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The Baby Maker

Page 21

by Tia Siren

  I handed Piper the paper bag. She tipped the contents onto the couch beside her.

  “I just bought one of each to be safe,” I said, smiling.

  Just think if you had done this with all your clients?

  I helped Piper to her feet. She slowly walked to the bathroom. I heard the door close behind her. Silence filled the room, and I thought about the situation. I had not wanted kids, but I was excited for Piper. The whole feeling felt very strange. It was difficult not to be caught up in Piper’s excitement. This was what she’d always wanted. The chance to have a child. My child.

  Piper was still in the bathroom, and my cell phone rang.

  “Hello,” I said.

  “Susan Reynolds,” the voice said on the other end of the phone. “Remember me?”

  How the fuck could I forget? Dear lord, you are a freaking psycho.

  “I told you not call me ever again,” I snapped.

  “I see your attitude hasn’t changed,” she snapped back. “Once a dick, always a dick.”

  “Think whatever you want. You broke the agreement. Not me.”

  “Still think you’re Mr. fucking know-it-all?” she asked.

  “I’m just following the agreement,” I said. “The letter of the law will always be right.”

  “I just wanted—”

  I hung up on her and turned off the cell phone.

  Fuck her; there is no harm she can do.

  I threw the cell phone onto the couch. I heard the door open on the bathroom.

  Piper walked into the living room and sat beside me on the couch. She placed the test on the coffee table, and we waited. She inched herself closer to me, and I took her hand. She gripped my hand tight and gazed into my eyes.

  “How long?” I asked.

  “Just a few minutes,” she said.

  I checked my watch; it was as if the world had turned to slow motion. The second hand moved slowly around the face of the watch.

  One minute.

  I stared at my watch. The seconds ticked by.

  Two minutes.

  The second hand moved toward the twelve. Just one minute to wait and we would have the result.

  Three minutes.

  I looked at Piper, and she looked at me.

  “What now?” I asked.

  “We look,” she replied.

  “And how do we know?” I asked.

  “I used both,” she said. “The digital is still in the bathroom, and this one here has a mark that shows up.”

  Piper reached for the test and looked at the gauge. She turned her head and looked into my eyes.

  “Well, what is it?” I asked.

  Piper’s face was neutral, no sign of emotion.

  “Oh, fuck!” she said.

  “What?” I asked, nervously.

  “I’m pregnant!”

  Chapter 34


  I woke up after having cried all night, just like the past few mornings. I walked into the bathroom and glanced at my reflection in the mirror. God, my eyes were all puffy from the countless tears I’d shed throughout the night.

  I should have met Jules to see how the final preparations had been going in the nursery. Not my nursery. The one I’d been working on for the client who first told me about the Baby Maker. The work had progressed well and would probably only take a few more days before it was completed. Jules had been busy painting the final mural scene on the wall.

  I thought back to Monday morning when Evan and I had found out the results of the pregnancy test. I had been excited at the result until I looked at Evan’s face.

  He showed no reaction whatsoever, and it dawned on me. He must have heard those words hundreds and hundreds of times before. For me, it was the first time, but Evan was a seasoned veteran in that department. He sat on the couch with an entirely blank expression. It should have been a time for celebration, but he sat there with a face that wouldn’t be out of place at a poker table.

  I’d asked him why he wasn’t excited and happy; he said he did not want to deal with it at that moment. He’d asked if I was okay and grabbed his things. He left my apartment without any sign of being happy or even any acknowledgment. It was weird. I had just told him I was pregnant.

  I pulled out the designs for my own nursery. I’d been designing it ever since I found out Evan was the Baby Maker, and I’d signed the agreement. I was super happy with how the design was going.

  I laid out the plans in front of me on my desk and ran my hand over the design sheets. I looked over the drawings and sketches, and I thought of how it would be once the child was born. Did I need to supply Evan with a sealed photo of my child? Was he going to go to his secret hiding place to file my child’s picture along with all the others?

  The worst thought that entered my mind was that Evan would never want to see my child. Even though he had said he would be there, that would be more for support and financial needs. Physically, he would keep his distance and never be a part of my child’s life.

  Piper, what sort of situation have you gotten yourself into? The concept was okay. But Evan knew how to complicate matters. You have known him all this time, and you’re having his child. The one person you had always dreamed of being with has no intention of wanting to know the life you have both created.

  I should have gone with an anonymous father. Then, the amount of emotional aggravation would be far less.

  I sat at my desk with my hands just running over the designs. I embraced the silence of my apartment until it was broken. Then my cell phone rang.

  “Piper, its me Evan,” he said.

  “Sorry, I’m not in the mood to talk to you at the moment,” I replied.

  “I just want to say—”

  I hung up on him and decided to call Jules. I had to let her know I was pregnant, and I had to tell her everything. I was ready for the tirade of abuse she was going to dish out.

  “Nice to see you have finally made an appearance,” Jules said.

  “I had a bad night,” I replied.

  “You sick or something?” she asked.

  “Or something,” I replied.

  “You mean you’re actually pregnant?” she asked.

  Yes, Jules, I’m finally pregnant. I’m closer to my dream.

  “I am. I found out on Monday.”

  “Well, congratulations,” she said, excitedly.

  I smiled. Of course, Jules would be over the moon for me.

  “And who is the father? Or is that a dumb question?”

  “It’s quite silly,” I said. “Its Evan’s.”

  “So, a fairytale in the making?” she asked with her overly happy tone.

  “Not exactly, it’s a little more complicated than that,” I answered.

  “Why?” she asked.

  You will not believe how complicated it has been.

  Get ready for the millions of questions and aspersions that will be cast.

  “He owns a business that impregnates women,” I said.

  “I thought you wanted the more natural, sexual way of doing it,” she replied, confused.

  “I did, and that is what he does,” I said.

  “You mean, Evan’s job is fucking for a living?” she asked. She was actually shocked.

  “Sort of,” I said. “Well, yes.”

  “Geez Piper, how did you ever fall for that one?” she asked.

  I have no idea how it happened actually. It just happened. Not even me or Evan could have expected this.

  “I’m not sure,” I said, truthfully. “I found this website called Baby Maker, and applied.” My stomach tied itself up in knots.

  “Yeah, and how did you end up with Evan?” she asked.

  “Well, I had to send my photo,” I said. “And then you remember the day after the party? You know, I tried to call as I was going to meet him, and you never answered your phone.”

  “So, it’s my fault?” she asked.

  “Don’t be silly. I went to the meeting place, and Evan walked up to me. I was s
o excited to see him after all that time. He asked to join me, and I told him I was waiting for someone. He slipped me his Baby Maker card.”

  “So, he works for this company?” she asked.

  “No, there is only him,” I said. “He has a lot of children roaming about.” My stomach made a rollercoaster loop.

  “Holyfuck, and you’re having another one?” she asked.

  “It looks that way now, and I’m scared he won’t want to see it once it’s born. The contract says—”

  “Contract? God, what contract?”

  “I had to sign a contract saying he is not liable for anything once the child is born,” I said. Okay. My stomach felt really sick now.

  “The fucking worthless piece of crap. This is your baby, not just some stranger’s.”

  “Don’t blame him too much,” I said. “It’s more my fault.”

  “He’s just using women for sex. That’s all this is. He just fucks them and lets them go.”

  “Jules, stop it,” I said. “He’s been good to me.”

  “Well, I think it’s wrong. How can he treat you this way? God, the jerk off.”

  “Jules, can you please stop talking about him like that,” I said. “It’s more complicated than you think.”

  “How many other women has he cheated on you with since you’ve been seeing him?” Jules pressed angrily.

  “He hasn’t seen any others,” I said. “I was exclusive.”

  “So, he has you when he wants you? No wonder you didn’t want to date Kyle.”

  Fuck, I forgot she might remember that.

  “Well, I think he has been up to no good,” Jules said.

  “I love him, Jules,” I said, truthfully.

  “That is just you being really mixed up.”

  “No, it isn’t. I’ve always loved him, since high school. I have never loved anyone else.”

  Jules, you have no idea how much I love Evan. He has been my everything since high school. My only love. Without him, my life has no meaning, but now, I’ll have a part of him with me forever. And even if he’s not interested.

  “Piper, I’m sorry I flew off the handle like that,” she said, clearly still shocked by the whole situation. “I just don’t want him to hurt you again.”

  “Jules, he has made my dream come true,” I said. “I’m having his baby, so, how can I ever be angry at him for that?”

  “The simple fact that he doesn’t want anything to do with the kid, that’s how,” Jules said.

  “Apart from that, everything he has ever done has been for my benefit. I mean, we have had arguments, but we are working through it all, slowly.”

  “Just make sure you get the support you need,” she said. “Take him to court if you have to.”

  “I can’t; I signed the papers freeing him from any obligations,” I explained.

  “To me, all your problems have come from your damned contract,” she said.

  “It does appear that way. It’s like we were dating, but that was separate from the terms of the agreement, which is in the writing.”

  “You said, had been dating? What do you mean?”

  “Well, after he walked out of my apartment on Monday, I have not spoken to him,” I said.

  Until today.

  “He called me just before I called you,” I said.

  “And what did he say?” she asked.

  “He never had a chance. I said I didn’t want to talk and hung up on him.”

  “So, at this moment, you have no way of knowing how he feels?” Jules asked, pressing me.

  “Yeah, I thought the way he acted on Monday was enough to say it all,” I said.

  “So, what are you going to do now?” Jules asked, concerned.

  “I’m going to continue as I originally planned. I’ll have his child and then become the single parent that I said I would.” My stomach felt better now.

  “Are you sure you can cope?” Jules asked.

  “Yeah, of course. My business doesn’t need me all the time.”

  “I didn’t mean that. I mean mentally.”

  “I don’t understand?” I asked.

  “You have gone ten years hanging onto the dream of having Evan’s child. And now that you are, do you think the rest of your life without him will be easy? You will have a daily reminder of him, every time you look at your kid.”

  “I never really thought of it that way,” I replied.

  “Well, you should. That will be the hardest part. The man you love is a major part of your life and he is not there.”

  I told Jules everything, and I was sure she still did not fully understand the situation, or how I really felt about Evan. I was just happy to finally be in a situation to close one more chapter in my life. It would be difficult, but I would make it happen. Nothing was going to stand in the way of my dreams. My baby was what mattered now.

  “Apart from that, how are your preparations?” she asked.

  “I have the nursery alreadydesigned; I was only waiting for confirmation I was pregnant before I started work on it. I know an excellent painter to do the artwork.” I smiled.

  “And here I thought you would ask me,” Jules said, laughing.

  “All the other preparations are easy,” I said. “I have a person in mind to run the office when I’m not there.”

  You still have to ask Jules to take charge.

  “There is one thing you need to do before you leave it for too long,” Jules said.

  “What’s that?” I asked.

  “Your mom. You have to tell her everything.”

  “I’m not sure I can tell her everything,” I replied.

  “Dilute it a little, make it a bit easier for her to swallow. Christ, even I’m finding it difficult to understand.”

  “I’m not ready to speak to her, yet. I need to figure out what is happening with me first. Plus, I haven’t even had the child yet.”

  “Well, don’t leave it too late.”

  “I’ll tell her as soon as I can.”

  Chapter 35


  I was currently halfway through clearing all my personal belongings from the hotel suite. I had not kept many things there, just enough to run the business and to make myself comfortable. It had become a home away from home, but without any personal connection.

  The hotel staff were sad to see me go, especially the manager. I had provided them with a year-round booking for nearly ten years. Out of all the people I had been involved with, it was probably the hotel who knew more about my operation than anyone else.

  They had seen no end of women coming and going over the years, so they must have a good idea that something was going on. At least they had the next six months covered for the suite. I had paid in advance and would let Tyler use it for his benefit. I was sure that he picked up enough women. He could bring them here to fulfill his needs.

  While I’d been moving all of my things, I had plenty of time to think. I had made a real mess of the whole thing. I had followed the agreement to the letter, and it had caused more friction than if it had not been used at all.

  Because of my rules and a stupid piece of paper, I had put my foot in it all the way. Since Monday, when I had walked out of Piper’s apartment, it had dawned on me. I truly felt the gravity of the situation I was now in. I had not left perfectly, and Piper was sure to have misread my emotionless reactions.

  After hearing the news, I had a blank expression, a real stern poker face. It was not through lack of concern, excitement, or interest. Over the last ten years, I had heard hundreds of women tell me they were pregnant, but that was business.

  This time, Piper was involved so things were truly different. She was not business. Piper was personal. I’d been scared from the moment she got dizzy in the shower. I’d been worried she was ill or something. Then she said to get a pregnancy test. Whoa, it was finally real. I had run to the pharmacy to get the test; adrenaline had been building up inside me for what the result would be.

  The waiting, the god
-damned waiting; my heart had raced like no one would believe. I felt like I was in a dream. Nothing seemed real apart from Piper and her pregnancy test. Time had gone into slow motion and anticipation had risen to such a crazy level. I couldn’t control any of my bodily functions, facial expressions being one of them. My brain was in such a state of shock and awe, I thought it was going to implode. A black hole could have opened and swallowed me up, and I would have barely noticed.

  I loved Piper so much, ever since we had first dated in high school. Fuck, she had been the love of my life. She always had been, and for her to come out with those words, “I’m pregnant.” Wow. My mind just went through a whirlwind of emotions in a split second.

  For the first time in my life, I sat with the woman I loved, held her hand, and listened to her say the very words any loving man wants to hear. The moment she opened her mouth, I had become numb. The only thing I said was that I couldn’t deal with it at the moment. This was what Piper had probably misunderstood me saying. Rightly so, but it didn’t mean I was unhappy.

  When I heard the news, I wasn’t capable of anything. My mind had frozen, and that sentence had been the only thing I could manage. In truth, it might have been the worst sentence I’d ever spoken in my entire life. Piper had done the one thing to me no other woman could have done. She had humbled me by those simple words. I had left her apartment and walked to my car. I had put the keys in the ignition, but I had not started the engine or driven away.

  I had cried. I’d sobbed like a baby with joy and happiness. The whole situation overwhelmed me in the best way possible. I had banged the steering wheel and the dashboard. Jubilation flowed through every particle of my body. My baby. I was proud to say, my amazing baby. I had screamed and shouted at the top of my lungs. I was ecstatic at the thought. Ten lonely years and she had come back to me. I had dreamed of this moment, on those countless nights alone in bed. I had wondered how it would all go down.

  My Piper, who had saved me from myself and a lifetime of self-imposed loneliness. I had vowed to myself that if this situation ever arose, I would cherish every moment with Piper and our child. I would make sure nothing ever harmed her or the child and I would take care of them as if we were in a true relationship. We had gone through hell from missing each other, but it had all been to get to this part of our lives.


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