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Blood of the Demon (The Silver Legacy Book 3)

Page 19

by Alex Westmore

  “It also explains why she is acting so secretive. She might not even realize she’s jacked up, but she must know something is somehow.”

  “I honestly don’t think she knows,” Denny said softly. “She’s been drugged up so she must assume that’s why she doesn’t feel right. Damn it.”

  Annalee nodded. “Don’t be too hard on yourself, Silver. You’ve been juggling a lot of balls since you arrived here.”

  “I should have caught it. I just thought her energy was low because she was so injured, but of course she wasn’t healing quickly. She’s missing her healer.”

  “There’s no future in guilt, DH. Now we know. She’s Hanta-less. That must be...” Iris paused, but Denny already caught it.

  “Valeria knows. It’s the reason she refuses to leave Peyton’s side. She suspects the hunter is incapable of defending herself.”

  “And she’d be right. Without a legacy demon, Farquar is just a possessed woman with a bad-ass weapon.”

  “So now what?” Iris asked.

  “Now, we have a chat with Peyton,” Annalee answered. “Let’s give her the benefit of the doubt. It’s possible she doesn’t know. Possible she is just too scared to admit it. Let’s not hang her out to dry before we have all the facts.”

  “Well then, that’s our next stop. We need to check in with Valeria. Call coverage sucks out here and she’ll be beside herself with worry.”

  The boat glided silently through the water, each woman gazing out over the beauty, deep in her own thoughts.

  “So, Peyton Farquar was cracking up,” Annalee said. “All this time I thought she was just this awesome killer of demons. Maybe a little addicted to the hunt.”

  Denny nodded. “Same here. If those visions are true, and there’s no reason to doubt them, then she’s been at the mercy of her Hanta’s hunger for quite some time.”

  “And it was making her nuts. Consuming her life, as it were.”

  “So Silver, what’s your plan? You can’t just waltz in there and tell her she’s missing her Hanta.”

  “That’s exactly what we’re going to do. We don’t have time for gentle prodding. We have to get her Hanta back, close the rift, destroy those Dybbuks, and seek out whoever killed Louis.”

  “Revenge is unnecessary, Golden,” Annalee whispered. “Let it go.”

  “I wish I could, Annalee, but I can’t. If I can’t protect those who try to protect me, then what good am I?”

  Iris set her hand on Denny’s shoulder, “Stay focused on the task at hand. Let’s see what Peyton wants to do about her Hanta first.”

  “Whoa girls,” Annalee said holding her hands up. “I don’t think you two understand. We can’t close the rift with the Hanta in it, no matter what Peyton wants.”

  “Why not?”

  “Silver, a Hanta cannot be banished just by closing the rift. It needs to be completely destroyed or it will return for the legacy, and from what I understand, the union is never a pleasant one and the human seldom wins.”

  “What do you mean?” Denny’s head pounded. “If it went into the rift, all we need to do is close it and she is free of the legacy. Isn’t that what she wanted in the first place?”

  “It doesn’t work that way. It will return for her, and when it does, it can bring with it whoever wishes to follow. A rejected Hanta becomes an enemy like any other demon, and one which is finally free of the legacy, must seek out and destroy her and everyone in her family in order to remain free.”

  Denny blew out a sigh. “So we have to go in and get it?”

  “Not we. Her. Farquar is going to have to bring it back home or her entire family is in danger.”

  Annalee nodded and swatted away the mosquitoes beginning to descend on them. “Can I just say—this is why you all need witches.”

  Both hunters looked over at Iris.

  “It’s true. Peyton needed someone to help settle her demon, to help her deal with it when it was getting to be too much for her. She needs, as I suppose you all do, a helpmate. So, I strongly suggest before you try to take her Hanta on, that you convince her of the importance of finding that one person who can help usher her through those obvious dark times.”

  Annalee and Denny exchanged glances.

  “Her demon will fight ours,” Annalee said softly. “I don’t know about you, Golden, but I have no idea what a battle between Hanta Rayas looks like.”

  Pinching the bridge of her nose, Denny nodded slowly. “Then let’s not find out.”


  When they finally arrived back in the city, they spent the first fifteen minutes making phone calls and touching base with all their loved ones and allies. The sun had left a sky streaked with pinks and orange, but they were safe from the darkness of the bayou.

  Denny called Ames and explained to him what was going on.

  “Damn, Goldy, this is a steaming pile of shit you’ve stepped into. I wish I were there to help you, and I will say once again, there is no shame in walking away from this. You and Annalee owe Peyton nothing.”

  “I know. Between the Vodouisants and a missing Hanta, I’ve got my hands full, but I have to stick it out, Ames. Two people who have attempted to help me have had their heads cut off. I can’t just leave without making someone pay.”

  “Vengeance is a powerful crippler sometimes, kiddo. Are you so certain that’s a path you want to walk, especially since you only recently regained control of your demon?”

  “Ames, I wasn’t raised to walk away from a fight, so save your breath. I’m in it to win it.”

  Ames sighed loudly. “Okay then. What can I do to help?”

  “I need to know, how is it Peyton doesn’t know her Hanta is missing? I mean, is it possible she has no idea?”

  “Possible and, quite frankly, probable. Do you have stretches of time when you do not feel yours?”

  Denny nodded and then answered. “Of course. Usually when I am happily doing something else.”

  “Exactly. Look, we have no clue what sort of ritual the Vodouisants performed. Maybe she doesn’t even recollect what happened, and the next thing she knows, she’s getting pummeled. If they replaced the Hanta with a simple demon, she just doesn’t know it yet.”

  “Being hurt and out for as long as she was, she might assume it’s gone to ground.”

  “Precisely. Call me back in a few hours and let’s see if we can’t give you more to go on. Suffice it to say, we have no idea what’s going on with Peyton Farquar, and you best remember that when you approach her next. Do not trust her.”

  Funny thing was, Denny wasn’t so sure that Peyton was the right person to distrust in all of this.

  Fifteen minutes later, she was finding out just how in denial Peyton was.

  “Don’t be absurd Rookie, of course my Hanta is still in me.” Peyton sat up. Her bruises were yellowing now and the puffiness had retreated some, but she was a long way from being okay.

  Denny grabbed a mirror and handed it to her. “Think about it, Peyton. Why aren’t you healing? Look. Take a good hard look at your face.”

  Peyton looked in the mirror, her eyes slowly transforming from irritation to understanding.

  The pause and hesitation made Valeria’s breath catch. “It is true, Hunter. You are not healing with the swiftness of a legacy.”

  “Yeah,” Annalee said. “Her injuries have probably been why she thought she didn’t feel it, but that’s not the case. Farquar, that rift was open at your request, but it was the wrong spell. It wasn’t a temporary reprieve from your Hanta. They ripped it out of you. Your Hanta left you and was sucked into the rift, where it is probably gathering forces to destroy you even as we speak.”

  “But how come I don’t...”

  “Feel the empty? They replaced it with a mid-level demon. You still feel a presence, but it is not one that can help you. That’s why you got the shit kicked out of you.”

  Peyton kept staring at herself in the mirror. “I could have been killed.”

  “Yes, y
ou could have. Did you know how dangerous it was to ask?” Valeria asked.

  Peyton closed her eyes, but not in time to prevent a tear from slipping out. “Yes, but the ritual wasn’t a rift-opening ritual. The boys came to me and said Enobaria had changed her mind, but that she would not be the one to perform the ritual. I...I never thought how ridiculous that sounded until right this second.” She lowered the mirror. “Desperation makes a poor bedfellow.”

  “So what happened?”

  “Nothing happened. I woke up, fought off a demon, and then on my way home got my ass kicked.”

  “You never saw the rift?”

  She shook her head. “It was daylight when we did the ritual. I didn’t see anything like what you’ve described. I...I can’t quite believe it’s gone.”

  Suddenly, Annalee grabbed Peyton around the throat and started choking her. “You’re a lying piece of shit, Farquar!”

  “What the fuck?” Denny and Valeria both reached for Annalee, but Iris threw up a barrier that stopped them both. “Leave her be. She knows what she’s doing.”

  Valeria was seething, her face reddening with anger. “You think your pathetic barrier can stop me, little witch?”

  Valeria raised her hands toward Iris, and Denny was in front of her in one long stride. “Hold your fire, Valeria. Do not even think about attacking my witch.”

  “Step aside, Golden, before I do something we’ll both regret.”

  “Where’s your fucking demon now, Farquar? Where are your red eyes? Your strength? Come on, you fucking pussy!” Annalee’s voice was that of her Hanta.

  “Stop...Please...” Peyton choked out.

  Annalee released her and stepped back. For a moment no one said a word. “I apologize, Peyton, but you needed to see. You needed to understand. You got your wish. Your demon is gone.”

  “Gone and will be returning to kill you,” Denny added.

  Peyton sighed softly, closed her eyes and slid back into the bed, her hand rubbing her throat. “Let it. I’m too exhausted to fight it. All of you, go home. You all shouldn’t have to battle my demon. Good riddance, I say.”

  Valeria took Peyton’s hand and kissed the back of it. “Those would be courageous words Hunter...if you were an only child.”

  Peyton’s eyes popped open. Sitting up and grimacing at the pain, she set her teeth. “What does that mean?”

  “It means,” Denny answered, “That the Hanta will have to kill your entire family in order to be free. Everyone must die.”

  Peyton threw the covers to the side. “Where’s Chick?”

  Valeria caressed her cheek. And eased her back against the headboard. “Easy. You are not going anywhere.”

  “Where the fuck is Chick?”

  Denny turned to Valeria. “Who’s Chick?”

  “Chickamaugua is my little sister. She lives in Baton Rouge.”

  “Chickamaugua? Jesus, were your parents in love with Ambrose Bierce or what?”

  “This coming from a woman named Golden Silver? Really? Look, I’ve spent my entire possessed life making certain Chick never had to deal with any of this bullshit. We seldom discuss it anymore. She’s a kind-hearted, sweet person who—”

  “Is in danger if your Hanta succeeds in killing you. It must be brought to heel, Peyton.”

  Denny thought about Pure and how she would do anything to keep her from harm. The transformation happening to Peyton now was the first sign of life in her since they’d arrived.

  “Then I take it all back. That can’t happen. What do we need to do here, because nothing can happen to Chick or my brother. I mean it. They don’t—” Peyton grimaced again and held her ribs.

  “Easy, Peyton,” Denny said, lightly touching her thigh. “I know exactly how you feel. I’d swallow hot coals for my little sister. What we can’t do is rush into anything. We need to develop a solid plan based on facts and what we know about this rift. Annalee and I will do more legwork and recon. Only then will we proceed with a plan.”

  “A plan. Yes.” Peyton held her face in her hands. “How could I not have known? Those dirt bags caught me off-guard. I just figured the Hanta didn’t have time to wake up and adjust to the situation.”

  “You need to contact your sister and get her the hell out of town. Do you have relatives in another state?” Denny asked.

  “Yes. I can send her to New York.”

  “Perfect. If you have any other living family members in Louisiana, they need to get out as well. Your Hanta might be sending his little army to kill your people. We can’t let that happen.”

  Peyton nodded slowly. “Thank you, Rook.”

  “No worries. It’s what we do. What you need to do is focus on getting stronger.” Denny turned to the others. “We’re starving. V, will you make us dinner, please?’

  Valeria started to object, then caught what Denny really wanted.

  When the four of them got to the kitchen, Denny leaned with her palms on the table. “There’s not a lot of time. I’m calling Ames to see what he thinks we ought to do.”

  Annalee nodded. “A Hanta on the loose is a danger to all of us.”

  Valeria grabbed Iris’s hand. “You head over to the coven and see what aid they can offer. I’m afraid I must stay here to protect Peyton.”

  Denny stared at Valeria. “We’re going to need more fire power than one witch, V...even one as powerful as you.”

  Iris touched Valeria’s arm. “I gotta go with DH on this one. We need witches. And lots of them.”

  Valeria’s eyes were sad. “Peyton has managed to alienate every coven from here to D.C. While they might aid the two of you at the source, I doubt they will risk the danger of protecting Peyton.”

  “Hélène,” Denny said softly. “She wants her boy back in one piece. Let’s get her over here to add to the magical offensive.”

  “I like how you think, Silver. Then we each have our job. I say we get to it. The longer that rift stays open, the bigger the cleanup is gonna be.”

  Denny zipped up her vest and Iris tossed on her robe.

  “Iris?” Valeria said softly. “I apologize for my words, earlier.”

  Iris smiled softly. “One need not apologize during battle, V. And besides, I would have liked to see you try.”

  Iris and Denny walked out to the car shortly after. “This thing is jacked up four ways to Sunday.” Opening the door for Iris, Denny walked to the driver’s side and got in. “I don’t know that we have what it takes to put that genie back in the bottle. We have to either capture it or destroy it, and to be honest, I have no clue how to accomplish either.

  “I believe in you DH, and if anyone can right this weird ass ship, it’s you.”


  After dropping Iris off at the coven, Denny called Ames and caught him up on everything that was happening. He listened quietly until Denny was done.

  “Please tell me you’ve uncovered something that can help us out here.”

  Long pause.

  “I don’t have to tell you that what you are proposing to do is beyond insane, right? Taking on a free Hanta and who knows how many minions is suicide. I can hardly find any information on free Hantas, that’s how few of them there have been in history.”

  “I hope if my family was ever in danger from my Hanta, that someone would offer to help me.”

  “This is where your youth and lack of experience shows, Goldy. Most legacies are quite content in their own little worlds. They don’t feel the need to bond or make friends with the others.”

  “Annalee’s not like that.”

  “No, but she came at my request, not because of you.”

  “Ouch. Well, she may have come at your request, but she’s staying because of me.”

  “And that’s a bonus, because what you’re trying to do is incredibly dangerous and foolhardy.”

  Denny waited.

  “You have Saugen with you?”

  “I do.”

  “And Scudo?”

  “Yes. I came with all my weapons. I
also have a two witches, a Vodouisant Priestess and Annalee.”

  “Okay. Then pay attention here. Saugen, as you know, is typically used for sucking a demon out, right? Well, what it can pull out can also be pushed in. You’ll need to get close enough to suck it into Saugen and then before it can escape, shove it back into Peyton.”

  “Shove it?”

  “Yep. Shove it. Any orifice will do: mouth, ears, nose. You release the Hanta back into her then step away. Anything could happen once they are reunited. Anything.”

  “But...that means I have to take Peyton into the rift, right?

  “I’m afraid so, Goldy. You can’t contain the Hanta in Saugen. It wasn’t made for that type of containment. Once you pull it into Saugen, you have less than thirty seconds to transfer it over to Peyton. And unless you can get the Hanta to come out to fight, your only option is to go inside the rift.”

  “Oh shit.”

  “Yeah, and I don’t have to tell you how dangerous that is for you. Who knows how yours will react once inside the rift?”

  “That’s a chance I’ll just have to take.”

  Another long pause.

  “I wish to God I felt like you were ready for this, Goldy, but I’ve known you long enough to know when your mind is made up. The key to coming out of this unscathed is to pay attention to everything and anything your demon does. Once in the source, all bets are off.”

  “Got it. And what did you find out about the Vodouisants?”

  Heavy sigh. “They’ll turn on you if they feel you have gone back on your word or pose a threat to others like them. You attack those kids, Goldy, and you’ll be fighting a two-front war you can’t win.”

  Denny hung up and made her way, unmolested, to Hélène’s. It was amazing how the swamp folk reacted to her mark. They gave her a wide berth, often muttering to each other as her boat glided through the murky water. They actually seemed...afraid.

  Hélène was sitting at the picnic table, an amber colored drink in front of her. She did not offer Denny any. “You’ve been to Enobaria’s.” It was a statement.

  “Yes, and I think we’re in real trouble here, Hélène.” Denny explained everything she’d seen while under the spell and what Ames believed they needed to do.


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