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For the Love of Two Highland Bears

Page 3

by Tianna Xander

  “Damned skippy.” Roxie took a sip of her drink. “Now tell me what we’re going to do about it.”

  “First off, we’ll be heading tae the United States tae meet your grandfather.” Duncan said moving to stand behind his mother. “I dinnae think my mother has thought about it, but she will in a minute and she’ll insist on going, I’m sure.”

  “I dinnae think I want tae be making a trip to that country. I still haven’t forgiven the blasted United States for harboring the humans who killed my Carson. If only they had left his body instead of carrying it—” She stopped, her eyes growing wide and she looked at Sunshine.

  “Green eyes. Ye hae green eyes just like my Lachlan had. Just like Carson.” She turned to Duncan. “Do ye think her grandfather is my Carson?”

  Duncan smiled and took his mother’s hand. “Yes, Mam. I think he is.”

  After two days of preparation, they were ready to head to Michigan and break the news to her grandfather. In that two days, Roxie found two men in the clan who offered to show her Scotland while they made their trip. If the way Roxie acted was any indication, she would have a wonderful time while alone with the two men who seemed enamored with her.

  Sunshine was only a little envious. After all, though Roxie got to stay in Scotland with two uber-hot Scots, she was travelling back to the States, in a private jet, with two in tow. She wasn’t sure why Malcolm and Gavin thought they had to accompany Maggie and Duncan, but she was glad they did.

  She loved the way they made her feel when they looked at her with such intensity. Heat pooled low just thinking about the way they made her body tingle and practically go up in flames when they were near.

  “Ready tae go now, lass?” Malcolm asked as he picked up her suitcase and headed for the door. “Duncan has taken care of the bill for ye.”

  “What?” Sunshine shook her head. “He shouldn’t have done that. It was my bill, not his.”

  “But he felt responsible for keeping ye and Roxie at the castle for two days.” Gavin grinned as he handed off Roxie’s things to one of the men who would show her friend around the country while she was away. “Take this tae your lass, Montgomery. You and Aiden take care of Roxie while we’re gone or you’ll hae Sunshine’s wrath tae contend with when we return.”

  “Aye.” Montgomery nodded. “Hae a safe trip. Bring our laird back safely.”

  “We will. Duncan and Maggie would hae it no other way.”

  He was so certain that she would be coming back with them, when Sunshine wasn’t sure herself. She wanted to return, but she didn’t know if she could justify causing them the expense. What if Robert Anderson wasn’t the lost heir after all?

  Sunshine had no doubt that, if she was the granddaughter of Carson Wallace, she would return with him. She was sure nothing would keep Maggie Wallace from dragging her long-lost son and her great-granddaughter home.

  The only thing Sunshine feared was that he wasn’t Carson Wallace. After all, her grandfather never once called himself Carson. What if this was all a huge mistake?

  Chapter Six

  Malcolm sat in the limo from the airport to the institution where Sunshine said they would find Robert Anderson. He frowned at the name. He wondered how the other man came by it.

  Shifting in his seat, he drew his arm tighter around Sunshine as her head lolled on his shoulder in sleep. The trip had been an exhausting one for her. She didn’t have their metabolism or their energy. That didn’t matter to him. He loved the feel of her body pressed close to his and her scent filling his nose.

  He wanted this woman in his life for as long as he lived. He’d fallen in love with the lass over the last handful of days and he wasn’t ready to give her up no matter who her grandfather turned out to be when they found him.

  Maggie sat across from him, staring out at the passing scenery with unseeing eyes. He could tell by her expression that she wasn’t looking at anything beyond the tinted glass. Duncan held his cell phone, checking his email, no doubt making sure his mates were fine back at the castle and Gavin, damn him, slept like a babe, oblivious to the world around them.

  Turning his gaze back to his mate, Malcolm smiled down at her. Thick lashes drew red-gold crescents on her cheeks as she rested against him, her soft breath occasionally brushing his neck. It took every ounce of willpower he possessed to keep himself from snatching her up, carrying her to the bathroom and making love to her until she screamed the thin door down. Her body called to him.

  Aye. Just as it calls tae me. Gavin said using their private mode of communication. What do ye think she’ll do if her grandpa isn’t who we think?

  Ah, so ye aren’t sleeping after all, are ye?

  Nope, Gavin answered as he sat up straighter and opened his eyes. I was merely resting my eyes. Would ye answer my question now?

  He has tae be. Malcolm said with a shrug. Who else could hae been in Scotland during a time when it was okay tae kill or capture wildlife and export it willy nilly? There were laws against things like that now.

  I guess I’m just worried that the lass will insist on staying here if her grandfather isn’t who we hope.

  He is Carson.

  How can ye be so certain? Gavin scratched his head and stretched.

  Ye heard Maggie. Not only has there only been one of us unaccounted for over the last hundred years or so, but our lass has Carson’s green eyes.

  Gavin nodded. I suppose ye could hae the right of it.

  I do. I can feel it. Malcolm tightened his arm around Sunshine and closed his eyes. According to the man hired to drive them, they wouldn’t reach the institution for another hour or so. He wanted to get some rest to look his best when meeting the new laird and the father of the woman with whom he intended to spend the rest of his life.

  “Wake up, ye lazy ass, we’re here and ready tae go meet Sunshine’s grandfather. Are ye coming or not?”

  Malcolm gave Gavin a shove and the other man backed through the door he’d leaned into to shake Malcolm awake. Everyone else already stood outside the vehicle looking up at the imposing building where Carson had had himself incarcerated.

  Climbing the wide front porch steps, they peered around. “Where do ye suppose he is?”

  “Hell if I know,” Duncan muttered as he reached for the door handle and yanked it open. “It’s best if we introduce ourselves and ask.”

  All five of them entered the building and crowded around the information desk. “Can I help you?” Asked the woman behind the counter.

  “Aye,” Maggie said. “Ye can tell me were tae find the man who calls himself Robert Anderson. I think he’s my son.”

  The woman’s fingers flew across the keyboard, the screen flickering as new pages opened up and she found what she was looking for. “Hmm… It says here that he is not allowed visitors because he is a danger to himself and others.”

  “That’s impossible!” Sunshine stepped up to the counter. “He wouldn’t hurt a fly. I’ve lived with him since I was little more than an infant.”

  Malcolm closed his eyes and prayed she wouldn’t say anything that would make her sound as crazy as these people obviously believed her grandfather to be.

  The woman glanced at the screen and raised a brow. “That’s difficult to believe. This says he’s in his mid-twenties.”

  “He’s older than he looks.”

  “Don’t argue with the woman, lass. Maggie rested her hand on Sunshine’s arm and moved up beside her. “I dinnae know how you do things here in the United States, but I’m sure ye cannae keep a mother from her son. Ye might think him dangerous and ye might not want tae let me see him, but I’m sure ye dinnae want our governments involved. My son is not an American citizen and he is my responsibility.”

  The woman’s eyes widened. “I’ll see if I can get his doctor.”

  “Thank ye, lass.” Duncan gave the woman the smile Malcolm had seen him give his mother on occasion when he wanted something special.

  “Call me Lucy,” the woman simpered as she reached for t
he phone. “Just go have a seat and I’ll see what I can do.”

  They moved away from the counter into the reception area, where they moved five chairs together and sat.

  “I’m telling Lara ye were flirting with the help here.” Gavin grinned.

  “Do it and die, ye daft bastard,” was Duncan’s reply. He leaned forward, rested his elbows on his knees and stared at the floor. “I only hope this is Carson.”

  “Do ye really?” His mother asked worried.

  “Of course I do.” He turned wide eyes on his mother. “I told ye years ago I didnae want tae be laird. The position was foisted upon me when Carson disappeared. I’d gladly hand control over tae him if we found him.”

  “It won’t be that easy ye know. He disappeared as a boy, before ye were old enough tae sit a horse. He’ll need the training his father gave ye before he passed. You’ll hae tae teach him his responsibilities.”

  “Aye,” Duncan said with a sigh. “But a welcome chore it will be. I cannae wait tae be able tae take a vacation without someone calling me with a problem.” He scrubbed his face with his hands. “I cannae wait tae lay eyes on him again. I barely remember him, but I remember he was like a hero tae me, always carrying me on his shoulders as he followed Da about clan lands.”

  Malcolm glanced at Sunshine who watched Duncan with a wary expression. “Do you really mean that?” she asked.

  “Aye, lass. I do. I’m tired of being laird. If your grandfather has a lick of sense, he’ll run when he sees us coming.”

  Chapter Seven

  Sunshine jumped when Malcolm covered her right hand with his and Gavin did the same on her left. She’d known these two men for nearly a week now and it was the first time either of them showed her anything more than a common chivalry. Well…unless she counted Malcolm holding her close in the limo, but she had thought that was only because she’d passed out against him.

  She had been so exhausted and jet-lagged after their flight that she hadn’t been able to keep her eyes open. She’d always been a bit of a car-baby, falling asleep every time she took a long road trip where someone else did the driving. As usual, as soon as they hit the expressway, the drone of the engine and the gentle, rocking motion of the limo put her to sleep as easily as a sleeping pill.

  What Duncan said really surprised her. She thought he might rather stay laird and had worried about her grandfather’s safety.

  “No one person owns the clan land, Sunshine.” Gavin squeezed her fingers, lifting her hand to his mouth to kiss her palm.

  Something akin to an electric shock shot up her arm at the contact. Her nipples hardened and heat pooled low. Sunshine swallowed thickly and glanced his way. “You all own it?”

  “In a way. We all hae homes on the land, we all till the ground, raise the cattle. Everything we do is for the greater good of our people.” Duncan leaned forward, lacing his fingers together. Lowering his voice, he whispered. “It’s the only way tae ensure the perpetuation of our kind.”

  “I suppose that makes sense.” She frowned. “Then why don’t you want to be laird? It sounds a lot like being the president of a corporation, or something.”

  “Aye. It is,” Duncan said with a nod. “But sometimes, the CEO just wants tae retire.” He sighed. I’d like nothing more than tae retire and enjoy my time with my mates and children.”

  “Mates…” she said thoughtfully, drawing out the word. They’d mentioned that on the flight. Some of them had more than one significant other. She’d be lying if she didn’t say that idea intrigued her. What would it be like to have two men to care for and to care for her? What would it be like to sleep with two men? Did they do it one at a time or both of them together?

  Any way you’d like it, lass.

  Sunshine’s face burned at the sound of both Malcolm’s and Gavin’s voices in her head. She was just glad that it had to be her imagination and they couldn’t read her mind. If they could, they would know that her thoughts had taken an x-rated turn on more than one occasion and probably would have made a pass long before now. Only two perfect gentlemen would have kept their hands to themselves with what she’d been thinking about them lately.

  Just the ideas she’d had on the plane alone were enough to make her blush. Since when did she give a damn about being a card-carrying member of the mile-high club?

  “Excuse me. Did someone here request to see me?” They all turned their attention to a tall middle-aged man with thick gray hair. His nearly black eyes did nothing to inspire trust as he glared down at the group. “I’m Doctor Harrelson, Robert Anderson’s physician. If you’re here to see Robert, I’m afraid I’m going to have to disappoint you. We cannot allow visitors in to see him. He is a danger to everyone who gets close.”

  “I call bullshit, Doctor,” Duncan nearly growled. “Ye see, not only is your patient different, but we are as well. You’re holding the man I believe tae be my older brother prisoner in this hellhole ye call a hospital. If ye don’t allow us tae see him and decide what tae do for ourselves, you’ll hae more tae worry about than government officials. I promise ye.” He growled at the man for emphasis. “Ye see, Doctor, my brother wouldn’t be the only one of his kind, now would he?” Duncan glanced at their entire party. “Just how many of us do ye want tearing up the place looking for him?”

  Sunshine pressed her lips together, unwilling to give away the fact that she couldn’t shift her shape. Evidently, her grandfather had proven what he was to the wrong person and now the doctor wanted to study him like some sort of lab rat. “And don’t you forget that he signed himself in. He can leave any time he wants,” she said.

  “I’ll send for him.” The doctor pasted a fake smile on his face. “Can I offer you some refreshment while you wait?”

  “No, thank you.” Malcolm growled at the man. “And stop thinking tae drug our food and drink. We willnae be consuming anything here. Just bring the man and his things down here and we’ll be leaving.”

  “Y—yes, sir,” the doctor stammered as he backed toward the door.

  “Go with him, Duncan. He thinks tae grab your brother and run with him,” Maggie said as the man hurried through the door.

  “Stay here with the ladies. I’ll be right back.” Duncan rushed through the door on the doctor’s heels.

  A knot formed in Sunshine’s stomach. She wanted to see her grandfather. She needed to see him. He had been her father and her mother for as long as she could remember. That doctor had no right to take him away from her.

  “Dinnae fash yourself, lass. We’ll get your grandfather out of this place. Even if he isnae Carson Wallace. We cannae leave another of our kind here tae suffer experimentation.” Malcolm patted her hand.

  “How did you—” Sunshine stopped herself, thinking about what Maggie had said. They could read her mind! Her face burned when she thought about how many times she’d lusted after these two for the last few days.

  “Generally, as a rule, we try not tae read minds, but sometimes blocking out the thoughts of another is a difficult thing,” Gavin said, giving her fingers a squeeze.

  “Like when?” Would there ever be a time when her thoughts would be her own while she was with these people?

  “It’s difficult tae block the thoughts of a new mate, an injured bear or when someone is very excited.”

  “Oh.” Then her thoughts should almost always be her own, shouldn’t they? After all, she wasn’t an injured bear or excited and, she couldn’t be a new mate. Someone would have said something by now, wouldn’t they?

  “Not if they were worried that ye would say them nay,” Malcolm said as he and Gavin moved off their chairs to kneel before her.

  “It would be an honor if ye would even consider staying with us long enough tae see if we’re a match.”

  “Don’t you know? Isn’t there some sort of inner…thing that tells you when it’s right?”

  “Aye, lass. We hae something like that and it tells us that you’re the one for us. However, ye weren’t raised with our kind. Yo
ur mind sets human limits and we dinnae want tae force ye into something that would make you uncomfortable.”

  Sunshine smiled softly, reached out and cupped their strong jaws in her hands, the thick stubble tickling her fingers. “I would consider myself very fortunate to have you as my mates.” She could barely believe she was agreeing to this before kissing one of them. Somehow, something inside her told her this was right. It was probably the same something that dwelled within them.

  As strong as her feelings were for these two men with her diluted shifter blood, she couldn’t imagine what it was like for the men who were full-blooded shifters. Heat from their faces seeped into her fingers warming her when she hadn’t even realized she was cold. She shivered as the warmth settled deep within her.

  They each took one of her hands and kissed the palm. That was how her grandfather and Duncan found them.

  Her grandfather’s brows drew down in a scowl as he took in the sight. “I knew you went to investigate my claims. I had no idea that you would offer yourself up as payment to get me out of this place.” He glared at Gavin and Malcolm. “I’ll thank you to get your paws off my granddaughter.”

  “Carson! I would know ye anywhere!” Maggie stood and threw herself into his arms. “We thought ye dead,” she said through her tears. Turning to Duncan, she pulled her two sons into her arms. “My boys! I hae my boys together again.”

  Chapter Eight

  Gavin and Malcolm stood as Carson, or Robert, stood stiffly in Maggie’s embrace. It didn’t matter what the man said. He would come around once he saw that he and Malcolm wanted nothing but the best for his granddaughter.

  I cannae believe she accepted us so easily. Gavin said as he watched the odd reunion.

  I think we hae the other mated triads tae thank for that. She saw how happy they are together and wants it for herself.

  Sure that Malcolm had the right of it, Gavin nodded. He stared at their mate, his throat tight.


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