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Endangered Species

Page 29

by Richard Woodman

  ‘Just a minute,’ broke in Dent, but Mackinnon discarded his mask of exaggerated bonhomie in a flash.

  ‘Hold your tongue, young man. I still command this ship. My demand for refuge is paramount. Moreover,’ he went on, addressing Drinkwater again, ‘I have had to put down a misguided attempt to take over the ship.’

  ‘By the Vietnamese?’ the naval Lieutenant asked.

  ‘Yes. They have an understandable aversion to going to Shanghai.’

  ‘You say you are in command now, Captain, so you are clearly not in need of our traditional support in quelling insurrection,’ Drinkwater said, revealing either a quick intelligence or a good briefing, ‘nor are you a British ship.’

  Mackinnon knew Rawlings was behind him, heard his noisy exhalation of satisfaction as the perceptive Drinkwater cornered him. He wished his Chief Officer was neither so abominably crude, nor so insufferably stupid. It pained him, after so long an acquaintance, not to have earned a better opinion in Rawlings’s estimation. The Chief Officer seemed to derive even greater satisfaction from Lieutenant Drinkwater’s next remark; or perhaps his noises of concurrence were for Dent’s consumption, non-verbal communications of being in dispute with his Captain, caught on the fence of loyalty and conscience but thereby revealing he was really on the side of the twin shibboleths of law and order.

  ‘You are flying the red ensign of Great Britain quite illegally, Captain.’ Lieutenant Drinkwater gestured aft.

  ‘Alter course position coming up, sir,’ prompted Stevenson. Ahead of them green hills rose on either bow and between them could now be clearly seen the harbour with its throng of anchored and moored ships, its criss-crossing traffic of ferries, junks and wallah-wallahs. On the port bow a shanty town appeared to tumble down the side of the headland. Beyond, office buildings rose from the city’s traffic haze and houses climbed the slopes of the Peak almost to the summit, where, shrouded by a light swirl of cloud, the villas of the taipan squatted amid rich foliage. Above the urban sprawl of Kowloon opposite, a Jumbo jet lifted from Kai Tak, angling above the harbour as it swung and headed south towards Singapore.

  This was, Mackinnon thought, a crazy moment, a moment of true farce, the end of everything for him, for there could be no going on beyond it. Here, at the doorstep of Britain’s last colony, the ‘fragrant harbour’ nicked from the old moribund Celestial Empire, a British master-mariner on a ship whose nationality was a commercial expedient, was about to be threatened, bullied, or perhaps arrested by an officer in the armed services of the state to whom he paid his taxes, for the crime of claiming the ancient right of refuge. The young officer, brought up on a diet of ‘my country right or wrong’, was angry at Mackinnon’s truculence as much as by the embarrassing presence of the unwanted refugees below them.

  Beside the naval officer the ship’s owner, himself brought up on the self-justifying and apparenly irrefutable dictates of profit, sought immediate disencumbrance of the human flotsam his ship had picked up. Moreover, he had enlisted, through God knew what network of artifice and connivance, the help of the Royal Navy.

  ‘Take her in Alex, if you please.’

  ‘Aye, aye, sir.’

  Mackinnon turned his attention back to Dent and Drinkwater. ‘It may be a technicality that this ship is not British, Lieutenant, and I’d personally be quite glad to stand up in court and tell you and the rest of the world why I have a nostalgic and hopelessly out-of-date affection for that bit of bunting hanging over the arse end of my ship, but that’s all airy-fairy nonsense. The fact is, I’ve no fuel, my ship’s company have taken some knocks, I’ve a dead woman and I have had a British national killed on board, in front of witnesses, by a Vietnamese gunman. I have had a second British national die accidentally, and another in the line of doing his duty. I therefore insist you allow me to anchor in the quarantine anchorage until we solve this little impasse.’

  ‘Mackinnon . . .’ Dent began, but Mackinnon rounded on him.

  ‘Captain Mackinnon to you, and before you say anything, there is nothing further you can do to me. I shall walk down the gangway the instant the anchor brings up. British or Panamanian, it doesn’t matter, I command until the ship is brought safely to port. You are both powerless to prevent my doing anything else. Whatever the circumstances, gentlemen, illegal flags and frustrated owners notwithstanding, I alone am responsible for the ship.’

  Leaving them staring open-mouthed after him, he addressed the eavesdropping Rawlings.

  ‘Have the Carpenter stand by the starboard anchor, Mr Rawlings,’ he said, and he was consoled by the astonished obedience of the Mate. ‘Perhaps, Lieutenant,’ Mackinnon threw over his shoulder, ‘you’d like to make the necessary arrangements with the authorities. Help yourself to our VHF radio. Turn it up, will you, Sparks?’

  Lieutenant Drinkwater was about to remonstrate, thought better of it and took the handset from the Radio Officer. Mackinnon crossed the wheelhouse and confronted Rawlings.

  ‘Get that man out of the urinal, mister,’ he ordered curtly, ignoring Dent, who was recovering from his discomfiture.

  ‘Captain Mackinnon, you’ll regret this, you know . . .’

  Mackinnon paid no attention to the dialogue Drinkwater was having with the shore authorities. Instead he watched approvingly as Stevenson conned the ship through the narrow passage. The Second Mate had a natural aptitude; what a pity it was going to go to waste.

  Drinkwater put down the VHF. ‘I’ve cleared the matter for the time being, Captain. You may use the immigration anchorage.’ A certain relief was obvious in the naval officer’s tone.

  ‘I’m obliged to you, Lieutenant.’

  Dent spun on his heel and went out on to the bridge-wing. Drinkwater looked sheepishly around the wheelhouse.

  ‘I think you’d better take charge of this,’ Mackinnon said, picking up Phan’s machine gun from the flag locker and handing it to the Lieutenant. ‘You’re the gunnery expert . . . ah Mr Rawlings.’

  Rawlings appeared in the wheelhouse doorway with the trussed and downcast Phan. Mackinnon grinned at Drinkwater. ‘And you have custody of this fellow, Lieutenant. He tried to take the ship from me too.’


  The Blessings of the Land

  Mackinnon did not quite carry out his threat of walking down the gangway directly the ship was brought to her anchor. In fact the Matthew Flinders was forbidden to lower her gangway and Lieutenant Drinkwater’s departure heralded the arrival of a squad of police while a police patrol launch circled the ship ceaselessly.

  Disarmed by Mackinnon’s obduracy and reduced to impotence when Drinkwater found no grounds to enforce the prohibition of the Matthew Flinders’s entry, Dent had departed in a fury. Imprecations had been muttered about old fools and ingratitude and something about what Mrs Mackinnon would think about it all. Even the young naval officer, confused and embarrassed by the obvious innate honesty of Mackinnon’s claim, had been drawn into these half-hearted threats.

  ‘A sound and fury signifying nothing,’ Mackinnon had said to the wheelhouse as HMS Starling bore away their visitors.

  ‘I shouldn’t be too sure,’ the cavilling Rawlings had mouthed in a low voice behind Mackinnon’s back. He could still not quite believe the audacity of Mackinnon’s act, for Dent had repeated the order to take the ship to Shanghai and the Captain had refused it.

  ‘Let Rawlings do it,’ Mackinnon had said, ‘he’ll be able to retire to the shires and stick ‘Captain’ in front of his name. No one will ever know it was only for four days.

  At almost that very moment a deputation from the crew, led by the Bosun, had arrived to announce their refusal to take the ship beyond Hong Kong.

  ‘I’ll get a local crew to do it,’ raged the thwarted Dent.

  ‘Then there’s no problem, is there?’ Mackinnon had temporised mildly, escorting Dent to the bridge ladder. If the appearance of the Bosun had not been evidence enough of the undercurrents racing through the vessel, of others settling their own individ
ual fates while the political aspects of the ship’s entry into Hong Kong were being disputed on the bridge, the crowd assembled at the foot of the ladder proved it beyond doubt.

  They had stood mute, a triangle of upturned faces with Tam, clutching the baby, at their apex. For a moment Drinkwater and Dent had paused, their vulnerability as individual men overriding the pomp of their respective offices. Then the expectant seven score of supplicant souls drew back and allowed them to pass with a noise like wind through dry grass.

  Now, lying in his bath contemplating the mound of his hairy belly, Mackinnon could find himself wishing they had not consented to so smooth a passage for the twin emissaries of authority. But perhaps, he chastened himself, a show of hostility would have destroyed what little hope of official compassion existed. Pragmatically he knew he had provided the hard-pressed Hong Kong government with but one more burden. But politicians and diplomats, he consoled himself, should have to earn their money and privileges in the same harsh world as common dogs like seamen.

  The thought amused him and he fumbled for the soap, thinking of Shelagh and that the day was not yet over.

  There was a general air of resentment at the refusal of the Immigration Officers to clear the ship and allow the crew shore leave.

  ‘More days more dollars,’ advised the Bosun, grinning at the padre from the Mission to Seamen who had been allowed on board, alone among the queuing tailors, vendors, barbers and sew-sew women bobbing alongside in sampans and wallah-wallahs. Even Dent could not deny the rights of the dead to decent burial.

  ‘It’s odd, you know, Padre,’ said Stevenson, deputed to liaise, ‘the man Macgregor was a holy terror – if you’ll pardon the expression – when he was alive, but dead he was the trump card the Old Man played to get us in here.’

  ‘The ways of God are passing our understanding . . .’ In the alleyway the words had a hollow, insubstantial ring, like a primitive, meaningless incantation, yet something in the manner of their utterance struck Stevenson, whose mind revolved round certain preoccupations.

  ‘You really believe that, don’t you?’

  ‘D’you think I’d do a thankless job like this if I didn’t?’ replied the priest, a twinkle in his blue eyes. ‘I’m not aware of having made a single conversion in over twenty years of this work. Nowadays I don’t even minister to nominal Christians, like yourself. Most of my pastoral care is with Asiatic seamen, Filipinos and the like, but . . .’ The man shrugged as if mere words could not encompass the spiritual enormity of his situation. Then he caught Stevenson’s eyes. ‘Anyway, what is reality, eh?’

  ‘A bit like Voltaire’s definition of history, I guess,’ said Stevenson, ‘a fable upon which we are all agreed, more or less.’

  ‘Yes, and our indifference to its unpleasantness is but a conspiracy of concurrence. So, my friend, we go on.’

  ‘What will happen to them, Padre?’

  ‘The boat people? Oh, they’ll join the thousands already held in the camps around the colony. This is Asia, after all.’

  ‘Not a very happy ending to our joint ordeal, is it?’

  ‘The only ending of this temporal life any of us can look forward to is the common one of death.’

  ‘Yes, but . . .’

  ‘Are you still under the illusory influence of things like justice and the freedom to seek happiness? Surely you’ve been at sea long enough to know the nonsense of that?’

  ‘I suppose I have.’ Stevenson grinned ruefully. ‘It’s not a comfortable feeling though, is it? Why were we equipped to dream of it?’

  ‘Ah, there you hit the eternal mysteries bang on the head. But don’t let an old cynic like me influence you. The world needs romantics like you. Come to communion in the mission chapel and hear what comfortable words our saviour Christ said . . .’

  ‘ “Come unto me all that travail and are heavy laden and I will refresh you”.’

  ‘You are not such a nominal Christian after all.’

  ‘I’ll come to communion, Padre, and afterwards I would like a word with you. I’m sure the fable of reality can be manipulated a touch.’

  The peculiarity of the day pursued Mackinnon to its very end. Allowed to leave the ship to make a deposition concerning his need of refuge and to note protest in case of claims of damage to cargo during Typhoon David while the authorities debated the fate of the boat people, he boarded a wallah-wallah. The little launch swung round and crossed under the stern of the Matthew Flinders. Mackinnon stood looking at his last command. Men who serve aboard ship only infrequently see them from the outside and to Mackinnon the sight brought satisfaction. The topsides were rust-streaked, and fresh corrosion showed on her white upperworks, evidence of her ordeal in the typhoon. Above him Stevenson was lowering the ‘illegal’ red ensign.

  ‘Sunset,’ he called down by way of explanation and Mackinnon nodded, raising a hand in a half-wave that was also a kind of instinctive, valedictory salute. As the wallah-wallah drew away, the ship’s side seemed to blaze like molten metal, high-lit by the near-horizontal rays of the sun as it set behind banks of inky cumulus hanging above the distant hills of China proper. The light flared, too, on the jagged and rusty wreck of a huge ship lying on the bottom of the harbour, a burnt-out hulk which was one more symbol in this eventful day.

  The great wreck had once been one of the wonders of the maritime world, the Royal Mail Ship Queen Elizabeth, pride of the Cunard-White Star Line, whose first task had been the swift transportation of Canadian and American soldiers across the North Atlantic Ocean before she settled to her true, post-war business of carrying passengers between Britain and the United States.

  Now she lay discarded, a gravestone of a merchant fleet of which she had once been cast, quite spuriously, as the flagship. It hardly seemed to matter now; she was nothing more than a consumed relic, a metaphor for all the thousands of ships that had once been part of something greater than the sum of its separate parts.

  The great transatlantic liner’s corroding superstructure rose from the grubby waters of the harbour like a gigantic tombstone. Mackinnon turned away profoundly moved. Then, unable to restrain himself, he looked back. Not a gravestone: she was the burnt, awry totem of a disinherited tribe.

  Darkness crept over the water. The sun had set and the gentle breeze was suddenly chilly.

  Shelagh was waiting for him in her hotel room. Their meeting was undemonstrative. They hugged each other and kissed, as though only a day or so had separated them.

  She seemed older, he thought, the smart formality of new clothes setting off her still comely figure, but emphasising the lines of her face.

  ‘You look tired,’ she said, and he knew she was thinking the same thing.

  ‘It’s been a long day.’

  ‘I expected you earlier. I saw the ship come in.’ The lilt of her voice was ageless, the voice of the young Irish farm girl he had first met as a shipwrecked apprentice forty-odd years earlier.

  ‘We had some problems,’ he said shortly. ‘Picked up a load of boat people which the locals didn’t want and I had to note protest and then go to the police mortuary.’


  ‘One of the crew.’ He did not enlarge. It was better not to try and tell her everything all at once. Besides, he wanted to tell her all about it, most especially how she had inspired him to turn surgeon, and he knew this was not the moment. He was emotionally drained from informing York’s widow of her husband’s death and the frustration of being unable to contact Taylor’s widow.

  ‘I’ve some gin and some tonic.’

  ‘Bless you.’

  ‘Did you read the book about the Uffizi?’

  Mackinnon laughed and shook his head. ‘Somehow I never quite got round to it.’

  ‘Mr Dent rang me this afternoon.’ She tinkled ice into two glasses. ‘He said something about the company being unable to pay my hotel bill after tomorrow. You’ve fallen out, haven’t you?’

  ‘Not before time. The presence of the boat people embarr
assed him. He had sold the ship to the Chinese in Shanghai. I’m supposed to take her up there but,’ he shrugged, ‘I’ve told him it’s not on. Rawlings can do that.’

  ‘I’m pleased, darling,’ she said, handing him the drink and sitting down opposite him. ‘Dent mentioned the boat people . . .’

  At the prompting Mackinnon began to tell her. He spoke of their arrival at Singapore and his sense of foreboding, of the approach of the typhoon and Taylor’s mistake; of the rescue and its awful sequel, the operation; of the long struggle through the worst weather he had ever experienced, the deaths of Ernie York, of Taylor, the Vietnamese woman and then Macgregor.

  Finally he explained his feelings at the end, as the Matthew Flinders arrived at Hong Kong.

  ‘James Dent and this young naval chap came on the bridge as though they owned the whole bloody world. It was quite odd, you know. I had this overwhelming sense of solidarity with those unfortunate refugees; suddenly I had nothing in common with the two representatives of my own nation. It struck me that nationality meant nothing in the circumstances. What does it mean, beyond acknowledging the fact that one is born on the same chunk of earth as others? Like institutionalised religion I felt it was a superimposed doctrine, an idea become fact and a fact become chains. In the war, running cargoes to Russia and across the Atlantic, we were taught to feel part of something greater, part of the Allied war effort. This morning I thought I was part of something greater even than that. After all, I am a seaman; whatever else we may be, we’re an international confraternity, sharing the common perils of the sea, beyond the boundaries of men like Dent. Moreover, with my career ending, I had become something else, something the very end actually conferred upon me: I am a free spirit. I could do what I liked, do what I thought was right. What was Dent but a trafficker? So, for lots of reasons,’ he ended on a note of abrupt self-deprecation, ‘I defied the bugger, and brought the ship into Hong Kong. Not that she had the fuel to go much further.’


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