Love, Lies, and Obsessions
Page 3
After getting dressed I grabbed my purse and keys and headed out the door leaving Raymone dumbfounded. When I got to the car, I called Harlem. “What’s good sexy,” he answered. I blushed. I love the way he called me sexy.
“Just wanted to know where you want to meet at?”
“How about we meet downtown at Texas De Brazil for lunch and then we’ll go from there.”
“Sounds like a plan. I’ll see you there.” I hung up the phone and was cheesing hard. I think I was a little too excited to see Harlem. I turned my music up full blast and pulled out of the driveway. I headed towards 696 to get to the lodge which was the quickest way for me to get downtown.
I hated coming going downtown. They charged so much just to park. I ended up in the parking garage right on the next corner so I didn’t have much of a walk . I walked in to the restaurant and Harlem was already there and looking good as hell too. He wore black slacks and a white button up with black Ferragamo dress shoes. He had a fresh haircut and was smelling nice.
“You look nice,” I told him.
“Thanks Ma. You already know you look good. Come on, we have reservations.”
The waitress led us to our table. Harlem walked me towards the table with his hand on the small of my back. I was going crazy. I mean electric currents passing all through my body. Either it had been too long or I just really wanted this man in the worst way. While we waited for our drinks, we talked.
“So when you gonna stop fronting and give a nigga a chance,” he asked with a grin.
“I have a man and you know that.”
“That’s your favorite line. You playing games Ma. Ya nigga ain’t shit and you know it cause if he was you wouldn’t be here with me. Here you got a real nigga trying to show you the world but you’d rather settle for less.” Damn did he have to be so blunt about the situation?
“Look, it’s complicated. Just know that I’m fixing the situation. Be patient with me ok?”
“How long you want me to wait Ma? I’m not about to be sneaking around with you like we some damn teenagers. In case you haven’t realized I go after what I want and I’m crazy as fuck about yo little ass. But I refuse to play second to a nothing ass nigga.” Damn this nigga was going hard in the paint. A bitch needed to get her shit together quick.
“I hear you.” We flipped our table cards over and they began bringing us food immediately. We sat in silence for at least ten minutes. I guess we both were thinking about the situation. I liked Harlem but who’s to say he wouldn’t turn out just like Raymone. They all are good in the beginning and I refuse to leave one asshole just to get with another one.
Chapter 2
Epiphany (I’m leaving)
I woke up to someone banging on my door like they were fucking crazy. I looked at the clock on the nightstand and it read 3:10 am. “What the hell!” I looked over at Raymone who was still sleeping like he didn’t have a care in the world. I got up and put my robe on. I was making my way to the door but whoever was on the other side wasn’t letting up. I looked out the peephole and there was a lady with a baby on my porch. I snatched the door open.
“Uh, can I help you,” I asked giving her attitude.
“Is Raymone here,” she replied. Oh hell naw. This nigga got his bitches coming to my house now. This bitch had the nerve to have her baby out at three in the damn morning. I swear these hoes were ratchet as hell.
“And might I ask what it is you want with him,” I shot back at her. I didn’t know who this bitch was but the fact that she was standing on my porch at three something in the morning had me pissed.
“His child needs pampers and I need some fucking sleep. So if you would go and get him that would be nice.” This trick done lost her damn mind. She was lucky she had that baby in her arms or I would be beating that ass right about now. She was ghetto. I mean twisting her neck and everything.
He sure knew how to pick ‘em. This broad was sporting a blue quick weave that looked like KeKe did it on her front porch. She had a beer gut hanging out and I I didn’t know if it was from giving birth or drinking forty ounces. This nigga had me all the way bent.
“You know what, stay right here.” I slammed the door in her face. I went and put on some jogging pants and a t-shirt and pulled my hair up in a bun because as soon as opportunity presented itself I was fucking home girl up on GP. I didn’t give a fuck about her having a baby with Raymone. I was pissed at the fact she was standing on my doorstep.
I woke Raymone’s ass up. “Wake yo ass up,” I said while snatching the covers off of him. “What the fuck is yo problem,” he asked half asleep. “You nigga. I’m sick and tired of this disrespectful shit. It’s not enough that you cheat on me but now your bitches coming to my damn house too?” He looked dumbfounded so I helped his ass out. “You got company at the front door.” I looked at him sideways as he made his way to the front door. I followed behind him because I was waiting to see how he handled this one.
I walked to the front door and man I almost pissed on myself when I saw Shawna at the door. I was just getting in good with Mia again and now this shit. How the hell I was going to explain this one I didn’t know. Mia was sure to leave a nigga now. This would be the third baby that I had on her. I didn’t mean to cheat and get these chicks pregnant but I’m a man and sliding up just one pussy was unrealistic.
“What the hell you doing here Shawna,” I yelled. “Oh so you do know this bitch,” Mia asked. I was trying to keep things from getting out of hand, because I knew Mia. “Who the fuck you calling a bitch,” Shawna responded. “Uh excuse me? Sweetie, you came banging at my door at three in the damn morning and you got the nerve to question me. I think not. Now what you need to do is get yo raggedy project ass away from my house because in a minute I won’t be responsible for my actions.” Mia was heated. I was really going to tear into Shawna’s ass about coming here.
“You lucky I got my baby with me otherwise I would beat yo ass bitch. It ain’t my fault yo infected ass womb can’t produce a baby.” Aw shit. It was about to go down. Shawna had said the wrong thing.
“Look Shawna just go home. I’ll call you in a little bit,” I said quickly. The look I gave her she knew not to fuck with me. I had to get things right with Mia and explain my shorty. I wasn’t the type to deny my kids, I just didn’t tell Mia. I mean shit we been tryin' for years to have a baby and she never got pregnant.
“You know what next time I see you, you better hope I’m in a good mood. The only reason you walking up out of here without being in a body bag is because of that child. Let that be the reason you stay the fuck out of my path,” Mia said, getting the last word in. I ushered Shawna out the door and told her I would call her. After watching her get in the car, I closed the door and prepared to face Mia.
“Baby before you go off let me explain.”
Did this nigga really just say let him explain, and to top it off he thinks that I can’t have a baby. Psst. I just don’t want a baby by his ass. He doesn’t know that the last three years, I’ve been on birth control. I refuse to have a baby by a no good ass nigga like him.
“Save it. There is nothing you can do to explain this shit. Not only do you have another baby but your bitch shows up at my house. Fuck you.” I walked away because I was too done with his ass right then. For years, I’d dealt with the drama, but enough was enough. Question was it enough to walk away? Could I see myself without him? I asked myself these questions all the time. I sat on the bed and the tears began to pour. I was hurt that he showed such disrespect towards me. If he was going to cheat he could at least keep his trash in the streets, but no, he had to bring it to my doorstep. I had some decisions to make because I didn’t know how much more I could take.
Raymone walked over to where I was and sat down next to me. “Look at me Ma. I know I fucked up but I’m trying to do right by you. Hell you a good as woman and I don’t wanna mess that up. I love you Mia.” That nigga tried to
kiss me but I turned my head. I didn’t know where the fuck his lips had been. It’s funny to me how a man can do all the dirt in the world and the only way they know how to fix it is with sex. Pathetic muthafuckas.
“ Leave me alone Raymone. I don’t have shit to say to yo ass. You fucked me over too many times. I’m done,” I told him. “Naw, I’m not even going for that. I understand that you’re pissed at a nigga right now so I’m gonna give you some time too cool off but please believe, you ain’t going nowhere,” he said trying to get tough with me.
“Nigga fuck you. You don’t tell me what the fuck to do,” I screamed. I walked away from his ass; but he was on my heels. Next thing I knew I was being snatched up by my damn collar.
“Don’t fuck with me. I will beat yo ass. Now you heard what the fuck I said.” He let me go and walked out of the room. I couldn’t believe this nigga just choked me up. He had the game all fucked up. It was cool though because I could show him better than I could tell him.
I looked at the shorty lying next to me. She was a bad ass red bone that I had met at the club. Even though she was fine and had some good pussy, she wasn’t Mia. I had it bad for that girl and it was crazy cause she had a nigga. Even if he didn’t deserve her the fact was she belonged to him. So why was I over here thinking of some slick way to get her?
I got horny just thinking about Mia and since she wasn’t here shorty would have to do. I reached over and stroked her kitty and she moaned. I grabbed her nipples and stroked the kitty at the same time and she was now fully awake.
“Damn baby that feels good,” she said which only made me go faster. After a few minutes her legs begun to shake and then she was ready for the dick. I grabbed a condom out my pants pocket and slipped it on because I didn’t raw dog just anybody. She spread her legs and I plunged deep inside her.
“Oh fuck Harlem. Shit that feels so good. “
“You like that shit Ma?”
“Hell yeah. Mmmmm. Oooh daddy fuck me harder.” That shit made me go harder. I was blowing shorty’s back out but thinking about Mia the whole time. Minutes later, I let go.
“Damn Ma you got some good ass pussy.”
“I’m glad you liked it,” she whispered. Before I knew it, she had her mouth around my dick and man was her head game that deal. She was sucking the skin off my shit. She deep throated me for a good ten minutes before I let go in her mouth.
“My turn,” she said with a smile. Hold on, pause. Did this chick really think I was about to eat her pussy? I don’t do that shit with just anybody. Naw fuck that. If shorty fucked me the first night I probably wasn’t the only one and I’d be damned if I was eating something another nigga’s dick had been in. “Naw Ma, I don’t eat pussy.” She looked at me like I just told her I burnt her or some shit. Whatever. I guess that was my cue to leave.
“Look I’m gonna get ready to get out of here. I’ll call you,” I said as I got up, grabbed my clothes, and got dressed. I pulled a hundred dollars out my wallet, sat it on the nightstand, and headed out the door.
“Damn Mia that bitch really came to yo crib?”
“Hell yeah. And the only reason she got a pass was cause she was holding her baby otherwise I would’ve stomped that bitch out. And his ass was looking dumb as fuck.” I loved my cousin but she was stupid as fuck. Raymone only did the shit he did because she allowed it. Every time he fucked up, she forgave his ass. Couldn’t have been me. I would have killed him and that bitch.
“Well what you gonna do because I’m ready to roll out on that ass,” I asked her. “I don’t know. A part of me wants to leave and a part of me wants to work it out,” Mia said. This bitch was officially off her rocker because no female with common sense would keep putting up with the shit she put up with. I gave her ass a side-glance but kept my mouth shut because obviously my advice was going in one ear and out the other.
I decided to change the subject because I was tired of talking about Raymone’s weak ass. “So what we getting into tonight cause I need a stress reliever,” I asked getting to the point. It had been a minute since I had been out. I needed to be in somebody’ club getting it in. “Well I’m working tonight so you on your own,” she replied. Guess I could count her out.
“I guess I’ll call Dominick and see if he wants to hang out.” Dominick was our gay friend and hairdresser. He was a straight diva. You couldn’t tell him he wasn’t the shit. “That should be fun. Well let me get out of here. I’ll catch you on the next go round,” Mia said as she stood to leave.
“Alright Mama. Thanks for lunch.”
When I got home, there were about ten vases full of roses in my den. I guess this nigga called himself trying get in good with me. Please, I was done with his ass. That didn’t mean shit because tomorrow he’d be in somebody else’s bed. We hadn’t said a word to each other in about a week. He barely slept here and when he did, I slept in the guest room.
I checked my messages and I had one from my girl Kita. I hadn’t seen her in a while so I called her back to see what she was up too. “Hey Chica. What you been up too?”
“Hey boo. I been trying to get up with you; but always kicking it with Milan’s fake ass” Kita replied . I always had to play referee when those two were in the same room. “You and Milan need to quit it,” I told her.
“Okay Mia, I know that’s your cousin but that bitch is foul. Watch ya man.”
“Please as much as those two hate each other I doubt I’d have anything to worry about.”
“Well anyway, I’m having a little get-together tomorrow. You know cards, drinks and just kicking it. The best part is ya boo Harlem will be there because you know Markie wasn’t having it any other way.”
“Whatever chick. That is not my boo.” Kita was married to Markie, one of Harlem’s boys. Kita and I were close. I just didn’t hang with her and Milan at the same time. “I’ll swing through. What time you starting,” I asked. “About seven.”
“Alright Mama I’ll see you then.” I hung up with Kita and went to shower. After my shower, I put on a pair of boy shorts and a beater and headed to the kitchen to find something to eat. While I was looking for something to eat Raymone called to tell me to get ready for dinner. It was cool with me cause there wasn’t anything in the fridge. I needed to do some serious shopping. I headed upstairs to find clothes and get ready for my date with my man.
Raymone had been trying hard to get on my good side. It was almost working too. I don’t know what type of hold this man had on me but it was strong. Tonight we were going out to dinner which we hadn’t done in quite some time and I was excited. When he called earlier, I was a little thrown off . Since the incident with the chick coming to the house we hadn’t really spoken to on another. We were supposed to leave around eight-thirty and it was going on eight and Raymone was not home nor was he answering his phone. I was getting pissed. I was dressed up with nowhere to go.
Two hours passed and that nigga still was a no show. I decided to change into some pajamas and call it a night. I couldn’t wait until his ass came in the house because I was going to let him have it. It never fails. Each and every time I think we’re doing good, he goes and does something to fuck it up.
When I woke up and saw the time, I jumped up. Mia was going to kill my ass. I was supposed to take her out tonight and I slipped and fell asleep with this bitch. I didn’t know what it was about her but a nigga kept coming back. I knew that if Mia ever found out it would be all bad.
“Where you going,” she asked me.
“Home to my girl.”
“Your girl? Nigga please you were just blowing my back out and now you talking about your girl.”
“Man you knew what it was from the beginning so get out ya feelings Ma.”
“So when you going to tell her cause if you don’t I will.” My hands went around her neck so fast she never saw it coming. “You better watch ya fuckin' mouth and if I find out you told her
anything its over for ya ass. Learn how to stay in your lane. You’re just the side chick. You could never be Mia so stop trying to take her place.” I walked out and headed home to my girl.
I hadn’t talked to Mia in about a week and I was going crazy. I was really digging shorty. There was something about her that I couldn’t shake. I had to do something to get my mind off ofher cause truth be told she belonged to someone else. Mia had me open and I needed to do something about it soon.
I was chilling at the motorcycle club with my crew, Tez, Markie, Bear, Jasmine and Tino. Nobody wanted to be on our bad side, and if by chance they did, Tino had an itchy trigger finger. I was that nigga and my crew wasn’t slacking.