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Blood Prophecy (Witch Fairy)

Page 17

by Bonnie Lamer

  Urim nods. “The Angel of Love and Conception. It was her blood that allowed the conception to occur between your mother and your father.”

  Great. Thanks, Grandma. “So, when you guys fall, you can have babies and all that?” Not that I’m a prude, but I kinda thought Angels were virginal.

  Urim laughs. “We can enjoy the pleasures of the skin if we find ourselves in love, but no, Angels do not have children when they fall. Your mother and you are unique.”

  That’s a nice way of saying that we’re freaks of nature, I think. “So, Grandma hasn’t had any other kids over the millennia?”

  Voloel shakes her head. “This is the first time Lailah has fallen.”

  “Ever?” I ask in shock. “And she chose Grandpa?”

  “Yes,” Tabbris says. Her face is stony again. “She could not be talked out of it.” I have the impression that Tabbris did a lot of talking on the subject.

  “In her defense, he was a lovely man when he was young. They were happy for a number of years,” Voloel says.

  Okay, I can’t think about that anymore. “Why are you glad that the prophecy is coming true? Do you want the world destroyed?” I’ve read stories that said Angels hate humans. Maybe they really do.

  Voloel laughs that pretty laugh again. “You are not going to destroy the world; you are going to save it.”

  “I don’t think so. The prophecy pretty clearly says that I’m going to destroy it.”

  “Humans have been misinterpreting prophecies from the beginning. I believe something gets lost in translation.”


  “Yes. Why don’t you take us through line by line of the prophecy as it has been explained to you, and then we will clear up any misconceptions you may have.”

  It would be great if I’m not supposed to destroy the world. Maybe Grandpa and his awful friends will leave me alone. “The first line is a Witch’s child of Fae is born when spirits of the realms are torn.”

  Urim nods. “Yes, that is true. The realms have been torn for quite some time. The Fairies, Witches and Humans have long been unable to live in harmony.”

  “This next part is what I’ve been talking about. Into the world, destruction she brings, while children cry and Angels sing. Doesn’t that mean that I’m going to destroy the world and you guys are going to be happy about it?”

  Voloel shakes her head. “No, of course not,” she admonishes gently. “We love your world. The destruction you will bring will be to the way things are now. You will bring about change, not true destruction. As for the children crying, that is metaphorical, not actual children. You are a tool to bring about the maturity of your people and they will cry tears of joy to be released from the bonds of their immaturity. They will stop behaving as children and learn to live peaceably together. That will be the reason we will sing.”

  Great. That sounds impossible. I still think they have the wrong person. “I’m going to bring about world peace?”

  “Alas, as much as I would like that, no. As I said before, humans are much too volatile. But you will usher in a new age between Witches and Fairies. An age of peace and harmony.”

  “Um, my dad’s pretty mad at Humans and Witches. I don’t see him being on board with this whole idea.”

  A sly smile touches Urim’s lips. “You will find a way to make the changes.”

  I’m glad he has that much confidence in me because I don’t. This sounds impossible for one person. Especially if that person is me. Instead of arguing, I’m just going to skip ahead. “The next part is none may survive the vengeance of she. Doesn’t that mean I get pretty violent? I hate to think that because I don’t think I could actually kill anybody.”

  “Think of that as more of a warning to others,” Urim says. “You are a powerful being, even if your control is slightly erratic at present. But you are not one to be challenged, for your magic is great.”

  Slightly erratic? Apparently, he hasn’t been watching me very carefully. “So, I’m not actually going to take vengeance on people? It’s just warning them that if they cross me I could take vengeance on them?”

  Tabbris answers this time. “There will be times when you are faced with difficult choices and you will have to decide which path to follow. But you are not required to take vengeance on anyone.”

  Well, that’s a relief. I’m really curious about the next part. I’ve been kind of ignoring it because I don’t think it’s possible. “What about when it says immortal her soul is to be, to remedy the world of its natural discord?”

  “Ah, immortality, the quest of many, but found by a precious few,” Urim says and he sounds wistful.

  “So, I’m not going to be immortal?”

  Voloel lifts her head as she brushes Zac’s hair from his forehead. “That will be up to you.”


  Her smile becomes bright again. “If you fulfill the prophecy, your soul will be immortal. Immortality comes in different forms, though.”

  Tabbris looks at Voloel as she says, “I’m afraid we mustn’t say anything else on the subject.” Voloel gives her a slight nod in agreement.

  “I really appreciate you telling me all this, but I still don’t know how I called you or what I’m supposed to do about this.” I sweep my hand in the direction of the statue-like people in my driveway.

  “When an Angel is in trouble, his or her wings call for help,” Voloel explains.

  That’s kind of cool. “Speaking of these wings, am I going to have them all the time now?”

  “I suspect not,” Urim says but he doesn’t sound sure. “Since you have not had them before, it would seem that they only come to you when you are dire straits.”

  I’m okay with that. I’d hate to have to try and sleep with these things on. How do the Angels do it? “And they’ll come to protect me if I need them?”

  He nods. “Yes, they are to serve you in such a manner.”

  “Can I fly with them?”

  He chuckles and his laugh is as beautiful as Voloel’s. “Yes, you can fly. But only when you have your wings.”

  “Will you come every time my wings come to me?”

  “No,” he says. “Only if your wings send us a distress call. That means that you are truly in need of assistance; but your wings will do their best to protect you without additional help.”

  “So, I was in danger of being seriously hurt out here?” I gesture again towards the scene in the driveway.

  His full lips purse for a second. “I don’t believe so. I think that your wings called to us so we could explain their purpose.”

  Oh, that’s disappointing. I was kind of hoping they’d be guiding me on this quest for peace I’m supposed to be on. “But what do I do now?”

  Tabbris gives me her first real smile. “That is the beauty of free will. You will choose how you handle this.”

  I don’t think I like free will a whole lot at the moment. “Will you guys be watching to make sure I do it right?”

  “We will check in on you from time to time,” Urim says. “But this is a battle you must face alone.”

  “Will Zac be okay?”

  “He is fine,” Voloel assures me. “He will awaken as soon as you return. I have kept him still while you’ve been here so as not to damage his eyes.”

  Oh, that’s why she was so eager to hold him. Though, I do think part of it was because she truly loves children. “Thank you.”

  “We must be going now,” Tabbris says and the tone of her voice suggests that the other two shouldn’t argue.

  “Can I ask one more question?”

  “Certainly,” Voleol says.

  “I’m pretty sure that Kallen knows that Grandma is a fallen Angel. How would he know that?” I’m assuming they don’t go around announcing that they’re fallen Angels when they’re in our realms.

  Tabbris answers me. “As I mentioned, there have been times that we have asked other magical creatures for assistance in helping the humans. The Sheehogue Fairies have been among
those. We have a pact with them that they will do their best to help humans on our behalf, but this agreement states that they will not impose their wills upon humans, either. Nor may they cause unnecessary harm to other humans, Fairies, or Witches. In return, we have made them more powerful than their counterparts in order to follow through with their agreement.”

  “So, they’re more powerful than the Pooka Fairies because of you.”

  “Yes. They are also sworn to secrecy concerning our existence and the magic we have extended to them. If they make it known that we have this pact, they will lose their magic completely.” Oh, that explains why Kallen didn’t say anything. Yeah, I would have kept my mouth shut, too. Looking at Urim and Voloel, she says, “We really must be going.”

  “Can I ask one more question?”

  Tabbris looks annoyed again but she says, “One more.”

  “Is it because Mom’s part Angel that she’s been able to hold her and Dad in our realm?”

  Voloel answers. “Oh, silly girl, you are holding them, not your mother.”

  Pretty sure they can see my tonsils again. “I’m holding them here?”

  She nods. “Yes. Even though your mother has Angel blood, she is still not strong enough to hold them both. It is the powerful mixture within you that makes it possible for them to exist as they are. Spirits who remain are not usually the same as they were in life.”

  I’m half proud and half terrified. “Is it okay that I’m doing that?”

  “As long as it is what they desire,” Tabbris says. “Right now, it is their choice to remain. When the time comes that they are ready to move on, you will have to release them. If you don’t, you will be taking away their free will.” And I suspect she would have something to say about it if that happened. “Because your hold on them is so strong, you are the only one who can release them to what lies beyond,” she says meaningfully. “Now, there is no more time for questions.”

  Urim nods in acknowledgement. “Then we shall take our leave.” Turning to me, he says, “Xandra, it has truly been a pleasure. I wish you the best and I know that you will live up to the prophecy set before you.”

  I wish I was that sure. It still sounds like an impossible task. I can’t see my biological father forgiving and forgetting, let alone agreeing to live in harmony. “How do I get back?”

  “As soon as we leave, you will be returned to your realm and time.”

  I’m not sure if I’m ready for that but I guess I can’t put it off forever. “Thanks for everything. I hope I see you again under better circumstances.”

  “As do we. Good bye, Xandra.” And then they’re gone.

  Chapter 16

  Zac is back in my arms and I am back in my own realm and time. The fighting has stopped as everyone turns to stare at me and my new wings. Depending on whose eyes I meet, there is either awe or fear in them. Grandma seems the most surprised of all.

  “What is going on?” Grandpa demands to no one in particular. “Where did those wings come from?”

  “It doesn’t matter, it’s just more proof that she’s not meant to be,” Maeva growls but that doesn’t get rid of the fear I’ve already seen in her eyes.

  “Oh, shut up,” I say and her mouth closes. She’s making some weird mumbling noises but she can no longer speak. Turning to Fatin, I say, “You will release my father.”

  His confidence from earlier is shaken but he rallies pretty well. “I hold the cards here. I am seconds away from sending him to the hereafter.”

  I roll my eyes. “Really? Because I’m the only one that can release him from this plane of existence, so your threat isn’t really a threat. It’s wishful thinking on your part.”

  Fatin obviously doesn’t believe me because he begins to say the exorcism spell. “Spirit in unrest, soul in pain, come to me, find peace again. Leave this world of longing and woe, sorrow filled days no longer you’ll know…”

  “Xandra, make him stop!” Mom cries.

  “Mom, trust me. Nothing’s going to happen.”

  “…your soul I release and you shall rest in peace.”

  And like I said, nothing happens. Fatin looks really ruffled now. He begins to say the spell again, more forcefully, “Spirit in unrest, soul in pain…”

  “Oh, zip it.” Now he’s gagged as well.

  “I demand to know where those wings came from!” Grandpa shouts at me.

  I give him my sweetest smile. “That’s nice. Thanks for sharing.” Then I turn my back on him.

  Grandma finds her voice and asks with a slight tremor, “Xandra, are you…” Her words trail off.

  “Dead? Nope. I’m very much alive.” Relief shows in the eyes of everyone on my side. Disappointment in the rest. “And as for you? You are not to do anything that will jeopardize your future.” I’m pretty sure that she knows what I mean because she gives me a slight nod, and then she visibly tries to subdue her anger with deep breaths and closed eyes.

  “Athear, what is she talking about?” Grandpa practically growls. “Is she threatening you?”

  I have to laugh at that. “The only ones here who are threatening her are you and your disgusting menagerie of followers. Though, if we’re all going to be honest,” I look each member of the Witan in the eye, “you are actually the follower, not the followed. I suspect your mind hasn’t been your own for a long time.” There is some slight shuffling of discomfort among the Witan.

  “What nonsense is this? I’m King; of course my mind is my own.”

  I shake my head. “Think again. I bet every thought you have feels like it’s been planted by someone else.”

  Grandpa looks like he’s going to get all blustery again but doubt is creeping over his face like a caterpillar, leaving its sticky little foot prints all over him. Instead of speaking to me, he turns to Louhi. “Is this true?”

  “Of course not,” he says indignantly.

  I laugh. “As if you could be trusted to tell the truth. I doubt your twisted little mind even knows what that is anymore.”

  “I’ve heard enough out of you, little girl,” he hisses. Oh, that’s a sound that’s going to haunt my nightmares. He should try his luck in Hollywood. I’m sure he’d get a lot of roles as a villain, and they wouldn’t even have to put make up on him. “Say the spell again,” he tells the others.

  I shake my head. “It didn’t work the first time, what makes you think it’s going to work this time?”

  “You are not omnipotent. You can be brought down and we’re going to be the ones to do it.”

  “Okay. Go ahead then.” I wave my hand in a hurry up gesture.

  He looks surprised. What, I’m supposed to be begging at his feet? I don’t think so. “What?”

  I say my words slowly as if he’s new to the English language. “O. Kay. Go. A. Head. Then.”

  That earns a big time glare from him and his eyes narrow into little slits like slots for demon coins. Could the man get any creepier looking? Forget I asked that, I really don’t want to know.

  As if following my thoughts, Louhi snarls, “A pair of demon wings doesn’t scare us.”

  Hmm. I turn around to look at Kallen. “Do demons have wings?”

  He shakes his head. “No, they do not.”

  “That’s what I thought.” Turning back to Louhi, I say, “Could you please keep your insults to things that really exist instead of making crap up?”

  Wow, he’s really pissed now. Between gritted teeth, he says to the others, “Say the spell again.”

  “Now hold up one minute. I want to give you guys a sporting chance.”

  “We have all the advantage we need.”

  “Oh, it’s so cute how you get so mean and tough when you’re angry.”

  “Xandra, be careful,” Mom says quietly behind me. Okay, maybe that was a bit much. I might be practically indestructible but no one else is. I don’t need him taking out his anger towards me on my family or Kallen.

  “Fine,” I say. “Tell you what. I’m going to make this fair. It’ll
just be me and the eight of you. I won’t ask for help from anyone else.” Except my wings, of course, but they’re a part of me now.

  Maeva looks at me for a long moment. “Why would you do such a thing?”

  I shrug. “It’s not them that you want, it’s me. I don’t want them to get hurt in the crossfire.”

  “Xandra, I will not leave you to fight them alone.” Kallen’s voice is full of emotion and I turn to smile at him.

  “I know it’ll be hard for you, but it’s for the best. I need to do this alone.”


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