by Demettrea
I cruised down Haggerty Road towards my condo so I could grab what I needed and head to the airport. Milan was sitting in the passenger seat trying to pull my dick out. That’s what got me in trouble in the first place. Her ass was a freak and I was addicted to the pussy. Shit, she was the champion in deep throating. While I drove I let her handle her business cause after this trip it was a wrap. I was going to get Mia back and things were going to go back to normal.
“Hey did you hear anything about Mia,” I asked. She gave me a stank look and I swear if she wasn’t sucking my dick I would have slapped the fuck outta her.
“You act like you obsessed with that bitch. Shit, she wasn’t feeling yo ass no more anyway. She was fucking Harlem. Why you think it was so easy for her to leave you,” she snapped. I was seeing red. So that bitch ass nigga was smashing my girl huh? Yeah I had something for that ass. Nigga was gone stop playing with me. Mia was mine and would always be. There was only one way she was leaving me and that was death.
I put all thoughts of Mia on the back burner for now because I had murder on my mind. That nigga Harlem was hard to touch though. I was going to have to start from the bottom. If I knocked off his whole crew, he would have no choice but to come out of hiding. It was about to be a war because you don’t fuck the next nigga’s bitch and expect to live.
I called Harlem to let him know who was behind Mia’s attack. Yeah, ya girl was that good. Within a few hours I had the scoop on who her attackers were and where they were at. Harlem was about to be pissed.
“Yo,” he answered.
“I got that info for you so let me know where you wanna meet.”
“Alright. That’s love. Let me hit you back cause the doctor is in here.”
There was about to be a lot of bloodshed. Harlem’s sister was the infamous Ava Williams head of the La Femmé Fatale Mafia. Their dad was Charles Lee, one of the most notorious gangsters to ever walk the streets of Detroit. To say that they had clout was an understatement. They had everybody from the small police departments to the mayor on their payroll. They had sharp shooters, assassins and bodyguards. Most people would never know it but Harlem always had at least ten people close by ready to take a bullet for him. They were so discreet that no one knew except for certain people on his team. Being Ava’s little brother made him a target so she made sure he was well protected.
I felt bad for Milan and Raymone. There was about to be a lot of slow singing and flower bringing.
They had been running different tests on Mia to make sure there wasn’t any permanent damage and now the doctor was ready to discuss the results.
“Hello I’m Doctor Hahn.” Doctor Hahn was a short Caucasian man who looked to be in his early fifties. “Hey Doc. I’m Harlem.” I shook his hand and waited for him to talk. “Well we did a CAT scan, and an MRI on her head and back and the results came back fine. There is no nerve damage so she should be released in the morning. If you have any questions please feel free to ask,” he told us then turned and walked out of the room.
I looked over at Mia sleeping so peacefully. Who in their right mind would want to hurt her? She was the true definition of a rider. I should know. She used to be my right hand years ago. I’m talking about shooting it out with a nigga. I had to fix this. There was no way I could let the people responsible live. Hell, she would have done the same thing for me.
Chapter 3
I’m Going to Love You Forever
I had been out of the hospital for a few weeks now and was starting to get my memory back slowly. I was hurt because I remember walking in on my cousin in bed with Raymone. What hurt the most is the fact that she was my cousin. I didn’t give a damn about Raymone. It’s fucked up how your own family could do you dirty.
I knew one thing; I was done with Milan. Truth be told if I ever ran into her on the streets, I would probably beat her ass.
Harlem was out taking care of business for the barbershop he and Tez were scheduled to open and I was at home alone and bored. I called Dominick to see what he was doing.
“Hello,” he answered.
“Hey honey. What you doing,” I asked him. I loved me some Dominick. He was flamboyant, fun and fierce. Most of all, he was real.
“Hey Boo. How you feel,” he asked me.
“I feel good. I’m just bored cause the Mr. is out and about.”
“I ain’t doing nothing but reading this book called “Sereniti: The Takeover"; and chile, let me tell you that Dama Cargle is a beast with the pen. I mean it’s got people’s genitals being cut off, bitches getting shot and everything! Girl I can’t wait to see what she comes out with next.”
Dominick was always reading them damn books.
“Well I’m glad you’re enjoying it.”
“Yes honey, I am enjoying it. I actually got a break from Bernard’s ass. He out with his parents and I am glad to be alone.”
“Why? I thought you two were doing good.”
“Chile…let me tell you. I love me some Bernard but my asshole is too sore. He be wanting it all damn night and my little ass can’t take all that.”
“Ugh! TMI. I didn’t need to hear all y’all's business.”
“My bad. Let me get off this phone though. I need to find out what’s gonna happen next in this book before I message Ms. Cargle on Facebook and tell her my thoughts.”
“You are a mess boy. Bye, I’ll talk to you later.” I hung up the phone and decided to go get my hair done. I hadn’t been to the shop in a minute. It was well past time to get it done. I put on a pair of Levi’s, an Aeropostale tee, and my breds. After pulling my hair back into a ponytail, I headed out. I hadn’t gone to get my car yet because I didn’t want to be anywhere near my condo. I took Harlem's red Mercedes CL600. I loved how that car drove. It was so smooth you would never even know it was moving.
It took me about twenty minutes to get to Laila’s. As always it was crowded but Laila always made sure I got in. Hell, I was a great tipper and faithful client. “What’s good Ms. Mia,” Laila greeted me. “Hey Mama, I need something done to this head as you can see.”
“Ok. Well I’ll get you after I’m done with Tasha.” There were a few smart remarks from other clients but they knew not to say anything to me personally. Thirty minutes later Laila was done with Tasha’s hair and started on mine. I was trying something different. I ended up getting an 18-inch sew-in. “Laila you are the bomb girl. I love it.”
“Well you know how I do.”
“Let me get out here. Thanks again girl. I love it.”
I was sitting in a warehouse that I owned looking at James beg for his life. I wasn’t fazed at all. In this game, you never showed signs of weakness because people would try you. I had no sympathy for him whatsoever. He violated by stealing from me. What I couldn’t understand was why. I made sure everybody ate well. For someone to rob me like that was the ultimate betrayal.
“So let me get this straight. You thought you could steal from me and there wouldn’t be any consequences? Don’t I make sure you eat good? I make sure you’re able to take care of ya family and you steal from me.”
“Man I didn’t do it. Whoever said I did it, they lying. Man I would never steal from you.” I grabbed his face and looked him dead in the eyes. I wanted to make sure he understood what I was about to say.
“I would probably believe you if you hadn’t tried to sell my shit to one of my people. Never underestimate the reach of a Boss nigga. I know people. Now your moms is going to be burying yo ass because you wanted to be a greedy muthafucka.” I punched him so hard that his whole body jerked. He couldn’t do anything but take it being that he was chained.
“Handle this pussy ass nigga and then clean this place up. And let this be a lesson to anybody that thinks it’s okay to steal my shit,” I yelled as I was walking away. I didn’t have time to get my hands dirty; that’s what I
paid people for. As I was leaving, I heard a gut wrenching scream. I didn’t feel bad at all. I kept walking until I reached my car. Once I pulled off, I called Mia to see what she was doing.
“What’s up Ma?”
“Hey baby. Where are you?”
“On my way home. Did you have something you wanted to do?”
“No. I just want to rest until I go back to work.”
“Well I’ll see you in a minute.”
I hung up and headed to Texas Roadhouse to pick up dinner for us so she wouldn’t have to cook. When I got home, she was on the couch watching TV.
“Hey Ma. I brought dinner.”
“Aww thanks. You know how stay on my good side,” she said smiling at me.
I took the food to the kitchen and fixed our plates. I had barbecue chicken corn on the cob and mashed potatoes. I poured Mia a glass of Moscato and we sat in the family room and ate.
After cleaning up our mess, I poured us another glass of Moscato and turned on the iHome. Musiq Soulchilds “Beautiful" was playing. I pulled lil’ mama up to dance and started singing to her.
“Girl don’t you know you’re so beautiful, I wanna give all my love to you girl. Not just tonight but the rest of your life. I wanna be always here by your side.”
I was blushing. Harlem always knew how to make me smile. That’s what I loved most about him.
“Mia I don’t ever wanna be away from you again. I want you forever and hopefully one day you’ll be my wife and give me a couple of babies,” he said kissing me . I loved kissing his lips. I couldn’t get enough of his lips.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way. I have loved you since I was fifteen and nothing has changed. I still get butterflies when you’re around. I still believe you’re my Prince Charming and I can’t wait to give you babies.” He just held on to me as we danced to the song. Once it ended, we just sat and listened to music and talked for the rest of the night. I loved nights like this where he wasn’t running the streets but chilling with me.
Chapter 4
Everything to Me
Two Months Later
Two months had passed since my accident. I had been staying with Harlem and we were growing closer and closer. His ex Vanessa seemed to have vanished but I had a feeling she was lurking. It wasn't like her to just leave him alone without causing trouble. When we first started kicking it, she would blow up his phone all times of the night and even pop up over at his house. It was crazy how obsessed she was with him. I knew she was lurking somewhere and I was going to be ready for her ass.
I did everything to cater to Mia. I wanted her as comfortable as possible. Today I was gonna surprise her with a spa day. She deserved it and much more. I wanted to do everything in my power to show her how much I loved her.
"Hey Bae, where you at," I called as I walked in the kitchen from the garage.
"I'm upstairs. Here I come." I heard her walking around upstairs.
I instantly got a hard on looking at her. She was wearing boy shorts and a wife-beater.
"Damn Ma, you gone make a nigga forget what he called you down here for."
"Shut up boy." She hit me playfully on the arm
"Here this is for you. Something to help you relieve any stress."
She opened the envelope and saw three passes to the spa. "Oh my God Bae, thank you. You always know what to do." She hugged me and I grabbed her by the waist and kissed her long and deep.
"You feel that," I asked.
"You what me to take care of that?"
"Hell yeah. Come on let's go upstairs cause I'm 'bout to tear that ass up."
I picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. Once we got upstairs, I pulled her shirt up over her head and pulled her boy shorts down. Damn I was a lucky ass nigga. She was fine as hell and had some of the best pussy I had ever had. I wasted no time. I dropped my shorts and pushed her back on the bed.
“You want this dick ma,” I asked.
“Hell yeah,” she responded and that was all I needed to hear. I inserted all nine inches in her pussy and I had to work hard to control myself because her shit was that deal.
“Damn Ma. Yo shit wet as fuck.” Man, I loved this girl and that made the sex ten times better.
“Oh shit. That feels so good. Fuck that’s my spot,” she yelled out causing me to speed up.
“You like that shit ma,” I asked her.
“Yes! Go faster. Shit. I'm about to cum."
"Me too Ma."
We both came together and then collapsed on the bed. "Damn you got that wet, wet. Yo shit stay dripping," I laughed.
"Shut up fool. I'm going to take a shower."
"I'm coming with you."
"Uh, I don't think so playa. We both know if you get in there I won't be showering and I have to meet Dominick in a little bit for lunch."
She was right about that. There ain't nothing better than bending ya girl over in the shower. My dick getting hard just thinking about it.
Chapter 5
All Eyez On Me
I couldn’t believe Mia was playing house with the next nigga. I had invested too much time in her for her to be with someone else. It had been a little over two months since the incident and I felt it was cool for me to resurface. I had been watching her for the past two weeks. She didn’t know it but I had plans for Mia as well as her little boyfriend. If she wasn’t with me then she would not live happily with anyone. She was mine and always would be. I meant it when I said the only way she was leaving was in a casket.
This stupid fuck had no idea I was following him. Here he was sitting outside Harlem’s house. Ever since Mia was released from the hospital, we’d been trailing Raymone. Niggas like him don’t just stay away. It was obvious he was obsessed with Mia. I was waiting on the word from Harlem to kill that bitch made nigga. I couldn’t stand pussies like him.
One thing for sure though; he wouldn’t get close to Mia again without a bullet going through his ass. Along with me there were at least five other people watching Mia. Ava didn’t play when it came to protecting those close to her.
So tell me again why you want her dead? I mean what did she do to you that was so bad?” I was sitting in the car with this chick that contacted me about wanting somebody killed. That was my specialty; getting rid of people.
A friend of mine had sent her to me. I wasn't too sure about working with her at first because something about her just wasn't right. However, for the right price anything is possible.
“Look don’t ask questions. Just do what I’m paying you for. Get rid of that bitch by any means.” She got out of the car and walked away without saying another word. I studied the picture. Something about the woman in the picture looked very familiar but I couldn’t place her face. I thought about the money I would be getting and all thoughts of who she was went out the door.
Chapter 6
Wifey Material
I couldn’t believe my eyes as I looked at the positive sign on the test. It confirmed what I already knew. I was pregnant. I didn’t know whether to be happy or sad. Was I ready to be a mother? Would I be a good mother? Most importantly, how would Harlem feel about the pregnancy?” All these questions ran through my mind as I contemplated my next move.
I decided to call Dominick for advice. He always gave good advice. “What’s good mama,” Dominick answered. “I’m pregnant,” I blurted out.
“Damn, for real?”
“Yes. I am over here freaking out.”
“Awe Mama. It’s gone be ok. Did you tell Harlem?”
“Not yet. I don’t know how to tell him. What if he doesn’t want this baby?”
“Girl bye. That man worships the ground you walk on. You having his baby is an added bonus. You better tell that man he’s about to be a father.”
“I hear you. Well let me get off this p
hone and get dinner started.”
“Ok. Call me if you need me.”
I hung up the phone. I looked at my watch and saw that I had a little less than two hours before Harlem came home. Ever since he had retired from the game he had been coming home early.
I decided to start dinner so he could eat when he got home. I prepared steak, potatoes and a salad. I grabbed a bottle of Moscato and a bottle of apple juice from the fridge. Being that I was now with child, I would have to settle for the latter.