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Love, Lies, and Obsessions

Page 5

by Demettrea

  He made his way back up to my kitty and began biting and sucking on it. It was a feeling I’ve never felt. Raymone never did shit like this. He said he didn’t eat pussy. Well Harlem sure did and he did it quite well.

  “Fuck that feels good. Ooh yeah right there.” Minutes later, I was having a mind blowing orgasm. “Fuck! I’m cuuuminnnng! Shit!” I had never come so hard.


  Damn, I couldn’t believe I actually had Mia here in my bed. I was eating the shit out of her pussy and she loved it. After she came all in my mouth, I stood up and undressed. I couldn’t believe this really about to happen. I had fantasized about this for quite some time. Now naked my dick was standing at attention. Mia’s eyes got big.

  “Don’t worry Ma I won’t hurt you. Come on get on top. I wanna see how you work them hips.” I laid down and she climbed on top and slid down slowly on my dick. Damn her shit was tight as fuck. I almost came from the initial contact.

  “Go slow Ma and open your eyes. I wanna watch you,” I told her. She was working the fuck out of her hips. Yup, she was mine now. There was no way I was letting this go. I grabbed her ass and guided her.

  “Man your pussy was made for my dick.”

  “Feels good don’t it?”

  “Hell yeah. This is my pussy now and you better not give it away. You hear me,” I asked while flipping her over on her back without taking my dick out. I was about to put in some work.


  “What was that? I didn’t hear you,” I said while going deeper.

  “Shit. That feels so good. Go deeper.” I did just what she asked.

  “Whose pussy is this?”

  “It’s yours. Fuck, I’m cumminnnngggg!”

  “Shit me too Ma.” I let a load off up in her and that’s when it hit me that I didn’t use a condom. I must really be feeling her cause I never raw dog a female.


  That was some of the best sex I’d ever had. I couldn’t believe I went there with Harlem. Fuck it. It is what it is. Raymone didn’t appreciate me so I found somebody who did. I just hoped I wasn’t making a mistake because I was falling for Harlem and I was falling hard.

  I ended up spending the night with Harlem. When I woke up he was gone but there was breakfast and a note on the nightstand. I swear he always thought of the little things and I loved it.

  Sorry had to handle some business baby girl. You can just relax and make yourself at home. Love you Ma

  I ate the food he left for me then I got up and brushed my teeth. I was glad he kept extra hygiene products in his cabinets. I looked at the time and saw I only had about two hours before I had to be at work. I cleaned up my mess and made the bed before heading out. I had to go home to shower and get my scrubs.

  It took me about twenty minutes to get home. When I pulled up there was a car in the driveway that I didn’t recognize. I wondered who was at my house. Being that I couldn’t park in the garage because of the unknown car, I just parked out front and went through the front door. As soon as I opened the door, it smelled like musty ass balls. The place was dirty. There was clothes everywhere and wine glasses on the table. Then I saw lip stick on the rim of one of the glasses. I was heated because I knew this nigga didn’t have nobody in my damn house.

  Instincts told me to check my bedroom and what do you know this trifling negro had a bitch in my bed. I was pissed. This was the ultimate disrespect. I went to kitchen, grabbed the biggest pot, and filled it with water. I put it on the stove to boil. I went back and stood in the doorway and watched these fools sleep. They didn’t even know what was about to hit them.

  After a few minutes, I grabbed the pot of water and went back to the room. I poured that shit all over their asses. The bitch woke up screaming. “What the fuck,” Raymone yelled looking at me. I was so busy smiling at his ass that I never noticed the bitch was my fucking cousin. I was about to murder this bitch. The whole time she was trying to talk me into leaving him she was behind my back fucking him. Where they do that shit at? I swear bitches ain’t loyal at all.

  “What the hell is your problem,” he yelled.. I didn’t want to be anywhere near his ass. I was beyond fed up with Raymone’s infidelities. I had already made up my mind that I was done, this just confirmed my decision. I wasn’t gonna keep dealing with his side bitches. It was one thing that he fucked around but to fuck around with my family was just straight disrespect. I was officially done. I walked away but then something rose up in me cause next thing I know I was going after Milan’s ass. She never saw it coming because she was too busy nursing her burns. I hit that bitch right in her dick suckers. I didn’t stop there either. I was beating the shit out of her when I felt Raymone lift me off her. Once he let me go, I started on his ass. These muthafuckas had made me look like a fool for three damn years. It’s a shame that your own family would do you worse than a muthafucka on the street.


  I guess the cats out the bag. I know you're probably thinking I’m wrong but hey, it is what it is. I saw Raymone first but as always, my cousin hollered at him first. I wasn't going to let that stop me from fucking him. Her spoiled ass always got everything. Even as kids it was always Mia this, and Mia that. I was tired of living in her shadow. I go after what I want even if it belongs to someone else. Raymone was no exception. I mean, I didn’t want to hurt my cousin, but hey, shit happens.

  I owed that bitch an ass whooping for pouring that hot ass water on me. I had to go to the hospital cause I had second degree burns. My fucking skin was red in some places and in others, you could see the white meat. Glad that shit missed my face.


  “Why you always tripping over nothing?” I had followed her into the living room. At the same time, I was checking out my arms and legs. The bitch actually burned me. "Tripping over nothing? You fucking my family and I’m tripping over nothing. Nigga please! Fuck you and that backstabbing bitch. I’m sick and tired of your shit.”

  “Whatever man.” I honestly had no defense so I just walked away. I had been fucking her cousin for quite some time now. I didn’t mean for it to happen it just did. One day she came over looking for Mia and she wasn’t here. She told me how she had seen me first but I kicked it with Mia. One thing led to another and here we are three years later.

  I had to do something to keep Mia from leaving. Yeah I cheated but I always came home to her. Mia was my baby. She was the only one that didn’t want me for my money. Shit she held a nigga down. Now I was on the verge of losing her. All because I couldn’t keep my dick in my pants. Mia wasn’t letting me off that easy either. She followed me to the bedroom. “Why can’t you keep ya dick in ya pants Raymone? Huh? And my cousin Raymone?”

  “Man, cause you always thinking somebody cheating on you. I get tired of being accused so I cheat. Shit, you say I do it anyway. Don’t I take care of you? You don’t want for shit. Those other bitches ain’t driving around in Lexus trucks and laying up in hundred thousand dollar condos. But that ain’t enough for ya spoiled ass.”


  “Nigga please, what I’m supposed to feel special? Fuck all this shit. I got my own money. I’m done with your trifling ass. Those bitches can have you.” I walked into the closet, began pulling out my Louise Vuitton luggage, and started packing my clothes. “Where the fuck you going,” he asked while snatching the clothes out my hands.

  “Get the fuck on! I’m done letting you walk over me. I deserve better.”

  “Bitch please, don’t nobody want ya ass but me.”

  He tried his best to tear down my self-esteem but it wasn’t working. Nobody said it better than R. Kelly; "When a woman’s fed up it ain’t nothing you can do about it."

  “That’s what you think.” No sooner than the words left my mouth, his hands were around my neck. I clawed at his hands trying to release them from around my neck. Realizing that I couldn’t breathe he let go of my neck. I slid to the floor gasping for air.

  “Don’t ever disrespect me by talking about the
next nigga.” He walked away and I stood up and followed him.

  “What the hell is your problem?” I had never seen this side of Raymone but just because I lived in the suburbs didn’t mean shit. I was a hood bitch at heart and fought plenty of dudes growing up. I grabbed the lamp that was sitting on the nightstand and threw it at his head. Instantly blood gushed out of his head.

  “Bitch is you stupid!” He charged towards me but I was ready for him this time. I wasn’t going out like a punk. I was ready to thump it out with him. He landed a right hook to my jaw and I followed with one of my own. He grabbed me by my hair and commenced to beating me like I was a nigga on the streets. He was delivering blows so intense that I finally gave up the fight and lay unconscious from the beating. The whole time Milan stood and watched and never once did she think to help me. It was like she got off on watching me get my ass beat. Raymone had totally blacked out and when he finally realized I wasn’t moving he got scared. He thought I was dead. My face was covered in blood and I was barely recognizable.

  “Oh shit. Mia baby wake up. I’m sorry, please wake up,” he pleaded. I was unresponsive and Raymone panicked. He grabbed his wallet, keys, and he and Milan ran out the door leaving me for dead. Neither of them thought to call for help. Little did they know I was faking. I was still conscious but barely. I crawled over to the phone and dialed 911 but I never got the chance to talk to them before I passed out.

  I woke up to the beeping sounds. I tried to open my eyes and focus on my surroundings but my left one wouldn’t open all the way and my right one wouldn’t open at all. I started to panic. I frantically felt around; I was freaking out because I knew I was in the hospital but couldn’t remember why. Being that I could only see out of one eye, I felt around for the remote. When I finally located it I started pressing buttons hoping one of them would alert the nurses. It must have worked because about a minute later someone walked in.

  “Welcome back Ms. Hernandez.” I heard someone say but I couldn’t see who it was. I tried to respond but nothing came out. Just relax, you have tubes in. As soon as I check your vitals, we’ll get those things out.

  After poking and prodding at me, she finally called the doctor in to have the tubes removed. I had no recollection of what happened. The only thing I remembered was Harlem. Where was he? Why wasn’t he here with me? So many were questions going through my head and not one answer for them.

  About ten minutes later, I heard footsteps. Then the voice of what sounded like an older man. “ I’m glad that you decided to join us Ms. Hernandez. I’m Dr. Hahn and from what I see, your vitals are fine so we are going to get those tubes out for you. You’ll feel a lot better with them out.

  Another ten minutes and the tubes were finally out. I tried yet again to speak but nothing came out. “Here drink this. It should help.” The nurse put a straw up to my lips and I took a sip. I cleared my throat and tried to speak again. This time I was able to talk but my voice was very hoarse.

  “How long have I been here?”

  “Two days. You were rushed in here the other day. Someone did a number on you. The police have been here quite a few times but you’ve been heavily sedated.”

  “I need to call someone.” I started to panic. What if someone was looking for me and didn’t know I was here.

  “I need for you to relax. As soon as the doctor is done with you then we’ll call whomever you need to call.”

  She had some nerve. I had been in this place for two days and nobody knew. She was out of her damn mind. “No, you don’t understand. No one knows where I am. I have to call my mom and my boyfriend.” Oh my God, my mom. She had to be worried about me. Wait did I just refer to Harlem as my boyfriend? Hell, I didn’t know what we were to each other. I did know I needed to contact someone.

  She obliged to my request and dialed the number I gave her. It was my mom. “Hello,” my mom’s sweet angelic voice answered. It was so good to hear. She was always calm no matter what the situation. Too bad I didn’t possess those same qualities. I always seem to crack under pressure.

  “Hey Mommy.” Yes, I still called her mommy. Don’t judge me.

  “Hey baby doll. Where are you and why do you sound so sick?”

  “I’m in the hospital Mommy.” I heard her gasp.

  “What happened baby doll?” That was the nickname my mom had always called me. Every time she called me that, I felt like her little girl and not a grown woman. “I’m not sure what happened Mommy. They said I’ve been here for two days. Can you just call Harlem and come get me? I’m scared Mommy.”

  “What hospital are you at?”

  “Hold on Mommy…. um what hospital is this,” I asked the nurse.

  “Oakwood Dearborn,” she replied.

  “Oakwood Dearborn,” I repeated to my mom.

  “I am on the way and I’ll call Harlem.”

  “Thanks Mommy.” I hung up the phone with my mom and tried to recollect the events that led me here. I couldn’t remember a thing. My head was pounding and I couldn’t see shit. I was going crazy. I asked for something for pain. “I’m going to give you something for pain but it may make you drowsy,” the doctor told me. I didn’t care. I needed something to help with the migraine.

  “That’s fine. I can’t concentrate or remember anything.”

  “That’s normal. With the amount of trauma you received to the head I’m surprised you remembered who you are. Give it a few days. Everything should start to come back.” With that, he walked out. The nurse came in and gave me the pain medication. Within fifteen minutes, I was out.

  I woke up to Harlem sitting next to me. I still couldn’t open my right eye but I could smell his YSL cologne that he always wore. I tried to sit up but failed.

  “Take it easy Ma.” I remembered that voice and I smiled. He held my hand and it felt comforting. “What happened Ma? Who the hell did this,” he asked me. “I don’t remember anything,” I cried. “It’s ok Ma. I got you. On everything, I’ll find out who is responsible and it’s not going to be pretty when I’m done with ‘em," he reassured me.

  “Now Harlem… don’t you go and do something stupid. Now I am just as pissed as you are that somebody did this to my baby girl, but we can’t go and take the law into our own hands. Let God and the police deal with this and you just be there for her like she needs. You can’t be there for her if you’re locked up or six feet under. Do you understand what I’m saying to you son,” I heard my mom start to lecture. My mom always had a way of incorporating God into things, but I didn’t love her any less for it. Sometimes we need to hear a scripture or two to get us through the hard times.

  “I hear you Ma.” Wait, when did Harlem start calling my mom Ma? Whatever.

  “Vengeance is mine said the Lord. He’ll take care of it, so leave it be Harlem.” I knew Harlem, and he wasn’t going to leave it alone. He might have told my mom that he would just to satisfy her, but when it was all said and done somebody had just started a war.


  To say a nigga was pissed was an understatement. Somebody had violated in the worst way. It took a lot for me not to cry. Shit, I’m a thug and thugs don’t cry. That was my heart laid up in the hospital and put there at the hands of somebody else. Somebody was about to feel my wrath. I stepped outside Mia’s room to make a few phone calls then I called my girl Jas because if anybody could get information it was her.

  “Hello,” she answered.

  “What’s good Jas?”

  “Nothing. What’s good with you?”

  “Somebody beat the hell out of Mia. She’s laid up in the hospital and I need to know who did it and where they at. You already know what to do so get on it and hit me back.”

  “I got you. One.”


  Jasmine was my home girl since we were little. She was just as thorough as any nigga on my team and shorty was nice with the trigger finger. I kept her on the team because niggas always underestimated a female and Jas was deadly. I knew if I couldn’t count on
nobody, I could count on her.

  I stepped back in the room and Mia was on her way back to sleep. I made myself comfortable because I wasn’t leaving until they released her.

  “Well I’m gonna head on home. If anything changes call me son.” Her mom was leaving.

  “No doubt. Be careful Ma.” She left and I laid back in the chair waiting for a phone call.


  I left the house so fast that I didn’t take any money and I forgot my passport. Milan and I decided to lay low and take a trip till all this blew over. Yeah I know you're probably thinking I’m a dirty ass nigga but hey, it is what it is. Mia knew what kind of nigga I was from the jump.


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