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Alpha's Claim

Page 12

by 10 Author Anthology

  Any excuse, Jakob’s heart would take any excuse. He would just have to switch off the voice in his head telling him to be cautious.

  The instant his weight hit the worn fabric his body sank into the flumpy sofa cushion. He barely had time to wriggle back before Nerissa was climbing into his lap, her squirming bottom more warming than any hot chocolate, or chili. He snaked a hand around her waist, wanting to hold her to him while it was possible to do so.

  “Yes, let me just ask Jakob for his postcode, as otherwise it might be a bit tricky to find us,” Nerissa said to her parents.

  Jakob dutifully supplied the information, knowing he couldn’t really keep her totally to himself.

  “By morning, you’ll be here by morning. That’s great.”

  Of course her parents would be desperate to see her. To take her home with them.

  “Love you, too, Papa.” Nerissa handed the phone back to him, and he stretched to put it on the table.

  “All right?” he asked.

  “Yes, very. It’s hard to take it all in. Maybe the shock will set in later, but for now everything’s all right.” She burrowed into him, tucking her head underneath his chest. Now that her hair was drying he could see that it wasn’t just dark. It had a sheen of green to it, rich and verdant like seaweed. He stroked down its length, its texture as smooth as a silk scarf.

  “I hope you didn’t mind me giving my parents your postcode.”

  “Of course not.” The only thing Jakob minded was the thought of having to let Nerissa go.

  She was clearly comfortable sat on his lap. She hadn’t even reached for any food. “Here,” he said holding one of the cups to her mouth. “It should have cooled down by now, but sip just to be careful.”


  Jakob returned the cup to the table and picked up one of the sandwiches. As he raised it towards Nerisssa she placed one of her hands on top of his to guide and hold him steady while she took a bite, quickly followed by another.

  “Thank you, for taking care of me so well,” she said after chewing and swallowing the second bite she had taken.

  “I don’t think there’s anything I wouldn’t do for you.”

  Jakob gave a small jerk back of his head after hearing what he said. It was true. Even if he had more time to think and consider he would still determine to rescue Nerissa from any situation. He would still happily take care of her needs, providing her with nourishment every day if she let him.

  He would love her now if she would let him. There would be enough time to worry about their possible future tomorrow.

  He looked down into her wide eyes. They were looking up at him in wonder and desire—if he read the reflection of his own feelings correctly.

  Inexorably drawn towards her Jakob lowered his mouth. She parted her lips ever so slightly in welcome. The press of sensitive flesh was enough to send tingles to both his fingers and toes.

  His fingers itching, Jakob trailed them first over her jaw, then down the long line of her neck, then over the material of the robe she wore to stroke the smooth swell of her breast. She moaned delightfully, her breath rushing straight into his mouth.

  One of her hands was also investigating his body, the light touches driving him wild. Arousal spread through his body, everywhere she touched triggering a new burst of pleasure. Unable to sit still and allow himself to be petted—maybe another time when the need to claim and possess wasn’t so intense—Jakob moved suddenly, shifting them so that her body was laid out on the sofa, pressed into the cushions by the weight of his body atop hers. In a series of deft moves, he dragged his t-shirt over his head and tossed it aside. With desperate hands he parted the robe Nerissa wore so that he could feel her breasts squeezed tight against his chest.

  At no point did Nerissa utter a sound of objection. She gave no sign that this might be moving too fast for her, that the level of Jakob’s need was too much.

  Her tongue in his mouth, her legs wrapped around his, conveyed her approval.

  Together they writhed against each other, but it wasn’t enough. Jakob thrust his hand between their bodies, seeking out her moist center, further proof of her arousal and her approval of his actions.

  He found her soaking wet, her thighs covered in lubrication.

  “So wet for me,” he said, swirling his tongue around the curves of her ear while his mouth was close by.

  “All for you, and look, the moisture coating my body, the sweat and the juices you bring forth from my pussy, will encourage my body to think of the sea.”

  Jakob lifted his torso up and looked down at Nerissa. She was right. “That’s unbelievably sexy,” he said looking at iridescent colors shimmering across her skin, the mounds of her breasts gleaming, her nipples rising up like two hard little pearls polished to perfection. Unable to resist he took one in his mouth and sucked.

  “You even taste of a sea breeze, salty and fresh.” Jakob dragged his tongue across her flesh, from breast to navel. “I want to taste all of you.”

  Nerissa thrust her hips against him, and Jakob slowly made his way down her body licking her smooth flesh with his rough tongue. He took one of her legs and lifted it over his shoulder. For just a moment he rested his head against her lower belly, as if humbling himself before a shrine.

  He wanted to breathe her in so her scent would never leave him. He wanted to drink her taste, so it would forever linger on his palate.

  “Please … don’t stop.”

  There was no danger of that. Using his hands Jakob spread Nerissa’s thighs wide. He spread the lips of her cunt open with the first lap of his tongue. Then he dived for her clit. He danced the tip of his tongue across it. He rubbed the sides of her hood, and it wasn’t long before he was suckling the hidden jewel itself. She pressed her mound up against his face. He held on tight with his teeth, refusing to let go, not matter how hard she thrashed beneath him. He wanted to drive her to orgasm, to feel her pulsing on his tongue.

  If he could make her feel more pleasure than she could remember maybe he could keep her here with him.

  “Oh God, I’m going to come!”

  Yes, that’s what he wanted. With one hand he felt for her opening, sliding his fingers inside her, never ceasing the work of his mouth. He curled his fingers, rubbing, searching for the spot that would throw her over the edge. When he found it he groaned into her cunt.

  “Oh Jakob.” Using just his name she begged. He sped up the movements of his tongue, his fingers, desperate to make her come. Once again he carefully closed his teeth around her clit, and that was it. With a gush of salty liquid she filled his mouth with her cum. He lapped up as much as he was able, holding her hips as she convulsed, absorbing the full impact of her pleasure.

  As her movements slowed she whispered, “Thank you.” It sounded as if he might have worn her out.

  He slowly extricated himself so that he was kneeling between her legs. She made a most beautiful sight. Her skin in full bloom and not just rosy, but lit by an array of colors.

  Her eyes, however, were closing.

  Jakob stood up and scooped her into his arms, an easy task given how petite she was compared to him. He carried her to the cabin’s only bedroom and placed her gently on the bed, pulling a sheet up over her to prevent her from catching a chill as her body naturally cooled. Leaving her there, walking away, when his body vehemently objected was the hard part.

  “Don’t go.”

  Hand upon the door Jakob turned back to face the room. The curtains were still open, and from the light of the moon he could see Nerissa watching him.

  “I’ve been alone so long. I just … I just want to be held by someone, so I don’t wake alone.”

  Would anyone do? Jakob silenced the traitorous thought and walked back over to the bed. Deliberately not removing his jeans he lay down on top of the sheet covering her. He took her hand in his, and she rolled from her back to her side, to face him. When he lifted his arm she slotted herself in next to him, wriggling to get as close to him as
possible. Finally she seemed to feel she was where she wanted to be and became still, closing her eyes.

  Jakob knew he was holding a treasure in his arms, one that was not rightfully his and would have to be set free. While it was in his possession he would hold it as tightly as he could. Time would tell if he could let go lightly.


  Nerissa awoke feeling the warmth of another being surrounding her. It had seeped through her skin leaving her relaxed and grounded. She hadn’t felt so at peace since before her captivity, and she hadn’t expected to again so soon.

  Stretching her toes and flexing the muscles in her legs, her legs, she rubbed up against a pair of denim covered legs. Jakob’s legs.

  During the night she must have kicked off the sheet, and it was now lying pushed to the bottom of the bed. It was Jakob’s body that was providing the warmth she felt by spooning her. She also became aware of his arousal pressing into the soft flesh of her bottom. He must be of significant size for it to be obvious even through his restrictive clothing. That would make sense if he’s hung like a horse, she thought stifling a laugh.

  She needed a bit of light relief so that her emotions didn’t overwhelm her. The pull she felt towards this man and shifter was more intense than any connection she had felt before. The fact that he had heard her song meant something.

  She didn’t want to presume his feelings, but she knew instinctively that he was more to her than just her rescuer. Her parents would be coming for her today. They would be expecting her to return home with them, some four hundred miles from where she now lay, but, right now Nerissa didn’t want to be anywhere else other than where she was.

  She wriggled her bottom against the bulge behind it. A rumble of approval came from the chest pressed to her back.

  “Good morning,” Jakob said in a voice husky from sleep.

  “Good morning. I’m sorry I fell asleep on you last night.”

  “You had every right to be tired.” Jakob stretched his body, Nerissa enjoying the feel of another moving against her.

  “I’m not asleep now, and neither are you.”

  “Nerissa…” She didn’t like the way Jakob subtly shifted his body away from her. It was only a few centimeters, but she noticed every one of them. “I don’t know if this is a good idea. Your parents—”

  “Shh.” Nerissa silenced Jakob as she shifted in his arms. “They aren’t here yet. Don’t you want me?”

  “Of course I want you, but—”

  “No buts!” They could talk about any buts later. Nerissa needed Jakob to take her in his arms and claim her. She needed to confirm she really had been found, that she could feel safe again, that she might find her way home to peace.

  She sought out his mouth, placing fierce kisses all along its length until he opened and let her in. Then she kissed him in earnest, pushing her tongue as far as she could into the deep recesses, staking her claim. She might be the weaker of the two, both in human and shifted forms, but she knew what she wanted.

  The kiss seemed to also strip Jakob of his hesitation. He kissed her back, stroking her tongue with his, pushing back.

  Nerissa didn’t waste any time. She grabbed the opportunity in her hands and quickly fumbled to undo Jakob’s jeans. She slowed herself down in order to drag his zipper down with care, but her hands lost their steadiness as she scooped Jakob’s manhood out. His length was hot and heavy as she took him in two fists. She squeezed, testing his resilience, feeling the steel of his erection and his desire. The beautiful, smooth flesh pulsed in her palms.

  Seconds later Nerissa found herself flat on her back. “I need to be inside you,” Jakob said, holding her firmly in place, the intensity of his stare suggesting he wouldn’t brook any argument.

  The look in his eyes, the weight of his body, the tightness of his grip, didn’t scare her. Instead she reveled in the physical intensity of their connection. After so long untouched and unloved she craved a forceful hand. “Hold me tight. Let me feel how much you need me as you take me.”

  Jakob let out a growl. “So tight I’ll never let you go,” he said pushing his leg between hers and forcing them wide as he thrust an arm beneath her body squeezing them together. With his other hand he laced his fingers through her long hair and jerked her head back so that the top of her body arched up of the bed. He held her tight just as she’d requested and licked along her neck.

  She fumbled to drag his cock to her entrance as he placed love bites down the tendons between her chin and collar bones. His teeth nipped at her, but it was the powerful suction that followed that she knew would leave marks of his possession. She was glad.

  Moving away from her neck up towards her mouth Jakob placed a bruising kiss against her lips. What had she unleashed?

  She didn’t care. This powerful creature was her song mate, and she just wanted to get as close to him as she possibly could.

  As if granting her a wish Jakob thrust his cock straight into her heat, his thick girth stretching her. She could feel how tight she was, how much he filled her. Nerissa wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling herself as close to him as possible with her entire body.


  She had never heard her name said as a prayer before. Happiness welled in her heart; music rippled there. The pounding of her blood provided a dark heavy baseline. The moans that left the back of her throat almost rhythmically were nothing compared to the notes of bliss she heard in her head.

  “You’re singing again,” Jakob said as he plunged in and out of her hard and fast, unconsciously setting the timing.

  “Just for you,” Nerrisa managed to get out, in between hauling breath into her lungs.

  “Yes … ughh … it’s in my head, my heart.” Jakob grunted roughly each time he pounded back into Nerissa using the full force of his powerful muscles.

  Nerissa moaned in response to the words and at how fiercely he came inside her. His arousal was a heady thing. His words might speak to her heart, but the sight of his facial muscles pulled tight, his teeth gritted, went straight to her clit. The nerve endings there were swollen, getting ready to burst at any second. Her orgasm was coming .With each thrust Jakob was binding them closer together, his pubic bone pressing hard against the nerve endings in her oh so sensitive nub.

  “Oh … oh … oh.” Yes, she was coming, swimming in bliss as waves of pleasure swept over her. Soul soaring she cried out, her song reaching its pinnacle, her voice breaking free on a note of raw pleasure.

  Jakob battered against her, prolonging her pleasure, filling her so that the ultimate sensation of bliss continued to well over her clit and inside her womb, where with a grunt Jakob poured his seed. His cock pulsed, and her pussy contracted, perfectly in sync.

  When Nerissa could think beyond feeling she said the words to her song. “I feel as if I’ve come home.” They needed to be spoken out loud as well as sung.

  Jakob slipped from her body and rolled over to lie next to her. He linked their hands together before speaking. “The instant you called to me I came. The moment I saw you I knew I had to set you free. I would want nothing more than for you to choose to stay with me.”

  At that moment, as if someone else were pulling the strings of fate, there was a knock at the door.

  Nerissa jerked upright. “My parents.” She was about to run to the door when she realized she was naked. Clothes, she needed some kind of clothes. The robe Jakob had lent her lay discarded on the bed. It would do at a push, but a t-shirt would be better. Spying a chest of drawers in one corner she went over and opened the middle drawer looking for a t-shirt that might work as a dress.

  “Make yourself at home,” Jakob said with a chuckle.

  Her face surely bright red, Nerissa turned to apologize. Jakob’s chuckle turned into a belly laugh. “Seriously, help yourself.” He got out when he paused for breath.

  Nerissa watched him for a moment as he climbed out of bed, his fine body momentarily on display before he stepped back into his jeans and came over to
join her in rummaging for additional clothes.

  He slipped a t-shirt over his head then pulled her to him, pressing a fierce kiss to her lips. Nerissa melted into him, her lips soft and giving against his, the weight of her body caught by his arms. In that moment she forgot her parents were waiting at the door.

  “I want you wet for me,” Jakob said as he slipped one hand underneath the t-shirt she had put on, his hand finding her pussy with ease, his deft fingers stroking her there.

  The arousal that had so recently been satisfied flared back to life, and Nerissa squirmed as moisture did indeed flood her pussy. She couldn’t help giving a moan of disappointment when Jakob withdrew his hand.

  “Your parents will be waiting,” he said as he took his fingers to his lips licking them up and down.

  Nerissa, who had been watching him in a daze, was startled. “Oh my God, my parents. We better get out there.” She smoothed her clothing as best she could and made for the door.

  “Yes, now your skin is shimmering I think we’re ready.” Jakob winked at her, and Nerissa couldn’t be angry, although she did give an unladylike huff as she left the room.

  Chapter Five

  Nerissa ran to the front door opening it before Jakob could get there. Quickly he plastered a welcoming smile on his face. It wouldn’t do for the possessiveness he felt to be the only thing showing on it. Immediately, Nerissa was enveloped in an extended hug by a man and woman he assumed to be her parents. Jakob stood and waited—not so patiently—his cheek muscles beginning to ache. When Jakob coughed it was her father who broke away first.

  “We owe you a debt we can never repay,” he said offering his hand to Jakob.

  “There is no debt. Nerissa is a gift beyond price.” And she is mine.

  Jakob took the other man’s hand giving it a firm squeeze. He was careful to exert just enough pressure to convey his strength without breaking any bones.


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