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The Baby Maker

Page 25

by Tia Siren

  “I want them all,” I said, laughing. “Call me greedy. I don’t care.”

  “Well, you’re welcome to enjoy them all,” Evan said.

  “So, are we going in or what?” I asked.

  “No time like the present.”

  I stood close to Evan and began to open the buttons on his shirt. One by one, they popped open. I slid my hands inside his open shirt and slipped it from his broad shoulders. I smiled and got lost in his eyes. Then I pulled at the buckle of his belt. His zipper slowly began to open as I pulled it down.

  Evan’s pants dropped in passion to the bathroom floor. He slid his fingers into his shorts and pulled them down to his ankles. He stepped free and stood before me, naked. The candle light caressed our bodies. The shadows flickered over Evan’s chiseled features. This was my absolute heaven.

  “I feel overdressed,” I said.

  “We can take care of that,” he said. “Raise your arms.”

  He pulled at my top and lifted it over my head. A dark purple bra covered my large breasts. I flipped the front clasp, and my breasts pushed my bra out of the way. I stayed near Evan, and I dropped my skirt to the floor. We stood naked and moved closer to each other. Evan took me in his strong embrace. Our warm bodies held each other, and we kissed.

  I looked at the hot bath, the wine, and the strawberries on the shelf.

  “My dessert?” I asked.

  “They are, you will just have to get in to choose one.” Evan stepped into the warm water and held out his hand. I gripped his fingers and placed my foot inside the water and onto the step.

  “Don’t waste any time,” he said. “Choose your dessert.”

  I moved to the side of the large bath and rested my arms on the shelf. I looked at the chilled wine and the chocolate covered strawberries. Which one should I choose?

  I placed one of the icy strawberries into my mouth. I bit into the chocolate. The fruit exploded. The juices ran down my throat. I placed another strawberry into my mouth and turned to Evan. I started to lean forward with the fruit in my hand to give him some. He smiled at me and raised his hand from the water.

  “What’s that?” I asked.

  Evan started to blow at his foam-covered hand. The foam clung to his fingers. He blew harder and it began to clear. I could see something in his fingers.

  Is that what I think it is?

  “A ring! Oh, my god, are you serious?”

  “Piper, I have never been happier. Will you marry me?”

  “Are you certain?” I asked, excitedly.

  “I have never been more certain,” he replied, smiling.

  “I know. But things have changed so quickly in our lives. Especially yours. Look at what you have given up.”

  “It’s nothing compared to having you. You have saved me from myself, baby girl.”

  “Well, you have gone through some significantchanges,” I said. “Both our lives have changed drastically. For the better, of course.”

  “Piper, I have always loved you. I waited ten years for my chance to put the past right. I have always regretted that first moment when I left.”

  “That’s behind us now. This is what matters. I love you.”

  “Oh, I love you, Piper. My dream girl.”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “I’m overjoyed our boys have the chance of having married parents,” Evan said with a smile. “That is, if you accept?”

  “Yes. Yes, Of course, I’ll marry you. Now I’ll have everything I’ve evertruly wanted.” I cried tears of joy.

  Evan astounded me; he had blown me away. I would have just been happy with the wine and the strawberries. He had planned this all along. The small dinner and everything. He had staged it just to get me alone.

  This was the one small thing that had been missing from my life. I had the children, and now I had the loving, soon-to-be husband I had always dreamed of. I placed the strawberry into my mouth. I leaned closer to Evan. He opened his mouth and gently bit into the fresh, juicy fruit. I put my lips on his. I kissed him vigorously, the juice of the fruit filling our mouths.

  Evan wrapped me tightly in his arms and pulled me close. The water splashed against our naked bodies. Evan raised his hands and began to caress my foam-covered breasts. My nipples hardened, and the water dripped from my body.

  “There is something I want to try,” Evan said.

  “What’s that, fiancé?” I asked.

  “A sexual celebration.”

  Evan grabbed the glass of wine from the shelf. He raised it in front of him. “A toast,” he said.

  Evan tipped the glass, and the chilled wine fell onto my breasts.

  “So cold,” I said. “My nipples are hard.”

  Evan leaned his head forward and licked the flowing wine from my body. I held my breasts as he poured. The wine flowed, sending icy chills through my nipples. He placed the glass on the shelf. He slipped his hand in the water and pushed his fingers into my pussy.

  “Oh, bathtime will never be the same,” I cooed.

  I lowered my hand and wrapped my fingers around his shaft. I slowly stroked his cock, and it began to harden in my hand. His manhood throbbed as it hardened. I stroked more quickly and firmly. He reached a full erection, his manhood huge and solid in my grasp.

  Evan slid his fingers deeper inside my arousal, and I let out a loud set of moans. My wet hair moved and fell over my face. I leaned to Evan and put my lips on his. We swirled our tongues, and our bodies frolicked in the large hot bath. I lifted my leg and straddled over his hips. I placed my hands on his shoulders and rubbed my soapy tits against his firm chest.

  I leaned closer; our soapy bodies glided together. I rocked and swayed my body on his, lowering myself onto his lap. His hard cock pushed against my pussy.

  I gyrated my hips and held my wet body close to his. I looked deeply into Evan’s eyes and melted.

  “I’m so happy you said ‘yes,’” Evan said.

  I kissed him deeply. It was a love affair that would stand the test of time. We both knew it.

  “Evan, I would never have said ‘no.’ I now have everything I’ve ever wanted. And it’s all thanks to you.”

  “My love, it’s you who has given me my life back. I’m not sure what I did before you, but I know one thing for sure.” He brushed his hand down the side of my face. “I love you. Let’s make some more babies, angel.”

  “Yes!” I couldn’t imagine anything better, especially the practicing phase.



  Bonus! Exclusive Single Daddy Collection

  Big Bad Neighbor: A Single Daddy Next Door Romance

  Love thy neighbor? Oh, I intend to.

  As a retired SEAL, I’m used to crushing obstacles.

  So when the world’s biggest dick tease moves in next door, I’m up for the challenge.

  Her smile, her lips, her ass fitting snugly into those tight jeans. It makes me hard the minute she crosses my driveway.

  But I can tell she’s running from something, something I want to save her from.

  So now I want her even more.

  To protect her, to own her, to make her mine.

  But I have a son to think of. No time for women. No time for games.

  So I’ll never let her into my home… or into my bed.

  But the fact that our bedroom windows align only makes it all the f*ck harder.

  From behind half-drawn curtains, we’re playing a dangerously delicious game.I watch her. And I know she watches me, imagining it’s her hand on my c*ck.But that’s as far as I’ll let it go.

  Because doing what I have in mind to her… it’s downright unneighborly.

  Chapter One


  How did my life get so screwed up?

  I tapped a finger against the porch railing. It was in dire need of stain, and the picket fence surrounding the small front lawn needed some white paint. The flower beds were dry and dead. The grass was dead in the front and the backyard. The inside of
the house fared no better either. The carpets needed to be ripped out, the hardwood floors restored, and every room needed to be swept and scrubbed down.

  This was what my life had become over the past few months— run-down and in desperate need of fixing. My heart ached just thinking of the past year. Gone. Wasted. It tasted bitter at the back of my throat.

  The small neighborhood was quiet against the backdrop of a buzzing Denver. I gazed along the shaded street while waiting for my mom’s esteemed realtor to arrive and hand over the keys. My dad’s small inheritance he had left behind for me in case of an emergency had paid for this house and a few small repairs that needed to be done. Everything else would somehow be up to me to figure out.

  A job would be the next thing to look for. The shelter back in California had given me a basic flip phone to contact my mom with. My books, computer, iPhone, and clothes were all locked up in Leon’s apartment still. I paid for it, so it’s mine, not yours. That had been his response when I’d asked him to send my things through the mail. I had even offered to wire over a small bit of money for him to do it, but he’d only take the money. If he couldn’t hold me hostage, he’d hold my possessions hostage.

  I sighed inwardly. How I ended up with someone like Leon was beyond me. A wolf dressed like a sheep was how I had described it to the shelter. Nothing about him screamed danger. He had charmed the hell out of me my freshman year of college. He had been the man on campus then. I had been the quiet book nerd looking to enjoy a few California sunrays. Colossal disaster. I still had the bruises on my arms and legs to prove it.

  Those dark and horrible memories tickled the back of my head. I swiped at them in annoyance, tugging the long curls of my hair out of my hair clip. Don’t think about it. Just ignore it. Keep going forward like they said.

  “Hello there!”

  I blinked to find a middle-aged woman in a knee-length floral dress standing on the other side of the fence. She smiled kindly at me with her dark hair pulled back in a bun. A little girl clung to her hand, impatiently tugging at her mother’s arm.

  “Hello,” I said, forcing a smile.

  The woman put a hand on the gate to open it. That was when I caught sight of the casserole dish in the palm of her hand. I stepped down from the porch to open the gate for her.

  “Very kind of you,” she said, beaming. “I’m Martha Smith. I live four doors down. This is my daughter, Julie.” She ran a hand down Julie’s dark locks fondly. “She’s one of the youngsters you’ll see running around here.”

  “Hi,” Julie said.

  “Hi,” I parroted back.

  “We wanted to bring you this,” Martha continued, holding out the casserole dish. “We heard from the realtor that you would be moving in today but had no working appliances just yet. I do hope you have something to sleep on besides that nasty carpet in there.”

  I took ahold of the casserole dish. The smell of chicken and rice filled my nose. My stomach gave an appreciative rumble.

  “Thank you,” I said, holding the fine ceramic carefully in my arms. “I have an air mattress in my car that I’ll sleep on tonight. The rest of my furniture will be here tomorrow hopefully.”

  “Oh, good. I’m so glad someone bought this house. The last occupants didn’t take care of it at all, as you probably know.” Martha’s eyes raked me up and down then. They settled on the bruises on my forearms, and I couldn’t tuck them away with the casserole dish in my arms. Thankfully, she looked away a second later. “You look so young to be buying a house. How old are you?”

  “I’m twenty-three,” I said, uncomfortable with that knowing look in her eyes. “Thank you again for the casserole, Ms. Smith. It smells good.”

  “Call me Martha,” she said airily. “It makes me feel old when you say my name that way.”

  “Right. Martha—”

  The roar of a diesel truck interrupted us. I glanced over my shoulder to see a tall and strong man hop out from the driver’s side. My heart gave a start when he swept an icy gaze across me and Martha. His blond hair was tousled back sexily. Muscles strained against the cuffs of his gray shirt. I glimpsed a cross tattoo on his right forearm before he turned on his heel to walk around the truck to the passenger side.

  “That’s Derek Summers,” Martha whispered to me, leaning over the fence slightly. The passenger door opened, and a little boy jumped out a second later. He pretended to crash roll on the driveway before scrambling to his feet. “That’s his boy, Owen. He goes to school with Julie.”

  Julie gave an impatient whine then. “Moommm. Can I ask Owen to play before dinner?”

  “Maybe, honey,” Martha said placidly. “That depends on Owen’s dad.”

  “Why are you whispering?” I asked.

  Martha blinked. “Am I?” She laughed lightly. “I supposed it’s habit, dear. Derek over there is a bit of a grump over noise, so I suggest you keep it down.”

  “I’m not loud.”


  “Oh, for heaven’s sake!” Martha took a step back from the gate to call out in exasperation. “Derek! Does Owen have time to play before dinner?”

  The little boy immediately stopped at the question. He turned to look up at Derek with a hopeful expression.

  Derek shook his head, placing a hand on Owen’s shoulder. His gaze skimmed over us indifferently.

  “Not tonight, Martha,” he said, his husky timbre filling the summer air. “Owen has homework he needs to finish. Have a good night.”

  The curtness threw me a little. I looked over at Martha, who didn’t seem too surprised or bothered by it. She caught sight of my expression.

  “You’ll get used to him,” she said. “He’s a bit rough around the edges, but he’s quite helpful when you need him. He’s just an ass at times.” Her nose crinkled. “Don’t expect him to be around at night though.”

  I couldn’t help it. Curiosity got the better of me. “Where does he go at night?”

  “Beats me,” Martha said, shrugging her shoulders. “A job I assume. He doesn’t talk about himself much. All I know is that JoAnne’s daughter, Hayley, is the trusted person for watching Owen at night.”

  I didn’t care about any of this information. Men were at the bottom of my list now. He is sexy though. I ignored that thought. He was a bit of a prick from what I had gathered. The last thing I needed was another man like that in my life. That had been the reason I had gotten into trouble in the first place.

  I spotted my mother’s realtor driving down the street in our direction. I closed the gate as politely as possible.

  “Thank you again,” I said, taking a step back. “I better go. That’s the realtor with my house keys.”

  Martha flashed a dazzling smile. “Of course, dear. Anytime.” She reached over to pat me on the shoulder. “If you need anything, don’t hesitate to come get me. Remember to keep the noise down.”

  She walked down the sidewalk with Julie hopping along. They disappeared behind a large oak tree a minute later.

  This was a new beginning with new people around. Everything would be okay again. Things would be better once the dust settled. I repeated those things to myself firmly.

  I looked over my shoulder to see Derek grabbing the mail from his box on the front door. He looked at me with a blank expression before stepping through the front door, slamming it shut behind him.

  “So much for making friends with the neighbors,” I muttered, and started in the direction of the realtor when she stepped out to jiggle the keys at me.

  “Ready to see your new home?” she asked kindly.

  “Yes,” I said emphatically. Even if it was a complete mess inside, it was my place. It was my fresh start.

  Chapter Two


  It was just my type of shitty luck to have a young and sexy woman as a neighbor. I had moved here to Arvada just to escape women in general after my divorce. Now I had an attractive and young one living next door to me. It was horrible and shitty luck that I couldn’t shake off.r />
  I never blamed the universe for what had happened. I had made the decision to marry Sidney despite my family warning me to steer clear of someone like her, but the sex had been far too good to let her go. Sidney knew her way around a bedroom, but that had been part of the problem. She was so damn good at it that she lured other men in too.

  My father’s voice echoed in my head as I watched the young woman talk with someone who appeared to be a realtor from the living room. “Son, 99 percent of women are cunning and manipulative. That’s just how God made them. Look for the rare 1 percent, but don’t dare to dream of ever finding it.”

  Cunning. Manipulative. Greedy. That was exactly who Sidney was. I had a rundown house, barely a few bucks in my account, and full parental custody of Owen after a year of fighting each other in court. Within a matter seconds, that judge had ordered me broke and Owen to be split in half every summer and holidays while Sidney lived in a nice beach house with my savings account in her name.

  Bitterness tore through me. I let the curtain drop down before picking up the stack of mail in the hallway. I sifted through it to toss the junk in the trash can. The television had clicked on in the living room. I could feel the tension radiating off Owen even before I stepped in to turn it off.

  “You need to finish your project, buddy,” I said, taking the TV remote from his grasp.

  “I can finish it later,” Owen said. He folded his small arms over his chest with an angry huff and looked away from me. “You never let me play with my friends anymore.”

  “You can play with them at recess during school,” I said, but that didn’t appease him. I caught sight of his scowl. “I’m serious, Owen. Finish that project or you won’t get to play outside for a while.”

  “What’s the difference?” Owen mumbled.

  He got to his feet anyway to grab his backpack by the front door. I let out a sigh the second he was out of sight and hearing range. There were many times I wondered if the judge had picked the right parent to raise Owen full time. I had no doubt about how much Sidney loved him. She was good about the affection part, and while I loved my son more than life, I couldn’t find it in me to embrace him like he wanted.


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