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Fight With Me (Fight and Fall)

Page 17

by Unknown

  “It was Marcus, Emma. The very same person that did this to you, killed my sister,” he says, looking pointedly at my face.

  I shiver at the coincidence, everything about him finally making sense. The pieces of the puzzle finally are in place. I drop the bed sheet from my grip, crawling over beside him at the bottom of the bed. I put my hand on top of his in comfort, as he looks down at my knuckles above his. He stares deeply into my eyes, threading his fingers through mine, squeezing them gently.

  “When my sisters’ body was examined after she passed, the coroner found severe bite marks and lacerations on her skin. I asked around and…found out that Marcus was known for rough sex, leaving his imprint on every girl he had been with. The autopsy found that there was cocaine in my sisters’ system, and I just knew that he had given it to her. She was always against drugs. and I knew that he got her hooked. I guess he was the go-to guy for drugs at my high school and I didn’t even realize it.”

  “I confronted him one day after school, just before graduation, and he just laughed at me. He called my sister a decent piece of ass but a pathetic and needy drug addict who got what she deserved in the end. All I remember is wrestling him to the ground and getting a few punches in before Officer Mendez, the school security guard at the time, came over and broke it up. He told us to not let it happen again and that we were both free to go and forget it ever happened.”

  His mouth twitches slightly as he pauses, remembering. I see the memories flashing behind his eyes, his expression of utter frustration and pent up anger. I know that feeling. It’s been keeping me rooted to the past, preventing me from moving on and into the future.

  I remove my hand from his and I hesitate, instantly regretting what I’m about to do. I sit up, my knees planted on the mattress. He looks at me, confusion appearing on his face. I move my hands to his midsection, wrapping them around his back, my cheek resting against his chest. He freezes beneath my touch, obviously shocked by the contact. I’m nearly as shocked as he is. I just wanted to comfort him and dare I say, be closer to him. He feels the same pain that I do, and he’s the only one right now that truly understands me. Not Lucas, Leslie, or even Aiden understand. Just him.

  I feel his arms envelope me, holding me close to him. The human contact that I’ve pushed away for so long finally is getting to me. I start to shake, tears welling up within my eyes. I didn’t realize how alone I’ve truly felt and how good it feels to just be held in another persons’ arms.

  I bury my head in his chest, sobs now racking my body.

  “Shhh, Emma. I’m right here. I’m so sorry. I’m sorry I told you about my sister,” he says almost pleadingly.

  “N-n-no. It-t-t-t’s not you. I, I’m the one that should be sorry,” I murmur into his chest.

  “I just wanted you to know why I’ve seemed so intense and engrossed with this case. I guess I have a personal vendetta against Marcus and knowing that he did this to you, well…it brought a lot of pain I suppressed to the surface again. I feel like I’m the reason this happened to you, Emma.”

  “No, you…” I protest.

  “No, listen to me. The reason I became a police officer was to protect those who couldn’t protect themselves. I had a full scholarship to a university but I turned it down. I had no choice really. How could I live my life being so selfish when my sister didn’t get the chance at all? I made a vow to put Marcus away but I failed. I tried but he never slipped up. Not until you, Emma. Do you know how elated I was when I found out what he did? I finally had a reason to lock him up and then I saw you and…I was disgusted with myself for even feeling that way. How could I be happy, knowing what he did to you? When I saw you in that hospital bed, I almost became physically sick. The guilt and anger hit me all at once when I saw you. You were barely keeping it together and I just wanted to hold you in my arms and make it all go away. I imagined what my sister felt before she passed and then you…you were looking at me like you knew what I was remembering, as if you saw all of me. I could see the fire in you, Emma. Even though you were barely hanging on, you were still fighting,” he breathes out, stroking my hair with his fingertips.

  “You’ve been through so much. I don’t know how you’ve managed to be so strong. First Arizona, now this. You’re a survivor, Emma,” he whispers to me.

  I tense up against him, trying to figure out if I misheard him. I pull back away from him, my tears slowly dissipating. He keeps his hands on me, resting them against my waist.

  “Emma, it’s okay. I know what happened to you when you lived there. I had to know about your background because of the investigation. I would have never invaded your privacy if it wasn’t necessary. I’m so sorry about your husband and…”

  “Stop!” I yell, hating the pity I see in his eyes.

  I instantly close up on him, the painful memories of my past rearing its ugly head. There are some best left forgotten. Things that don’t need to be remembered.

  “I’m sorry. I believe you, Emma. Those police officers should have been arrested for not…” he says.

  I hear the bedroom door fling open, hitting the wall from violent force. I look over, Aiden’s murderous form gracing the doorway. I see him look down, noticing Colin’s hands still attached to my abdomen. He strides towards us and before Colin and I can react, Aiden has him pushed up against the wall by his throat.

  I scream in horror and shock, trying to figure out how to diffuse the situation.

  “Aiden, stop! Nothing was going on. Please let him go,” I plead.

  “Fucking touch Emma again and I…”

  “You’ll what, Aiden? She’s not yours anymore and I’m pretty sure, last time I checked, that there are repercussions for assaulting a police officer. You think that I can’t get out of this choke-hold you have me in? Get your hand off of me before you really irritate me. I won’t hesitate in taking you out. It’s your choice,” Colin says calmly.

  I see Aiden squeeze his throat more tightly and I move over towards them, putting my hand on Aiden’s shoulder. I feel his shoulders relax, the muscles on his back slumping from my touch.

  “Please, Aiden,” I say, my voice shaking.

  I see him release his hold on Colin, turning away from him and directly towards me. He moves directly beside me, wrapping his arm around my waist, pressing me closely against his side. If this isn’t a blatant display of ownership, then I don’t know what is.

  I let him hold onto me, for fear of making the situation worse and setting him off once again. I won’t admit to myself that I actually miss his touch. I couldn’t possibly admit that.

  I see Colin’s jaw clench, obviously not liking the situation. I can tell he’s angry that it seems like I’m siding with Aiden, when that’s the farthest thing from the truth. I’m not siding with anyone. I’m just trying to keep both of their teeth intact, saving them a trip to the dentist’s office. This pissing contest is unnecessary and confusing as hell. I can understand Aiden’s jealousy but Colin’s is just baffling. He barely knows me and I barely know him. Even though we both have a connection because of Marcus, it doesn’t mean that we have something deeper.

  “Get the fuck out of my house. If I see you here again, you better have a warrant,” Aiden says to Colin, his voice practically bouncing off the walls.

  “Emma, you don’t have to stay here. You can come with me right now and I can find you someplace else to stay. Don’t think that you’re trapped here,” Colin says to me, completely ignoring Aiden’s last comment.

  “You have the fucking nerve to talk to her?! I hear her yell and then I find her with tears in her eyes and your hands on her. You’ll stay the fuck away from her, do you hear me? She’s mine and I’ll protect her no matter what I have to do. Don’t think for one second that I won’t do anything and everything to keep her safe,” Aiden snarls, his body rippling with anger.

  I quickly wrap my arm around his waist, making sure that he doesn’t act on impulse. Colin continues to look at me and I realize what I have to do. It
may not be the smartest decision but I’ve run out of options.

  “Colin, please, just go. I’ll be fine,” I say to him, practically begging him with my eyes to leave.

  I know he doesn’t trust Aiden but I do. Aiden would never hurt me. He may be a jealous, hot-headed jerk sometimes but he won’t let any harm come to me. It may have taken me awhile to remember that deep down, I do trust him, more than anyone.

  I see Colin’s expression reach that of utter defeat. I close my eyes, hating that I put that look at his face. I know that he’s trying to make up for his sister’s death by trying to protect me. The only problem is that I already have a protector. Aiden.

  “I’ll leave but I will be back. I’m not giving up, Emma. Just know that. I’ll let myself out,” he says turning on his heel and out of the room.

  I hear the door slam and I flinch at the sound. His last words make me wonder if he was talking about more than not giving up on finding Marcus. Could his words have had a double meaning?

  I feel Aiden withdraw from me, walking out of my bedroom without a word. I stand there dumbstruck, trying to figure out where to go from here.

  A few moments later, Aiden renters my bedroom, his face void of emotion.

  “I had to lock the door and set the security alarm. Not happy that I came back, Emma?” he says, his voice tinted with anger.

  I just stare at him, not quite sure how to answer that question.

  “Did he hurt you, Emma?” he asks me abruptly, his voice rough.

  “No, it wasn’t like that. I put my hand on his and then…” I say truthfully.

  “So you wanted him to touch you, is that it?” he says laughing harshly.

  I see him rub his neck back and forth, the nervous tick making its appearance. I shake my head vigorously, realizing that whatever I say to defend the situation, he won’t care. He knows what he saw and nothing, not even the truth, will pacify him.

  He walks over to me, stopping directly in front of me.

  “Touch me,” he says, his eyes almost baiting me.

  I look away from him, not liking this game he’s playing. I don’t know what he thinks he will gain by testing me. My fists clench by my sides, hating myself for wanting to touch him with everything in me.

  He moves his fingers to my chin, moving my face back towards his. He moves his lips only an inch away from mine, his warm breath tickling my skin.

  “Use me. Pretend I’m him, if you want. I really don’t care, as long as you touch me. Here, I’ll help you,” he says, his eyes accusing.

  He moves his hands down to my wrists, bringing my hands up and around his neck. I know I should push him away and stop this cat and mouse game but it’s no use. I move my fingertips back and forth against his skin, as I begin to see his eyes change. His pupils grow larger, obviously not expecting me to give in. If I wasn’t mistaken, I would’ve thought that he wanted me to reject him and admit that I wanted Colin.

  I smile inwardly, realizing his game after all. I need to make sure that all doubt leaves his mind. I may have liked being in Colin’s arms but not in the same way I do being in Aiden’s. I feel connected and remorseful towards Colin but that’s all. With Aiden, I feel everything.

  I feel his arms move hesitantly towards my lower back, gently resting his palms against my shirt. He looks at me, trying to figure out if I’m actually going to take him up on his offer.

  I take my hands away from his neck, realizing that I need to take matters into my own hands. He removes his palms from my back, probably thinking that he pushed me too far and that I’m going to kick him out of my room. He looks at me nervously now, his former confidence now obsolete.

  I move my hands down towards the hem of my shirt, as I watch his confused yet rapt expression. I pull the shirt completely up, throwing it to the floor beneath us. I reach for my yoga pants, the elastic at the waist running down the length of my legs. I look up at him, his expression confused by my sudden campaign against wearing clothing.

  “I know who I’m standing in front of. I don’t need to pretend that you’re someone else. Is this enough proof for you, Aiden?” I say to him.

  He groans loudly, practically slamming his body into mine. He plunges his tongue into my mouth, knocking his teeth against mine. He moves his hands down to my ass, his nails biting into my flesh. I feel his arousal against my stomach, as he lifts me up against him, my feet dangling behind his legs. I arch against him, as he moves his lips to my neck, sucking on the skin. He nips my neck with his teeth, moving down to my shoulder as he rains kisses across the sensitized flesh.

  I moan loudly, the overwhelming sensations very much missed these past months. I hook my feet around his legs, causing him to collapse on top of me on the bed. He shifts his body to the side of me, obviously worried that he might crush me. He kisses his way down my chest, pulling my nipple into his mouth. He tugs it roughly with his teeth, as the heels of my feet dig into the mattress.

  “I just want you. Only you,” I breathe out, closing my eyes as he continues to suck and nip.

  His movements cease above me, and I blink in equal confusion and sexual frustration. When I look up, I see him frozen above me, a frown marring his face.

  “What’s wrong? Are you okay?” I ask worriedly, trying to figure out what went wrong.

  He looks at me deeply before getting up off the bed and onto his feet again. I grab the sheet from the bed, covering myself. I’m sure my entire body is blushing with embarrassment. I feel more than a little hurt and rejected.

  “Stop, Emma. Just stop,” he breathes out, running his hands over his face.

  I looked at him, puzzled by what he’s referring to.

  “I saw the way you looked at him. I’m supposed to believe that you want only me. I lied, Emma. I can’t be with you. Not anymore,” he says shaking his head.

  “What are you talking about? I don’t want him, Aiden. Why would you even think that? I barely know him. We’ve seen each other twice,” I say frustrated.

  “It took me one second of seeing you to know that I wanted you! That’s not a good enough reason. It doesn’t matter anymore, Emma. Nothing matters anymore,” he says walking towards the door.

  I want to yell at him, reminding him that he didn’t want me when we met. His recollection of our introduction is a little different than mine.

  I grind my teeth together, angry at him and myself for being so vulnerable with him. He pretty much told me to jump and I did. He made me look like a fool. A pathetic and insatiable fool.

  I feel the anger bubbling up from within me. I know that I will say something I will regret. Something that may never be unsaid.

  “I liked that Colin touched me, that he held me in his arms. Is that what you want to hear? That I would rather let a near stranger touch me than you? Fine. You wanted the truth, there it is, Aiden. I’m tired of living in this fucking house with you. I’m tired of just being near you! Tomorrow, I’m calling Colin and having him arrange a place for me to stay. I can’t imagine anything worse than living in this hell. After tomorrow, I don’t ever want to see you again!” I yell at him, my body shaking with pain.

  He nods his head at me jerkily.

  “You won’t have to. After tomorrow, you won’t ever have to see me again,” he says, his voice nearly hoarse now.

  Before I can retract everything I just told him, he leaves the room, the emptiness quickly closing in around me. I bury my head in the sheet in front of me, crying into the soft fabric.

  God, why did I have to be so cruel? He may have hurt me but what I told him was horrible. Even if he were to forgive me for my harsh words, they can never be forgotten.

  I fall back onto the bed, tears slowly running down my face. I close my eyes, trying to figure out how to make this right. I realize that I have to tell Aiden everything. I have to tell him how I feel about him, how I’ve always felt about him. I just need to finally put everything on the table and let him decide if we’re worth fighting for.

  Before I can muster
up the courage to go and talk to him, my body starts to feel heavy, the multiple crying sessions finally catching up with me. I breathe out loudly, the darkness closing in around me, taking me farther and farther away from Aiden

  I wake up disoriented, a sense of unease making me gasp for air. I don’t know how long I feel asleep for but I do know that it is still nighttime, the room shrouded in darkness. I feel chills break out across my skin, my stomach filled with returning regret. I have a feeling that something is terribly wrong. Is it just my guilty conscience or something more? I need to see Aiden right now and make this right. I have to tell him I’m sorry for everything that I’ve done. This entire thing has gotten way out of hand. I realize that my words really did the damage they were meant to do and I’m sick to my stomach over it.

  I ungraciously get out of bed, putting on my earlier discarded clothing. I walk out of my room and push open the door to Aiden’s, which I find empty. Where the fuck could he be?

  I see a light being turned on in his bathroom and I sigh with relief.

  “Aiden, I need to talk to you,” I say through the door.

  “Emma, we have nothing to talk about. Go back to bed,” he says, his voice sharp.

  “No, it’s important. Please let me in,” I beg, shocked by his tone.

  Something is just not right here. Before I can pound my fist on the door to get his attention, it’s whipped open, the light blinding me. I see Aiden standing in the doorway with his shirt off, tattoos littering his body. I see a new one across his chest and I gasp in astonishment.

  My Love, My Emma is in eloquent lettering near his heart. He sees my gaze and flinches by my discovery. I look into his eyes and see how truly bloodshot and distraught they are. This isn’t Aiden, not my Aiden. This looks like the old Aiden, the one he warned me about. What have I done to him? He looks like he’s given up on not only me but himself.

  I look downwards and see blood dripping on the bathroom floor behind him. His left arm is out of view, shielded behind his back.


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