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Splintered Fate

Page 16

by ylugin

  “Oh!” She did a small curtsy. “My name is Lola, I came to help you get ready for the party,” and then she stopped and eyed Lana in her gown “You’re already dressed I should have come sooner…I” The poor girl seemed frantic and nervous.

  “It’s fine, really, I can put on a dress by myself,” Lana spoke softly feeling bad for the girl yet annoyed at the same time. “You could help tighten the back of it a bit.” Lana suggested. The dress was a corset style and Lana had done the best that she could to tie it but having a second set of hands would greatly help.

  Lola flashed a bright smile as she approached Lana. She pulled on the corset strings, wrapping the dress even more tightly around Lana’s body. After Lola had finished she gave Lana a once look over with brown analyzing eyes, pulling her brows together in thought.

  The girl looked at the floor and looked up with a sparkle in her eye “I can help with your hair!”

  “My hair?” Lana was hoping she had misheard her. She could feel Ardin internally grinning, enjoying the torture of her pampering.

  “I can braid some red ribbons into a few strands to add just a little something extra!” The girl seemed so excited by her idea, Lana didn’t have the heart to say no. So Lola went to work braiding red ribbons, to match her gown, into her otherwise free flowing hair. She also went on to insist rubbing different creams on Lana’s face and skin for various reasons. The girl had a lovely warmth about her that Lana didn’t want to risk smothering by not allowing her to help.

  Ardin thoroughly enjoyed watching Lana buckle to the will of the girl.

  “It’s beautiful Lola, thank you,” Lana managed after getting a look at herself in the mirror. She hardly could believe this was the same dirt stained girl from this morning. She almost did not recognize herself. “May I have a moment to myself?”

  “Of course!” The girl said with a warm smile “It is nearly time to leave. I’ll wait for you in the hall.” With a small curtsy she left.

  I almost look…royal. Lana thought staring at the woman in the mirror. More than that she could see her mother within her own reflection. Despite her brown hair, Lana had her mother’s cheek bones, lips, and eyes. Dressed up like this, she could see their similarities more clearly than ever before.

  You grew up knowing only an evil King of the Rami, the horrible King Zakran. The whole notion of royalty seems bad to you but it needn’t be. This whole castle used to belong to great kings, the Donyerths, who were loved, respected, and fair. They lived in a time of peace between races.

  Enough about Kings and royalty please, Ardin.

  I only want to ease your thoughts.

  Lana glanced around the room, decorated in browns, creams and lavender. Anything wooden was not plain but carved with intricate detailed designs. There was nothing simple in the large room. The Sterling’s would have loved this place, and fit right in better then I.

  Nonsense, they would never have looked as beautiful as you in that dress.

  Lana looked at Ardin, his tail whooshed in rhythm behind him. The second chiming of the bells sounded.

  Lets get this over with.

  They walked into the hall where they were greeted with Lola’s awaiting smile. She lead them through the same confusing hallways that Connor took them through earlier. Lana began to wonder about the party and the food. She had forgotten how hungry she was. Her stomach growled, her mouth began watering at the thought.

  She nearly slammed into Lola, the girl stopped so suddenly. A wooden door opened by a guard and Lana could hear Micah’s voice seep out into the hall where they waited. She could hear him give the introduction, “and our final guests…” There was a great and final pause. “Lana Casteel and her Aorra Ardin.” Suddenly the room filled with hushed whispers and Lola shuffled her and Ardin in to the room.

  Grand pillars held up the ceiling in the massive room. The pillars were white with gold veins and had wolf statues decorating their base. At the very far end of the room Lana could see a large opening to a balcony that seemed to be separated only by hanging fabric. She wished that she could be on that balcony and away from all the eyes that seemed to be on her in this moment. The room itself was overwhelmingly filled with people, Rami and Madonians. So many people that she couldn’t count, they flowed from edge to edge.

  Lana stared at the sea of people in the room before her. There were tables around the edges of the room with the center left clear for dancing, or in this case standing. She and Micah stood a step above everyone on a small platform.

  “Well, let the music play.” Micah addressed everyone. His voice brought Lana’s attention to the table next to her. On his command the sound of a fiddle and flute spread throughout the ballroom. Micah held out his hand to an open chair at the end of the table. “Have a seat, eat, and get to know some of the people who you try making requests of.”

  Lana sat down. There was an empty seat to her left and next to the open seat sat Cale. To her right sat an older man and beside him a woman. He had no visible Aorra next to him so Lana could not for sure tell if he were Rami or Madonian. However, his pail skin pointed towards him most likely being Madonian. Next to him sat a woman who seemed to be Rami. Lana speculated whether the two were an item and if so were they really of different races?

  The table she sat at was made of sturdy old wood. It had no intricate carvings yet still somehow seemed majestically beautiful, decorated with softly glowing candles. The table was covered by a spread with meat, potatoes, grapes, bread, crystal decanters filled with wine, and various vegetables. Everything was carefully spaced, evenly apart so that those siting could easily reach for whatever their hearts may desire.

  At the other head of the table, directly in front of her, sat Kaiden. His hair was clean and he too wore new clothing. He wore a dark coat, which was embellished with red around the neck and down the arm. It didn’t go unnoticed that the colors he wore perfectly matched her dress.

  Kaiden’s blue eyes were fixed on her as soon as she looked up. Meeting his gaze, she suddenly felt incredibly self-conscious. The way his lip curved up ever so slightly when she felt her face flushed was almost too much to handle. It was hard to breath, sitting across from him, trapped by his gaze. The space between them was both too far and not far enough. More than anything she wanted to be near him, to feel him. Her heart thundered at the thought, determined to break through her ribs and run across the table to those blue eyes that watched her. Then the logical side wanted to run, get as far away from him as possible, for nothing good would ever come of this. Nothing good happened to those closest to her.

  “My name’s Zorin and this is my wife, Aria.” The man to Lana’s right introduced himself.

  Peeling her eyes away from Kaiden’s gripping stare, she looked at the older couple sitting next to her. Zorin was older, with a brown mustache and a matching brown head of hair. Aria was an olive toned blond woman. Before Lana had a chance to reply Zorin spoke again. “We are very sorry for the loss of your father, he was a great man.”

  “Thank you, did you know him?”

  “I have heard of Valdor Casteel, but no, I have never had the pleasure of meeting the man. Aria and I do not go outside of the walls of Alogrin.”

  Were they prisoners here? Did they know how to leave? Lana thought to herself.

  “What if you wanted to leave?” She asked.

  “Of course we would then leave dear, we just have no need, this is our home, and it’s safe here.” Aria spoke, giving Lana a warm smile.

  "You may think bringing you here blindfolded a little silly, but it keeps us safe. Even though you are a Council Woman, you are from the outside, and we do not get newcomers often. Please do not judge us for it, you are no prisoner." Zorin added.

  "You say I am not a prisoner but do all your guests not know how to leave?"

  "If you want to leave all you need is but ask. Do you want to?"

  "Not yet," Lana admitted.

  She then glanced at the empty seat next to her.

at's Tor's seat, you have to excuse him he tends to avoid large gatherings, just like my Aorra. Though Dorian, my Aorra, will regret missing meeting you."

  Lana looked back to Zorin before he added. "Tor is the one with a nasty scar across his throat. He frightens most people but he is actually a pretty nice guy, very skilled with a blade but rather quiet and keeps to himself.”

  The empty seat beside her belonged to the strange man she saw whisper something into Micah’s ear when they first arrived in Alogrin. She spared a glance towards Kaiden, who was deep in conversation with Clyte. When Lana caught his eye she quickly turned away, irritated at how senselessly happy he seemed by the Rami woman’s presence in Alogrin. She shouldn’t have been letting these things bother her, not when she had things she still needed to accomplish. That was where her focuses should have been. Lana made a point to not look over at Kaiden for the rest of the dinner.

  Glancing around the room, Lana saw many people, some of which looked back at her when her eyes glided over them. She searched for a familiar face but could not find one. With a worried frown Lana turned back to Zorin and Aria.

  “I came here with an older man and his grandkids… You wouldn’t happen to know if they are here?”

  Zorin reached for his glass, drinking from it so Aria responded. “They are probably in their room. Donn was given a drink that makes him a little loopy, so we could better transfer him here without interference of his pets. He wont be much of himself till tomorrow.”

  “So you two know Donn?” Lana perked up. She hadn’t mentioned his name but Aria seemed to know whom she referred to right away.

  “Oh yes. We know Donn.” Aria said with a smile and a sideways glance at Zorin, as if there was something else she had said, an inside joke of some kind. Zorin did not smile back at his wife’s mischievous grin.

  “You are fond of him, of Donn?” Zorin asked, setting down his glass.

  “He helped me when I needed him. I find him perhaps a bit odd but yes, I like him.”

  “He is more than just a simple odd old man. It would be wise for you to remember that.”

  “Zorin.” Aria’s tone was full of caution. “Donn has held up his end of things. We need to respect his wishes.”

  “Of course, my dear.” He gave his wife a tight forced smile before returning to his meal. All conversation of Donn was immediately dropped.

  It was peculiar. Lana had no idea what Zorin or Aria were getting at but by the way they both returned to their meals it was evident that no more was going to be said of her travel companion. Perhaps Zorin and Donn had some sort of past, one that forced a riff between the two men.

  For the rest of their meal Lana indulged in conversation with Zorin and Aria. They told her of their lives in Alogrin, the council, and the advisors. Lana learned that Zorin was born in the city however Aria, who was indeed a Rami, fled there as a child with her family. Zorin was an advisor to the council and had been for a very long time. The two of them had no children of their own. Zorin was indeed a Madonian with the Aorra of a Great Cat.

  Sometime during their pleasant conversation, Cale, slid into the empty seat to Lana’s left, after he finished eating. He leaned in towards her “So, how do you like the party thrown for you, Lana Casteel.” He lifted his arm in a wave, addressing the beautiful room filled with a sea of people, before draping it over the back of her chair.

  Lana felt a little uncomfortable at how close he was to her. She glanced around the room, her eyes paused at the balcony in the distance, the outside breeze blew the fabric around its entrance. Its as if the breeze were calling to her. She wanted so badly to be on the balcony. To breath in the fresh air.

  “It is beautiful.” Lana replied, turning back to Cale’s dazzling smile. Even though he smiled, she could feel his distaste for her radiating off of him.

  “How does it feel to know all of this is right in your back yard, under your nose, and you knew nothing about it?” Cale reached over for his glass and returned to face Lana, taking a long drink of wine.

  Ardin’s attention suddenly zeroed in on Cale. Together they shared a simmering irritation, directed at the Alogrinian council member sitting next to her.

  Lana forced a tight smile. “You must be referring to the city of Gorthyn. My backyard is in the Selvirian capital city called Olbi, Cale. But that’s okay, geography is not everyone’s strong suit.” She knew she probably should just keep her head down and not react, but she couldn’t help it. Cale, for a reason unknown to her, seemed to be against her since the moment she had arrived.

  What seemed to be a small chuckle came from Zorin at Lana’s remark. When she glanced at him he appeared to be busy cutting a piece of meat that was on his plate, but she could swear that there was a glint of amusement in his eye.

  “I hear you have been practicing sword play.” Cale spoke, changing the subject, unfazed by Lana’s remark.

  “Where have you heard that?”

  Cale turned to Bredin, who sat in the seat next to where he had originally sat. Bredin turned to Lana at the sound of his name, nodding at Cale and Lana. Breiden had a hawk Aorra that had been watching Lana, Kaiden, and Donn before they were allowed into Alogrin. The hawk must have seen one of Lana and Kaiden’s practices. She returned her gaze to Cale.

  “Kaiden and I practice, yes.”

  “Would you say you are any good at it, princess?” Cale questioned, placing an aggravating emphasis on princess before taking another sip of wine. Lana reached out for her own glass to keep from balling her hands into fists.

  “Yes.” Lana replied, restraining herself from saying more.

  “Great! Tomorrow morning, we will have you and your friend, Kaiden each show us what you can do in the arena. Unless you are afraid you may embarrass yourself? I must warn you, the people in Alogrin are extremely skilled. You will have to work to impress anyone here, there is a big chance someone like you may even get injured.”

  Ardin released a low growl. Why don’t I take an extremely skilled bite out of your smug face? Rotten swine. He had been by Lana’s side the entire time and had remained to himself until this moment. Lana glanced over to her Aorra, they seemed to share the same distaste for Cale.

  Returning to the conversation, Lana spoke with a forced calm tone. “We know the rumors of Alogrin and how talented the people are, the stories of the great golden army. I don’t fear you.”

  “Maybe you should.” Cale murmured with a cold gaze before taking another sip of wine.

  Was this a threat? Her eyes honed in on him. She was about to respond when he spoke again “The event tomorrow will be held at the arena. It will be between you and one other, your Aorra is welcome to be there but will not be involved.”

  Lana watched Cale as he rubbed his hand along his blond facial scruff wiping away a splash of red wine. She did not like him. He was so incredibly arrogant, as if he was better then everyone. Lana wasn’t sure how the Alogrin council was chosen but if it were left to a vote then she had no idea how Cale could have won. He came off as cold and as one who constantly was looking down on others.

  “Will you be in the arena?” Lana asked, hoping that she would get a chance to take out some of the anger and annoyance that was quickly beginning to build up because of him.

  Cale smiled brightly, “We will see.”

  Let’s go right now, you pretentious jerk. I will wipe that arrogant smirk off of that face. Ardin didn’t warn her to restrain herself in her thoughts. She didn’t feel him work to pull any of the anger from her. He must, for once, have been too busy brewing to himself to work at restraining her.

  Lana glanced around the table, taking note of the Aorra’s. Bredin sat next to Clyte and his hawk Aorra was also near him, perched on the back of his chair. Micah sat next to Kaiden with a silver black and white snake wrapped around his chair. The snake sat poised, head up and turning to whoever was talking in that moment. Lana assumed that the snake must be his Aorra. Next to him sat Aria and then Zorin whose great cat was not present. She tu
rned back to Cale, completing the circle of her gaze around the table.

  “Do you not have an Aorra?” She asked him with a smile.

  Cale exhaled in contempt, “Not every Madonian needs an Aorra.” With that he got up and walked from the table.

  No creature would want to be his Aorra. Ardin remarked and a smile tugged at the corner of Lana’s lips. Perfect, she found a soft spot.

  “He can be a little rough around the edges.” Zorin whispered to Lana while she watched Cale disappear into the crowd.

  Turning back to Zorin and Aria, the three of them made small talk while finishing what was left of their meals. When everyone finished eating the dancing began, giving Lana a chance to escape to the balcony that she had been eyeing ever since she had entered the crowded ballroom.

  The balcony was on the far end of the room. The fabric hanging from the opening blew into the room with the breeze. Lana walked across the floor, weaving between happy couples who didn’t notice her and others who hushed and stared as she walked by.

  When she finally made it to the balcony, it felt like she could finally breathe. The pressures within that confined ballroom melted away into the darkness, leaving her with the freedom to fill her lungs with the fresh mountain air.

  The balcony stuck out over a valley below. A whole mountain range surrounded the valley. Lana stared at the view, it was beautiful and unlike anything she had ever seen. The castle seemed to be built into the walls of the mountain, probably made from the mountain its self. She wondered if the whole entire mountain were the castle.

  Feeling a nudge at her hand, Lana turned to see Ardin standing beside her.

  You think this whole mountain around us is the castle? Lana asked her Aorra.

  It seems so. Ardin replied as he looked over the balcony. By the light of the moon, they could see a small forest and fields below them. Ardin turned his silver blue eyes back to Lana who raised her hand, gently placing it on the wolf’s head, softly stroking his fur.


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