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Broken Halo: Fallen Angels Trilogy, Book One

Page 10

by Marcel, Zoey

  In the beginning she had tried to control her natural urges, but soon learned that going in the stall was part of her punishment for her disobedience. He was nice enough to clean her stall each day she was in there and it embarrassed her endlessly that he did so. At first she swore at him for treating her like an animal, but soon learned that this tactic only led to more days and nights in the stall and no time with neither her master, nor being put to pasture in the fresh air.

  Later she became sympathetic that he should feel compelled to carry out such an unpleasant chore and apologized for her bodily functions, but he insisted he didn't mind and brushed her hair with a brand new horse brush he had purchased for her.

  Sonya learned to behave so that she could earn back the privilege of wearing clothes some of the time and sleeping in his bed with him whenever she was good. She missed the luxurious comfort of sleeping in a bed and the closeness of lying next to him at night in his arms, both nude and sated. The extensive periods of abstinence that were utilized on her out of discipline, only made her want him that much more. Whenever she earned back the right to sleep with him, the experience was out of this world for them and she always wondered afterward why she ever bothered to defy him when it was so much sweeter to surrender to him completely.


  Sonya was thankful Nimbus didn't ride her around since he knew doing so would hurt her as he was so much stronger than she was. However, he trained her to give smaller demons rides like a living pony would.

  The brat she had on her back today irked her and made her want to buck the troll off, or whatever he was, probably some demon child. It was odd to her that she couldn't tell right away anymore like she once could, but the troll certainly behaved like a little hellion.

  It was around twilight when Demornae's carriage rolled up led by two svelte women in the buff who were toting their mistress around the English countryside in horse harness and other equestrian paraphernalia.

  Sonya hoped Nimbus never wanted her to pull him around by carriage in public, but the conversation she overheard him having with Demornae removed all doubt that this was his intent with his little pony girl.

  “Your steed is coming along well, I see,” Demornae observed.

  “She is,” Nimbus agreed proudly. “She has gotten so much stronger too since I've worked with her. Notice how muscular her arms and legs are now.”

  “I see that. She looks leaner too, but not starved. You are a good master, Nimbus. What do you think of my mares?”

  Sonya was pleased with their admiration of her body, but her jaw dropped in outrage when she saw Nimbus groping the slender arm of one of Demornae's horsewomen.

  “They look strong and healthy.”

  “Do you think they will win the race next month?” Demornae asked slyly.

  He grinned. “They would except Sonya and I are going to win.”

  Sonya felt a keen sense of value, but not as his one and only treasured pony. He used her name in the company of a guest. He didn't refer to her as a slave, a whore, or a mare. He simply used her name as though she was equal to her master and for this she respected him.

  “You keep telling yourself that, Nimbus. Everyone knows I have been the champion for three years standing,” Demornae boasted.

  “Only because I have never entered before. This year you will taste of defeat. Sonya is compliant and even-tempered now.”

  That probably wasn't the ideal moment for the brat on Sonya's back to kick her sides and holler at her to giddy up. She decided she had had enough of the fitful, little beast and rolled over onto her back squishing the thing and delighting in his crying and screaming tantrum.

  Demornae laughed at this. “I can see that. Well, I should be going now. Mama has some hunting to do, doesn't she, my babies?”

  The women whinnied a little and she encouraged them to start up again and take her away to feed.

  Nimbus pulled Sonya off the tiny monster and instructed him to get gone, which he did. She was surprised and relieved when he laughed at her sudden loss of temper with the troll rather than punishing her for it.

  “You are a little hellion, aren't you, woman?”

  She let out a gleeful, little whinny and he chuckled at her spunk.

  “You really do deserve to spend the night in the stable rather than bathing and sleeping with me like I had planned,” he let out a long, pitiful sigh, but there was a gleam in his eyes that told her to sway him.

  Sonya's tongue became drawn to the metal bit in her mouth and it made kissing his crotch difficult, but she muddled through the challenge, eager to let him know how badly she wanted him and hoped he would change his mind about disciplining her. As fun and intriguing as it was to be his little pony, it was a hundred times better to be his woman. Tonight she yearned to be the latter and to know him intimately. They had been especially close lately and she didn't want to lose that.

  Nimbus groaned as she kissed his groin and licked at the fabric, looking up at him with sad puppy eyes. He chortled at how pathetic she looked in her pleading state. “Then again, I suppose I could be merciful if you promise to be generous later as you always are.”

  She nodded frantically, stretching her jaw and tongue once he released the bit from her mouth and removed the bridle. Her back felt sweaty once the saddle and blanket came off of it, but when he pulled her to her feet and put his arm around her while leading her up to the house, she knew he would take care of her as he always did.


  Cart training proved odd and challenging. The carts they used for racing were in actuality chariots to make the work lighter for the horses, enabling them to run faster. The chariots looked like the ones in Egypt and Sonya wasn't sure if they had actually salvaged them from the ancient civilization, or merely replicated them with uncanny precision.

  To her utter horror, Nimbus rode her through London naked and leading his chariot. She pleaded with him not to, but he assured her that they would be invisible to the human beings walking past. Only the spiritual realm and any immortals in the vicinity would be capable of seeing them. He was right of course, which was made apparent when they rolled through the crowded streets without so much as drawing an ounce of attention to themselves from the mortal population. Still, she received lustful stares and whistles from vampires, demons and shifters who happened by them and it was a bit unnerving.

  When the urge to urinate became nearly unbearable she stopped pulling the chariot and squeezed her thighs together, trying to keep from letting go.

  Nimbus jumped down and walked around to the front of her. “I assume you have a good reason for stopping, because if not my riding crop would like a word with your ass.”

  She smiled weakly, practically dancing with the impending urge to pee. “I must relieve myself.”

  His expression eased into a sadistic grin that wanted to humiliate her. “So do it. No one is prohibiting you.”

  She might have known he would suggest something as outrageous as urinating in public. “I can't do so in the street.”

  “Why not? The homeless do.”

  “I'm not homeless. I can hold it.”

  “But you can't and I don't want you to suffer anymore. Now let go.”

  She felt relaxed as he brushed her cheek adoringly, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. “Master, please don't make me defy you.”

  “I'm not making you defy me, Sonya. You are the one willfully disregarding my orders, which were given in your best interest I might add. If you do not piss when I tell you to, then perhaps you favor holding your urine inside. I can arrange that, you know. I know of a way to control your natural urges so you will be unable to go unless I permit you to. Would you like to play that horrendous game with me, slave?”

  Sonya wasn't entirely sure she wanted to know what he had in mind, or whether or not he was bluffing. She took a deep breath and let some of her pee trickle out of her.

  “That's it,” he murmured softly as he caressed her face, “squeeze your legs together
and let go. I want you to go all over yourself like a horse would.”

  She squirmed. “A horse would spread its legs.”

  “But your master desires you to keep them together and leak all over your strong, lovely legs. Now do it before I show you how to piss and accidentally spray it all over you.”

  His sardonic comment amused her even as the threat didn't particularly appeal to her. She squeezed her thighs together and peed on them. Her urine felt hot as it washed over her inner thighs and the act of peeing simply because he ordered her to regardless of the public setting they were in, was freeing in spite of her humiliation.

  “That wasn't everything, was it?”

  She grimaced. He knew her all too well. He should after ten months of living with her. She sighed and let go, a tremendous sense of release from the act. A strange sense of liberation even in the clutches of total submission to his twisted will. Her bladder felt soothed and empty once she finished.

  “Good girl,” he whispered, teasing her lips with his, “I'm very proud of you.”

  His respect and pride in her were worth the temporary embarrassment of peeing on herself while nude in public with the potential for spectators. “I'm a mess.”

  “I will wash you later.”

  Sonya felt a wave of excitement come over her. “Will we...”

  He threw her a wink and traced her lips with his fingertips. “Oh, I think we will. You deserve it.”

  The sweet, tender kiss stirred her heart and she could contain her true feelings no longer. “I love you, Nimbus, so much.” She went breathless with excitement.

  His lips parted and he looked completely caught off guard. “I did not give you permission to say that.”

  “I don't care. If I was to die and you never knew I felt that way about you, it would kill me.” She stood on her tiptoes trying to reach his lips, but he pulled away.

  “Remember yourself, slave,” was all he said, but she would have sworn she saw emotion pass through his eyes as he walked back around and stepped into the chariot. Why had he held back?


  The race proved a thrilling event with plenty of hype and preparation. Apparently this was an annual occurrence between demons and vampires and was held at twilight so the vamps could participate without dying. Each contestant was permitted a single horse, their choice of either male or female, which would pull their chariot. Being Nimbus' only pony, Sonya was to carry him in his chariot across the finish line. It was difficult not to feel the excitement wafting through the air, but she was nervous and eager to bring her master glory to repay him for all he had done for her and taught her.

  Being in the buff made her self-conscious in spite of the fact that her body was in the best shape of her existence, but the audience rendered her bashful. Still, the other horses were nude as well, so that helped to even things out a bit.

  They were permitted to wear shoes to protect their feet in their mad dash toward the finish. The sandals reminded her of what the Romans wore back in the age of the Roman Empire. The chariot was like a throwback to ancient Egypt. Both made her feel regal and important like she was drawing a royal pharaoh in his chariot, or leading a Roman soldier into battle.

  The horn was blown announcing the commencement of the race and the horses trotted off down the racetrack, pulling the chariots containing their masters and mistresses behind them.

  “The men have the advantage of strength over you,” Nimbus had told her before the race, “but you have the upper hand where speed and agility are concerned. They will serve you well.”

  “I will win this race for you, master,” Sonya had promised him.

  “Run for me, but win for you.”

  Good advice. It moved her to know that he viewed this in perspective. It was only a sport to enjoy and do one's best at. He wanted her to win for her own glory, though he would of course share in it with her if she proved successful in her endeavors.

  Sonya pulled the chariot with all the strength vested in her. Her master called out encouragements to her as she dashed as fast as she possibly could while pulling him. She wished she was stronger for him, faster. He deserved the best, but she could only offer him all that she was and hope it was enough. It seemed to be enough for him, but she wanted it to be enough to win. She would win. She must.

  Nimbus and Demornae threw taunts at one another as they passed, posturing like arrogant birds fighting over a territory in question.

  Their banter entertained Sonya, but she didn't let it distract her. The finish line was in sight and Demornae's strong mare slipped ahead of her. Seeing her master's taunting foe advance, threatening to leave him in the dust, spurred something deep inside of her - an iron determination she didn't know she had in her. Her heart pounded furiously in her chest and her lungs felt tight and blazed with the punishing fires of physical exertion to the point of exhaustion, but she wasn't giving up. The obstacles in her body said: “You can't,” but the solid emotion she felt somewhere inside of her answered: “Oh, yes, I can.” It was only a race, but it meant everything to her. Her master's pride and glory were at stake against the already proven Demornae.

  Sonya found the strength and speed she needed to carry on and move more swiftly until she was neck and neck with the buff mare. Her tongue hung out of her mouth like a panting dog and it looked rather adorable, but she had a race to win. Sonya fought her weakness as she sailed past the finish line barely a breadth ahead of Demornae's mare, but she finished ahead. She won. Her master won.

  There was a good deal of cheering and congratulating, during which Nimbus kissed her in front of everyone and the judges placed an olive wreath around her head. She had to smile at this. Crowns of garland, it was like ancient Greece. Funny to be reliving customs of ancient civilizations long past, but it was a good deal of fun and victory tasted sweet.

  She was bathed afterward and dressed in a beautiful green gown Nimbus bought for her. They attended a ball together in honor of their mutual victory. She was ecstatic that he introduced her to everyone as his woman. He danced with her like she was a well-bred lady. She felt like a princess dressed in all the finery and holding the attention of the handsomest man in the ballroom.

  Chapter Six


  Nimbus led her into one of the guest bedrooms later on that night. Sonya was surprised to see Jude already in there waiting for them.

  “About time you two came and relieved the damned pain.” He winked at her with a voracious salacity that had to spell innuendo.

  “Are you injured?” she asked politely.

  He laughed at this and turned to Nimbus. “How can she live with you and still be so bloody naive?”

  Nimbus smiled at her fondly and rubbed her bare shoulder blade escaping from the back of her gown. “Simply a natural dedication to innocence I suppose.”

  Sonya swallowed. “What is Jude doing here?”

  “This is my way of saying thank you to you,” Nimbus explained, “We are going to share you tonight.”

  She gaped at him. “What? Y-you mean in bed?”

  Jude winked at her. “Either that, or against the wall, I'm not particular.”

  Nimbus kissed the top of her head to calm her anxiety. “Yes, little flower. We are going to have a ménage a' trois with you. One of us will be in your cunt and the other in your ass. Since this is your night of victory, I will let you decide who goes where.”

  Her head was swimming in this surreal moment. She was going to sleep with another man and for some reason Nimbus seemed okay with this. If he wanted to sleep with another woman she would be sorely tempted to claw the floozy’s face off for touching her man, but he didn't show any signs of killing his friend. Was she selfish in her thinking of wanting to have him all to herself? Or was she in the right and Nimbus simply didn't care about fidelity in the traditional sense of the word in that he had no problem sharing her because he didn't love her? The thought shot her soul down from its soaring high and made her heart ache. He had to love her. Just b
ecause he never said it...he didn't love her.

  Sonya pushed the unbearable possibility away, because she couldn't cope with it. He was merely trying to be nice and say thank you for a race well run. She should accept his offering and be grateful for the gratification it would bring her, not question his feelings for her, if he had any.

  Jude started on his waistcoat, which got her hands to shaking from being so nervous. Nimbus cooed softly in her ear and massaged her shoulders to relax her. “Where would you like us, my lady?”

  “I would like you in my cunnie,” she murmured. Her breath caught when she saw Jude's lithe, muscled chest. It was too personal seeing another man in this private manner. She wasn't particularly sure she wanted Jude in her bottom, but at least it wouldn't be as awkward as having him in front of her and looking at him while they copulated.

  “As you wish,” Nimbus whispered against her neck before planting a kiss there. He slowly undid the buttons on the back of her emerald-green dress and helped her out of her under-things.

  Jude was completely undressed now and playing with his cock. She averted her eyes. He approached her and lifted her chin as he bent down and leaned in.

  “Don't kiss her,” Nimbus said. “You may do whatever else you like to her, though.”

  Jude looked annoyed by the boundaries being constructed, but offered no verbal complaint. He settled for sucking her neck while he kneaded her breasts.

  Sonya moaned softly and pushed into his masculine hands. She was glad Nimbus didn't want Jude putting his mouth on her. That implied jealousy, which implied a bond between them that he didn't want anyone else trespassing into. He must care for her on some level.

  “You smell like flowers,” Jude murmured against her skin.

  Since she was nude now, Nimbus started stripping himself. “She always does. She smells sweet and floral like honeysuckle.”


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