a sharp turn veering off onto another highway. Her body jerked to the right and she clutched at him. She pressed her lips tightly together, trying not to scream.

  The Cadillac still loomed behind them, its bright lights illuminating the highway. Unlike the previous road, this one had vehicles coming in the opposite direction. Up ahead, a pick-up truck seemed to be going at a snail’s pace. Jayson swerved into the opposite lane in an attempt to prevent collision. There were several more vehicles up ahead. If she remembered correctly, the speed limit on this highway was fifty. The way her eardrums pulsed, Jayson had to have been going nearly one hundred.

  Arianna shut her eyes and braced for the worst. Never would she have thought in a hundred years that she’d die in a motorcycle crash.

  “Jayson?” Her panicked voice came out in a rush.

  “I’m trying to lose them. I got this. I promise.”

  She was surprised he’d even heard her over the roaring engine. Another jolt to the right confirmed that he’d turned down yet another road. Cracking one eye open, she looked up and her heart jumped.

  They were coming up on a busy street and intersection in the heart of the city.

  What was Jayson thinking?

  A high-speed chase down on a busy street was a bad idea.

  They swerved in and out between cars and the jerky motions made her feel as though she’d vomit a crab cakes, lobster, vodka medley at any moment. She looked behind her to confirm that Zeldano’s maniacs were still following them closely.

  A horn blasted and every blood vessel in her body seemed to freeze.

  An eighteen-wheeler propelled toward them in the opposite lane. Fate was not on their side tonight, as another large freight truck came into view.

  She swallowed. “Jayson…”

  This time, no response came. He ducked low on the bike, and she did the same holding onto him tightly because her life depended on it.

  The next move happened when she blinked. She glimpsed a flurry of white on either side of her as they whizzed between the two big rigs as both came to a stop under a red traffic light. Of course, Jayson ignored the signal and sailed right through it.

  She cringed when she heard tires scrubbing the pavement and metal crashing into metal.

  They came to a screeching halt yards away from the intersection.

  Arianna tore the helmet off and panted, taking in the scene behind them. The scent of gas and burnt rubber made it difficult for her to clear her senses and take in fresh air.

  It was a pity that the black Cadillac hadn’t stopped in time. She could make out what looked like the front end of the car stuck under the back end of the eighteen-wheeler.

  When she turned back around, Jayson slowly met her gaze. She’d known this man since she was a child. The look in his eyes told her that he had questions—and plenty of them.

  “Thank you,” was all she managed to whisper before putting her helmet back on.

  He gunned the engine and drove them away from the scene of the accident. This time, his speed was well within the city limits.


  “Wolf in the city?” Arianna asked as Jayson turned the key in the doorknob.

  He smirked, opened the door, and let her pass. “I’ve always preferred the metropolitan scenery. You know that.”

  She stood in the foyer of his condo and took in the open floor plan. The focal point of the room was the massive white marble fireplace. An abstract art picture made of stained glass was fixed above it. The windows were oversized and stretched from floor to ceiling. She walked to the other end of the condo and pressed her hand to the glass leading out to the private terrace. There was a scenic view of the night sky and high-rise buildings next to them. The ceiling was vaulted, kind of like a dome. He didn’t have much furniture, but then again, from what she could remember he always kept the minimum. Jayson’s place was the epitome of a bachelor’s pad.

  He threw his jacket over the coat rack and tossed a set of keys on an end table. “Make yourself at home. Can I get you something to drink?”

  “I’ve had enough for one night, thank you.” She took a seat on a brown leather coach and slipped off her heels.

  Jayson disappeared around a wall and returned with two chilled bottles of water. “I meant a regular drink,” he said, and handed one to her which she accepted.

  She pressed the cool plastic to her forehead and leaned back on his couch. His eyes studied her intently as he chugged his water down in three gulps.

  Finally, he sat down next to her. “Do you mind telling me why we were being chased like wild rabbits?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know exactly.”


  “Zeldano’s escorts drove me to the nightclub after we had dinner at his estate. I—”

  Jayson turned to face her. “Are you dating him now?”

  “No,” she replied, frowning. “It was a business dinner. For me and my father.”

  “What type of business?”

  “They’re planning a partnership.” This time she shifted in her seat to give him her undivided attention. “How long have you and my father been planning to dissolve Klein and Truman, LP?”

  “For a while. A progression of things led up to our decision. Prior to his death, my father signed all his shares over to me instead of ending their contract. To this day, I wonder why he would do something like this knowing that Mr. Klein and I don’t work well together.”

  “How did I not know about these plans to dissolve?”

  “Your father has done an extraordinary job of keeping the details out of the public. After all, more than half of his clients are loyal Caedmon followers. He is not.”

  “You’re right. He hasn’t announced his withdrawal yet. It’s only a matter of time before he pulls his support from the new Caedmon leadership. According to him, there is an open deal on the table for him and Zeldano.”

  “A deal?”

  “Yes. A contract that, to my understanding, would precede the dissolution of Klein and Truman.”

  “Our current agreement does not allow us to enter into other partnerships. At least, not while this one is currently ongoing.”

  “This was where my father brought me into the mix. Since I still carry the Klein name, he wants me to sign as initial partner…that and other stipulations…”

  Arianna stood and walked over toward the glass doors leading onto the terrace. She crossed her arms over her chest and looked out against the dark backdrop, city lights, and tall buildings.

  How did it all come to this? She should have seen it coming. Her father had been facilitating drastic changes to the business model. Every week, she’d hear about a long-time client ceasing to do business with him. Arianna had enough expertise to know that the majority of businesses reached the decline phase at one point or another. But how far would her father go before everything hit rock bottom. Was he deliberating doing this?

  Jayson was directly behind her, his palm on her bare shoulder. “It doesn’t sound like you agree with this contract.”

  “It’s my father’s last minute attempt to fix things, I know. When mom died, he fell into a slump and never made it out. He’s acting in desperation.”

  “On top of that, he lost what would have been his first son to a stillbirth. I’m sorry you have to go through this.”

  She turned, and tilted her head to study Jayson. “Is this something you want? To see the end of the partnership?”

  “Like I said, your father and I haven’t worked well together since I started with the firm as a young boy. The answer is yes, I wanted to end the partnership even before my father’s death. For some reason he didn’t think it was a good idea to dissolve at the time. I almost wonder if he knew about Mr. Klein’s side dealings.”

  “It’s possible, but maybe he wasn’t sure. It seems my father covered up everything…even
from me. What do the clients think of this?”

  “I’ve suspected that your father has been breaking agreements with his clients for months. I’ve not lost one client on my end, however.”

  She sighed. “It’ almost as if he’s pulling the business down on purpose.”

  Jayson’s forehead creased, and he said nothing to this claim.

  Arianna clenched her hands into fists thinking about the proposal her father had laid out for her. “I can’t believe he’s doing this.” She was afraid for her father and for his future. As his only living child, she was supposed to support him in his endeavors. But in this…she could not.

  Jayson lifted a hand and stroked the side of her face with his thumb.

  His touch was warm, and surprisingly comforting. She closed her eyes, as he reached the side of her neck, stroking it with his palm.

  “I don’t like seeing you this way. You shouldn’t have to worry about these problems,” he whispered.

  The instant she opened her eyes she saw sincerity mixed with concern in his expression.

  “In addition to what I’ve learned, my father’s attempts to control my life have gotten out of hand.” She couldn’t stand telling him that she’d been offered to the highest bidder as a result of her father’s dealings. “You remember how it used to be—almost impossible to leave the house to enjoy life.”

  “I will help. If you let me.”

  “I know you would,” she said, “but these problems are my own.”

  “They are very much my problems as well. This business is part of the network that binds two Caedmon branches together. It’s just not official yet.”

  “I know.”

  “Do you want to see this link end, Arianna?”


  She had no doubts in her decision. Unlike her father, she was a loyal Caedmon.

  Jayson tipped her chin and his lips settled onto hers. He kissed her…and she let him.

  Light, sensuous sips to her lips at first. And then firm roving caresses that coaxed her mouth open. He tasted sweet and hot at the same time, and she closed her eyes, relishing in the sinful urges that she hadn’t had in a very long time.

  He dragged his hand through her hair, down her spine, and then finally rested on the small of her back. She arched into him, molding her body against him. Something tightened deep in her core. A longing. The need for fulfillment. The weakness she’d subdued to protect herself.


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