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The Baby Maker

Page 41

by Tia Siren

  “Hey, I just thought, if you want a babysitter any time, I can come on over and sit for you if you like,” she said as she leaned over the table excited.

  “I’m not so sure that is such a good idea. You know, with your dad being the Admiral and all that,” I replied, lying through my teeth.

  She had a bad reputation, and I couldn’t chance that around Emmy. Not until I knew for sure what the little tart was up to.

  “Bah, that is just an excuse. You know you want me to, and that way you can get closer to me,” she added as she leaned over the table and showed her perfect cleavage.

  She was right; her body was just so God-damn perfectly formed. Her breasts looked so damned inviting. Her eyes shone into me and made me aroused.

  The waitress arrived and I sipped on my coffee. I watched as Katie dipped into her banana split, and I sensed what was coming.

  Please no, don’t do it.

  Katie took her full banana and slowly slipped it into her mouth, using it like a guy’s attachment. Then she fixed her eyes on mine as the banana slowly vanished into her naughty mouth, and ran her hand softly over her breast.

  God damn it, Katie. You know that’s making me so horny.

  “Do you have to do that in public?” I said, glancing around at the other customers. Luckily none of them noticed that Katie was trying to flirt with me, more than obviously.

  “Ah, so you enjoy watching me do it? And do you wish it was you?” She wiped her mouth and laughed.

  “It is no wonder you have a bad reputation. You’re such a troublemaker,” I said as I smiled.

  Although Katie seemed like a handful, and I could only sympathize with the Admiral, I sensed she was playing and that it was not the real her. Maybe she was influenced by the others at college, or by the sort of guys she ended up with.

  “Changing the subject, why are you always attracted to those jerks, like Peter?” I asked.

  “Maybe I like a challenge, and maybe you are my new challenge. I know you’re attracted to me in a big way,” she said. She smiled and winked at me.

  “Well, no matter how much you try to tempt me, there is no way anything is going to happen!” I answered with a wink.

  “Even more of a challenge, and what a nut to crack! This will be fun,” Katie replied, bitting her bottom lip, arousing my cock.

  “No comment.”

  “Cam, you know nothing, you should never judge a book by its cover,” she laughed.

  “I know all that, but just look at the picture you portray,” I explained in an authoritative tone.

  I watched as Katie slid her jacket back to bare her shoulders. She pushed her chest forward and ran her hands down her curves.

  “So, you don’t like the cover of this book?” she asked.

  “I never said I didn’t like what I saw, but what about how people look at you?”

  “Cam, I will tell you a secret, are you ready?” she asked as she leaned forward, still slightly dizzy from her previous alcohol consumption.

  “Go on, shoot,” I said. I leaned towards her.

  “Don’t listen to everything you hear about me,” she said. “If you want to know, you can hear it directly from me.”

  I had the devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other; they were busy arguing amongst themselves and I was stuck in the middle. I had one voice saying… no, don’t go there, she's a lot of trouble and the other voice was saying, come on Cam, it has been a long time since you have felt the touch of a woman.

  I was being pushed and pulled by both sides. My mind wasn’t really with it. I finished my coffee and glanced around the burger joint. My eyes nearly popped out of my head; it was 1 am in the morning and Mrs. Hyndley was still with Emmy.

  Fuck, fuck, fuck!

  “We should get going, look at the time,” I said. I asked for the bill.

  I had become so engrossed with Katie, I had lost track of time. I wouldn’t do it again. The promise I had made to myself could so easily be broken if Katie was around and I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.

  We left the diner and headed off back into the direction of the base.

  “Cam?” Katie said as she slumped in the seat.

  “What?” I replied. I tried hard to focus on the road.

  “Have you enjoyed yourself since we left the party?” Katie asked turning to me.

  “I have had a very good time. I have left Emmy longer than I wanted,” I said. I stepped on the gas.

  “It's not all bad. You had time to spend with me, so we got to know each other,” Katie said as she looked at me with her wanting eyes.

  I glanced back at Katie and could see she had started to fall asleep. “God, Katie, I knew you’d be nothing but trouble,” I murmured to myself.

  Chapter 6


  I managed to sneak into the house without alarming Dad as I entered. Cam had dropped me home at 1.40 am, and I had fallen asleep as soon as I hit the bed.

  I had woken at 9 am to the sound of Dad as he closed the car door and reversed out of the driveway. I headed downstairs and saw the note he had left me on the kitchen counter. He had gone to play golf, the letter said.

  I wandered around the house and realized how boring Saturday mornings really are if you remain home. I had no urge to watch the TV, and I had already washed the car on Friday. I wandered into Dad’s bedroom and walked out onto his balcony.

  As I stood on the balcony, I looked toward the top of the street and could just make out that Cam’s car was at home. I decided to have a shower and go pay him a visit to thank him for last night.

  I walked towards the top of the street, up the driveway to Cam's small home. I knocked on the door and expected him to answer within a couple of minutes. I knocked again and listened with my ear to the door.

  Come on, Cam. Open your door.

  My heart sank a little and I decided to leave, when suddenly I heard noises from the rear of his house. I walked around, opened the side gate and entered the backyard. As I walked around the corner, I could see him moving patio pavers. I lowered one into place and stood while he stretched his shoulders. I could see his muscled body as it glistened in the sun covered in sweat.

  Geez, Cam, I would love to get you in the shower and wash that dirt off you!

  “Ahem,” I coughed as I walked toward his daughter’s playpen.

  Cam turned and the front of his body was more magnificent than his broad shoulders were; his chest and stomach were well ripped, and his body made him look like a Greek god.

  “What are you doing here? I would have thought you were out causing trouble,” he said with a grin.

  “Nah, it is a stay at home day. I was bored and I noticed your car there and thought I would pass by,” I said as I started to play with Emmy. “I was actually on the lookout for a summer job, so if you need a sitter anytime, I can be available. I would appreciate you calling me if you did?” I picked Emmy up as she smiled.

  I placed Emmy on my lap, and she began pulling at my long hair and poking her fingers into my nose and mouth. I just seemed to have a natural gift when it came to kids, and they always appeared to get on with me when I played with them.

  “Go on. Don’t mind us. I’ll keep Emmy occupied,” I said, smiling at Emmy.

  “As I said, last night was an exception for me needing a sitter. I don’t usually venture out much these days,” Cam replied with sweat dripping off him like a movie star.

  I watched Cam as he shoveled sand and earth, his muscles rippled and the sun beat down on him. His body was like a temple, and it was one I would love to pray at. Cam lifted a large paver, carried it across the yard and started to place it into position.

  “I think last night was the first time I had gone out since Emmy's mom passed away, and that was, geez, twenty months ago, or thereabouts,” Cam said with a perfect tone.

  “Cam, that is too long. You should get out more; it is unhealthy to stay at home that long,” I replied as Emmy started to pull on my bikini top.

nbsp; “Watch her. She's strong. She’ll have your little top down in no time, and you will be a bit embarrassed,” Cam said with a grin.

  “Who said I would be embarrassed?” I asked, laughing.

  “Ah, a bad influence already.” Cam laughed.

  “Stop it. She would never d…,” I started to say as Emmy yanked on my bikini top and my nipple began to show.

  God, I can’t believe she did that.

  “What did I tell you, and you wouldn’t listen,” he laughed.

  I looked down at my bare nipple and slowly raised my hand to cover myself. I glanced up and could see that Cam had stopped work and was looking at my breast.

  “It looks like you both think it is time for a drink,” I said with a sultry smile.

  “Oh, sorry. I was just admiring,” Cam said, slightly embarrassed.

  “Oh yeah, admiring what soldier?” I replied cheekily as I pulled my top back over my breast.

  “You know, I was just looking at how well she likes you. It’s like she has known you for a while,” Cam said as he continued to work.

  Hmm, soldier likes what he sees.

  I sat and watched Cam lift the heavy pavers and place them in position. I found it a real turn on, watching a fit man working. He was not afraid to get down and get dirty. Cam's arms bulged as he lifted the pavers; he was like a machine. My body warmed up as I watched him.

  Emmy kept me busy while I watched Cam. She was a cute little thing, and it looked like she enjoyed me playing with her.

  “So, you said you had not been out since your wife died. Does that mean you have not been on a date?” I asked.

  Cam stopped work and looked at me. “Yeah something like that. Time has just flown by it seems.”

  “Wow, that is a long time without being close to someone,” I replied.

  Cam stood and faced me. He told me he’d not even considered dating, and that all his focus had been on his daughter. I couldn’t help but think how his body would be if he were close to a woman again. Gosh, he would have so much sexual energy inside of him; he would be like a caged animal that was set free.

  Cam stood up straight and wiped the sweat from his brow. “Emmy seems to like you, and you’re a bit closer than Mrs. Hyndley. So, maybe I could call on you if anything comes up and I want you for anything.”

  “So, if I’m not sitting, it could be another date?” I asked, smiling and biting my bottom lip.

  “Hang on there. Another date? You think last night was a date?” He had a glint of cheekiness in his eyes.

  “Well we did have fun, and we spent more time together than at the party,” I replied.

  “I was just trying to sober you up and get you home, and look how that ended up. Mrs. Hyndley was fast asleep on the couch when I got in, so a date… it wasn’t really,” he replied with a grin.

  “I can see that you look all hot and bothered. Let me fix you a drink,” I said as I stood with Emmy.

  “It’s okay. I’m fine,” he licked his full lips.

  “I insist, because if you go and get one, you will tread all that dirt in the kitchen, and then you’ll be after a cleaner. Then you will have me on my hands and knees before you know it,” I laughed.

  “Now there’s a thought!” he said. He looked at me and smiled a perfect, wide smile.

  I hitched up Emmy in my arms and walked to the kitchen door. I wiggled my ass because I knew Cam would watch me. After entering the small kitchen and placing Emmy in her high chair, I made her a cup of her juice and noticed a little bonnet on the counter. I put it on her head; she looked so cute.

  I looked into the refrigerator and could see that Cam had some fresh lemons. I made him a pitcher of my secret recipe lemonade and poured him a tall glass before picking Emmy up and holding her in my arms.

  I exited the kitchen back into the late morning sun and crossed the new patio to the edge of where Cam had completed his work. I stood close to him as he played with Emmy and sipped on his ice-cold drink. Cam touched Emmy’s face, and his arm brushed over mine. There was magnetism, a chemistry between us. Shivers shot up my spine, and my arms became covered in tiny goose bumps. I shuddered with excitement, just being near him.

  “Wow, this is tasty lemonade,” he said as he sipped again.

  “I have a lot more things that I’m sure you’d enjoy the taste of,” I replied, gazing into his eyes.

  “I’m sure you do Katie, I’m sure you do!” he grinned and took his drink in hand.

  “Maybe I will let you try something soon,” I cooed to him softly.

  “Well, they do say the fresher the peach, the juicier it is,” he replied as he gazed down into my eyes.

  “My peach is always fresh and juicy,” I responded with a wink.

  “I’m not sure which is hotter at the moment… you or the sun,” he laughed.

  “I’m glad you finally noticed,” I replied. I licked my finger and touched my ass and made a sizzling sound. “Scorching hot!”

  “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. I thought it was just a summer job you were after,” he replied, beads of sweat collecting on his forehead as he watched me intently.

  “Come on Cam, lighten up a bit,” I replied.

  “It’s not that; it has been a long time for me, so I’m out of practice,” he replied. He placed his empty glass on the table.

  As I stood close to Cam, I realized I enjoyed his company. He had a maturity about him and talked much more sense than the idiots I typically dated. He also had a much hotter body and was more compassionate toward my feelings than other guys. Emmy also enjoyed being with me, and I found myself enjoying her company too.

  “Well, if you’re not in need of a sitter, maybe I could pop around sometime and keep you both company?” I asked as I smiled and played with Emmy.

  “I don’t know. It might not be such a wise thing to do.”

  “I tell you what; I’ll give you my number and if you want me for anything, you can just call me,” I replied. I looked for something to write with.

  “It’s okay. There’s no--” Cam started to say.

  I picked his cell phone from the table. “Even better. I will add my number to your phone. then you won’t conveniently lose my number,” I said smiling and joking.

  I took his cell phone and entered my name into his contact lists page. I called my cell phone, just to make sure the number was correct.

  “There you go. And now you have access to me when you decide you need me, or if you want me,” I said in a sexy, flirty tone.

  “Mhm, I will keep it in mind,” Cam said.

  “Well, you never know, you may just want some company after Emmy is asleep,” I said as I turned away from him and walked back to the chair.

  I continued to play with Emmy and watch Cam as he worked. He seemed deep in thought, but he continued to look in my direction on every possible occasion. I sat with Emmy on my lap and continued to bounce her up and down as she gurgled and smiled.

  Emmy pulled my hair over my face and I peeked through the light blonde strands. Cam had stopped work and was stretching his muscles and his shoulders. Although the pavers were heavy, I was sure he was flexing them just for my benefit.

  Oh, God.

  “I could do with a rub down once I have finished this and had a shower,” he said as his chest muscles flexed and danced in the sunlight.

  “You could do with a massage. I mean, you don’t want to be stiff when you least expect it,” I replied with a wink.

  “And I suppose you know how to massage?” Cam asked.

  “A little, but not good enough to get rid of you being stiff. I might make you stiffer,” I replied with a sexy tone. God, I was so fucking attracted to him, so much more than I had been around other guys in the past. Maybe it was because he was older, established and looked like he could dominate me. My body clenched as my pussy grew wet.

  I sat and watched Cam flex and stretch; imagining myself soaping a sponge and rubbing it softly over his body as the sweat and dirt fell from him. I’d
caressing his hard muscles as he rested his hands against the shower wall. God, I could lay him down and rub oil in my hands and begin to rub my hands across his shoulders. Then, let my hands rub his back, and move slowly down his body. I could remove the towel and see the cheeks of his ass, and then run my hands from his spine to his….

  “Katie, Katie, hello is there anybody there?” Cam called and whistled toward me. “Stick to babysitting. It looks like you know what you’re doing there,” Cam said as he started work again.

  “I told you I was a natural with kids,” I replied.

  “Well, it does look that way. You might think different though when you have your own and you’re up at 3 am in the morning changing a diaper,” Cam laughed.

  “That will be by the time I come home from a night out!” I laughed.

  “You would have a different mentality then than you do now. You will realize kids are not a plaything, they are something to be nurtured and protected,” Cam stopped working and looked in my direction with a serious face.

  “So, what you trying to say, Cam?”

  “You will have to be more responsible. The days of being yourself will go, and you will have a kid to think about. And it’s a tremendous responsibility,” Cam said, looking more serious, reminding me of Dad, The Admiral.

  “I can do that, no sweat. You should try me and see how I cope,” I replied. “As a sitter, I mean,” I laughed and tried to lighten the mood a little.

  “Maybe I will take you up on your offer. It could be just the thing I need,” Cam started to clean the patio with a broom.

  “What do you think you will need from me then Cam? Hey… a sitter or a date?” I had to tease him. It was too fun not to.

  Cam smiled and looked at me. “I will have to think about that one carefully.” His body was perfect, and his eyes melted me.

  Chapter 7


  I had a new set of cadets and was giving them a taste of what it was like to be a SEAL. The base had the beach training ground and assault course, but it was not as tough for the cadets. We did have the famous bell they could ring, once they decided to quit and admit ultimate defeat.


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