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Finding Home

Page 4

by Goode, Ella

  She thinks I kept calling her because I was trying to find out about Delilah. I did the first time ‘cause my mom asked me to. After that it was because I wanted to talk to her and it was the only reason I had to call her.


  I cut her off. “I kept calling to talk to you, Charlotte. I knew Delilah was fine. That girl can handle herself. Like I said, she’s a little sister to me. We grew up together.” I lean down, brushing my lips against hers. “You’re different. You’re my sugar.” I make the “my” clear. Wanting her to get that she really is something different than any other woman in my life.

  “Oh,” is all she says. She licks her lips, her tongue darting out and grazing my mouth. My whole body clenches at the innocent mistake. She sucks in a breath, realizing what she’s done. She really is starting to test my good nature.

  “Now, I’m going to let you go but you aren't going anywhere.” I let her know my intentions. “You can run off to our bedroom all you like, but that’s about as far as you’re getting for now.”

  She nods in agreement. I think I’ve left her speechless. I release her hips from my hold. She steps back, her eyes still wide for a moment before she turns, darting off toward our room.

  I have to fight a chuckle. I step out, looking down the hallway and smile when I see she doesn't close the bedroom door all the way. My eyes flick over to her cell phone, which is still lying on the floor by the front door. I’m a little bit shocked she forgot about the thing. I walk over, picking it up and glancing down to the home screen. She has a bunch of missed calls from the same person. My hand tightens around the phone when I see the name Brent over and over, wondering who he is. It never even crossed my mind that she may have someone in her life. I fucking hate Brent immediately. The thought of him being near my girl is almost more than I can bear.

  A small growl comes from me when his name flashes across the screen. He’s calling again. Fuck it. I answer it.

  “What do you want?” I say into the phone, knowing I shouldn't. I’m sure this is her business line. For all I know I could be getting the wrong idea, like she had about Delilah. I’ve managed to gather some information about Charlotte's life, but not much. I know that she is an only child raised by her mother. Her father was nonexistent and her mother passed away a few years back. From the small amount I could find out about her, it looked like all she did was work. Too damn much if you asked me, and the name Brent has never popped up anywhere.

  “Who is this?” he asks, sounding confused.

  “Is that my phone?” I turn to see Charlotte standing in the hallway moving toward me. It’s then I see she’s only in a fucking towel.

  “Charlotte?” the man says, having heard her in the background. “Wait, is this Drake Weston?”

  “No,” I clip. My eyes are roaming all over Charlotte, taking in as much of her bare skin as I can.

  We both stand there in silence. My eyes are feasting on her bare legs. My cock presses against my jeans, knowing that she’s naked under that towel. She’s no angel over there. Her eyes are working overtime as well, raking over every inch of my body. They widen and she licks her lips when she gets to my rock-hard cock. I instinctively reach down to adjust myself and I hear a small whimper come from her. Words are unnecessary between us; our connection is enough.

  “Who’s Brent?” I say with a tight jaw and maybe a little growl. I hang up on him before she even answers my question. I power off her phone and make my way toward her, the need for me to take her even stronger now. I’m sick with jealousy as I wait for her to answer me.

  “He’s just someone that interviewed with Mr. Weston. He doesn’t take kindly to hearing the word no so he keeps calling me.”

  I’m going to have me a nice long talk with this asshole. It isn’t going to be today, though, because I have more important things to do.

  “If he keeps on bothering you, I’ll take care of it.” That must have been the wrong thing to say because Charlotte's face twists into that pissed-off look. I know that mouth is about to hand me my ass for suggesting she couldn’t handle something.

  “I don’t need a man to take care of anything. I’m more than capable of handling him.”

  I let out a deep sigh. “Trust me, sugar, I know you are.” I reach out, running my finger down her soft cheek. “I never thought you couldn’t handle anything thrown your way.” I step in to her. “Maybe I just want to. Not because I don’t think you can but because I want to be your man. I could have taken care of my hand but I enjoyed having you do it for me. Wouldn’t you enjoy someone taking care of you for a change?”

  “It sounds nice.” There is a wistfulness to her words but I can hear the “but” coming. “I don’t let myself count on things I can’t control. You could be here today and gone tomorrow.” She shrugs.

  “I'm not going anywhere. I’m a man of my word.”

  “And what word is it you’re giving me?”

  “That I want you. I think that’s clear. I don’t think I’m the only one.” My mind thinks back to the man on the phone. “You got someone back home?”

  “You got someone here?” She does that sexy thing where she pops out her hip, placing her hand on it.

  “Standing right in front of me.”

  Her mouth fights a smile. “Men always want something for right now. I wish I could be a right-now kind of girl.” She sighs. Her eyes roam over me. I know she wants me. The heat is in her gaze but I know she’s scared of getting hurt. I saw that in her eyes when she had it in that pretty head of hers that I had a thing for Delilah. I need to reassure her. Let her know I’m the staying kind.

  “I won’t hurt you,” I vow. Her eyes lock with mine.

  “Promise me.” Her words come out whisper soft. They’re laced with vulnerability.

  “I promise.” I lean down, kissing her. I make it faster than I want to. “Go finish your shower.” I step back from her. This isn’t only about sex. I want to prove that to her. “I’ll make us something to eat.”

  “Mm-kay.” She nods before she smiles at me. I can feel her trust. Another reason I know we’re so connected. I swear I can sense her at times. I watch her turn, heading back to our bedroom. Either she hasn’t picked up on me calling it our bedroom or she likes that I keep calling it that.

  I turn toward the kitchen, thankful I paid attention when my mom was cooking. I am going to feed my woman. Then I am going to work on making her fall in love with me. God knows I already love her.



  I stand in the shower letting the warm water beat down on my skin. I can’t stop smiling thinking of how this night is turning out. The unfounded anger I had toward Colt subsided as soon as he admitted that he wasn’t with anyone and that he wasn’t in love with Delilah. I’d gotten the wrong impression when it came to their relationship. You know what they say about people who assume things. That’s how I feel right now. It has never felt so good to be wrong about something before. Maybe that has something to do with Colt not being smug about it. He didn’t gloat. More than anything he wanted it straightened out so I understood.

  Once Colt had uttered the words that Delilah was like a sister to him, it was as if a weight was lifted off of my shoulders. One that I didn’t even know I was carrying. I’m not sure what this means for us but I know that I want to find out. There is something about him that makes me want to give this a chance.

  I finish my shower, making sure I take extra care. A girl never knows what’s going to happen so it’s best to be prepared. I always am. I towel off my hair before finding something to wear. I wish I’d packed more but I’ll make do.

  My stomach lets out a growl like it hasn’t had a bite of food in over a week. I head down the hall toward the kitchen, where I know I’ll find Colt. The smell of food hits my nose as I get closer. It smells delicious and my feet pick up the pace to see what he is making.

  He's standing over the stove, his broad back to me. When he hears me approach he turns, gracing me with

that killer smile of his. My stomach growls again but it’s not the only thing that’s hungry. My eyes feast on the sight of him. I’ve looked at him plenty of times since I’ve been here but I was always sneaking to do it. I am openly checking him out and he knows it. It feels different now that I know no one has a claim on him. That he isn’t pining after someone else. The only person he seems to want right now is me.

  He winks at me and gestures for me to come closer. I almost run there, unable to hold myself back from him anymore. I stop inches away from his chest, tilt my chin up and silently ask for a kiss. He grants my request, his lips meeting mine. His hand on my back pulls me tight to his hard body. I let out a small moan at the same time my stomach lets out an obnoxious growl demanding food. I feel his smile against my lips, which makes me smile also.

  “There will be plenty of time for this later, sugar. First, I need to feed you.” He lifts me up and seats me on a counter bar stool easily. “One more for the road,” he says as he steals a kiss from me and walks over to the stove.

  “That’s an awful short distance to justify a kiss,” I say, laughing. My thoughts drift to how comfortable I am with Colt in his home. I feel at peace here and just overall happy right now. Something has clicked inside of me that makes me want a life here. Thoughts of work have been forgotten. I’m broken from my thoughts when I hear Colt call out to Gambit before tossing the pup a piece of meat.

  “I thought you weren’t supposed to feed your pets from the table.” I never understood people that could resist slipping their dog a bite every now and then. Those puppy dog eyes would get me every time.

  “Gambit deserves his treat. He did as he was told.” I watch as Colt starts to plate our food. “He kept an eye on you.” He tosses another piece of steak to Gambit, who catches it in the air.

  “How can that little dog keep an eye on me? I think I kept an eye on him.” Gambit barks like he doesn't agree with me.

  “I‘m going to feed you too.” Colt slides a plate in front of me with a giant steak on it. It looks better than any I’ve ever seen before and I’ve been to some of the nicest restaurants in New York. That was one of the perks I enjoyed about my job. If Mr. Weston made me suffer through a business meeting usually he had it at a fancy restaurant.

  “Gambit’s got a tracker on him. Told him to stick to you.” My eyes fly up to Colt, who is sitting down a plate across from me.

  “I was worried he’d get lost!” I look to Gambit, who barks. I swear it sounds like a laugh.

  “I couldn't lose Gambit if I tried.” Colt shakes his head, walking to the fridge and coming back a moment later with glasses of iced tea for both of us. He pulls up one of the kitchen stools and sits down across from me.

  “Then why did you put a tracker in him?” I rebuff.

  “Vet said I should get one when I finally took him in.” He shrugs.

  “Finally?” I ask, knowing there is a story there. He and Gambit don’t really match up. I guess neither do Colt and I. I reach for a fork, not wanting to think about that.

  “Dog followed me around everywhere. I finally just kept him.” He looks down at Gambit while shaking his head.

  “I’m rather fond of little Gambit here and he can come home to New York with me if you don’t want him. Isn’t that right, Gambit?” I hear a growl that I know didn’t come from Gambit. When I look over at Colton, his jaw is tight.

  “That’s going to be impossible, sugar.” He doesn’t elaborate and I don’t push him on why he seems so upset about me suggesting taking Gambit. I was only teasing.

  “I was just joking about stealing Gambit.” I look down at my plate. “Thank you for dinner. The food looks and smells delicious.” I shove a piece of steak in my mouth so I don’t start jabbering on any more than I already have. I suddenly feel shy, not sure what I should say.

  His hand grabs mine across the counter and gives it a little squeeze. When I look up he’s smiling at me. He leans halfway over, cutting the distance between us. His other hand reaches up and strokes my cheek, sending a shiver through me. How can a man be so handsome?

  “Eat up, sugar. I’m desperate to have my dessert.” His fingers trace down the side of my neck. My pulse picks up.



  She looks so sexy sitting here freshly showered with no makeup on. It takes everything in me not to swipe all the food off this counter to feast on what I’m really craving—her. People say everyone is born for a reason. I always wondered what mine might be but now I know. It’s her. I was made to make her happy. Getting her to smile at me like she has been for the past few minutes has made my night. Having her decide to stay here with me would make my life. She belongs here, everything feels right now. I hadn’t known I’d been restless inside until her feet hit the ground here. It made everything inside of me still. I’d thought I was home but now it really is home.

  “Any chance I could get my hand back, Colt? This steak isn’t going to cut itself and I’m really looking forward to the dessert part.” I didn’t think my cock could get any harder, but with her words I’m proven wrong. I smile as her eyes meet mine. I lift the hand I’m holding and kiss her fingers before I let them go. Charlotte blushes and it’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.

  “Eat up, sugar. You’ll need all the energy you can get.” I toy with her right back. When her eyes meet mine they are heavy with lust. The room is thick with it.

  I can’t believe how much she’s starting to let her guard down. I need to make sure I use these opportunities. I knew my window of convincing her to stay was closing. I would only be able to keep Drake and her apart for so long. Not to mention if Delilah catches wind of what I’m up to there’s no telling how she’ll react. You never know what you’re going to get with her. She’ll either help me or tell me I’m being a dick for tricking Charlotte into coming here. Well, I don’t know if trick is the right word. Maybe leverage is better. At least it sounds better in my head.

  I eat my food, not tasting a thing. I can’t keep my eyes from watching every bite she takes. I’ve never enjoyed watching someone eat before. Hell, I’ve never thought about doing it before. This felt good though. Watching my woman eat the food I made for her.

  “That was amazing.” She sighs, having cleared her plate. I pick both of ours up, taking them over to the sink. I’ll deal with them later.

  “Did you save room?” I turn around to face her. I watch as her cheeks turn a shade of pink. I know what she’s thinking. I meant what I said. I am going to eat her for dessert but first I am going to give her actual dessert.

  “I think I have a little room left.”

  It’s on the tip of my tongue to tell her she’s going to need more than a little room to fit me but my manners keep me in check. Barely. She’s the only person that has ever tested them before but she’s also the only one I’ve ever had such crude, dirty thoughts about. My mind has been coming up with all kinds of things I want to do to her when I finally get her under me.

  I walk over to the freezer, pulling out a container of homemade ice cream. Not homemade by me, but still the best ice cream around. I’m not going to tell her it’s Tammy who makes it. I don’t think they are on the best of terms but give it time. Everyone dislikes the woman at first. Then she grows on you like a weird aunt.

  “Oh.” Disappointment shows on her face. Yeah, she had the same idea I did about what dessert was going to be. It is, but I want to ease into this. As bad as I want to be inside of her, I also need her to want to stay. I know sex with her is going to be mind-blowing. That’s the easy part. Our chemistry is off the charts, but I need it to be more than the physical act. Now, making her fall in love with me and stay is a whole different story.

  “Promise it’s not only the best ice cream you’ve ever had but the porch has got the best sunset you’ve ever seen, too.” I grab a spoon before walking over and holding my hand out for her to take before leading her outside. I take her around the side so we’re facing west, where the sun is slipping down
under the pond.

  I sit down in the giant rocking chair. This is normally where I sit each night, but alone. I pull her down into my lap. Her back is pressed up against my chest. Her tight little ass sits on my hard cock. She’s wearing a sweater that slips off one of her shoulders. Her bare skin is exposed and begging for attention. My lips immediately find that beautiful, soft skin. I begin to line soft kisses from her shoulder to her neck. She cranes her head to the side, inviting me to continue. Small whimpers are now coming from her as her ass grinds down on me.

  “This okay, sugar?” I ask. Wanting to make sure we’re on the same page. “Beautiful, Charlotte. I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life.”

  She nods her head in approval while she continues to wiggle her little ass on me. It’s a wonderful torture.

  My mouth continues to explore her bare sweet skin but I need more of her. She’s grinding down on me faster now. I slip my hand up her shirt, feeling her soft breast against my skin. My fingers tease her pert nipple and my mouth waters to get a taste of her. I can’t see her there but I know she’s perfect. Everything about her is. She was made for me. There isn’t a thing about her that doesn’t appeal to every part of me.

  “You like that, sugar? My callused, rough hands on your perfect body? Are you curious how they’ll feel on your pussy?”

  Her breath catches and I know she is. My hand tracks down to where she’s wearing little sleep shorts. I trace the outside of her thigh where the shorts end. Her hips are now rising to try and get my hand where she needs it the most.

  “Colt, please.” She whimpers and it’s my undoing. She’ll never have to beg for me to pleasure her again.

  My hand slips into her shorts while my fingers continue to work her nipple. Her little pussy is dripping wet for me. Even though I wish I could see her there this isn’t about me right now, it’s about making her come. My finger traces over the light hair she has there. She pushes up into my hand, needing more from me.


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