The Girl Before Eve

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The Girl Before Eve Page 13

by Lisa J. Hobman

  New York has always been our dream destination and so I know that when you calm down you will forgive me for booking the Waldorf Astoria for four nights…whoops! I forgot to mention that before (hee hee hee). But ever since we watched Serendipity, it’s been a dream of mine to stay there, and so I know you will enjoy it too as all you have ever wanted to do is make me happy. Well, now it’s my turn, my gorgeous, wonderful, handsome husband. Have I told you today how much I love you? I’m guessing I have but just in case I have been too pre-occupied making your favourite breakfast I will write it now… I LOVE YOU! More than anything in this world. Never forget that.

  Now get over here and kiss me!



  A painful sob broke free from his body as he slumped forward, head in his hands. His body shuddered as he clung to the note. The note that Eve had written. The note that was his last connection to his beautiful wife. The note that told him she was thinking about him but was expecting to be sitting opposite him as he read it. Why wouldn’t she have been expecting that? It was too much to bear. His sobs were loud and unabashed, and all the raw emotion connected to the day poured out of him. He felt arms encircle him and squeeze him tight. A damp face pressed into his neck.

  Eventually his sobs subsided and he lifted his face. Lily’s red-rimmed eyes stared back. A look of worry plagued her features. “I’m so sorry, Adam… I didn’t mean…”

  He frowned and shook his head, touched her cheek. “No, don’t be sorry, Lil.” He sniffed and wiped his hands over his tear stained face. “It was just a little overwhelming…the letter…the tickets…the fucking Waldorf Astoria?” He smiled. “But after everything that’s happened…with her not being here…the note alone is the best I could have hoped for.”

  She returned his smile. “The thing is the flights are tomorrow. I spoke to the head teacher at school and you’re booked off for the week. Special dispensation.”

  His eyes widened at the realisation. “That explains the looks I’ve been getting this week.”

  She squeezed his arm. “You can go and just enjoy it. Think of her and know how much you meant to her.”

  He looked at the envelope containing the tickets, which had fallen to the floor. “But there are two tickets, Lil. I…I don’t really want to go alone.”

  She rubbed his arm. “Then ask your mum. She would love to go. She really would, Adam.”

  He chuckled. “Erm, I don’t think it’s the kind of place I want to go with my mum. Can you imagine her face if I get drunk? No, you helped plan it. You should come.”

  Her heart pounded. She felt a little lightheaded. “Erm…erm…I…erm.”

  He placed his hand over hers on his arm. “Look, you helped to organise this and you’re my best friend. If anyone should go with me it should be my best friend. Don’t you think?”

  Chapter Twenty

  New York, New York (Frank Sinatra)

  March 2010

  “Oh…my…God!” Lily gasped as they stood in the entrance of the suite at the Waldorf Astoria. “This is the most luxurious place I’ve ever been in, and I’ve stayed in many hotels. Some of them quite nice. But this…”

  Adam swallowed the lump in his throat. “Yep, my girl had taste alright.” He glanced around and his damp eyes settled on the huge king-size bed. “You take the bed, Lil. I’ll sleep on the floor or…or the sofa.”

  She swung around. “You’ll do no such thing you, Muppet. We’re both adults. We’ll share the bed.”

  He felt the heat rise in his cheeks. “Oh…okay.”

  She cringed. “Oh heck, Adders…I didn’t mean…I mean I know that Eve and you were meant to… I’ll take the sofa.” She stumbled over the right words to say.

  He shook his head. “No…no it’s not that at all. I just didn’t think you’d want to share the bed, you know?”

  “Yeah, well we used to share a bed when we were kids. It’s no different. We’re best friends, Adders. It’s fine…as long as you don’t mind, that is.”

  “Nah. I’ve put up with your snoring before. I’ll just poke you or slap you if you get too loud.”

  “Me? Snore? I don’t think so, matey. I think you’ll find it’s you that turns porcine in your sleep!”

  “Yeah? We’ll see, eh?” Adam chuckled.

  The friends unpacked their belongings, rested a short while, and then made their way out onto the busy and bustling Park Avenue. They were greeted with a cacophony of car engines, sirens, aeroplanes, and loud chatter. Lily went into David Bailey mode, snapping pictures of anything and everything that stood still long enough. She had visited New York before for work but had told Adam she had never had the time to do the sightseeing, touristy part. It was almost like she was seeing the place for the first time.

  Adam puffed out his cheeks as she made him pose for the hundredth time. They walked across town to the famous Bloomingdales store where Lily was like a woman possessed. Adam ended up loaded down with bags and bags of clothing, gifts, toiletries, and goodness knows what else. He just smiled. It was good to see her enjoying herself.

  Eventually, both exhausted, they stumbled across a nice looking coffee shop and collapsed into a booth. “I think you bought the whole of New York, Lil. You do know there’s a limited baggage allowance on the way back, don’t you? The bloody plane won’t get off the ground at this rate!”

  She giggled as she looked at the mountain of purchases. “Whoops! I think you may be right. I may have to charter my own private jet to get home.”

  He took a drink of the nectar-like coffee in his mug. “Jeez Louise, that’s a damn good cup o’ joe.”

  His fake American accent made Lily laugh out loud. “Yeah…I hueard it was gooyed caawfee hea.” She mocked in her best attempt at a Brooklyn accent but it came out a little nasal and whiny.

  He threw his head back and his shoulders shuddered as he guffawed. Coffee was not quite as good when it went up your nose. He spluttered and wiped his nose and chin. “Eeeuw!”

  She was laughing so hard she had to stagger up from the table and make a dash for the restroom. Tears rolling down her face.

  That evening they sat across from one another in the beautiful restaurant at the Waldorf Astoria sharing a bottle of wine. A pianist played As Time Goes By.

  Lily glanced over at Adam who was clearly taken, watching a young couple. They were evidently in love. “Hey, Adders, are you okay?” She reached across the table and covered his hand with hers.

  Turning his attention to her, he smiled. “Yeah…I’m fine…just thinking, that’s all.”

  “About Eve?” Stupid question.

  He nodded and took a drink of his wine. She could see that his eyes were a little glassy. He set his glass down and cleared his throat. “Thanks for coming, Lil. I know I’m not being the best company.”

  She shook her head. “Nonsense. We’re having a great time. And I know I’m not who you’d like to be here with, but I hope I’m not spoiling it too much.”

  “Don’t say that…that makes it sound like you’re second choice, Lil.”

  She leaned and squeezed his hand again. “Come on, Adders, I know you’d rather be here with Eve. That’s understandable. You don’t need to feel bad.”

  He sighed and closed his eyes for a few moments. “I just… I still can’t get my head around the fact that I’m alone…you know?”

  “You’re not alone. You have me…and your family.”

  “Yes, and I’m grateful. I just wish I still had Eve, too. I keep reading that note. The part where she said I should go kiss her… That ripped my heart to shreds.” His voice cracked as he spoke.

  “I know… But how wonderful that you have it, eh? I’d forgotten she’d written that and put it with the tickets or I would’ve given it to you sooner.”

  “No…no, I think it was good to get it when I did.” He twirled the wine in his glass. “It was like…it was like she was still here.”

  The waiter brought their food and placed their plates down in front
of them. “There you go Mr. and Mrs. Langton…enjoy.”

  She gaped open mouthed and lifted her hand as if she was going to correct him but Adam stopped her. “Don’t, Lil, it’s fine. Goodness knows what people would think if we told them the truth. And the room is in that name. It’s fine.”

  Later that night, Adam climbed into bed in his T-shirt and boxers, and Lily made her way over to the bed in her shorts and tank top. They’d both got a little tipsy at dinner, and she suddenly felt very nervous about sharing a bed with the man she adored. He was on his back, eyes closed, with one hand on his stomach and one behind his head. He looked so incredibly sexy. She wanted to snuggle up to him, kiss him…make love to him. But instead she gingerly climbed into the empty side of the bed and lay as far away from him as possible.

  After a while, she heard him sniff. She rolled over toward him and realised his hands were covering his face as he shuddered. Sliding across the bed to him, she pulled him into her arms and let him cry until he fell asleep.


  Adam awoke to find himself wrapped around Lily’s body. Shit! His arm was laid across her bare stomach where her tank top had ridden up in the night, his nose nuzzled into her neck, and his legs were entwined with hers. He remembered her holding him as he let his anguish pour out all over her. Again. She would be so pissed off if she woke up and found they were laid together, rather like lovers, in the middle of the large, luxurious bed. Carefully he untangled his limbs from hers and re-arranged his boxers. He stood and watched her sleep for a moment.

  She really was beautiful. With her darks unruly curls spread across the pillow and her olive skinned abdomen exposed to his gaze. His eyes followed the deep curve of her waist to her hip. He swallowed. How strange things had worked out this way for them. How strange she thought of him as a brother. He fondly remembered the poem she had written for him as part of her best man-woman speech. My best friend, my protector, my confidante. How different things could have been if either one of them had crossed that arbitrary line in the sand. Too late to think like this now, idiot, and how completely inappropriate.

  She shifted in her sleep, pulling him out of his reverie. Her tank top shifted to expose the bottom curve of her breast. He realised he had been staring at her. Quickly turning, he made his way to the bathroom and switched on the shower.

  He turned the dial to cold.


  Lily awoke to the sound of running water coming from the en-suite bathroom. She stretched and glanced down when she felt a cool breeze across her middle. Realising her breasts were almost out there for the world to see…well for Adam to see anyway…she pulled her top down. Hopefully that happened after he’d gone to get a shower. Her inner voices reigned once again. Otherwise he’s had a really good view of my goods… Hmmm, I wonder what he thought if he saw them… Stop it, Lily, for goodness sake.

  Adam returned from the shower, towel drying his hair, in a pair of joggers slung low around his narrow hips. Ever since she teased him about the weights he bought when they were teens, he had always denied the fact he worked out, but looking at him, half naked before her, she knew he did. He had defined abs and that delicious V that disappeared into his joggers. She drew her eyes back up his body, feeling her skin heat. Good grief, Lily, seriously get a bloody grip. He’s a half-naked man. You’ve seen them before. Lots! But this one is Adam and we love him. Oh God I sound like bloody Gollum now!


  Adam cleared his throat. “Erm, morning, Lil… Listen, I wanted to apologise.”

  Lily scrunched her brow. “Apologise? For what?”

  “Erm…for crying on you like a big girl.”

  “Oh that. Don’t worry. I’m used to it now.”

  He huffed. “Thanks.” He slung the towel over his shoulder. “And for waking up after pretty much sleeping on you all night.” He cringed at the memory and at the fact that he had been quite turned on at the time. He noticed her cheeks flush at his words, and he pulled his lips in to stifle the smile trying to make its way across his face. It took a lot to embarrass Lily, but it looked like he had succeeded without intending to.

  She fiddled with the sheet she had pulled over her legs. “Oh, don’t worry. I suppose you’re used to having the whole bed to yourself nowadays, eh?” His half smile disappeared. Her eyes widened. “Sorry…was that really insensitive?”

  “No…it’s true… I just don’t like to think about it, I suppose.”

  “No wonder, Adders. I’m so sorry,” she whispered.

  He took a deep breath. “Look, we can’t go on feeling this awkward all the time we’re here. This is clearly a lot different to sharing a bed as kids, eh? I’ll sleep on the sofa tonight. I think it’ll be easier.”

  “No! That’s not fair, Adders. This is your holiday. I should sleep on the sofa.”

  “Absolutely not. I won’t argue about this. That sofa is comfy and twice as big as mine at home. It’s practically a double bed anyway. I’ll be fine. It’s decided. Let’s get ready and go sightseeing.”

  Her demeanour changed as if she had acquiesced about the sofa. She climbed out of bed and made her way toward the en-suite.

  She glanced over her shoulder. “Where do you fancy going today?”

  “The Empire State Building,” he said with glee in his voice.

  “Oooh, you can be Tom Hanks, and I’ll be Meg Ryan.” She smiled.

  “Nah…I think, after my behaviour last night, it should be the other way around.”

  She stopped and turned so that she was fully facing him with her hands on her hips and her lips pursed. She narrowed her eyes. “Are you saying I look like a man?”

  He bit his lip. “It’s the dark curls…very Tom Hanks.” He smirked and ducked as she pulled a cushion from the sofa and threw it at his head.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  I Will Remember You (Sarah McLachlan)

  The following day Adam awoke on the sofa. He’d had a fitful night’s sleep filled with dreams of Eve. He pulled himself to a sitting position and rubbed his hands over his face. Today would be hard. Today he would tell Lily he needed to be alone for a while. Today he would say goodbye properly. He had no clue why he felt it had to be today, but it just had to be. There were places he wanted to walk. He wanted to be alone here with his memories of Eve.

  “Morning, Adders. Coffee?” Lily yawned as she slumped onto the sofa beside him.

  He turned toward her. “Lil…I need…I need some time alone today. Is that okay?”

  She scrunched her brow. “Sure…of course. Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah…I just feel like…I don’t know…like I need to be with my memories today. Does that sound mad?”

  She smiled warmly. “No, it sounds like you.” She stood and walked to the bureau to make coffee. Adam walked into the en-suite and turned on the shower.


  Whilst Adam was in the shower Lily ordered room service. Adam needed a good meal before he went out. She knew how difficult today would be. He had a list of the places he wanted to visit. He had decided to do a harbour tour first to take in the views of the spectacular Statue of Liberty and then make his way back to take a walk in Central Park. These two places were the ones he and Eve had been most excited about. Later in the evening, he was going to visit Times Square when the billboards were lit brightly, dazzling pedestrians and drivers alike with their vibrant coloured images and advertisements.

  He came out of the en-suite with a towel wrapped around his waist. He dried his hair. His eyes had the red-rimmed, telltale signs of tears cried once again. Poor Adders.

  “I ordered pancakes and maple syrup. They came with bacon. How dodgy is that?” She giggled as she lifted the silver bell shaped lids from the warm plates.

  “Dodgy? I think it sounds amazing. Oooh, and the bacon’s all crispy too.”

  “Yeah…crozzled more like.” Lily scrunched her nose up at the crispy pinkish coloured strips.

  “Nah, this is perfect. Nice and crunchy.
You’ve got no bloody taste.”

  The two friends ate their breakfast in silence. He still sat in his damp towel while she tried not to imagine him naked.

  Eventually, she pushed her chair back from the table. “Well, I’m stuffed. I don’t think I’ll need lunch now!”

  “Awww, you’re a lightweight! You used to be able to eat a tattie more than a pig, Lil. What’s happened to you?” he asked with a mouth full of bacon and pancake.

  She pretended to gag. “Adders, I can see everything smushing around in your mouth! That’s disgusting!”

  A wide grin spread over his face as he opened his mouth and stuck his tongue out. “Blaaaaargh!” He shook his head from side to side.

  “You really are a pig!” She threw her scrunched up napkin at him, and he laughed as she made her way to the en-suite. “Get some clothes on, too. I can see your arse!”

  “You know you love me, really!” he shouted after her.


  An hour later Adam walked onto the busy sidewalk of Park Avenue. He hailed a cab and one pulled up beside him immediately. After giving the driver his destination, he pulled out a photo from his wallet. It showed him and Eve cuddled together beside a model of the Statue of Liberty they had seen on a weekend trip to Amsterdam. It was built from tiny building blocks, the type that children play with. Done this way, however, it looked more like a sculpture. He smiled and stroked his thumb over the image of his wife and got lost in his thoughts.

  I’ll see the real thing today, Evie. You’ll be there with me in spirit…I know you will. I wish you were beside me now…for me to tell you how much I love that you did this for me. This amazing trip. Being here just…makes me miss you more. But I think I need to let you go now. Although I really don’t know how to start that process. I know how much you loved me and I hope you always knew how much I loved you…still love you. I dreamed about you last night. It was so real. You were snuggled up on the sofa next to me. The curves of your body molded to mine just like they always did. I held onto you so damn tight, but…when I awoke you were still gone.


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