The Baby Maker

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The Baby Maker Page 15

by Tia Siren

  It can wait. Nothing urgent.

  “I’m with you now, and that’s all that matters,” I whispered in her ear. “All the rest is irrelevant.”

  I pulled Piper close again and kissed her. Our tongues twirled, and our embrace lingered.

  “Evan, my cycle is over,” she cooed. “I want you to take me.”

  Piper wanted me immediately. She was not wasting time. Her cycle had finished, and she wanted to take full advantage of the time with me. I could not agree with her more. I wanted to be with her as much as possible. We should get started as soon as possible, and make every second count.

  I pulled the zipper on Piper’s jacket, revealing the pink blouse that she wore. Her heaving bosom strained the buttons. I slowly slid my hands onto Piper’s shoulders. I lifted her jacket, and she raised her arms. I slowly slid my hands back, and her jacket slipped to the floor.

  I ran my fingers across her blouse, teasing her. Her nipples hardened. I smiled into her eyes and leaned toward her. I brushed her hair over her shoulder and placed my lips on her creamy neck. I kissed her soft skin. Piper warmed to me and leaned forward. Her large breasts pushed against my chest. I was in my own personal heaven.

  I ran my fingers down her back. She sighed, and I felt her warm breath on my face.

  “Evan, I want you to take me,” she said. “Let’s not waste any more time. Each moment is unique.”

  “Moments with you have always been special to me,” I replied, lovingly.

  “You have no idea,” she murmured, breathlessly. “They mean the world to me, too. They always have. Can we have all day?”

  “Yes, all day,” I groaned. “I have nothing to do.”

  “That makes two of us,” she said.

  I gazed into her sexy eyes and offered her my gentlemanly hand.

  “Shall we?” I asked.

  “Yes, please,” she said, her voice thick with desire.

  Piper reached out to me with both hands. I grabbed hold and clasped my hands around hers. I gently pulled her to her feet.

  “Do you want to walk? Or would you like a ride?”

  “I would love a ride,” she said, smiling. “It’s such a long way to your bed.”

  “Your carriage awaits, my queen.”

  I placed my arm around her back and kissed her on the lips. Piper leaned back, and I put my arm under her legs. I scooped her into my arms and slowly made my way to the stairs.

  “I could get used to this,” she said.

  Piper held my neck and kissed me softly on the cheek. Her warm lips sent shocks flooding through my entire body. The closeness of our bodies sent arousal pulsing through me. We hadn’t had sex since her cycle started. I would be full of fresh, potent semen. Today could be the day and the start of something special. Something wonderful.

  I stepped slowly up the stairs. The moment got closer. A new beginning. A new cycle of life. Her body was ready, and now it was time for me to perform. I walked down the hallway and kicked open the bedroom door. I flicked my heel, and the door slammed closed behind us. Mid-morning sunlight bathed the room, and fine speckles of dust glittered as they floated in the air. It was like heaven was sprinkling us with magic dust. I stepped across the bedroom floor. The crisp sheets of the bed beckoned us. They wanted to be part of this glorious day. They would embrace our lovemaking and provide the foundation that would fulfill Piper’s dream. I had the same dream when I was younger, and now both of our dreams could be realized in the same sensual moment.

  I placed her at the foot of the bed and kissed her bare skin. I felt the warmth of her neck under my lips. I popped open the buttons of her blouse, one by one.

  “This time,” I said, firmly.

  “This time, what?” she asked.

  I looked into her eyes. “This is when the magic happens.”

  “Our magic!”

  Chapter 24


  Evan had carried me to his bed. Unlimited access to his servicing had been written into the agreement, and I was going to take full advantage of it. I really wanted to have a child, and this was the best way for me to achieve my dream.

  There was a secondary reason for spending so much time with Evan between the sheets. He would be in no suitable position to service any other clients, and his focus would be purely on me.

  Now is our time. You’re all mine, and mine alone.

  Evan placed me on the bed. He brushed the hair over my shoulder and kissed me softly on my neck. I felt his fingers pull at the buttons on my blouse. It was more than erotic.

  One by one, they popped open. My breasts heaved and pushed themselves against my blouse. Fresh air fell against the bare skin of my stomach. Evan slipped the shirt from my shoulders and dropped it to the floor.

  I sighed in anticipation, and my panties were already wet. I laid on my back, and I flipped open the button on my jeans. I raised my ass and wriggled free from their clutches.

  Evan tugged at my jeans, and my legs were finally released. He dropped them to the floor next to my crumpled blouse. Evan stripped off his shirt, and I popped open the clasp of my bra. I stretched my damp panties and slipped them over the soft, tender skin of my ass.

  I watched Evan through strands of my hair. My eyes fixated on him pulling at his jogging pants. They dropped to the floor, and he wasn’t wearing boxers. His semi-hard cock swung against his muscular leg.

  Divine masculinity at its finest.

  I bit my lip and rubbed my fingers over my eager pussy. I was wet. So horny and wet. I was ready for him to satisfy my womanly needs. He could take me, and hopefully,he would leave part of himself inside me. A legacy of our closeness.

  I rested my head on the soft pillow, my feet flat against the crisp white sheets. My legs spread so he could get to me. Evan placed his body closer to mine. My fingers slipped inside my moist lips and found my throbbing clit. I began to rub slowly. Evan stared deep into my eyes. He wrapped his hand around his shaft and brought himself to a massive erection.

  His body inched closer to mine. I took hold of his manhood and rubbed the head of his cock over my budded clit.

  “I’ve missed this feeling,” I said.

  The head of his cock teased my clit. My lips parted, and he slowly inched his hips forward. I looked into his eyes, and his manhood spread my lips and started to slide inside my hot sex.

  He started to rock his hips. “Fuck, you’re so wet, you’re ready,” he said.

  My pussy succumbed and embraced the width of his huge cock. He drove himself slowly inside me, and my juices continued to flow. Evan put his hands on my raised knees and thrust his body. His stomach tensed, and his hips rocked back and forth.

  This is my place. With Evan.

  His manliness stirred my sensations. My pussy slowly milked the seed from his loins. My hands ran over my body. I cupped my breasts and teased my hard nipples. I pulled gently and stretched them. Evan increased his animal rhythm in me. Our bodies pulled and pushed, one against the other. Our goal was to bring life to another.

  Evan leaned forward and rested his weight on his hands. His driving breath covered my face, and his hard cock filled the depth of my core.

  I placed my hands on his arms. His muscles rippled as he supported the weight of his heaving body. I caressed his shoulders and ran my fingers across his back. His huge erection tantalized my pleasure zones, and my nails dug into his skin. He thrust deep, and my wet pussy gripped his manliness.

  “Turn over,” Evan groaned. “I want to fuck you from behind.” He slowed his rhythm.

  “My favorite position,” I cooed.

  Evan knelt on the bed, and I rolled onto my front. I raised myself onto my knees and spread my legs. My weight rested on my forearms, and I aimed my pussy at my masculine Evan. He touched and caressed the soft skin of my ass. His hand ran down, and he slid his fingers inside my pussy.

  He drove his fingers deep, and his other hand caressed the cheeks of my ass. My hips pushed against his hand, and he slid his fingers deep inside my wet

  “I’m ready, Evan. Take me. I’m offering myself to you. Make my dream come true.”

  Evan removed his fingers and slipped his hand around his wide girth. He inched closer to me and raised his dick closer to my pussy. I lowered my hips, and the head of his cock rubbed across my wet lips. I pushed back, and my clit revealed itself from the touch of his massive cock.

  Come on, Evan. Live up to your name. Make me a baby.

  My legs parted, and Even filled my pussy. My eyes shut tight, and I relished the feeling of Evan’s huge cock driving deep inside me. He put his hands on my curvaceous hips and gripped me tight. His powerful fingers sank into my flesh, and he pulled me back hard onto his manliness.

  My pussy twitched and the muscles tightened. He moved like an animal in heat, filling my pussy with his beastlike power. I grabbed the crisp sheets, wrinkles forming in my grasp. I tugged hard and thrust my ass back toward Evan’s grasp. My hips gyrated, and I pushed back as far as I could. I twisted my fists in the sheets and bit hard into the soft pillow.

  “Evan, fuck me. Fuck me hard. I’m close.”

  His hands gripped me tight. His body slapped against mine. Perspiration ran down our bodies. We slid together in a pool of lust. Evan pumped harder and harder into my pussy. The sensations swirled in the depths of my stomach. My cauldron of passion simmered to a boil as Evan ravaged me.

  He’s just perfection brought to life. I need him.

  I pulled the sheets and tensed my body. My pussy clenched hard onto his firm shaft. He threw himself into my pussy, harder and faster.

  I was almost there. I could feel it coming. I was beginning to explode. I was a volcano about to erupt, with my core energized like hot, molten lava. The pressure inside finally reached its peak level. Suddenly, like a miracle, it began to wash over me, the orgasmic tidal wave washing me off my feet.

  I yelled, breaking the silence. My body readied itself to release into wonderland. Evan was the only one who could take me to that place. His cock drove faster inside me. Sensations flooded throughout my body, and the pit of my stomach warmed. My legs quivered against his waist, and my belly started to wobble. I was nearly there. Perspiration slicked my brow.

  Our bodies rammed together. Our pace reached a fever pitch. We thrust ourselves harder against each other, and the fires of passion overcame me. I closed my eyes, and my mouth opened.

  I was helplessly in love with him.

  I opened my eyes. Evan closed his eyes and tensed his lips. His thrusts shortened, and his muscles clenched. He pushed hard, his body finally releasing deep inside my pussy. I could feel the warmth of his seed unloading into me.

  Evan’s body paused, and his head bowed. His spent breath washed across my face. He slid from me exhausted and rolled to my side. He panted as he regained his breath. He was the perfect man in my eyes. Firm and taut in every place. His body was a piece of art.

  We laid beside each other. The afternoon sun began to set, and the final rays shone through the window. The resting beams of light lit our bodies as if the heavens above shined down on us.

  I nuzzled my head against Evan’s chest and caressed his body with the tips of my fingers. We laid in silence and enjoyed the company of each other’s presence.

  I heard a rumble from the bedside table. The sound, the dreaded sound. His phone had received a text message. Evan rolled to reach for it. He read the message and quickly flung his legs from the bed.

  “I have to go,” he said. “Something has come up.”

  He showered and dressed. He grabbed his cell and keys and walked from the bedroom. The sanctuary we’d just made love in was gone.

  I heard him run down the stairs. I jumped from the bed and ran to the window, which looked out over the driveway. Evan jumped into his car. The tires screeched as he shot away from the house. He appeared to be on a mission. Someone had summoned him, and he had responded. Without a word, he’d left me.

  I rested my hands on the glass. I stood in the window. My naked body and mind in limbo. My mind needed time to adjust.

  Can you accept the fact he might be off to see another client? You would be a total wreck if he was sharing his body and his focus. And this would mean he was not being true to his word. He said you were the only one who mattered, and he has just left you. An empty vessel, like all the others.

  Who will benefit from this? Is it for you? Or him? Think about it Piper. Who will be the most satisfied from the situation in the short term? Is it Evan, or you?

  I removed my hands from the glass. My prints slowly faded. My mind was alive with thoughts of how he just left.

  It makes me sick. He promised me the world, and he broke that promise. How could he do this? I mean, how could he do it to me? All this time. For such a long time, you’ve waited. Ten long, lonely years.

  I imagined him with another woman, his heaving body thrusting deep inside her. Her cries of passion and pleasure filling his hotel suite. It was too much. I had to forget it. It made me feel sick.

  Chapter 25


  The married couple had finally returned. I was surprised they’d come back after all this time, but here they were.

  “We’ve had time to think over everything,” the husband said. “And we have finally decided to go ahead with it.”

  “Why did it take you so long to decide?” I asked.

  “It was the wife,” he said. “She was unsure, but now she’s on board with the idea.”

  I pretended to agree with the husband, even though I doubted his explanation. The last time we’d met, his wife flirted with me heavily. She had spread her legs, and I could already see she had not worn any panties for the meeting.

  Now, she wore a super low-cut top, and she thrusted her tits in my direction as much as possible.

  “So, are you going to have me?” the wife asked, seductively.

  “I have to consider everything first,” I said.

  “I look forward to it,” she said, biting her lip.

  “I have not agreed, yet,” I said, firmly.

  “Just look at her,” the husband butted in. “She’s totally on board.”

  “That may be the case, but it’s not as simple as that,” I said.

  “She’s super-hot and will do anything you ask,” the husband said, excitedly.

  “This is not a game, you know? This is a serious business.”

  I got the feeling they weren’t genuinely interested in having a baby. It sounded like the wife just wanted a good fuck. As much as I’d like to do just that, it was not what the Baby Maker was all about.

  Last time, they’d asked if the husband could be there, and this red-flagged it for me. I had been played before, and this conversation was heading in the same direction. No matter how much money they offered, it didn’t matter. The Baby Maker was not about having a super-duper threesome and seeing how much come could ooze from his wife. All while they both got off on the idea. Some guys had fetishes about seeing their wives fucked by other men.

  There was another problem, too. So far in this meeting, they hadn’t once mentioned getting pregnant or having children. That was red flag number two. The whole thing was supposed to be about becoming pregnant. It was more than having exclusive, triple x fun.

  I also noticed the husband had been pushing and pulling slightly at his wife. It was as if he was dominating her out in public. I could read him like a book, and these small gestures were just a reminder of who was boss.

  It actually sickened me that men could look at women this way. Using them to fill their own urges rather than please the woman. And to think he could waltz into my domain and play me for a fool by flaunting his wife. Fuck, I could guarantee that his plan for his submissive wife to fuck me was not going to happen any time soon.

  “I don’t think I can actually help you,” I said.

  The husband got angrier everytime I refused them. “I’m sure we can change your mind,” he said. “Watch this!”

  He pulled on his wife’s arm, si
gnaling for her to show herself to me. She went way over the top. The woman stood and pulled her black hair from the bun. It fell all the way down her back.

  She stood in front of me and ran her hands over her hips. She took hold of her top and raised it over her shoulders. Her purple bra could barely contain her huge breasts. Her long manicured nails fumbled with the clasp of her bra, she let it slip, and she caressed her dark nipples. She took one breast in her hand and raised her nipple to her mouth. Her tongue teased herself, and her nipples budded as I watched.

  It was like watching live porn.

  She squeezed her tits together and pouted at me with her full lips. Her tongue glided over the hi-gloss lipstick she wore. The seductive wife bit her lip, and she slowly pulled her zipper at the side of her skirt. It dropped to the floor, and she stepped free.

  She has a super curvy body. Very fucking nice, but no thank you. This is not what I’m here for.

  The wife gyrated her hips. She had a faint strip of pubic hair rather than being bald all over. She turned away from me and bent over. She looked behind at me. I could see her pussy gripped tight between her legs and her huge tits that now hung toward the floor.

  “So, what do you think?” the husband asked, eagerly.

  “She seems nice,” I replied.

  “Show him,” the husband said. “Show him everything.”

  The wife walked slowly toward the chair where I sat. She lifted her leg and placed it at the side of my leg. She seductively licked her middle finger.

  She placed one hand on my shoulder and extended her other finger. The nail of her middle finger was highly manicured and really shiny. She reached to her pussy and slid her middle finger just inside her pussy lips. She found her clit and rubbed herself frantically. Her head tilted back, and her long black hair flowed towards the floor.

  She moaned and rubbed her clit harder.

  Her hand squeezed my shoulder to steady herself. Her nails dug into my skin. I wriggled my shoulder to loosen her grip.

  She moaned again.

  The husband touched his dick as he watched her.

  “I want you inside me,” she cooed, while finger fucking herself in my face.


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