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Alarm of War v-1

Page 28

by Kennedy Hudner

  Emily looked back at him levelly. Alex Rudd came and sat beside her.

  “Alex,” Captain Rowe greeted him. Emily remembered that Alex Rudd had started out as the junior Tactical Officer on the Bristol. Rowe turned his attention back to Emily, fixing her with a hard stare.

  “No bullshit, Lieutenant. Is Julie Grey dead?”

  Emily shook her head. “No, sir, but she’s badly injured.”

  He looked at her appraisingly. “Does she know what you’re doing?”

  She didn’t want to lie to this man. “Captain Grey gave me specific orders to destroy the enemy’s supply ships, sir. She did not want to give up command to Captain Wicklow for fear he would not fulfill the mission. As to the details, I will tell her when she regains consciousness.” If she regained consciousness.

  “Captain Wicklow is within his rights to have your head on a platter, you know that?”

  “We have to destroy the Dominion supply train,” she said evenly. “We are out of time. I have a plan in place. Captain Wicklow is content to break contact and run.” Beside her, Rudd nodded in agreement. Rowe’s eyes flickered to him.

  “You in on this charade, Alex?”

  “All the way,” Rudd replied firmly. “Captain Grey was using Emily’s plan when she was injured in the first attack.”

  Chief Gibson was suddenly standing beside them. “I’m in this, too, Captain Rowe.”

  Rowe’s face split into a broad grin. “I’ll be dammed, it’s Chief Gibson, the scourge of new lieutenants everywhere. I thought they retired your sorry ass, Chief.”

  “Can’t get rid of me, Captain. Fleet’d fall apart in a heartbeat.” He frowned. “Captain, I was with Lieutenant Tuttle when she took out those two freighters that buggered the Invincible and Isle of Man. If it weren’t for her, Lionheart woulda been royally screwed. She’s right smart and she’s plenty fierce. With all respect to Captain Wicklow, nuthin’ timid about her.”

  Rowe considered for along moment, then pursed his lips. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but okay, Tuttle, your show. I’ll do my best to keep Wicklow off you, but fair warning, when all this is over, you’re going to have to pay the piper. And Alex, you’ll be right there with her.”

  “Yes, sir,” Emily said, not daring to believe what she just heard.

  “Good luck. Bristol out.”

  Emily took a long, shuddering breath. Get back in the game, girl. “Sensors! Status report! Where are the escorts and where are the supply ships?”

  Chief Gibson pushed young Partridge aside and scanned his readings. “Dominion escorts are firing on our decoys. In another minute or so they’ll burn through the ECM and realize they’ve been suckered. The Dominion supply ships just passed into our missile range, but still at extreme range. They’re not evading yet, so I don’t think they know we’re here.”

  “Merlin, assume tactical control of all weapons!”

  “I have tactical control of all weapons systems,” Merlin confirmed.

  Emily used a wand to mark an area between the Victorian ships and the Dominion group rushing toward them. “I want light chaff cover throughout this area.”

  “That is within parameters,” Merlin replied.

  ”As soon as the chaff is placed, I want EMP bursts here and here, and I want proximity bomblets fired continuously into this area.”

  “Munitions levels are low, Lieutenant. We have no more than eighty missiles worth of proximity explosives.”

  “Then that will have to do,” she said. “Have lasers recharged?”

  Merlin paused, then: “Lasers will complete recharging in thirty three seconds.”

  Emily described the maneuver they were going to make. It would look like a backwards question mark, swinging the battle group away from the oncoming bogies and near the supply ships, then continue curving back the way they had come. “Fire lasers at the supply ships when we are at our closest point. If sensors don’t show kills, shoot whatever missiles are available.”

  “Incoming missiles!” Gibson warned. “Merlin estimates four hundred plus missiles coming at us from the new bogey. ETA fifteen minutes!”

  Emily took a moment to dictate a message to First Fleet to give Admiral Douthat a status report, downloaded it and launched the courier drone. Finished, she pulled her battle harness tight. “All ships, set close defense systems to full automatic! Radical maneuvering in ten seconds!” She took a deep breath. The white, strained faces of her bridge crew stared back at her. “Merlin, commence the firing and maneuvering sequence!” This was going to be very close.

  Exhausted and spent, Emily fell back into the confines of the battle harness. She willed herself to relax, but then the New Zealand abruptly accelerated to full military speed and snapped to the right. The rest of the Coldstream Guards followed, as if joined at the hip.

  “Closing on the supply ships,” Chief Gibson choked out. “Will be at our closest point in six minutes, forty seconds. The missiles from the Dominion reinforcements will reach us in about thirteen minutes.”

  Emily caught Rudd’s eyes. He nodded. “Looks like we may be late for dinner,” he said calmly.

  Emily worked at giving him a smile, but didn’t think she’d managed it. Macho bullshit, she thought. She calculated that each of her remaining ships had thirty three missiles chasing it. None of us are getting out of this alive. And the thought, the blunt acknowledgement of it, somehow gave her peace.

  Chapter 56

  On Board the Atlas Space Station

  In the Fleet Intelligence Center on the Atlas Space Station, Admiral Douthat stood behind Hiram Brill’s shoulder, looking intently at the holo display.

  “You’re sure?” she asked for the second time.

  “Yes, Ma-am, they are falling back. Not very far, but they are definitely falling back.”

  “Why?” she mused. “Why not continue to press us?”

  Hiram shook his head. He was tired, very tired, and he didn’t think so well when he was tired. “Not enough information, Admiral. It could be any number of things.”

  Admiral Douthat tapped her finger thoughtfully against her upper lip. But it wasn’t any number of things, she thought, it was one of two. Either Admiral Mello had fallen back to rearm and coordinate a massive, overwhelming strike, or something had distracted him, something he had to take care of before he could continue the attack on Atlas. She needed to know which it was.

  But before she could order a reconnaissance mission, Gandalf broke in. “A courier drone from Captain Grey of the New Zealand has entered communications range.”

  “I’ve got it,” Hiram said, and a moment later the comm screen displayed the message. With a start, Hiram recognized Emily.

  “This is Lieutenant Emily Tuttle of the New Zealand, temporarily in command of the Coldstream Guards. We’re down to ten ships. Gloucester and Canberra have detached and are returning to you. We have killed three Dominion supply ships, disabled two more and are in a final attack run on the remaining four. High probability of success. But the Dominions have sent at least thirty five and perhaps as many as forty — repeat, four zero — ships to protect the supply ships and they have just launched a missile volley at us. We will launch on the supply ships momentarily, then I intend to run for it. The forty ships came from the direction of Bogey One, so you might have an opportunity there. A list of other kills is attached to this message.”

  On the screen Emily paused, seemingly unsure what to say next. “We are low on missiles and outnumbered here, so I don’t really think we’ll get out of this. Good luck to you. New Zealand out.”

  Admiral Douthat leapt to her feet. Queen Anne, who had been silent until now, asked: “What is it? Will you try to rescue them?”

  Douthat ignored her. “Gandalf! Orders to the Queen’s Own and Black Watch: Prepare to attack immediately! Each ship to tow as many missile pods as it can. Admiral’s flag shifting to Lionheart. And have a shuttle ready for me in Shuttle Bay Number One.” Then, without another word, she ran from the room, stubby
arms and legs pumping, and her generous middle bouncing along in hasty rhythm. Her aides pelted behind her.

  Queen Anne turned to Hiram in confusion. “What just happened? Are they going to rescue the Coldstream Guards?”

  Still looking at the frozen image of Emily on the comm screen, Hiram answered slowly. “Admiral Douthat just ran the numbers. When Bogey One attacked, we counted eighty five ships. We think they lost ten when we blew up Prometheus, leaving seventy five. The Coldstream Guards killed three more and may have damaged a fourth, so that leaves seventy one. What’s more, the supply ships had an escort of another six ships, so that means that there were only sixty five ships actually on line against the Atlas.”

  The Queen nodded slowly, comprehension dawning. “So-”

  “Yes,” Hiram said. “If Emily’s report is correct, the Dominion have now pulled another forty ships off line in order to save their supply train.” He smiled grimly. “That leaves only twenty five ships actively pursuing us. Probably less, since we know we’ve killed or disabled a few.”

  “So now we outnumber them,” Anne said.

  “For a little while,” Hiram corrected. “The forty ships will come back, and somewhere out there Bogey Two is coming towards us, but this gives us a chance to go in and do some real damage.”

  “But what if it’s a trap?” the Queen asked, her face furrowed in concern. “What if Bogey Two is already here, just waiting for us to make a mistake, then come in and grab Atlas while it’s unprotected?”

  Hiram shrugged. “Admiral Douthat doesn’t mind a little gamble.”

  “Gods of our Mothers.” Anne stared at him, emotions flickering across her face. “I thought space warfare was supposed to be like a game of chess, with calculated moves and intricate stratagems.”

  “Yeah, that works when you’re winning. But when you’re losing, it looks more like poker…or bare knuckled brawling.”

  “Gods of our Mothers,” she breathed again. “And the Coldstream Guards? Will Admiral Douthat be able to rescue the Coldstream Guards?”

  Hiram just looked at her.

  “I see,” she said after a moment.

  She didn’t really have anything more to say. Out there, somewhere, an entire Battle Group had sacrificed itself in order to save Atlas. In order to save her. But though she may be a queen, she was still a young woman, with a young woman’s curiosity.

  “I–I saw you when that message came through, from the junior officer onboard the New Zealand.” She hesitated, then plunged ahead. “Do you know her?

  Hiram blew out a breath. “Emily Tuttle. I met her at training in Camp Gettysburg. She is a friend, a good friend, and someday she would have made a very good admiral.” He smiled ruefully. “I don’t make friends easily, Your Majesty. You may have noticed — I’m a bit odd.”

  “Was she-” Anne faltered. “I mean, were you and she-”

  “No,” Hiram said. “Emily is just a very good friend. The woman I care about, the woman I love, was with Second Fleet in Tilleke.”

  Anne had no words for that, and after an awkward silence, turned and left the room.

  Eight minutes later all of the Queen’s Own and Black Watch reversed course and began racing toward the diminished Dominion line.

  Aboard the H.M.S. Yorkshire, Cookie wandered through the ship’s corridors, trying to create a plan for dealing with an attack by the Savak, should they have the misfortune to stumble into them again. She was carrying a Bull Pup, had a blaster pistol at her waist and was wearing one of the Marine’s combat suits, relying on its nano-enhanced mesh to stop any Savak pellets that might come her way. After the three bloody, hand-to-hand fights they had been through, she kept a weapon within reach at all times and never took the combat suit off except to shower and sleep, not that she was getting much of either.

  And after the third battle, Cookie and the surviving Marines — all fifteen of them — wore a second blood tear tattooed on their cheek.

  The third assault had been the worse, with Savak commandoes from two different kraits beaming onto the ship simultaneously. The Marines and Yorkshire’s crew had lost the Engineering Deck, taken it back, and then lost it again. Then the Savak started pushing out from Engineering and Cookie and Sergeant Zamir were unable to stop them. They fought a stubborn, grueling, bloody retreat, but it was a retreat and they were rapidly running out of time and space.

  That was when Grant Skiffington gave orders to everyone to find a place to strap in and fast, then he ordered Gandalf to turn off the inertial compensator for exactly one half of a second and at the same time activate the Dark Matter Brake to reduce speed by ten percent.

  The results had been spectacularly gruesome.

  Six of the Yorkshire’s crew hadn’t tied themselves down properly and were lost, but the Savak were caught totally unprepared. Many of them died immediately as they were smashed into bulkheads. The survivors, save for two of the female Pilots, were shot. None of the Marines were inclined towards mercy.

  Grant Skiffington. The memory of their love making flooded over her. What had she been thinking? She shook her head in exasperation. He had been surprisingly tender and gentle, but she still couldn’t believe that she made love with him, to him. God, she had needed it, but he wasn’t Hiram; he could never be Hiram. There was no guilt — well, there was not much guilt, but there was a deep, gnawing longing. Would she ever see Hiram again?

  Nearby, the sound of a sob. Reflexively Cookie spun to the sound, Bull Pup coming up. “Identify yourself fast or get shot,” she barked.

  Another sob, followed by an audible hiccup. “It’s me, Romano.”

  Cookie let out her breath. Specialist 4 Lori Romano was one of the tech weenies, the invisible people who scurried around keeping the ship running so that the warriors could make war on the enemy. She was a petit, mousy girl who was supposed to be smart as a whip, but had pretty much gone to pieces in the repeated Savak attacks. While Cookie could hardly blame her for that, it did nothing to endear her, either.

  “You okay, Romano?” she asked, pushing aside her irritation at being scared half to death.

  “I…I just needed a little time by myself,” the young woman said, her voice thick with tears.

  “You could get something in sick bay to help you,” Cookie suggested. A lot of the crew were on anti-anxiety pills, so many that the medic referred to himself as the ship’s “Morale Officer.”

  “No, I don’t want any more pills. I just-” she rubbed her eyes with her knuckles, looking even more like a little kid. “I just want to stop thinking…”

  She looked imploringly at Cookie. “I keep seeing Peter when they took a sword and …” She covered her face again. “Oh, God, I just want to stop thinking about it. All that blood.”

  Then Cookie remembered. Linda Romano had been standing next to Specialist Peter Tillinghast when the poor bastard had been beheaded by one of the goddamned Savak. His body had stood for several seconds, wildly pumping blood until his heart finally got the message that it was all over. Romano, drenched in his blood, had screamed hysterically and torn at her bloody clothes until the medic finally knocked her out with a sedative.

  Cookie tried to think of something to say, something comforting. Nothing seemed adequate.

  “What do you do, Romano?”

  Romano frowned, then hiccupped. “Corporal?”

  “What do you do on the Yorkshire?”

  “Oh.” She wiped her eyes again. “I’m an Artificial Intelligence Interface Systems Specialist.”

  “I’m afraid I don’t really know what that is,” Cookie confessed, a little embarrassed.

  “S’ok,” Romano said matter of factly. “You’re just a Marine. Nobody expects you to know any of this stuff.” Then her eyes widened in dismay as she heard her own words. “Oh! I didn’t mean that you couldn’t-”

  Cookie waved dismissively. “Relax, Romano. I’m the first to acknowledge that the Marine Corp is not exactly a hot bed of intellectualism. The only degree we all have is-” />
  “Expert Marksman,” Linda Romano finished. “Yeah, I heard that one before.” Then Romano stared at Cookie, her brow furrowed. “Corporal — ”

  “You don’t report to me, Romano, you can call me ‘Sanchez’ or even ‘Cookie’ if you want.”

  “Cookie can’t be your first name,” Romano replied, her eyes crinkling in amusement.

  Cookie sighed. “My first name is ‘Maria,” but only my mother calls me that.”

  Romano nodded. “Okay, I just noticed that you’re not speaking like-” she stopped, flustered.

  “Like a Marine?” Cookie prodded.

  “Yes, exactly,” Romano blurted. “You’re speaking in full sentences, and your vocabulary…” she trailed off again, her face flushing.

  Cookie grinned crookedly. “I made a friend in basic training. Smart and educated. She introduced me to books, and I’ve spent the last three years reading every chance I get.” She shrugged. “What can I say, it rubs off.”

  “But when I see you with other Marines, you sound…you sound-” Romano groped for the right words.

  “When I talk to my fellow Marines,” Cookie said patiently, “I sound tough. I’m a corporal, remember? I need to be tough and my men need to know I’m tough. Sounding too educated would not help, trust me on that.”

  Romano looked at her, clearly not understanding.

  “So tell me, in tiny little words, Artificial Intelligence Interface Specialist, just what it is you do,” Cookie pressed.

  Romano sighed and shrugged, but Cookie saw that there was a little more color in her cheeks. “I make things work. You know most of the ship is driven by computers, right?” Cookie nodded. “People push buttons and stuff, but that only sends a signal to Gandalf, who makes it happen. But have you ever wondered how Gandalf makes things happen? That’s where we come in. Everything Gandalf does, it does through an elaborate interface with the ship’s mechanical and electrical systems. That’s what we do: we make sure it all works together.”


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