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Arielle Immortal Passion (The Immortal Rapture Series Book 3)

Page 14

by Lilian Roberts

  “Rape her!” Sebastian exclaimed. His eyes were fierce and his face was full of rage. He began pinching the tip of his nose and pacing back and forth.

  “Yes, he tried, but Eva had a vision, and she made us all go back to the flat. We got there just in time. I pulled him off of her and beat him to the ground, the cops came and arrested him and took him away.”

  “So, she was not touched?”

  “Not quite.”

  “What do you mean, not quite? Was she touched, or wasn’t she?”

  “She fought him hard, and I’m sure that made him more angry because he hit her several times on the face and bruised her badly. He threw her on the floor, trying to pin her down, and her body was also bruised and banged up. She was taken to the hospital and he was taken to jail. Her face was swollen and bruised for almost three weeks, and so was her body. She was praying that you wouldn’t come home and see her like that. She seemed to be more worried about you finding out than about what had happened to her. She is an amazing girl.”

  “And now he is dead?” Sebastian asked, clenching his jaw.

  “Yes, we were watching the news one night and heard a story about how he had been murdered trying to rape another girl. Ian wasn’t with us the night we heard the news, I guess that’s why he asked about it.”

  Sebastian was silent for a long time. “Well,” he said finally, “thank you for all you did, Troy. And now I think I have to say good night.” He took Arielle’s hand and softly pulled her with him. Arielle looked at her friends with a sad smile and walked out of the room. Her lips were trembling and her eyes were full of tears, remembering the horrible moments she had spent fighting Matt.

  She now knew that her father had been right. She should have told Sebastian the truth. The door closed behind them and he turned to face her. He did not look angry anymore, but his face was sad.

  “So, why did you keep this from me?” he asked, torment in his voice. She hesitated and, meeting his gaze calmly, she replied, “It was over with and I thought it didn’t matter.”

  “It damn well does matter to me!” he cried. The words surged from his lips, draped in heavy emotion. He ran his fingers through his hair and turning around, started to pace back and forth. He suddenly stopped and faced her, his eyes filled with passion. “Arielle, do you even understand how much I love you? I have every right to know what happens in your life.”

  Looking into his eyes, Arielle could see his anguish. “I was afraid that you would hurt him and it would create problems between you and the authorities,” she explained. “I wanted to keep you out of it. I was also afraid that you might think that I could have prevented it somehow, but I couldn’t. I did everything I could to discourage him, but he didn’t listen. And now he is dead, so I thought the subject was closed.”

  “You were worried about me? I just do not understand you at all. You were beat up and almost raped, and you were worried about me? Why would you ever think that I would blame you for what happened? Don’t you know me at all? Arielle, sometimes you drive me right out of my mind.” He shook his head as Arielle looked at him with tears in her eyes.

  “I didn’t care about me,” she said. “All I cared about was you and your reaction.”

  “Arielle, what am I going to do with you? Don’t you understand that everything about you is my concern? Everything that has to do with you affects me directly, don’t you understand that?” he said, jaw tensing.

  Arielle nodded, looking at her feet. Searching for words to explain, she said, “I’m so sorry, Sebastian. I can’t change what I did, but I can promise that there will never be any more secrets between us for as long as I live. I don’t want you to be mad at me anymore.” Tears ran down her face.

  He pulled her closer, and lifting his hands he framed her face. With his thumbs he softly wiped her tears away. His gaze lowered to her lips and, bending down, he took her mouth into a scorching kiss. He moaned as she wrapped her arms around his neck. His arms encircled her, pulling her tightly against him. “I should be mad at you, but I’m not,” he breathed into the kiss. “I love you too much to stay mad at you. Please promise me that you will never keep secrets from me. Please, Arielle,” he pleaded without leaving the kiss.

  “I promise, darling.” She ran her fingers through his hair, holding him to that kiss. The kiss deepened and she could feel excitement coursing through her body. Sebastian let his hands travel over her luscious curves, and he knew that his need for her was undeniable.

  “I would have killed him,” he muttered in a low voice, still kissing her.

  “That’s exactly the reason I didn’t say anything to you,” Arielle said, pulling away from him. “Do you hear yourself?”

  “I can’t excuse what he did. You know that kind of person never stops. He tried again and if he had gotten away with that, he would have moved on to the next girl. You were very lucky,” he said, arms by his side, gaze locked on her.

  “I know that. But he did pay, the worst way possible,” she said.

  Sebastian moved slowly away and stood in the middle of the room. He faced her, looking troubled and puzzled at the same time. Arielle watched him closely. He seemed to be pondering a thought, looking for the right way to ask his next question.

  “What is it?” she asked anxiously.

  “Did this incident have anything to do with your decision to give up abstinence when I came back?” His eyes pierced through her soul as he waited for her answer.

  “It had a lot to do with it. I had wanted to save myself for our wedding night, but then I almost lost my virginity to an animal. And I was not going to allow that. You are the man I was saving myself for, so I broke my promise to myself a little early. I hope you don’t mind,” she said with half a smile.

  He crossed the small distance between them in a fast stride. His strong arms tightened around her and his mouth landed on hers with hunger and passion.

  “You really will be the death of me,” he moaned, trying to keep his lips straight.

  Arielle pulled away and got ready for bed. After she had climbed under the covers with him, he cradled her in his arms and she felt a rush of love for the man that she was going to share her life with. But something was bothering her. Looking up at him, she frowned for a moment. “Sebastian, how is it you didn’t see what had happened with Matt just by reading our friends’ minds?”

  Holding her close, he chuckled against her hair. “I only choose to read minds if I have to or really want to, and I afford our friends their privacy. Although you know how much I love to know what you’re thinking.

  Arielle laughed softly. “I love you,” she whispered, kissing the hollow below his throat and breathing in his stimulating scent. He moaned, and that was the last thing she heard as she fell asleep, utterly exhausted.

  But Sebastian didn’t sleep. He stayed awake, watching her. As he thought about the attempted rape, rage coursed through his body again. I would have taken care of him when I got back if someone else hadn’t done the job, he thought. He got even angrier as he thought about the fear and the pain Arielle had endured at the hands of that animal. He kissed her hair softly and breathed in the wonderful fragrance of her shampoo. It smelled like freesia and he absolutely loved it. He held her tight, feeling the warmth of her beautiful body and the softness of her skin. My God, he thought, I love her so much it actually hurts. He felt drunk with contentment, with the thought of someone like her loving him. She had become the essence of his life, and her love brought together everything that represented beauty in his eyes. How funny, he thought. Eternity does not seem so empty anymore. His life was rich, full, worth living. She was the most precious jewel in his life. She was his first and only love, pure and complete. I’ll never be able to have enough of her. I want to give her the world, make her happy, make her want no other man but me. Finally, he drifted off to sleep with a smile on his face.

  The heavy bedroom curtains were not completely shut, making it possible for a slight gleam of sunlight to slip through an
d caress Sebastian’s face. He opened his eyes and looked at Arielle, still lying in his arms fast asleep. He smiled and kissed her face gently, not wanting to wake her up.

  He felt anxious again, thinking of the evil that consumed Annabel and the fury she held against Arielle, the fury that made her so dangerous. His thoughts whirled wildly in his mind.

  How could he fight Annabel’s wickedness? How could he fight something without substance, something so dark? The evil seemed so deeply rooted in Annabel. How long had she been waiting to terrorize Arielle, possibly to kill her? Sebastian felt restless. He wished that all of his worries could just go away, but he knew that was not going to happen. It wasn’t going to be easy, but he needed to get the matter resolved. The life he and Arielle were planning together depended upon his taking action.

  He had agreed to meet Troy and Ian that morning, so it was time for him to get up and get in the shower. Leaving Arielle in bed without waking her up was something he had promised he would never do, but today was not like any other day. Today was the day he would face Annabel, his ghastly nightmare, and possibly others who seemed to have gained access to his home without his approval.

  They were going to meet downstairs at nine o’clock in the library to discuss a plan. He knew they would need to call for additional immortal power to assist with this terrible situation. He had no idea how many accomplices Annabel had, how many might be hiding in this very house. Whatever the number, he was familiar with the amazing powers they possessed, and that knowledge filled him with dread.

  Troy had invited his three best friends to help, and they were flying in from Italy. Sebastian had asked three of his best friends to come as well. Two were flying in from Germany and one was driving from Paris. They were all immortals, and they all possessed enormous strengths and abilities that Sebastian needed badly right now.

  Annabel was governed by an evil beyond belief. With her immortal powers, she was lethal. That she had tried three times to bring harm to Arielle confirmed Sebastian’s suspicion that she was more than willing to bring devastation in his life by hurting his fiancée. In fact, she seemed determined to do so. He had no idea what she had planned, but he was determined to expose her and to destroy her and her accomplices forever.

  The belongings Eva and Arielle had discovered in the room in the west wing belonged to a woman that Troy told them he knew very well. Sebastian had never heard of her, but she had invaded his home without his approval. He was sure that Annabel was using her somehow to carry out her malicious plan. Annabel is the center of evil, and everything she is doing is for her own personal gain, he thought as he walked into the shower. She is trying to inflict extreme pain or horrible death on Arielle to keep me from being happy. I can’t allow this to happen.

  His jaw clenched. He cursed inwardly as his thoughts turned back to the intruder in his house. I just can’t understand how this woman is getting into the house without anyone knowing that she is here, he thought. All of the secret passages in the east wing had been sealed for hundreds of years. The west wing, however, was the part of the house that had been used for storage throughout the years and it had never been checked for secret passages. He had forbidden Annabel to enter his house centuries ago, but she kept showing up. And now he was sure that she and her accomplices were entering the house through some secret passage. What exactly was she planning to do? The question was tormenting him.

  Troy had told him that the intruder was evil, and that she had absolutely no reason to be in his house. When they had left the room the day before, they had put everything back the way it was. They wanted to make sure that no evidence was left behind so that the mysterious intruder wouldn’t know they had been there. They wanted the advantage of surprise. Careful preparation and planning would be the most important things for them right now. The house would have to be sealed completely from any unwanted visitors. This was the last thought he had before he walked out of the shower and reached for a towel.

  He walked into the library right on time. Both Troy and Ian were waiting for him.

  “Good morning,” he said with a voice that sounded more confident than he felt.

  “Hey, Sebastian.”

  “Troy, can you tell me who is coming today to help us?”

  “Sure, they are three of my very best friends. Girard Castonious is my oldest friend. We go back five centuries. He comes from a very affluent family and he became immortal at age thirty-two. Antonius Vercelius came along a few years later. He is twenty-nine. He’s a great guy. The last one I met three centuries ago when I lived in Spain. His name is Giani Acerbus. His family is Italian, however they made their money in Spain. He became immortal at age twenty-seven, the same age as you,” he said to Sebastian.

  He paused for a moment and then continued, “You know how hard it is for immortals to find faithful friends. The four of us became very close and we have kept in touch all these years as if we lived next door to each other. We all lived in various places through the centuries, enduring a lot of bad things and enjoying good ones. These guys are very reliable and I would trust them with my life. We have actually roamed the earth together, and I’m surprised we have survived as well as we have, thinking of all the dumb situations we managed to get ourselves into.” He chuckled once again, as if he were thinking of a private joke.

  “They can’t wait to meet Gabrielle,” he added. “They know very well how hard it has been for me to find the right girl.”

  “Oh, I know that feeling very well,” Sebastian snorted as his thoughts turned to Arielle.

  “Finding the right girl is pretty complicated for humans, as well,” Ian added with a grin.

  “I guess dealing with women is pretty complicated, period.” Troy agreed, and they all laughed.

  “What about your friends?” Troy asked, turning his gaze to Sebastian.

  “Pretty much the same story. Two of them are now living in Germany, Jon Lacroix and Pier De Zrozi. They were both thirty-three when turned, and they both became immortals after they lost their parents during the same influenza epidemic that took my parents. Jacques Louvser lives in Paris. He was twenty-eight when he was turned. They have been my friends for more than three and a half centuries. They all work for my company, so we’re in touch almost daily. We have attended many colleges together out of boredom, created a lot of trouble for some people, and enjoyed the company of others. I must say we got ourselves into trouble quite a few times, but we always helped each other out and came out of each situation untouched. I trust these guys with my life, and I hope that with all of us working together, including Ian, we will be able to resolve most of the issues I am facing. I have to tell you, I really do appreciate your help. Taking care of this situation is essential for my happiness with Arielle. I’m prepared to do whatever I have to do to make sure she is safe. I’m just so frustrated about the whole state of affairs.” Sebastian sighed, then shook his head and continued. “The flight from Germany is coming in around two this afternoon. The drive from Paris is around six hours, and Jacques left Paris at eight this morning, so he should be arriving around two as well. What about your friends, Troy?”

  “They will arrive around one-thirty.”

  “So, we should leave for the airport around one and take two cars.”

  “Sebastian, have you thought about exactly what you are going to do?”

  “Well, my first thought was to sweep the west wing carefully to find the way Annabel and her accomplices are entering the house. There has to be a secret passage somewhere, or maybe more than one. Anyway, I need to find them and get them sealed. Ian, you can help with that. However, you’ll have to stay close to one of us at all times. The intruders possess powers a thousand times more powerful than any human. We wouldn’t want to see you hurt.”

  “I sure wish I had your powers,” Ian murmured, shaking his head in wonderment. He then added with a grin, “But since I don’t, don’t worry, I will stay close. I want to help in any way I can, but if I create any problems for you,
just let me know and I’ll stay behind.”

  Troy’s mind was drifting in several directions. He looked down at his feet, mentally pondering his thoughts. His lips twisted and finally he looked up.

  “Sebastian, why is Annabel so adamant on hurting Arielle? She knows you’ll never go back to her. So what’s the point? Why doesn’t she just let go?”

  “She’s vicious,” Sebastian said simply. “And she has vowed to kill anyone that I want to be with. She made me that promise when the annulment came through, and she knew then there was not a chance that we would ever be together. I’ve hated her with all the passion I possess ever since our wedding day. It was a marriage arranged by my father and I had no say in his decision. I’ve prayed for her annihilation, but as you know time can’t kill her, so it will have to be something else, or someone else.” He paused again, sighed and said, “My hate for her is not a temporary emotional state, Troy, it’s a disposition that consumes my whole existence every time her name comes up. The more she hates Arielle, the more I detest her. I think her extreme dislike for Arielle is simply because Arielle is a human being—something she would give her own life to be. She’s jealous. I carry a deep sense of repugnance and intense antipathy for her every day of my life. I want to kill her. I want her to disappear from our lives.”

  Ian felt a cold chill move down his spine as he listened to the hardness in Sebastian’s voice. He kept looking from Troy to Sebastian. He wanted so badly to help, but he felt fairly helpless in the face of such a challenge.


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