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Boss Daddy's Little Princess

Page 3

by Angela Blake

  The bouncer looked at me when he said that last line. Maybe he was lying or using some kind of parlance he hoped I wouldn’t catch.

  “Take her then,” Giovanni instructed. He appeared anxious to get the girl out of my sight quickly. What did he and the others do to this girl? Was he responsible? “Hurry up, I don’t want to insult our guest.”

  The two guys quickly got out of our way, carrying the wasted girl in their arms. I saw Richard hurry to assist them but then he changed his mind and rushed up the front stairs to open the doors for us.

  “Sorry about that,” Giovanni excused as he led me into his home. “We have parties here sometimes and it can get pretty wild.”

  Oh, okay, that was justifiable. I knew I got wasted every now and then and I probably looked exactly like her whenever Matt would drive me home.

  However, when we got inside it didn’t look like there was a party. It looked cold, to be honest. Everything was this sleek black leather or glass. It looked like no one had been in here for days and the only way I figured it was cleaned was because I was introduced to Richard.

  Were they partying in a basement or something?

  “Come,” Giovanni then beckoned me passed a cozy living room with a fireplace and up a flight of stairs. I looked up and saw there was a wide hallway on the second floor and there were at least four different doors. “Let me take you to the room you can stay in. Uh, Richard, please prepare a meal and some coffee for us. Bring it to my room, Lily and I will dine there.”

  “Yes sir,” Richard answered and headed off to the kitchens.

  I quickly followed Giovanni up the stairs and he took me to the room closest to what I presumed was his own room. He opened the door and I saw it was a pristine, all-white guest room. There was a large, queen-sized bed with a gorgeous duvet and oakwood furniture. There was even a large television mounted on the wall.

  “You can rest here for the night,” he told me. “But please, join in my room for dinner. I would really like to talk to you and get to know you more. I am starting to see why Matt decided to be with you, why he fell in love with you.”

  “Really?” I asked.

  “Yes… you’re an absolutely marvelous woman,” he answered. “You’re beautiful, you know how to dress to impress and you also seem quite smart and capable. All that is superficial, however, and I am dying to meet the real woman underneath.”

  I had nothing to say to that. I could just feel my cheeks flush red and I suddenly felt sheepish in front of him. “I-I don’t know, t-thank you for such kind words though.”

  He gave me a warm smile and held my chin with his fingers. I thought he was going to lean in and suddenly kiss me. “Do not fret, child. Daddy is here for you. Go, rest, you might want to take a shower. I will ask Richard if he can procure something comfortable for you to wear.”

  “You have an extra shirt?” I asked him. “You’re much bigger than I am so one of your shirts will be like a dress for me. That’ll be all I need.”

  He laughed and nodded. “A shirt it is then. I’ll have Richard leave it on your bed later. Just knock on my door when you’re ready. I will be inside, waiting. I’ll probably take a shower myself.”

  “Okay then,” I said as I watched him saunter to his room. I walked into mine, closed the door, and exhaled.

  “Whew…” I whispered to myself. “What the fuck am I doing here?”

  I just shook my head, took off my clothes, and headed to the bathroom to take a shower.

  Chapter Six

  Wow, this was cute. Even I had to admit I liked how I looked in this. Giovanni chose a large black shirt for me to wear and it had this image of a blindfolded girl with her mouth covered with duct tape. It looked suggestive and kinky and it made me wonder why he gave me this but it was awesome nonetheless. It was big enough just to reach past my butt so it at least did the job of covering me up. I decided to forego wearing a bra… wait, was I trying to seduce him?

  That realization made me pause and think -- no, I needed to stop overthinking these things and just do whatever the fuck I wanted. Determined to press forward, I headed out of the room and towards his. Without a second doubt in my head I knocked on the door.

  Giovanni quickly opened it and my jaw dropped when I saw him.

  He was half-naked, wearing just a pair of grey jogging pants. It looked like he had just gotten out of the shower. With his torso exposed I could fully see the muscles rippling across his body, the firm abdomen he sported and the throbbing biceps he had on his arms. He looked like a bodybuilding junkie with the face of a superstar model. He was freaking hot.

  “Sorry, I didn’t bother to put something on,” he told me as he beckoned me inside. The room looked like the guest room he put me in but with a king-sized bed, an extra table for two and he had a balcony. There was also a large cabinet, a door leading to a walk-in closet and it looked like he had a bigger bathroom.

  “Oh, it’s fine,” I told him. “I’m not a little girl. I’ve seen half-naked men before.”

  I took a seat by the table. Richard had already brought up the food and drinks. There was some shrimp, a nice slab of steak, some buttered mixed vegetables and mashed potatoes. We each had a cup of coffee and a glass of iced water. I quickly grabbed the cup of coffee and took a few sips.

  “How’s the shirt? It looks really good on you,” he told me as he used a towel to finish drying off his hair. He hung it on the bathroom doorknob and then took a seat opposite me.

  I nodded and smiled, “I like it. It’s so big, so comfortable. What’s with the print on it though?”

  He laughed and took a bite out of the shrimp, chewed, swallowed and then answered. “It was the first one I pulled from the drawer. Didn’t really think about the design until you came in wearing it. The image kind of suits you though.”

  “I hardly think so. To be honest with you, I’m still a virgin.”

  That seemed to take him aback. He frowned and looked at me with surprise. “Really? Didn’t you and Matt sleep together for those years you were together?”

  “No,” I told him flatly. “It’s not like I didn’t want to… it just never happened. Bad luck, I guess? Before I met him I did try but both attempts failed too.”

  Fuck, the whole time I was explaining my eyes lingered on his abs. Why were they so perfectly shaped? I needed to pull my attention away from his body. I yanked my attention away and looked up to his face.

  “Interesting,” he commented. He took a sip of water and began feasting on his meal so I followed suit. “You’re… twenty-four, twenty-five? But you’re still a virgin… that’s quite rare, these days. Most of the girls I meet are no longer virgins and some of them are just eighteen, nineteen.”

  “Have you had a lot of experience?” I blurted out. It just popped out of my mouth. Maybe this topic was getting a little too personal for us. We did just meet, after all.

  He didn’t seem to mind. He casually answered while tackling the vegetables on his plate. “Yes, but that’s normal I guess. I’m not married and not really seeing anyone.”

  “So, what about that girl we passed by on our way up here?” I needed to know.

  Giovanni looked me straight in the eye as he replied. “Let’s just say she was more than just a one-night stand.”

  That was far more a straight answer than I suspected he’d give me. I began to dig into my meal, cutting away at my steak as I continued on. “I don’t know why people make it such a big deal that I’m a virgin.”

  “That’s easy,” he told me. “A virgin is the most delicious kind of woman a man can ever have in bed. The thing is, you’re only a virgin once so after you lose it that special extra flavoring is gone.”

  “That ruins the fun?” I asked before I shoved food in my mouth.

  Giovanni shook his head, “To the contrary, actually. I think after losing virginity a woman becomes ever better, like wine.”

  I began to feel this heavy knot in my gut. Before I realized it I was actually holding my breath so
I had to breathe out and start to calm down. This conversation was starting to get to me but I didn’t know how or why.

  “I’ve never had sex so I don’t really know what to expect,” I admitted. I was starting to feel so warm and I could feel my legs begin to shake. My voice was low, shaky, and I worried that I might sound nervous to him. “I-I don’t even really watch porn.”

  Giovanni placed a hand on my leg. It was heavy and I felt a sudden jolt through my body when he began to trace a finger on my skin. I wanted to melt right then and there. “Do not worry,” he said. “All in due time, dear. You’re such a beautiful woman too, it would be sad if your first time was not done the right way.”

  “And what’s the right way?”

  “To fuck you like there’s no tomorrow,” he quickly answered, his gaze fixed on mine. His grip on my leg suddenly got a little tighter as he squeezed.

  Oh my God. Did he… did he just really say that?

  “Not s-slow and gentle?” I asked. Wasn’t that how most couples had sex when the girl was a virgin? I thought it could be shocking and painful? “Wouldn’t it hurt?”

  Giovanni scrunched up his face like it didn’t really matter. “Sure, it’ll hurt the first time but then if you keep on going that pain quickly vanishes. I’ve seen girls who felt pain only for a few seconds. As soon as I got my cock sliding in and out of them they were crying but not for pain but due to extreme pleasure.”

  Fuck… when he said “cock” my body shuddered and I felt the area between my legs begin to warm up. I was getting a little wet… oh my God, was this conversation turning me on? I inched myself a little closer and I felt his hand go up my leg. It was just a few inches now from my thighs.

  “Is it… addicting?” I asked. “I never understood why so many people get so drawn into having sex over and over again.”

  “It depends,” he answered. His fingers danced on my leg, tapping and circling gently on my skin. “If it was you, I’d get addicted. You’re such a petite little girl I bet you’re so tight.”

  “I d-don’t know, I c-can’t really say,” I answered. Fuck, I was getting turned on. I was tempted to just lean in and let him touch me, hug me or whatever but I needed to control myself. I took a glance at his chest and abs again and God, those muscles were making me squirm. He was so fucking hot! Why was he so damn hot?

  Giovanni let go of my leg and he cupped my face with his hand. “You are nervous, aren’t you? Don’t be, baby, daddy is here for you.”

  Daddy? I looked at him and nestled my face in his hand. It was warm and reassuring. “D-daddy?”

  “Yes, please, don’t call me sir or Giovanni or Mr. Ricci,” he said. “Just call me daddy. I would be your daddy if you married Matt so in a way it makes sense for us.”

  “I g-guess it does,” I stuttered back my reply. My eyes lingered again on his abs but I got distracted and found myself staring between his legs. Even with his jogging pants on I could see he had a very hard erection going on down there. Fuck! His cock seemed so huge but I couldn’t really tell since it was covered --

  “You are looking down at it,” he told me. Oh fuck, he noticed I was staring. “Perhaps some other time, baby girl. For now, just rest. We will take this one detail at a time.” Before I knew what was happening he let go of my face and just for a second or two he grabbed his cock and rubbed it.

  “R-rest, daddy?” I asked. I must have sounded so dumb to him. I was just a parrot repeating nonsense.

  “Come then, finish your meal,” he instructed and I quickly began to dig into my plate. I was in his home… I didn’t want to disobey his commands. I finished my meal so quickly I almost choked. All the while I kept looking back at him and marveling at how he looked. It was only then I noticed he had a few scars on his body. They were faint and not too noticeable but they did add an extra flair of danger and style to this mysterious, sexy man.

  When we were done eating, he held my hand and helped me out of my seat. Just as I turned around to head back out of the room he suddenly smacked my ass with a hand.


  “Ah!” I yelped in surprise.

  He then walked up behind me and hugged me with both arms. I felt the sudden crush of his body as we embraced.

  “Good night, baby girl,” he whispered into my ears. “Sleep tight. Daddy will be here in case you need anything. I’ll be dreaming of you.”

  “What would those dreams be?” I dared ask.

  “Dreams of fucking you.”

  Chapter Seven

  I tossed and turned in bed. I probably did fall asleep but not for long. I kept waking up at night and each time I did I had something even more fucked up in my head than the last. My mind kept wandering back to Giovanni - to daddy - and the way he looked that night.

  My mind kept going back to the way his body was jam-packed with those well-toned muscles, the way his skin was just tanned in exactly the right way or how his freaking cock stood so strong against the fabric of his pants. I kept on pondering what it would feel like to actually hold his dick… what did it feel like to have it pound into me, between my legs and into my pussy or into my mouth?

  Fuck this was insane. What the fuck was I doing? What the hell was I thinking? It was getting me wet and when I reached down and slid my fingers underneath my panties I felt so moist and warm down there it was making me lose my mind.

  “Aah…” someone moaned.

  What the hell? It seemed to come from the room adjacent to mine. I thought no one slept there? Richard stayed downstairs and daddy’s room was at the end of the hall.

  “Ah, ah, ah,” it continued on. It sounded like a woman getting fucked.

  I slowly got out of bed, fixed my hair a little, then crept out of the bedroom. I made sure that the door wouldn’t creak and I tried my best to walk as silently as I could into the hallway. The moans were definitely coming from the other bedroom.

  To my surprise, the door was slightly left open.

  “You like it, bitch?” I heard someone ask. It sounded like daddy. Was he… was he fucking someone in there?

  I slowly crept closer and I peeked into the bedroom. There was a single bedside lamp turned on and while faint it did give me enough light to see what was going on.

  It was Giovanni and there was that girl from earlier, when we first arrived. She was on the bed, kneeling on all fours but her head was down and her ass was raised so high it must have been a little uncomfortable. Daddy was right behind her and he was pounding his cock into her like a jackhammer, going in and out so deep and fast it was no wonder she was moaning so loudly.

  She looked less wasted but the expression on her face was something I had never really come across before. She looked elated, almost as if she was high on something. Her eyes were wide open and she kept her mouth gaping. She was drooling as she kept her head down on the bed. From time to time she would even move her body in tandem to his rhythm, letting him plow into her with ease.

  Oh my God, she’s loving this. He was fucking her like she was nothing but a piece of meat, like a whore, but I could tell from the way she moaned, moved and the expression on her face that she loved every single fucking minute of it.

  I then realized my hand was deep down between my legs and I had been massaging my pussy all this time. I was turned on too… I slid my hand underneath my panties and began to slide my finger through the folds of my pussy, careful not to thrust it in and break my hymen.

  “Mmph,” I mumbled a moan by biting down on my lip. I didn’t want them to see me!

  I couldn’t stop playing with myself, however, and I just continued to rub my pussy so vigorously as I watched daddy slam his cock into the girl. He didn’t stop or slow down, even when I saw her eyes roll white as she lost her mind to an orgasm.

  I watched as daddy grabbed her hair and yanked, forcing her head up and her mouth to gape open wide. She began to moan even louder as he plowed into her this way and every now and then he would smack her ass with his open palm.

  Fuck… I didn
’t know what to make of what was happening right before my eyes but I did know I couldn’t pull my attention away from it. My gaze was glued to the scene unfolding in front of me. As I did I felt my pussy begin to moisten and I knew I was starting to enjoy this a little more than I should.

  It took another five minutes before things slowed down.

  At that point he withdrew his cock and yanked the girl closer to him. Instinctively she opened her mouth wide open and waited as daddy grabbed her head and shoved his cock into her mouth. He continued on this way, fucking her mouth and throat like it was just another pussy for him to wreck. I could tell she was having a little difficulty but the girl didn’t complain and when he occasionally withdrew his cock she would take that half-second opportunity to catch her breath and prepare for the next round of thrusts.

  While daddy pounded his cock in and out of her throat, sliding it in as deep and as fast as he could, I watched as the girl reached down and began to finger her pussy. Even with him slamming violently into her mouth she was still so turned on that she just had to play with herself. She just had to rub her pussy until she could cum all over again.

  Daddy’s face was riddled with this expression of delight and pure elevation. It looked like he was in some kind of nirvana or something. However, when I looked a little longer it also seemed as if there was a tint of pure authority and dominance on his face as well. He owned her and she knew it… no, she loved it.

  Suddenly his thrusts became rapid, short jerks and without warning daddy spilled his cum into her mouth and all over her face, neck and chest. The girl reveled in it, enjoyed it and even licked as much as she could off his dick.

  “T-thank you, daddy,” the girl told him as she swallowed.

  “Good bitch,” he said as she slapped her face. He then grabbed his cock and used it to slap her face a couple of times. “Go to sleep. Tomorrow you will go to Demetri. You better serve him well or I will be humiliated.”

  “I p-promise daddy,” she answered.


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