by Demettrea
Just as I was making our plates, Harlem walked in. “Hey Bae, it smells good in here. What you cooking,” he asked as he started looking in the pots. I smacked his hands away.
“Move. Go wash your hands and come on so we can eat.”
I sat at the dining room table and waited for Harlem to join me. I was nervous because I didn’t know how he would feel about my news. He came down a few minutes later.
“So what you been up to Ma,” he asked as he dug into his food.
“I’ve been sick all day not to mention my period is late.” I waited for a response from Harlem before I continued.
“Are you tryna tell me something Ma?”
“Uh. Yeah. I’m pregnant.” There was a long pause. I was pissed at myself for listening to Dominick. I knew I shouldn’t have told him.
“I’m glad you finally realized it. I knew you were preggers.” I looked at him sideways, “Say what now?” He laughed.
“What the hell is funny?”
“Let me explain something to you Ma. Whenever I’m hitting your spot, you beg me to go deeper. Well lately I haven’t been able to get up in there cause it’s been hurting you. The reason it’s hurting you is because your cervix is closed. You being a nurse should have already known that. But I understand, you were caught off guard.”
I couldn’t believe he just read me like that. “Whatever,” I said as I continued to eat my food.
“ Don’t be mad Ma. I’m happy you carrying my seed. I couldn’t have asked for a better person to give me my first born. Come here."
I got up and went to him. He pulled her down on his lap. “I love you and everything about you and now you’re carrying my seed. Thanks Ma.”
I went to the doctor the following week and found out I was almost three months pregnant. That means I got pregnant the night of Kita’s kick back. I was glad Harlem was happy because a bitch wasn’t feeling this pregnancy shit. I was throwing up every damn hour. Some days I could barely even get out the bed. Something had to give soon.
It was the end of May and I was now four months pregnant and glowing. I was back to work fulltime and things with Harlem were going good. Plus, I hadn’t seen or heard from Raymone. Little did I know that would soon change.
Today was my doctor’s appointment and I was leaving work early to meet Harlem at home. He wanted to drive me. Today we would find out the sex of the baby and I was too excited.
When I walked in the house Harlem was there waiting on me. “What’s up Ma, you ready,” he asked while rubbing my stomach. “Yeah let’s go. I’m ready to find out what we’re having so I can start shopping.”
“You just want an excuse to shop. Come on lets go.” Since I was getting bigger and I couldn’t climb into the Escalade as easily, we took the Maxima. Harlem opened the passenger door for me and helped me in before getting in the driver’s seat.
On the drive there we discussed baby names. We decided for a girl it would be Harley and if it was a boy Kyaire. That was Harlem’s middle name. When we arrived at Oakwood Hospital Harlem valet parked the car so I wouldn’t have to walk far. We walked hand in hand inside the doctor’s office. There weren’t a whole lot of people there so it wasn’t long before we were called back.
Once we were situated in the room, the nurse came in followed by Dr. Shamsi, who was my OB/GYN. “Good afternoon Ms. Jones, Mr. Williams,” greeted Dr. Shamsi. “Good afternoon.” Both Harlem and I spoke. “Well let’s see, you are seventeen weeks today, so let’s look at your little one and see how he’s growing.” Dr. Shamsi squeezed a blue gel on my stomach. Once the monitor came on she pressed a few buttons and an image came on the screen.
“There’s your baby.”
“Oh my god Bae. Look,” I said pointing to the screen. “I know Ma.” Harlem was smiling from ear to ear. “Do you want to know the sex of the baby,” Dr. Shamsi asked. “Yes,” I replied.
“Well this little one here is a ………girl. Congratulations Mom and Dad.” She wiped my stomach off and stepped out so that I could get dressed. “Wow! I got my little princess. Thank you baby,” Harlem said while kissing me.
I didn’t want to waste another day without Mia being my wife. I didn’t want anything or anyone to take her away from me again. Being that her birthday was coming up I planned a surprise dinner for her that included everyone that was close to her. I even flew her dad in from New York. I couldn’t wait to see the look on Mia’s face when she saw her dad. Just knowing it was gonna make her smile made me happy.
I enlisted the help of Dominick and Mia’s mom to help make sure everything went as planned. I rented out the Grand Ballroom at MGM Grand Casino in downtown Detroit. Everything was set in motion. Nobody knew, including Dominick, that I planned on proposing to Mia at the party. I went all out with the ring. It was a three-carat princess cut diamond.
All I had to do now was make sure Dominick got Mia to the party without her finding out.
“I can’t believe his ass forgot my birthday. He out running the streets while I’m at home on my birthday.” Mia was pissed, “I can’t believe Harlem hasn’t been home all day nor did he call to wish me a happy birthday.”
“It’s cool Mama. He probably just got tied up. Let’s just go have some fun. We can go to MGM, have dinner and do a little gambling.” I was trying hard to get Mia to the party without spoiling it. It was like pulling teeth trying to convince her to go.
“Fine. I’ll go but I can’t guarantee I’ll be good company.” I helped her pick out something to wear. We chose a blue strapless maternity baby doll dress. I did her hair in a messy bun and did her makeup.
“Aw Mama, you look hot to be four months pregnant. Your hair grew back fast as hell too!”
“Thanks hun. Let’s go.” Mia wasn’t in a good mood at all and her hormones were on ten. I just hoped she liked this damn party because if she didn’t we wouldn’t hear the end of it.
When we got in the car I received a text from Harlem asking where we were. I texted him back letting him know we were on the way.
I hopped on I-96 and headed towards downtown. I did eighty all the way and we made it there within fifteen minutes. I gave the keys to the valet and headed into the casino.
“Come on lets go get something to eat first,” I said trying to get her into the ballroom. “Okay,” she agreed. When we got to the ballroom, it was dark and Mia wasn’t feeling it. “Dominick, there’s nobody in here boy. What the hell are you doing?” I ignored her and kept walking.
“Surprise,” everyone yelled as the lights came on and they rushed forward to wish her a happy birthday.
I was shocked and didn’t know what to say. I thought Harlem had forgotten about my birthday but obviously he didn’t. “Happy birthday Ma,” he said walking towards me. He grabbed me by the waist pulling me to him. “Thank you baby. I was so pissed at you because I thought you forgot. And you….,” she pointed at Dominick. He just shrugged his shoulders and laughed.
“Come on Ma, I got another surprise for you.” He led me to another table. When we got close enough I noticed my parents. “Oh my God Bae, my dad is here!” He loved seeing me smile.
“Hey baby girl,” he spoke.
“Hey Daddy, I’ve missed you so much!” I hugged my daddy while tears fell from my eyes. I hadn’t spoken to my dad in two years. We had a disagreement when it came to Raymone. My dad couldn’t stand him so he didn’t speak to me during the last few years of my relationship with him.
“I’m glad to be here baby girl. I’m sorry for staying away so long.”
“It’s ok Daddy. You’re here now. That’s all that matters.
“Hey Ma.” I hugged my mom.
“Girl every time I see you that belly gets bigger!” I was a splitting image of my mother Maria Hernandez.
“I know. She’s gonna be a big one.” I sat and talked with my parents for a while.
Everyone partied and danced for hours enjo
ying each other's company. I was happy. I had my parents, my best friend and my man. I couldn’t have asked for a better birthday.
“Excuse me, can I have everyone’s attention?” Everybody stopped what they were doing to look at me. “First off I want say happy birthday baby. I hope it was all that and more.”
There were a lot of dramatic aw’s from everybody. I hate this mushy shit but I had to do things right with my lil’ mama. She completed me and it was time she became the Mrs.
“Come here Ma.” She walked over to where I was probably wondering what I was up to. I took her hands in mine.
“Mia I have loved you since High School. Each day my love for you only grows stronger. I don’t want live another day without you being my wife.” I got down on one knee.
“Will you be my wife Ma?” The tears began to pour down her face. Mia was already emotional but the pregnancy was making it worse.
“Yes!” the room erupted in applause. I kissed her all over. Mia had finally got her happily ever after. However, misery loves company.
Chapter 7
Bitches be Lurking
Two Months Later....
I was now six months pregnant and tired of being pregnant. I couldn’t wait to have my daughter. Harlem had been gone a lot lately due to him opening a new club so I was alone a lot. Dominick had been kicking it with Bernard more often and Kita and Markie were out of town.
I was hungry so I decided to go to McDonald’s and get something to eat. I hopped in Harlem’s Mercedes CL600 and pulled off.
The drive thru line was super long so I went inside. The lines inside weren’t that long. I ordered a fish filet meal with a sweet tea. While I was waiting for my food, a woman approached me. She also was pregnant.
“You look good pregnant.” I smiled and returned the compliment, “So do you.”
“How far are you,” the woman asked.
“I’ll be seven months in two weeks.”
“So he got us both pregnant around the same time then?”
I was confused. “Excuse me?” I had to make sure I heard what the woman had said. “You are Mia right?” Oh hell no. This chick had me all the way fucked up. “Listen Mami, I don’t know who you are or your purpose for approaching me, but I guarantee it’s not what you want. So get up out my face.”
“Yeah well when he’s not home with you he’s with me rubbing my belly and my feet. I bet you feel kind of special don’t you?” The bitch had the biggest smirk on her face and it was pissing me off. I hauled off and slapped her before walking away. Before I could get far the woman yelled out, “Tell Harlem Vanessa says hi. Bitch!”
I was so pissed that I left without my food. I couldn’t wait to tear Harlem a new one. The whole time I thought we had something special he had something with someone else. I was too done. I made up my mind that I wouldn’t stay like I did with Raymone. Even if I had to raise my baby on my own I would leave. The whole drive home I contemplated what my next move would be.
The tears wouldn’t stop falling. I loved Harlem with everything in me but I refused to be lied to or cheated on again. Not to mention he had another baby on the way. I was so upset I had to pull over and get myself together.
“This nigga played me,” I said out loud. As if on cue Keyshia Cole’s “Enough of No Love” came on the radio and that made the tears fall even harder. I decided that I needed some time alone.
When I got home Harlem still wasn’t home. I packed a bag and left him a letter.
If you’re reading this I have decided to leave you. I wrecked my brain trying to come up with reasons to stay. Unfortunately, my hormones are all over the place and I’m not sure about anything. I met Vanessa and she told me some interesting things about you and her. I guess Congrats are in order. You’re gonna be a daddy times two. Don’t bother looking for me. When I’m ready to talk I’ll call you.
When I got home I saw the note on the counter that Mia had left. I was furious after reading it. Here she was damn near seven months pregnant and doing disappearing acts. Vanessa was as good as dead. I didn’t even know how the two crossed paths. I had to find Mia. I called the one person who would know where she was.
“What the hell you mean she’s gone? Harlem I swear if something happens to my girl I’m fucking you up," Dominick responded once I told him what happened. I didn’t have time for Dominick's theatrics. I had to find my girl and bring her home.
“Look, if she calls you let me know.” I hung up without waiting for a response.
“Mia, how long are you gone hide from that man? You need to call him and figure this thing out. You all have a baby to think about.” Marie was such a sassy little woman but I loved her to death. Most of my life it had been just me and her. She had always been my rock but now she was just plain irking my nerves.
“Ma, he did the ultimate no-no. I’m good on him.”
“You young people kill me. What proof beside the words of his ex do you have? You don’t ever let a bitch tell you something about your man. Now you can stay here all you want, but you know he’ll be here.”
“You didn’t tell him I was here did you?”
“No, but you know it won’t be long before he comes here looking for you.” My mom left me to my thoughts. I wanted to trust Harlem but my past made it hard. I decided I at least needed to hear Harlem’s side of the story before making any drastic decisions. I called his phone and he answered on the first ring.
“Baby are you okay?” There he was thinking about me.
“I’m good”
“Where are you so I can come get you?”
“Look, we need to talk but right now isn’t the time. I just need time to myself to think. I’ll call you tomorrow and we can talk then.”
“Ma don’t play me like some bitch ass nigga. Now where are you cause you need to come home.” Harlem was pissed and understandably so, but I just couldn’t shake the fact that he cheated. “I’m not ready to come home. I told you I need time to think.”
“Cut the bullshit Mia. What do we need to talk about cause I’m confused? You up and leave while your damn near seven months pregnant with my seed and I haven’t done shit. So you tell me Mia, what do we need to talk about? Huh?”
“You ain’t did shit? Nigga you fucked that bitch and got her pregnant. You ain’t shit, just like Raymone!” I was now crying again. Damn these pregnancy hormones. I felt betrayed by the one person who’d always been there for me.
“Really Mia? When did you become so damn naïve? You listening to the next bitch now? It never occurred to you that she was lying?” I was quiet which was pissing Harlem off more. “You know what Ma do you cause I don’t have the time or patience for this shit. When you ready to be grown let me know.” He hung up without waiting for a response.
I broke down. I couldn’t believe he gave up that easily, which made me believe what Vanessa said was true.
Chapter 8
I Can’t Stay Away From You Too Long
It had been two weeks since I had talked to Harlem and I was going through it. I missed him like crazy but I just couldn’t shake the fact that he could possibly have a baby on the way with someone else. At night I tossed and turned because Harlem wasn’t there to cuddle me and my baby girl was going mad crazy kicking me. It was like she knew her daddy wasn’t there. Something had to give because I was tired of it all.
I wasn’t doing good without Mia but my pride wouldn’t let me call her. I kept up with her through Dominick and her mom. I loved Mia so much that it hurt not being with her. I couldn’t believe that she would think I cheated on her. This was supposed to be the happiest time of our lives for the both of us. We were engaged and expecting a baby, yet we weren’t talking to each other.
I hated seeing Mia down. I knew the only way to change that was to get her to tal
k to Harlem. “Mama, you need to call your man cause I’m tired of him blowing up my phone asking about you.” Mia shot me a dirty look, “What he calling you for? He knows my number.”
“You know what? You pregnant bitches are too damn emotional. I was trying to be nice because I know your hormones are on ten right now but you out of line Ma. That man ain’t did shit wrong but you throwing him so much shade. You are carrying his child Mia, damn. You need to grow up for real.” I walked away leaving Mia to her thoughts. That broad was tripping hard.