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Accidentally in Love

Page 19

by C. J. Thomas

  “We should be rolling around, making love.” His eyes rounded and glistened beneath the cotton ball sky.

  My head moved back and forth as my heart thumped hard against my ribs. “Stand up.”

  He swallowed like he had something stuck in his throat.

  “Gary, stand up.” I pulled my hands away and tucked them deep into my pits. “The reason we’re not doing those things is because you haven’t been around.”

  “You’re right, Sienna. I should have been around more. I haven’t given you the attention you deserve.” He reached for my shoulder but I stepped back.

  “Tell me the truth.” My mouth pinched. “Were you with your ex recently?”

  A tiny sigh of guilt released through his nose.

  “That’s why this is over.” I turned and marched across the lawn, heading toward the house.

  Gary quickly grabbed me at the elbow and spun me around. “You want to know the truth?”

  “For fuck’s sake, that’s what I’ve been asking.” I snapped my wrists down my sides, feeling like this was a complete waste of time.

  “I regret talking with her. I should have never responded when she reached out. I don’t know what I was thinking. It just seemed like a harmless thing to do. If I would have known it would cause so much pain, I wouldn’t have ever done it. You have to believe me, Sienna. You’re the one I love.”

  My head nodded. “Is that right?”

  “God’s honest truth.”

  I breathed hard as I glared into his dishonest eyes. “I need to know when the last time you saw her was.”

  “I told you.”

  “You told me nothing.” I held my ground, knowing I had the upper hand now that we were closer to the house. “When, Gary? When did you last see her?”

  “Three days ago.” He blinked with disbelief. “We met for coffee.”

  I shook my head, feeling my chest tingle. “You fucking liar.”

  His neck craned.

  “This is the reason tomorrow can’t happen.” I stepped forward and pointed my finger at his smug face. “Because I know that you were with her today.”

  Gary started laughing. “Did he tell you that?”

  When I tried to skirt around him, he kicked his leg in front of me and stopped my pursuit.

  With menacing eyes, he said, “Trevor Foster is an alcoholic. A recluse hiding from the world. The man is a loser. The only reason any of the Fosters were invited in the first place is because your father requested they be added to the guest list.”

  His own breath reeked of alcohol. I lost count of the hypocritical statements Gary made. His eyes hooded and his arrogance was back in his squared shoulders. Leaning close to my ear, he murmured, “You will marry me, Sienna.”

  “You’re dead to me.” I fixed my eyes on his to make sure he was listening. “Have been for a while now.”

  His hand snapped to my elbow.

  My heart surged to my throat.

  Digging his fingers deep in my flesh, my pulse raced as the pain from his nails sent my heels flying into the air. I cringed and felt my chin tremble. “Don’t be stupid, girl.” His snake eyes darted across my face. “If you leave me, then I’ll tell the world how your new boyfriend isn’t a hero, but a coward who nearly died.” The corners of his lips curled into a knowing grin. “You wouldn’t want his brother to lose the gubernatorial race all because you thought you could out-smart me, would you?”

  My blood ran cold as I stared into his evil eyes. Inside, I shook, too afraid to speak. I knew he was right. Just like everything in my life, the stakes were too high. This wasn’t only about me.



  My blood pumped through my body with the sudden surge of adrenaline.

  I knew the moment I first kissed Sienna that I needed to stop her from marrying the wrong man. But after learning what Charlotte overheard at Cooper’s gala, I couldn’t just sit back and hope the wedding would end without me intervening.

  Gary wasn’t the man she thought he was. Not only was he an abuser, he was apparently a manipulator, too. It hurt to think of him as a person I despised—I could never repay him for saving my life—but he wasn’t the man I thought he was.

  Skirting around the side of the house, I hurried to my bike not having the time to deal with my parents’ inquisition as to where I was going. Dad certainly didn’t need to know. And I was sure he would try to stop me after receiving the phone call from Senator Day earlier.

  I lengthened my stride and was nearly to my bike when I heard Charlotte call after me. “Trevor, where are you going?”

  Turning my head, I responded, “You know where.”

  She ran and caught up with me. “Do you have a plan once you get there?”

  I stopped, turned, and peered down at my sister. “I need to know she called this off. I need to see it for myself. To know that she’s all right.”

  She lifted her hand to her brow to shield the sun from her eyes. “Then that means you don’t believe her.”

  “It’s not like that.”

  “But that’s what she’ll think.”

  “You said it yourself. Gary is marrying her for the wrong reasons.” I felt my blood vessels open up with a reminder of why I was so furious. “Don’t you think she deserves to know?”

  “I do.”

  “Then what are you afraid of?”

  Her eyes drifted over my face and scurried down the center of my chest. “You.”

  My breath caught at her sudden admission. Casting my gaze to my right hand, I willed my fist to release. Every muscle in my body was tense. Without Charlotte intervening, I was sure to have done something stupid—something I would later regret. And I might still, but at least now I was aware of what my mind was instructing my body to do. “I’ll be fine.”

  “Dad will be livid when he finds out what you’re doing.”

  I flicked my gaze to the house. “Then don’t tell him.”

  Charlotte’s mind churned as we stood there. With no time to waste, I turned to my bike and strapped on my helmet.

  “You slept with her, didn’t you?”

  I froze and stared at the leather seat. Slowly, I turned to face my sister. There was a knowing expression crossing her face, but without the accusatory glimmer of guilt or shame I would have expected. We stared for a long pause before she quirked a brow.

  “I knew it,” she said.

  I held my breath and kept my mouth shut.

  “That wasn’t the brightest move, but I also know how selective you are when it comes to women. She must be worth it.”

  I sucked back a deep breath of air. “I really like her.”

  “When you said you loved her,” she stepped forward, “I believed you.”

  “I know how fucked up this all is, but I can’t let her get away.”

  “Then don’t.” Her smile hit her eyes.

  “Promise me something.” My voice was barely a whisper.

  Her brows raised.

  “Don’t let Cooper know I slept with her.”

  She huffed out a small laugh. “Don’t worry. I won’t tell him.”

  Scooping her up in my arms, I hugged her and said, “Thanks, sis.”

  Charlotte dropped back on her heels and said, “Be careful. There’s a lot at stake here. A wedding isn’t the easiest thing to call off.”

  “I know.” I tossed my leg over the bike seat and reached for the handlebars.

  “Trevor, don’t hold back.” Charlotte’s eyes were round and sincere. “If you really believe she’s the one, you have to jump all in. Speak from the heart. She’ll know what to do.”

  My heart beat in a steady rhythm as I cranked the engine over. Charlotte stepped back and I roared away from the house, racing across town.

  Charlotte’s words gave me the encouragement I needed to feel hopeful about this working out. There were so many reasons for Sienna not to marry Gary. And if what Charlotte overheard was in fact true, this just might be my ticket to getting Sienna out for

  Before I knew it, I’d slowed to a stop in front of a security gate flanked by high stone walls. I dove my hand inside my pocket and pulled out my cell. Noah had sent me the address—after confirming it with Coop. I was at the right place.

  Security stepped out from the booth. “Sir, I’m going to have to ask you to move along. I can’t have you parked there.”

  Rolling my neck toward him, I said, “I’m here to see Sienna Day.”

  His brow pulled together as he cocked his head to the side.

  “Is she here?”

  “Your name?”

  I told him and he checked the list of approved visitors. Not wanting to waste his time and knowing I wasn’t on it, I requested he call up to the house and tell them I was here to visit Sienna. The uniformed guard stepped inside his booth and lifted the phone to his ear. I took the opportunity to call Nolan. “Are you at the country club?” I asked as soon as he answered.

  “Where else would I be?” His tone was clipped.

  “What about Sienna, is she there yet?” My gaze drifted through the gate and meandered up the driveway to the sprawling house.

  “She hasn’t showed. Sophia thinks she’s still at her parents’ house.”

  My knee bounced with anticipation. The corners of my eyes crinkled with a knowing grin. I knew Sienna was here. I needed to get to her fast. “What did Sophia say? Did you talk to her yet?”

  “Relax, brother. I will when the time is right. I’ll get back to you. Don’t worry.”

  I flicked my gaze to the security guard. He hooked the phone back on the receiver and slid the small window open. “Keep your phone on.” I ended my call with Nolan and smiled at the guard. “So, am I allowed to drive through?”

  He shook his head.

  “Did you tell them who I was?”

  His expression pinched with mild annoyance. “The family is busy today, Mr. Foster. I’m afraid you’ll have to reschedule. Next time, I suggest you make an appointment first to get your name on the list.” He held up a clipboard and pointed to the guest list.

  Stepping off my bike, I walked up to the booth and held out a hundred-dollar bill. “Please, try again. I’m here about the wedding.”

  He held my gaze for a moment before sighing.

  Taking my money, my hands twitched beneath the window as my heartrate spiked. I prepared myself to make my next move as soon as he turned his back.

  I watched as he lifted the phone to his ear. He dropped his gaze to the clipboard and as soon as someone picked up the line, capturing his attention, I bolted for the gate.

  Sprinting toward the metal bars, I leaped off the ground and latched on to the top, hurling my body over the side. Catching my fall, I bent my knees and took off running up the driveway before the guard even knew I was gone.

  Darting through the shadows of the trees, my lungs burned as I rounded the corner.

  Skidding to a stop, I threw my hands up in the air and ducked. “Don’t shoot.”

  “Get on the ground!” several men in suits yelled, seeming to emerge from nowhere.

  “Don’t you fucking move,” another shouted.

  “Easy. I’m here to see Sienna,” I said between breaths.

  “Hands behind your head. Get on the ground.”

  I did as they said, small stones piercing my knees. The men rushed in and pushed my face to the pavement. Their knees dug into my spine as they tied my arms behind my back. By the time I lifted my head to find a pair of polished shoes casually walking toward me, the pain from my knees had been eclipsed by the pain in my cheek.

  “Good job, boys.” Senator Day clapped his hands. “But I can take it from here.”

  His army of men pulled me to my feet. Senator Day locked his gaze on mine. “Is this how you treat all your guests?”

  He laughed. “Just my daughter’s stalkers.” Senator Day motioned for my hands to be released. “What are you doing here, Trevor?”

  The zip-tie popped free and I brought my hands to my front, rubbing my wrists back to life. “I need to speak with Sienna.”

  “That display wasn’t clear enough for you?” He reached forward and smoothed the wrinkles out of my suit jacket before curling his fingers over my shoulders. “You’re not welcome here.”

  “It’s urgent, sir.”

  His eyes narrowed. “I’m sure it is, but we’re about to leave for her wedding rehearsal.”

  The stich in my side twisted. “Just allow me one minute. That’s all I need.”

  Tightening his grip, his jaw twitched. “Whatever you two are up to, it needs to end now.”

  “Then maybe you should hear what I have to say.” My eyes bounced between his.

  Shaking his head, he said, “For both our family’s sakes, please, just call it quits. I’ve already talked to your father about this.”

  Tipping my head back, I called, “Sienna!”

  He hooked his hand around the nape of my neck and pulled me close to his reddened face. “Careful, boy,” he growled. “I’ll have security escort you off the premises faster than you’ll know what hit you. Or,” he loosened his grip, “you can do it yourself.” He stepped back and added, “We wouldn’t want to add an arrest for trespassing to your already questionable résumé, would we?”

  Hot blood rushed through my veins as I fumed. I wasn’t here for him. This was about Sienna and protecting her from what no one knew but me. “Have you taken a look at your daughter’s face lately?”

  Confusion flashed over his glistening eyes.

  “No?” I heaved through heavy breaths. “Look at her lip and ask her how she received the cut on it.”

  There was a hint of recognition flash over his gaze that made me believe he knew what I was telling him.

  “Then ask yourself if Gary is the kind of son-in-law you want to welcome into your family.”

  “What are you saying?” His nostrils flared as he stepped forward.

  Just when I was about to lay it on the senator, Sienna stepped out from the house. “Dad. It’s okay. I can talk.”

  Lowering my voice, I said through clenched teeth, “What I’m saying is that you should have opened your eyes sooner to what’s really going on in your daughter’s relationship.”

  Sienna bounded down the steps as I skirted past the senator and ran to meet her at the bottom landing. There was surprise, fear, excitement, and about a dozen more emotions swirling inside her beautiful eyes that sent waves of pleasure up and down my body.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked.

  “You can’t do this,” I said, taking her by the shoulders and feeling her muscles soften like ice cream inside my hands.

  “Coming to save the day, Trevor?” Gary’s voice boomed from the front door. “Be the hero you never were in Afghanistan.” He shot venom with his eyes as he hurried down the stairs, quick to push me away from Sienna.

  “Do that again and I’ll take you to the ground.” I pointed my finger at him.

  “In front of her father?” Gary laughed. “You would be that foolish.”

  My hands balled into fists as I stepped forward, putting my face in Gary’s.

  “Enough,” Sienna yelled, wedging her tall frame between us. “Not here.”

  When Gary backed up, I knew it was only because the senator was watching us.

  Sienna turned to face Gary. I watched her lift her hands to his chest as she lowered her voice and said, “Please, Gary, just give us a minute alone.”

  Swatting her hands off of him, he stepped forward and slammed his shoulder into mine, knocking me backward. “Don’t think for one moment I have forgotten what you did this morning, Marine,” he whispered in my ear as he passed. “You’ll get what’s coming for you soon enough.”

  I glanced at Sienna who was staring at her father with an exasperated look on her face. Senator Day stood watching the drama unfold before his eyes with an inquisitive brow. He didn’t know what to think, but I could see that my words had had an effect on him. I knew he was starting to se
e things more clearly.

  Hooking her arm through the crook of mine, Sienna tugged me down the driveway. “Trevor, you can’t be here.” Her tone didn’t match her words.

  “I need to get you out of here.” My gaze darted to the sides, making sure I wouldn’t be ambushed again.

  We stopped near a bed of flowers and trimmed ornamental bushes. “What you just pulled back there is only going to make things worse.”

  Taking in her plump lips, her delicious curves, and everything else that made her amazing, there was nothing more I wanted than to reach out and hold her in my arms. Instead, I brushed my lips against her warm cheek and murmured, “Sienna, you don’t understand. Gary is only marrying you because of who your father is.”

  She took one step back and folded her arms across her body. “Just stop, Trevor.”

  As I stared into her extraordinary brown eyes I realized that something wasn’t right. My stomach dropped and my voice cracked when I asked, “Did you call off the wedding?”

  Her eyes rounded as she sucked her lips into her mouth.

  I could see the answer in her eyes and it killed me to know she hadn’t. “Fuck.” I shoved my fingers through my hair. “Sienna, you have to call this off.”

  “You should go.” Her voice was weak. There was no fight left in her.

  Reaching for her fingers, I said, “I love you.” She let me hold her hands for a moment as I watched her eyes suddenly flood with a final sense of loss. “You don’t have to tell me you love me. That’s not what I’m after. I already know you feel it, too.”

  Her chin trembled. “It’s too late.” A thick stream of tears poured from her eyes. “It’s over.”

  “I know you feel it, Sienna.”

  She shook her head and tried to wipe her face dry.

  “You made me believe I was the one.” Taking her shoulders into my hands, I said, “You know you’re making a mistake.” My eyes flicked to the house.

  Sienna’s entire body started to shake. “I don’t love you, Trevor.” She gripped her stomach as if suddenly feeling ill. “I love … G-Gary.”

  “You don’t mean that. What did he do?” I dipped my head and met her gaze. “Did he threaten you?” Our eyes danced as my heart constricted. “Tell me and I’ll make sure he regrets everything he said.”


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