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The Baby Maker

Page 43

by Tia Siren

  “Cam, none of it was supposed to happen this way. I feel sorry for you because none of it was your fault and now you’re at the center of it all,” I stood explaining from the other side of the counter.

  “Well, life’s a bitch, and then you die,” he said with a fake grin. He had a point. That’s about the way life was for everyone. I had a father I couldn’t please and an itch I couldn’t scratch. I was young and dumb most of the time, but people around me made it too easy to simply stay that way. There was no reason to grow up, no one to do it for.

  “Cam, I think it is better if I go, I can see you need some time to yourself, and I’m the last person you want to be with right now,” I said, shamefully.

  I headed toward the front door and placed my hand on the handle. I started to twist it and Cam put his hand on mine. I turned to him and he was standing close to me.

  “Please don’t go. Stay with me, Katie,” Cam said, towering over me.

  Oh, God.

  Cam had placed his hands on my arms and I could feel the chemistry and warmth between us explode. I looked into his eyes and I melted on the inside. I had wanted to become close, but when I was touching his body, it was just electrifying.

  No matter how cold he had just been to me, there was no way I could be off with him. I had become so attracted to him, and I think that was why Dad had put him in the position he had. I naturally spoke about Cam in a more affectionate way than I talked about most people, and for a good reason.

  “Katie, I’m so sorry for the way I just acted. That is not me, it is your dad. The whole thing got to me more than you would ever know,” he explained.

  “Cam, I understand. It’s okay,” I said as I placed my hands on his chest. My legs felt like they might buckle.

  “I don’t think you know how much you have affected me,” Cam said. He led me back to the kitchen diner.

  “Why, what makes you say that?” I asked.

  “It may sound stupid, and I may have looked silly, but after talking to your dad, I went back to the cadets training. I stood on the beach and I rang the living shit out of the bell.” His eyes were perfect as they looked into mine.

  “No way, you rang the bell because of me,” I said.

  “Yeah, I did. You got to me, that much,” he replied.

  I was amazed and shocked. The great Cam Cross had admitted defeat from me, a young, naughty girl. I could understand it though. He certainly rang my bells. Everything about him had me turned on and I wanted to give myself up to him on a platter. I only pretended to be a bad girl most of the time, but I’d yet to follow through. I wasn’t so sure I could stop myself with him.

  Cam led me to the couch so he could explain. “The last thing I wanted was to sound mean. It’s not in my nature, unless you do it on purpose.”

  “Okay. Keep going,” I replied as I sat still, feeling his energy.

  Our legs brushed against each. I was in Cam heaven and in the moment. I watched his beautiful lips as he spoke and tried to concentrate. He was making it damn hard with his nearness. Why the fuck didn’t he have a woman already? Or several of them really.

  “Well, since Stacey died, I have had no real visitors, and this house has been my, sort of, hideaway from the world, The only regular visitors I’ve had are Owen and his wife, but over the past few months that has become less and less,” Cam explained.

  “So why have they stopped visiting you? I asked.

  “Well, Owen told me Madison cheated on him and had filed for divorce, which I only found out on Friday,” he said in a sorrowful tone.

  God, he looks amazing in his white tee.

  I was overwhelmingly sad for Cam. He had a beautiful wife, from what I saw in the pictures, and she had been taken well before her time. Then, he had instantly become a single father with a beautiful daughter. He had not only done this, but he had also done it with one of the most demanding jobs a person can imagine.

  He had turned his whole life around, and the one set of individuals who were close to him had, through no fault of his, abandoned him due to their own problems. I couldn’t comprehend how someone could survive that kind of situation for so long. The emotions that must have gone through his mind must have tormented him on more than one occasion.

  “Cam, listen to me carefully,” I said as I placed my hand on his leg and squeezed softly.

  He looked at my hand and then lifted his gaze to my eyes. “What?”

  “It is time,” I said. I rubbed his leg.

  “Time for what?” he asked.

  “You have to start letting people back into your life; don’t shut them all out,” I said in a soothing tone. “You’re a good man and should have someone special.” I shrugged, “You deserve that. Seriously.”

  “It’s hard,” he said, “I’m not sure if I know how to anymore.” He placed his hand on mine and glanced down at our fingers as he touched me. Warmth raced up my hand, and my body reacted to the simplicity of his touch. Fuck, I wanted him so bad.

  “You don’t have to do it all alone. Some people want to help,” I explained. “Just take it step by step, one day at a time. It might be easier than you think,” I smiled at him.

  “You really think I could do it? Like, you know, let people back and be close to them again?” Cam asked, the innocence in his voice not matching his masculine demeanor in the slightest. It was like I was experiencing a rare jewel. Getting to see someone like his open up and just be real. I coveted the thought.

  “Cam, you went through heartache in war and with Stacey. If you can come back from that, you can do anything,” I replied, squeezing his leg.

  I couldn’t help but feel even more attracted and turned on by him. He had just shown himself at his most vulnerable to me, and I just had the overwhelming urge to throw my arms around him and give him a huge hug.

  “Perhaps you’re right. It has been long enough and I have put up my defense for long enough. As Emmy grows, she will need me more than ever. And if I’m shut off, I will be of no use to her,” he explained as he smiled.

  Cam looked like he had reached a crossroads. He had decided to make a choice rather than shutting everything out; he wanted to embrace life again and the time for him to do that was right at this very moment.

  He looked at me and smiled sincerely. “Katie, thank you.”

  “Thank you for what?” I asked.

  “For being you,” he replied.

  “Huh, I’m no one special. I’m just an Admiral’s wild-child daughter!” I exclaimed.

  “I told you before, there is way more to you than the impression you give out,” he said. “I know there’s more to you underneath that craziness. I was your age once too.”

  “Okay. Just don’t start telling me about your wild and crazy days like you’re over them.” I offered a cheeky grin, “You still have a lot left ahead of you.”

  “Katie, I have been in this situation for nearly two years. Um, actually I have been mourning and, in reality, not one person has said anything like you just have,” Cam explained.

  “Well, maybe I’m special, or maybe it’s you that brings out the best in me,” I replied with a shrug.

  “Well, whatever way, I’m going to start fresh right now. I would be happy if you came around to help out with Emmy or anything else I can find for you to do over the summer.” Cam smiled broadly, being so friendly.

  “You really mean that I can come around and help out?” I asked with an enormous grin on my face. “Thanks, Cam, you won’t regret it!”

  “As they say, better the devil you know than the devil you don’t,” he said as we both laughed together.

  “So, when do you want me to start?” I asked excitedly.

  “Well, I think I need a shower, so if you want to watch Emmy while I’m in there, you can start now,” Cam said. He stood and headed to his room.

  “Cool, no problem,” I replied as I walked to Emmy who had now woken up. The idea of him getting into the shower did me no favors. I had to force myself to keep my thoughts o
ut of the gutter and my libido under control. He could have made a sandwich in front of me and I would have been turned on. Maybe this wasn’t the best thing to do, but then again, I’d never been one to heed caution tape in any area of my life. I wasn’t about to start now.

  Cam was just about to vanish into his room before he turned. “Katie, one last thing… her diaper will probably need changing!”

  “On it, Soldier!”

  Chapter 9


  I had just left Katie in the other room with Emmy and jumped in the shower. It had been a deep conversation and one I still had to get my head around. I turned on the shower and just let the water flow over me. I rested my hands against the wall of the shower and relaxed, thinking of Katie in the room beside me.

  She had worn next to nothing today and I wondered how the Admiral could let her parade around like that. There were soldiers and SEALs all over the place, and she walked around basically naked, which left very little to the imagination.

  I could already see she hadn’t worn a bra, and her tank top was as good as… butter on warm toast. She let her breasts fall out of the side. Katie did not have the largest breasts by any means but, fuck, they looked beautiful. Perfect. And the shorts she had on, fuck, they were like that when you see a body painting; the kind where they were naked but painted in the style of clothes. I could see every detail of her tight pussy as it pushed against the fabric.


  I stood there and realized that I had started to think of Katie sexually. If she was going to keep popping around to help with Emmy, I’d have to try not to think like this. Otherwise it would drive me crazy.

  As I walked from the bedroom, I could smell something delicious coming from the kitchen.

  “What’s all this?” I asked as I entered the kitchen.

  “Emmy was hungry, so I made breakfast. I fed her and then thought you might be hungry, so I whipped up some pancakes and bacon for you too,” she said as she flipped a pancake on the griddle.

  “Nice wrist action you have there, but seriously, there is no need for you to cook. You’re just visiting,” I said. I carried the plates to the table for her.

  “I know that, but I just want to show my appreciation for the other night. I never thanked you properly, and you took a long time in the shower. Hmm, are you hiding someone in there?” she asked as she laughed.

  “I had a shave. That’s why I was so long,” I replied, slightly turned on by her dirty words.

  I couldn’t help but think of her sexy ass in those shorts. I leaned against the counter while she finished cooking the pancakes.

  “Seriously, thank you for your actions at the party. I could have found myself in a much more dangerous situation, had you not floored his ass,” Katie said as she tossed the last pancake.

  I watched as she shook the skillet with the pancake, and I could see her pert breast wobble as her body shook before me. Then, her nipple pushed against the material of her tank top.

  Shit, I will be back in the shower if she doesn’t go in a minute… jerking myself off.

  “All done. I should be getting out of here,” Katie said. She walked toward me.

  I was just about to thank her for cooking, and she threw her arms around me and hugged me. Her tightly budded nipples rubbed against my body. I was surely going to get hard again as she held me. Just like I had in the shower.

  “Thanks for looking after me at the party. I appreciate it,” she said, gazing up into my eyes.

  “Oh, the pleasure was all mine,” I mumbled as my cock grew thick and long. This woman just had something over me.

  Please go, Katie just go, before I…

  “Oh well, just give me a call when you need me,” Katie said as she walked out of the door, looking sexier than butter melting over French toast.

  I sat at the table and rested my head on my hands.

  Thank God she left when she did.

  I tucked into the pancakes and the bacon and was surprised at how good they tasted. It seemed as if Katie had more hidden talents than she let on. I finished my food and washed the dishes before I carried Emmy to the living room and put her on the floor to play.

  I had to tell Owen what had just happened. He would be amazed. I picked up the phone and dialed his number.

  “Owen, how is everything?” I asked.

  “Same shit, different day, but getting there slowly. So, what’s new with you?” Owen asked.

  “It’s a long story, and you must keep your mouth shut,” I said in a mock but serious tone.

  I was safe talking to Owen. I knew he wouldn’t say anything to anyone; we had always been buddies, and in many cases, we had become closer than brothers.

  “It started at the party as you know. Well, after that, I was on the way home with the Admiral’s daughter and we ended up over at Dicky Mee’s burgers,” I started to explain.

  “Fuck, that’s a bit way out, but I can understand why.” He motioned for me to continue.

  “I got called to the Admiral’s office and he said I had to let his daughter come around to help out around the place and with Emmy,” I continued.

  “I’m not sure if he hates you or loves you. What a fucking position to be in!” Owen commented in disbelief. “Damn man, that’s harsh.”

  “Oh wait, there’s more,” I said. “During the weekend, she came over and asked for a summer job, sitting or whatever. She had some short-ass shorts on and just a bikini top. She looked good enough to eat, man.”

  “It sounds like she has the hots for Captain Cross,” Owen laughed loudly into the phone.

  “Ass… Anyway, Emmy yanked her bikini and out popped her nipple, and I was not sure if she realized that I noticed, and then today, fuck, today was just too much,” I said.

  “Give me all the gory details. I want to hear it,” Owen said excitedly.

  “Well, today I called her to come around because I was going to speak to her about her dad and how she used him to get me to let her come,” I explained.

  “Take a little step back there, bro, before you go any further,” Owen said. “You have her cell phone number?” he asked.

  “Hmm, I do have her number, yes. Well, she came, and it was evident she had dressed on purpose in the most appealing way possible.”

  “Fucken sweet ass. And what was she wearing? Or not wearing?” he asked excitedly.

  “She had no bra and just an oversized tank top. So when she was cooking pancakes, I could see the side of her breast.” I felt my cock tingle as I thought of it again.

  “Just a minute Cam… you have her cell number. She wears no bra and a tank top that her tits are hanging out of?” Owen asked.

  “Yup, and the shorts, those were skin tight and so damn short. I could see her perfect pussy bulging against the material,” I said as I started to feel aroused even more.

  “I always said you were one lucky son-of-a-bitch!” Owen said with a laugh.

  “And, to top it all off, she hugged me as thanks for the party, and her nipples, which I must add were hard… God, they rubbed against me, and I nearly had to throw her out,” I said. My shorts began to get tighter.

  Owen paused before commenting, “I can’t believe she has gone around to yours and basically offered herself to you. Do you realize how hot she is? She’s scorching hot, that’s how hot. She’s ten years younger than you. I tell you what… I dare you. In fact, I double dare you to get her into bed. It will do you a world of good,” Owen said and smiled. “Hell, it would probably do you both a world of good. You teach her a few things, and she helps you find a bit of release. Double whammy!”

  “Owen, it is nothing like that. This is different,” I said.

  “Sure thing, bro. I’ve got to go; pizza’s here! Talk soon, you fuckin’ lucky jerk.”

  I put the phone down and noticed it was time to put Emmy to bed. I lifted her gently, walked into the bedroom and placed her in her cot. She murmured for a while, so I decided to lay on the bed. I closed my eyes and listened to Emmy
as she started to fall to sleep, and my focus shifted to Katie and what she had worn today.

  I pictured her tight pussy as she walked to me in those shorts and the tank top. Goddamn, her breasts were so close to falling out of the side. I started to nod off, and I noticed I was hard again thinking about her. No, not her, anyone but her… then I took off my shorts.

  My cock pulsed as it lay on my hard stomach and I tried to think of anyone but Katie.

  I took my cock in my hand and instantly felt its warmth; it throbbed in my hand as I slowly started to stroke myself.

  I pictured myself in the gym with the hot woman who always seemed to be there. She winked at me and I made my way over to her. I slipped my fingers inside of her top and lifted it over her head. Her breasts fell to me as I dropped her top to the floor.

  I stroked my cock and I pictured myself with the gym woman. I gripped myself and stroked my dick that was growing thick and full, filling up my hand. My hand slid the full length of my shaft and the head tingled. It was insane as my body flooded with arousal.

  Gym woman sighed and gyrated her hips as my fingers slid into her moist pussy. I raised my head and looked in the large mirror on the wall. Gym woman had suddenly turned into Katie, and her tight pussy gripped onto my fingers as I slid my other hand inside of her tank top.

  Shit. Don’t think of Katie.

  I chose another location and imagined myself in the supermarket. The hot girl on the cash register, damn she was hot. Her skin was as dark as night, and she had one beautiful ass.

  My mind had gone from Katie and I continued stroking myself. I grabbed my balls and imagined myself back in the supermarket.

  The cashier opened her long coat, and she was just wearing white panties and a matching lace bra, her huge tits just called for me to touch them. The cashier unclasped her bra and her massive breasts were presented before me. She had overly large nipples, and I took them in my mouth. Then I sucked and teased and ran my tongue around her large nipple, my tongue moved over the tiny bumps on her areola. She squealed in pleasure. I slid off her white lace panties and she raised herself onto the checkout counter.


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