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Love, Lies, and Obsessions

Page 9

by Demettrea

  I parked my car and got out. I strutted all the way to the entrance with a little extra switch in my hips. Not too much, but just enough. I paid the bouncer and let them check me. The tall light skinned one copped an extra feel. I made a mental note to check his ass later. There was no need for him to feel me up; hell where was I gonna hide anything in this little ass dress?

  I headed straight for the bar and ordered a Blue Muthafucka while I surveyed the club. As I sipped on my drink, I spotted my mark. He walked in to the club with about five other guys; his entourage I assumed. I wasn’t worried though. Just watching him from the time he walked in the club until the time he made it to his section in VIP let me know how weak and careless he was when it came to pussy.

  I sat at the bar for another ten minutes before heading to the dance floor. I wanted my prey to come to me. By the time I was done I could just about guarantee he'd be ready to take me home. Foolish on his part cause tonight would be his last night breathing. I don’t take to kindly to people messing with what belongs to me.

  Wale's "Bad" was thumping through the speakers and I was winding my body like a snake. Before I had Harley, I had a nice shape, but now I had a banging ass shape. My breasts even got bigger. I had all kinds of eyes glued to me; women included. Nearing the end of the song, I saw Rico looking in my direction and I seductively licked my lips and blew him a kiss before walking off the dance floor. I knew he wouldn’t be too far behind, and I headed back to the bar for another drink.

  "Let me get a Peach Ciroc please."

  "Whatever she wants is on me." I heard his voice and it made my skin crawl. I knew he was coming but I didn't think he'd come that soon. Thirsty ass nigga. By the end of the night he was gonna wish he didn't let pussy cloud his judgment.

  "Well thanks handsome."

  "Oh you are very welcome. What's your name beautiful?" He looked like he belonged in a car garage. He was that dirty looking. "Lena. What's yours?" There was no need for him to know my real name. Hell, he'd be dead by the end of the night anyway.

  “What do I have to do to get you to leave with me tonight?” He eyed me seductively and it creeped me out. Just knowing that he was responsible for Harlem being in the hospital is what made it easy.

  “You never know what tonight will bring if you play ya cards right.”

  We sat and talked for a good thirty minutes. While he was getting to know Lena, I was plotting ways to get him out of the club unnoticed. “What do you say we get out of here? I would love to spend some one on one time with you.” I put on my best act and it worked at first.


  “Come on Daddy. Don’t you want to taste this pretty pussy,” I interrupted him. I was making dude so horny. His skinny jeans told a story of their own. His dick imprint was threating to poke a hole through his jeans.

  “Let me just tell my partners I’m leaving.” That was a no go. I couldn’t risk anybody knowing that he was leaving with me.

  “Really? What you need to check in or something? I thought you were a man.” I knew that would get him because niggas didn’t like their manhood tested.

  “Naw, it ain’t even like that shawty. Since you ready to go let’s be out.” I downed the rest of my drink and followed him to the exit. This was going to be a piece of cake. The quicker I got this done the quicker I could move on to my next victim.

  “What the fuck!!” I smiled as I watched Rico struggle to move. I had paralyzed him from the shoulders on down using a drug called Vecuronium. Being a nurse, I had access to alot of things. I wanted him to be as still as possible while I tortured his ass. I wanted him to suffer the way Harlem was suffering.

  While he was laying there trying to figure out what happened, I was getting my tools ready. I laid everything on the nightstand. I had a scalpel, gasoline, and a lighter. When I pulled everything out his eyes got big. I felt no remorse though. I had become a cold hearted bitch. It’ll happen to you too if people constantly fuck over you.

  After changing into my blue velour jogging suit, I climbed on top of him in the riding position and grabbed the scalpel. “Do you know Harlem?” His eyes got big. “I take that as a yes. Well, that’s my daughter's father. Because of you, my daughter may never meet him. Do you know how that makes me feel?” He just looked at me and I laughed.

  I took the scalpel and began cutting his flesh in different spots. He may not have felt anything then, but he would once the drug wore off. Even then, he’d be handcuffed. After decorating his body with the scalpel, I doused him in gasoline.

  I wanted to torture him some more by setting him on fire and letting him burn; so I sat in the chair that I brought in from the dining room and waited for the drug to wear off.

  I decided to call Tez and let him in on my plans. He might have wanted to have a little fun with the fuck boy.

  "What's good lil' sis?"

  "I have Rico here and thought you might have wanted to holler at him before I kill him."


  What the fuck! Was I hearing her right? Naw couldn't be. Mia wasn’t that gangster.

  "Sis what's going on? Where are you?"

  "Look Tez I don't have time to play games. Now if you want in on this I suggest you get to Rico's house." She hung up on me. I didn’t know what was going on but I needed to get to Mia before something happened to her.

  I called the crew to tell them what was going on. "Aye yo, I don’t know what the hell the deal is but Mia called telling me she had Rico and was about to kill him. Now this could be these niggas trying to set us up or lil sis done went gangster on us. I need for everyone to meet up at Rico's, but proceed with caution."

  "My dude you sure Harlem would want this? I mean we don't know what we walking into," Bear asked.

  "Muthafucka my boy laid up in a hospital because of that nigga. His girl is over there and you’re questioning me. I’m in charge bitch. Now get ya asses over there pronto!" I hung up, and grabbed my 40 caliber and headed out the door.

  We all pulled up to Rico's at the same time. Jas, Markie, Bear and Tino were together and I was solo.

  "So check it. I'm about to call Mia's phone and see if she picks up."

  "Yeah," She answered.

  "I'm outside Sis. Are you alone with him or is there someone else in the house?"

  "It's just me and this faggot."

  "Alright Sis don't do nothing. I'm on my way in."

  "Come on." We entered the house through the back door. When we walked in, we searched for Mia and Rico. We found them in the bedroom. I couldn't believe the sight before me.

  "Hell nah she torturing this motherfucka for real," Tino said while looking at the scene before us in disbelief. Too shocked to process what was taking place everyone stood still. Mia’s ass was standing in front of Rico's wounded body with a devious smile on her face. I don't know what the hell had her looking so looney. I couldn't let her ass leave this house with Rico's blood on her hands.

  "Sis what the fuck is you doing," I raised my voice as I approached them. I snatched Mia back and watched Rico's eyes widen. He looked like he could shit on himself at any minute.

  "What you mean? I'm getting ready to make his ass pay," Mia snatched back from my grip and frowned at me. "Either you gonna help or get the fuck on!" Everyone looked at me and then back at her.

  “Jas get her out of here." Jas stood there stunned. None of us had ever seen this side of Mia. Harlem didn’t know it but he had a gangsta bitch. "Jas, did you hear me," I yelled. She walked over to Mia and tried to usher her outside.

  "Get the fuck off me! That bitch ass nigga is the reason Harlem’s laid up in the hospital,” Mia shouted. Baby girl was clearly on some revenge type shit. I can definitely say she's a rider.

  "Listen Ma. They got it from here. Let me get you home to your baby girl.” Once Jas finally got Mia to go with her I pulled out my gun and put the silencer on. I aimed at Rico's head and shot him twice. I checked his pulse. There wasn't one.

  "This place needs to be up in flames before
I turn off the block. Understood?"

  "We got it dawg.” I knew there was nothing to worry about cause my team was thorough. By this time tomorrow Rico would be nothing more than a memory. I headed to Mia’s house to make sure she was good. There was no way I could keep this from Harlem. Mia could have gotten herself killed.

  Chapter 12

  I’m Back


  Today I was going to visit Harlem. I had been gong twice a week since I got out the hospital. Each time I prayed it would be the day he finally woke up. Today I was taking Harley to see him. She was only two months old but getting bigger. I didn’t know what the outcome would be but I wanted Harley to meet her father.

  I still didn’t know what happened that night after I left Rico’s. I don’t know what it was but something had come over me that night. I was hell bent on making him pay for what he did to Harlem.

  I had talked to Ava and she assured me that Balou was no longer a problem. I should have known Ava would take care of it. Hell, she was a part of one of the biggest female mafias. When Harlem did wake up he wouldn’t have anything to worry about but healing. Yes, I was claiming it. Harlem was gonna wake up and we were gonna raise Harley together.

  As I dressed Harley, I noticed again how much she took after Harlem and a tear fell. I thought about Harley never knowing her father and it tore me apart. Hate was a strong word but I hated Rico for doing what he did.. The torture that he endured from me was well deserved and no, I don’t feel bad. In case you didn’t know, karma is a bitch named Mia.

  I had to put my feelings to the side because I didn’t want to make Mama Rose uncomfortable. She had been staying with me since I came home and I welcomed the company. With Harlem not around, I felt empty. He was my heart and I couldn’t fathom the thought of him never being home again.

  “You sure you want take her up there,” Mama Rose asked me. She didn’t think it was a good idea to take Harley to the hospital. “Yeah. I don’t know what’s going to happen so I want her to be in his presence at least once. You never know, it may help,” I said knowing I was probably being a bit optimistic.

  Mama Rose didn’t argue with me as I headed out the door, and after securing Harley’s car seat, I headed to the hospital.


  I kept having the same dream. I was walking towards a light but every time I got close, it would disappear. I wondered where Mia was. I kept hearing her voice but I didn’t know where she was. It was creeping me the hell out. Not only that, I kept hearing a baby crying.


  When I walked in Harlem’s room, I said a prayer and then took Harley out of her seat and placed her in the bed with him. I sat and talked to him letting him know that Harley was there. I sat there for a whole hour and nothing happened. I put Harley back in her seat. I walked back to his bed and I lost it.

  “Wake up dammit! How dare you leave me here to do this by myself,” I screamed at him. I slumped down in the chair. This was probably the hardest thing I ever had to do. Harlem came into my life at a time when I needed him the most and it seemed as if he was being snatched away from me now.

  Just as I was ready to give up, his fingers moved and that gave me a little hope. I began talking to him again. “Bae please wake up. I can’t do this without you. I don’t want to do this without you.” The tears fell. It was hard seeing him like this.

  Harley began to fuss so I picked her up and checked her diaper. She wasn’t wet so I rocked her back to sleep. Within five minutes, she was out. I put her back in the car seat and sat down next to Harlem. I began cleaning his nails; something I had been doing every week. When I got to his other hand, I felt his hand grasp mine. When I looked up his eyes were open. I immediately jumped up

  “Oh my God Bae, you're awake!" He smiled while pointing at the tubes.

  “Right. Let me get the nurse.” I ran out the room to get the nurse.

  “He’s awake,” I yelled.

  “Calm down Ms. Hernandez. Let me get the doctor and we’ll be right in there.

  I ran back in to let Harlem know the doctor was coming, “Doctor Carter’s coming.” Five minutes later Doctor Carter came in. He was a short, balding old man. He kind of favored Sherman Hemsley. “Glad you could join us Mr. Williams. I’m going to check a few things out and then I’m going to have someone remove those tubes. I know they are not the most comfortable. Ok Mr. Williams, I’m going stick your foot with this pen and I want you to blink if you can feel it.” The doctor poked his foot and Harlem blinked. While the doctor was checking him, I decided to step outside the room to call Tez and Mama Rose.

  “He’s awake Tez! My baby is awake!”

  “That’s good. I knew that nigga would come around. He’s too much of a fighter to leave us.”

  “Well call Mama Rose and y’all get up here!”

  Tez said he’d pick Mama Rose up and they’d be up there. I hung up and went back in the room.

  “Okay that’s good. What about here,” the doctor asked poking at his legs. Harlem blinked again. Okay Mr. Williams give me a few minutes and I’ll be back with the nurse who will help me remove the tubes.” I just stared at him while thanking and praising God. I was so grateful that he had finally woken up. Harley began to fuss. Harlem’s eyes got big when he heard the cries.

  “Yes, she’s here Daddy.” I picked Harley up and took her closer so that he could see her. A tear fell from his eyes as he watched me hold our daughter.

  The doctor came back ten minutes later. They removed the chest tube and tube that was helping him breathe. “Now your throat will be sore for a few days so take it easy. I’ll be back to check on you later.” Once the doctor left, he motioned for me to hand him Harley.

  “Wow Ma, she is fucking adorable.” Although it hurt to talk, he did anyway. His voice was raspy. “Yeah she is.” I tried to keep my emotions in check but it was hard. “Come here Ma,” he told me. I walked over to his bed and he pulled me close.

  “I’m sorry I wasn’t there when you had her.”

  “It’s ok Bae. I’m just glad that you’re here now. I thought I was going to lose you.”

  “Ya man is here and I ain’t going nowhere.”


  Harlem was supposed to be coming home and I was too happy. I didn’t know he was gonna feel about what I did but I couldn’t worry about that.

  I stayed home with Mama Rose while Tez went to pick Harlem up. I made sure that the house was ready for him and that he had access to whatever he needed. I even hired an in-home nurse until he was fully recovered. I was so anxious that I couldn’t sit still. Mama Rose had Harley in the room with her so I called Dominick to see what he was doing.

  “Hey Chica. What you up to,” I asked when he answered.

  “Girl about to get ready for this Pride festival in Ferndale. Wait a minute. Why are you on my line? I thought ya boo was home,” He replied.

  “Not yet. I’m waiting for them to get here. I couldn’t sit my ass still so I called you.”

  “Oh. Have you heard from that backstabbing ass cousin of yours cause I’m ready to whoop her ass?” Just the mention of Milan made me mad. I couldn’t wait to meet up with her. She was supposed be family but she did me dirty as hell.

  “Naw. She’s still missing in action. Please believe when I see her and Raymone’s ass it’s a wrap.”

  “Yeah, I heard about yo crazy ass torturing people.”

  “Whatever. He deserved it. I don’t feel bad at all and I’d do it again if I had too.”

  “Alright then pyscho. Do you, but let me get off this phone and finish getting ready.”

  “Ok boo. Call me later.”

  I hung up with Dominick and I heard a car door slam. I jumped up and ran out of the house. It was actually real. My baby was here. He was walking with a cane and had a little limp but he was here in the flesh. I ran to him and practically jumped in his arms.

  “I take it you missed me.”

  “Shut up. You know I did.” He kissed me and boy had I missed t
he way his lips felt.

  “Y’all niggas get a room damn,” Tez told us with a smile.

  “This hating ass nigga,” Harlem laughed.

  “Come on babe lets go inside. Your mom is there with Harley.”

  “Hell yeah. I want to see my lil mama.”

  When we got inside Mama Rose was standing there with tears in her eyes. “Don’t cry Ma.” Harlem hugged her and wiped her tears. “If you scare me like that again I’m going to kill ya ass,” she said punching him in the arm. We all shared a laugh at that. Harlem walked over to where Harley was sitting in her bouncer and picked her up.


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