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Splintered Fate

Page 7

by ylugin

  Red droplets fell from her nose on to the lieutenant’s left arm and Lana’s eyes began rolling into her head. Suddenly the pain subsided and she began regaining some senses. Her green eyes slid open, her vision blurry. Blinking away a tear, her vision cleared enough only to see the Lieutenant holding another charge of lightning in the palm of his hand.

  Hurry. Was all Lana could get out before her senses were once again over powered as the lightning ripped her body from within. Another scream forced its way out from her lips before everything went dark.



  The scent of the salty air mixed with the forest pine was calming. Kaiden took in a deep breath, filling his lungs with the cool air. Stretching out his arms, he took in the view of the ocean and their war ships that littered the foreign coast. Men down below could be seen like little ants running about, diligently doing their duties, preparing for what was to come. He let out a small sigh.

  A snap of a twig from behind broke his serenity. The Rami placed a hand on the hilt of his sword drawing it and spun around to see a tall muscular man leaning against a tree, watching him with a smirk on his face. In his hand he held a small stick that was broken in two.

  “I can still sneak up on you, little brother. But tell me what are you going to do with that measly sword, give a Madonian a haircut?” The man leaning against the tree spoke with a chuckle. He dropped the broken twig onto the ground and folded his arms across his chest while still leaning against a tree. Amused blue eyes watched as his brother held up his sword, thrusting it towards the sky.

  “Yes, Lieutenant General Garin that’s exactly what I will do, I have been thinking about becoming a barber didn’t you know?” And with that the Rami released a small amount of the energy that naturally flowed through his body and blue lightning danced along the blade of his sword.

  “Amazing, you will have to show me that trick one of these days, Kaiden.” The Lieutenant said as the lightning faded from the blade and Kaiden sheathed his sword.

  “It took long before you could control yourself enough to hold the energy in the palm of your hand, Garin. I doubt that I have the patience to teach you anything else. You are not one to control your abilities.” Kaiden replied as he walked over to his brother, accepting that his small time of peace has just come to an end.

  “That’s because Rami’s naturally ooze power, little brother. You just have so little of it that it’s easy for you to control yourself.” Garin teased, draping an arm around his brother’s shoulder, leading him back to the camp. It used to bother Kaiden, the way Garin would always tease him in a belittling way. But ever since he had learned how to better control his strength his brother’s words lost their affect on him.

  Garin and Kaiden had been both orphaned at a very young age. Kaiden never knew his parents. Garin had retained some memories of them, but he hardly ever shared them. The two boys were the only family they had left. It had always been the two of them. They had each other’s backs, always, even when they hated one another. As orphans they were given to King Zakran’s army, where they were groomed to become warriors, solders who were destined to climb the ranks.

  Garin had done just that, easily climbing up to becoming the lieutenant general. Kaiden on the other hand did not have the same thirst for power as his brother, preferring to keep himself with minimal responsibilities.

  As children they never got along. The only thing that linked them was their blood. If it weren’t for coming from the same parents, they would have never chosen to be friends. Garin was a cruel brother, but he had always taken care of Kaiden. Now that they were no longer children the two got along well enough. Kaiden gave his brother room to be the powerful warrior he had always strived to be, while he found joy in being as free as a Rami could possibly be.

  “Why must you go out here on your own?” Garin asked.

  “Someone must watch the perimeter of our camp while we are on enemy grounds.” Kaiden replied as they began walking through the wood towards camp.

  “True, but we have others to do that task. Your too talented to just walk--”

  “WHAT TALENTED? Me? You really think so, oh great big brother?” Kaiden interrupted with his best sarcastic childlike voice and they both laughed. Never had Garin acknowledged Kaiden’s strength until after he returned from Ucu. Before that his brother thought him weak, a burden that he had to care for. Kaiden continued, “I like the tranquility, plus half the guys out here make more noise than a big bear and could be heard coming from yards away.” He said with a nod to the right. They both looked over to see Seff trudging through the wood towards them. His feet thumped with every step below his stocky body.

  “Oh, I thought I heard voices!” Seff called out while he approached the two. “Lieutenant” He said with a nod, acknowledging Garin.

  Garin sighed, placing a hand on Seff’s shoulder. “Seff, perhaps perimeter detail is not your calling. How on earth did we grow up together yet you developed the stealth of a falling tree? Walk with me back to camp we will give you something else to do.” He turned to his brother. “Kaiden, make your way back to camp too. We have a gathering soon to discuss plans, I want you to be there.” With that he turned and the two men walked off, leaving Kaiden to himself.

  Kaiden sighed. His brother always wanted him to be more involved in the decision making of things that he could care less about. All Kaiden wanted was to just be, not to be told what to do, when to do it, and where to be by others.

  Hiking through the forest, he passed foreign trees on a foreign land. Truth was that he liked walking the perimeter of camps whenever they went on Madonian soil. It was not only to get some air and guard his camp, but to protect both sides.

  He let his mind wonder to a place it normally never traveled, but because of being on Madonian soil he could not restrain himself any longer. The thoughts buried deep within the smallest corners of his mind. Memories from his time at Ucu, the one place Madonians and Rami could be in a room together without bloodshed. It seemed like a lifetime ago, as if it was a dream. But the control of his energy was proof that those memories were more than just a dream. A sound broke his train of thought and Kaiden came to an abrupt stop.

  He turned in a slow circle, taking in his surroundings. He had been walking mindlessly through the foreign woods. Where had he walked to? Originally he had been hiking in a direction that would slowly lead him back to camp, while still traveling the perimeter. Kaiden hoped that he hadn’t veered too far off course while allowing himself to have thoughts of a dream from long ago. He took another step in the direction he assumed was back towards camp and stilled. Out of the corner of his eye something moved.

  Resting his hand on the hilt of his sword, Kaiden slowly turned to see a massive white wolf standing a few paces away from him. A cold chill ran down his spine and he shut his eyes, pressing his eyelids together, hard. To his disbelief, when he opened his eyes the wolf was still there, all majestic and white.

  The wolf let out a low growl, showing his teeth. He stood to Kaiden’s hip in height, his powerful legs were bent, ready to sprint but his fierce blue grey eyes lingered, they were searching for something. The wolf’s breathing was quick and shallow as he parted his lips, showing his sharp teeth once more.

  Kaiden wondered if what he was seeing was real or a cruel trick of his mind. He eyed the wolf that seemed to be so impossibly real.

  “Ardin?” The name came out in a whisper of uncertainty.

  As the name left Kaiden’s lips the wolf straightened, still looking at him with what seemed to be understanding for just a moment before he took off running through the woods, leaving Kaiden standing alone with an expression of disbelief.

  Kaiden stood staring at where the ghost of the massive wolf had just been. He placed a hand on a nearby tree and leaned into it. For some reason he felt like he was kicked in the gut. Kaiden wondered if that truly had been Ardin, if it were then he had grown larger since the last time he had seen the white wolf. What were th
e chances? Kaiden didn’t know if what he had seen was real or imagined. As time trickled on he decided that it was definitely the latter, an illusion of sorts.

  When Kaiden was just a boy he went up to Ucu, the school on their small moon. He studied there, learning from the instructors, hoping to gain more power and knowledge. His brother never went; a lot of Rami never did. Pride and a hate for the Madonians, even at such a young age, kept them away. But Kaiden was never as strong as Garin and as a child he desperately wanted to be his brothers equal so when the King wanted a young boy under his command to go, he went.

  Once there Kaiden found himself learning the most from a girl who became an unlikely friend. She taught him the greatest trick for a Rami, control. Lack of control is a great weakness for the Rami race, often leading to self-injury or even death. Some Rami never use their powers because of it. A young white wolf named Ardin was the young girl's Aorra, but they were from the Selvirian lands up north.

  Kaiden was near a city called Abder, which belonged to a different Madonian council member. The city was far from the northern lands, Lana and Ardin should have been no where near Abder. Kaiden often took to the border patrol in holding on to some sliver of hope to see the two of them again but he never truly admitted that nor allowed himself to think that could ever truly come true. In that moment, he decided to make a small silent promise to himself. No longer would he allow himself to think about the past, for it apparently messed with him more than he had ever realized.

  After a minute to himself, he managed to bring his composure back and stand without the assistance of a tree. Smirking to himself, Kaiden was thankful that his brother wasn’t around to see him fall apart due to the vision of a wolf. Garin would have surely never let him hear the end of that.

  Just as Kaiden was about to shake the haunting of his past off and make way to camp a cry broke through the air around him. It was a scream. He was sure this time. Instinctually he touched the hilt of his sword, and began running towards the sound. It was a short distance before he made it to a small clearing near his camp and he saw them.

  A white wolf stood before Kaiden. He was magnificent, standing slightly crouched, lip curled so you could see his white threatening teeth. His massive ears were back and his fur stood on its ends. There was something on the ground behind him, between the wolf and a tree, a body. Kaiden took a step to the side and saw a woman lying on the ground.

  Her brown hair was pulled back into a braided bun with a few loose strands stuck to the sweat on the side of her face. Her face was pale and even though there was blood dripping from her nose he could tell she was beautiful. Kaiden stared a moment at the lovely motionless face and his heart sank at the familiarity of it. It was Lana. She was older but he knew that face, he knew that wolf.

  “Little brother!”

  Kaiden’s head snapped to the voice, finally acknowledging the others who were at the scene.

  It was Garin. His brother had done this, he felt sick.

  Garin chuckled and continued, “Not used to seeing the Madonian Aorra’s so close and living, huh?”

  Ardin released a vicious snarl. Kaiden was thankful for Garin’s assumption that his reaction was due to the Madonian’s presence and not his own brothers.

  “What is going on?” Kaiden asked with a carefully steady voice, looking to Garin, trying to maintain his composure so not to give away how absolutely torn he was in that moment. He could hear his own heart beat, pounding in his head.

  “The little fancy pants girl of the council either unluckily stumbled upon our camp or she thought she could spy for her council people. Clearly she can not.”

  Kaiden turned to look at the woman he assumed to be Lana laying on the ground. She was beaten, he could see that, her eyes were shut and she had not moved since he arrived. Worry seeped into him, he hoped that she would be all right.

  “What are you planning on doing?” Kaiden asked his brother, not taking his eyes off of Lana. It had been such a long time since he had seen her face, it almost didn’t seem real.

  A smile spread across Garin’s face a new. “Well I was going to teach her a lesson, take her for myself or perhaps give her to my men and send her home as a message.”

  Kaiden’s jaw flexed. It took all of his strength to keep silent. He was relieved Garin hadn’t noticed.

  Garin continued, “I was doing just fine till her dog appeared and now I can’t get close, nifty little pup she has.” Before he finished he sent out a blaze of lightning from his palm at the girl.

  Kaiden’s hand jerked towards his sheathed sword but he stopped himself, he hoping his brother yet again hadn’t noticed. Gritting his teeth, he willed his body to relax, to unclench the muscles that seemed too ready to act.

  The bolt released by Garin hit in front of Ardin and spread out as if over an invisible bubble that encased the wolf and Lana before it vanished. Ardin snarled savagely, his eyes wide, crazed with anger and a fierce need to shield his Madonian. He hunched over Lana like a mother protecting its cub.

  “The wolf somehow deflects me,” Garin simply stated. Kaiden exhaled, his brother didn’t notice his tensing.

  His eyes moved over Lana. She was going to die. She and her wolf had no way out. Once others noticed what was going on, her fate would be sealed and there was no way he would be able to get his brother to set her free. What to do?

  Cautiously, Kaiden took a few steps closer to the wolf and knelt down. Ardin watched him with fierce eyes. Kaiden wanted to tell him that he was friendly, that he would not hurt the wolf nor the Madonian he protected. But there was no safe way to express that to the wolf.

  Kaiden held the wolfs gaze as he allowed the energy within him to flow into the palm of his hand. It seeped through him, into his hand and almost past it, but he pulled back on the power, restraining it. Within a few moments he had a small ball of light in his hand.

  Garin stood a few paces behind him, watching curiously with Seff. Ardin growled a low threatening growl. Kaiden was trying to send Ardin a message that he was friendly, though for this to work Ardin would have to be willing to receive it and let in the energy. Given the circumstances Kaiden was unsure if the wolf would allow for it. But what other option did he have?

  He yearned for this to work as he felt a push from within and the ball floated out of his hand and towards the white wolf. The gray eyes of the wolf watched Kaiden while the ball made its way to him. Not once did the wolf look at the energy drifting towards him and for a moment Kaiden thought he would reject it for sure.

  The barrier that the wolf had created lit up at the ball’s touch and the ball went through. Restraining a sigh, Kaiden slowly stood and took five large steps back till he was standing just behind his brother. Garin stood still, staring at the wolf waiting for what was about to happen, excited that his little brother seemed to do something that breached the wolf’s barrier.

  The ball touched Ardin’s nose and a soft glow came over the wolf. As Ardin stood over Lana, the glow transferred from him to her. In that moment Kaiden hit his brother from behind. Garin’s unconscious body fell limp to the ground.

  Seff began to draw his sword but he was too slow to realize what was happening, unable to react fast enough. Before he could fully even unsheathe his sword Kaiden sent a strong charge from the palm of his hand, knocking Seff out.

  “I’m sorry brother.” Kaiden said softly as he looked down at Garin. “I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me some day.”

  Kaiden looked at the now silent wolf and took a step towards him before he began snarling again.

  “Look I am not going to hurt you or her,” Kaiden said gesturing to the body the wolf was protecting so fiercely. “If I was I would not have just done what I did, you have no choice but to trust me. Others will be headed here soon and they wont be out for long.” Kaiden gestured to the two Rami men who lay on the ground behind him.

  Ardin of course knew Kaiden had a point, but he didn’t like allowing his shield to fall, making them vulner
able. Still he had not been left with much of a choice. So Ardin took a step to the side, allowing Lana’s body to be fully visible as he let down his protective shield.

  Kaiden came up to the girl, laying there, and scooped her into his arms. He took a moment to look at her, her face so serine. Never had he thought it possible that he would be able to hold her again. Ardin grumbled and took off into the woods. Holding Lana against his chest, Kaiden began running after the wolf, into the woods.



  Kaiden came to a sudden stop in front of an old Madonian man, two children and four horses. He had not expect such an odd company. Ardin ran past him, stopping near the old man and turned to face Kaiden, looking up at the Madonian he held in his arms. A small high pitched whine escaped from the wolf.

  No one said a word.

  Kaiden could feel his heart beat in his temples while he took irregular breaths. He looked at the people before him, wondering who would bring children into all of this. After a short silent moment, he turned and gently put the girl’s limp body down onto the ground.

  “I’m Donn,” the old man said while Kaiden stared at the motionless body he had laid down. It was odd to be surrounded by Madonians, but Kaiden didn't find the old man and a couple kids threatening. Still he found the old mans calmness when he emerged from the forest carrying Lana’s limp body unusual.

  Donn knelt by the body, he gently grasped Lana’s wrist and held it a moment. He then held his hand above her body, moving it slowly over her. “She is alive, her pulse is very weak, and she has almost no strength.”


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