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The Baby Maker

Page 49

by Tia Siren

  He hugged me and held me and then placed his hands on my arms as he spoke to me and gazed into my eyes.

  “Katie, please listen to me. What I will say is that I have no interest in anyone else,” he said.

  “Okay,” I replied, relieved.

  “Please, believe me. Owen badgered me for nearly an hour before I agreed. You’re the only person I care about at the moment,” he continued to say.

  My heart felt as though it was dancing on a cloud.

  “So, what happens now?” I asked.

  “Well, if you could please stay and babysit Emmy, I promise I will more than make it up for it when I get home, and it won't be late, or at least that’s what Owen said.”

  “Alright, I will do it, even if it is not for you. I will do it for Emmy. Cam, I will hold you to your promise. You better do as you say when you get home,” I said, hugging him back, missing him already.

  “I have never been so certain about anything,” he said, pulling me even closer to his manly chest.

  Cam, you better keep your promise, for your sake and for mine…

  Chapter 17


  As always, I arrived on time and Owen was late. Fuck, 8.20 pm I arrived, expecting him to be there at 8.30 as arranged. He strolled in at 8.50 pm. Christ, it was a bad start to an evening I had not wanted in the first place.

  “Do you own a watch?” I said as Owen climbed into the car.

  “I like to be late. It keeps everyone guessing, will he, or won't he?” Owen laughed.

  “Well, it is a case in point. You are setting to your new values,” I said grinning.

  “Chill, it was her who chased me, not the other way around. I have nothing to lose, not even my self-respect,” he said. I laughed at his larger-than-life grin.

  “You will never change, and God help me for saying it, I hope you never do!”

  “Hooyah. Do you have any idea where this Dougherty’s Irish bar is?” Owen asked.

  My head snapped to look at Owen. “I don’t believe you. You’re unreal. You know that?” I really couldn’t believe he could be so disorganized.

  “I will have to call and ask for directions,” Owen said with a smile.

  “You do that!”

  Owen called his new woman Debbie and asked her where the bar was situated. Owen still had no idea once she had told him, and I wondered how he ever managed in the Navy to find where he should be going.

  It is like Gulliver Travels, being with Owen fucking Hardwick.

  “She said it’s down by that new shopping strip on forty second and third. You know where that is?” Owen asked as he turned the radio on and started singing, off tune, to some hometown hillbilly song.

  We arrived in the parking lot of the bar at 9.30 pm and it seemed as if Owen was the only one who was not overly concerned about being over thirty minutes late. As we sauntered across the parking lot, the faint sound of Irish music filled the air. Once the doors had been opened, it was nowhere near being faint. The crowds of people were all facing the Irish band that was playing a U2 track.

  “Can you see them?” Owen shouted.

  “You’re a dumb fuck sometimes, Owen. I don’t even know what they look like!” I shouted back.

  “My bad, I forgot,” he yelled.

  “Head over to the bar and we might be able to see from there,” I screamed.

  We made our way to the bar and tried to glance through the many people who were there, watching the band that was on the stage. As for the bar’s decor, it was like any other Irish bar in the world, with old photos and brass dotted around the walls. There were musical instruments strategically placed at various locations around the walls of the bar.

  “Two Irish stouts,” I said to the bartender.

  I watched as he went off to pour the stout, which he had to do in two attempts. It had something to do with how it settled when you poured it, he explained to me when he returned.

  “Have you seen two single girls tonight who look anything like they might belong to him,” I asked the bartender as I pointed at Owen.

  “The alcove round the back, a dark-haired lass, and a long-legged blonde have been sat there for a while with an orange juice each,” the bartender replied.

  We made our way through the crowd and ended up at the alcove that the bartender had mentioned. The seat was in the shape of a horseshoe, and the seat circled the table around eighty percent of the table and was covered in a dark, red leather.

  “Finally, we have arrived, I will apologize because he won’t,” I said smiling.

  Owen gestured with his hand toward the dark-haired girl. “This is Debbie, and her friend is….” he started to say.

  “You must be Karry,” I said, looking at Owen.

  “You know I’m useless with names,” he whispered.

  “And directions,” I replied back.

  We chatted for a while and broke the ice, and Owen seemed to be either getting on okay with Debbie or digging a larger hole for himself. I wasn’t sure which. She seemed to like him well enough.

  “So Karry, what do you do for work?” I asked.

  “Dental assistant,” she replied as she bared her pearly white teeth at me.

  Fuck, they are unbelievably white.

  “You get a discount on those?” I asked seriously.

  “No, I use the bleaching thing on a lunchtime, when the dental surgeon has gone out for lunch,” she replied.

  “Ah I see, excellent job you have done on yourself,” I lied, wishing I was with Katie.

  “I’m just going to the bar to get some more drinks,” I said.

  “I will come with you,” Owen said and followed me.

  I could kill Owen, and once this was over, I was going to let him know what I thought. I knew why he had come to the bar with me and, whatever he had to say, no would be the one and only answer.

  “So, Cam, how’s it going with Kally?” Owen asked.

  “You mean Karry,” I replied.

  “I did tell you I was bad at names, sorry,” he replied. “So how is it going?”

  “She’s pleasant enough, but not my type,” I said and I ordered the drinks.

  “Too old for you, is she?” Owen replied with a giggle.

  “It's not that. She’s just, well, she’s not my type, that’s all,” I replied.

  “I was hoping you could, you know, take her somewhere else?” Owen asked.

  “Sorry Owen, not this time I’m afraid,” I replied.

  “Fuck, that is my fun night out of the window,” he replied as he grabbed two of the glasses.

  “We haven’t finished here yet, so just relax for a while,”’ I said.

  We went back to the table and I continued to chat with Karry while tightly keeping an eye on Owen and his normal rowdy behavior.

  Karry started to tell me all about her past, her school, her career and future ambitions.

  She would be ideal for Owen. They could talk each other to sleep.

  My mind wandered to Katie as it had done a few times already tonight. I was a little pissed at myself. I hadn’t acted in a thoroughly responsible manner and had given her the benefit of the doubt. I had not given her respect as I should have done.

  Katie had proved herself to be smart beyond belief, and she was kind and sensitive once you found your way around the rough edges.

  “So, what about you? I mean, that’s my life story, what about yours?” Karry asked.

  “Well for a start, it is not as exciting as yours, that’s for sure. I’m just an average sailor in the Navy, a nobody,” I said, without going into too much detail.

  “Ah, that’s a shame. Owen said he knew a real war hero, you know, one of those guys who has saved lives and all that stuff,” Karry said.

  “Sorry to disappoint you on that front,” I said, lying for my own purposes.

  I could see no sense of running through my colorful career. I’m not sure Karry would understand or be that interested. I wasn’t sure if it was Katie being the Admiral’s daught
er that meant she understood, or that we just clicked.

  “Excuse me for a moment, I need the bathroom,” I said to Karry.

  “Ok, I will wait here,” she replied.

  I know you will wait here. I’m off to the men’s.

  I walked into the bathroom and was glad for the silence. I just stood and looked in the mirror and thought about Katie. Fuck, there was just something about her that had drawn me to her, and it was something that I couldn’t let go of. I had been trapped well, and it was a trap I did not want to escape from.

  I washed my face to try and freshen myself up, but it was just too much for me to bare. Owen, I could handle, but Karry, geez, she just drained the life out of me.

  I returned to the table and Karry continued from where she was. “So, Cal, do you…” she attempted to say.

  “It’s Cam, my name is Cam,” I answered.

  “Oops, sorry, I thought it was Cal, silly me,” she said.

  “So, Cam, I was wondering if you fancied going out again at some point, just the two of us, maybe the movies or a drink?” she asked.

  I did something I have never really done in my life. I hesitated.

  “Um, well, I’m not sure,” I said.

  “It's okay. I understand. I also lost my husband a while back, and I know how difficult it can be to get back into the swing of things,” she explained in detail.

  “I’m sorry, it’s not you,” I lied, well, sort of, it was her. I had no interest in her like I had with Katie.

  “Forget about it. It’s just that it can get lonely without someone’s company every now and then,” Karry carried on explaining.

  I looked at Karry, and this was, in a way, the sort of woman I should actually be with. I mean, she was kind and sweet, and not over forceful. And she was not high maintenance. She was the right age, and everything just seemed so good. But, it seemed just so wrong, it was not real.

  I thought about Katie again. It all seemed so wrong. She was young, emotional, high-spirited and a bit wild at times, but everything between us just seemed so right. There was no fucking way I was going to be able to tear myself away from her.

  Karry looked at me with a look of lonesome desperation. “Well Cam, here is my number anyway, and if you feel like calling me some time, tell you what, put it on your cell phone so that you won’t lose it.”

  I gave her my cell and she entered her number, but I knew it wasn’t gonna happen. I was never going to call it.

  I looked at Owen and gave him a signal that it was the time we should be leaving. I had to get home to Emmy and Katie. Owen agreed, and we walked the girls to the parking lot.

  Owen made his overlong farewell truly known to Debbie as he was connected by the mouth for a good ten minutes. Karry and I stood in uncomfortable in silence. We had no choice but to watch every now and again, to see if they were both still breathing!

  Finally, Owen finished his dental check with Debbie, and we headed off home.

  After dropping him, I made my way back to the base and back to my house where my beautiful daughter would be sound asleep. I slowly drove onto the driveway and entered the house through the rear entrance to save the noise stirring Emmy.

  I entered the living room and could see Katie was fast asleep on the couch. The TV was buzzing and looked like a snowstorm in a box. I crept into the bedroom and looked into Emmy's bed. She was sound asleep and firmly attached to her thumb.

  I walked back into the living room and was about to wake Katie. She needed to get going home. It was nearly midnight. I softly sat on the edge of the couch and watched her sleep.

  She looked so peaceful, that I was unsure whether to wake her or to let her sleep through. She did look like a princess, with her long hair and her feminine features that made her so special. I raised my hand and placed it on her shoulder to wake her.

  Katie rolled over slightly and her shirt opened. I could see that she had not been wearing a bra and her breast was free from her blouse. Her perfect breasts had me wanting to strip her down. My mind flashed back to the previous weekend when we had sex.

  I remembered how we had given each other oral sex. Katie’s mouth was so firmly wrapped around my cock as she sucked on so sweetly and innocently. It was just when I was about to slide my cock into her wet pussy that she whispered in my ear that she was a virgin.

  We had made love slowly and it was full of tenderness, until Katie was ready to receive her first orgasm. Then she screamed in absolute pleasure and squirmed under my forceful thrusting as we quickly came together.

  I had become highly aroused and knew Katie was not going to go home before I had made love to her again, just as I had the first time. I leaned forward and softly kissed Katie on her head as she stirred and slowly opened her eyes.

  “You’re home. What time is it?” Katie asked.

  “It is nearly midnight, you were fast asleep,” I said and brushed the hair from her face.

  “Emmy?” she asked.

  “She's fine. She's fast asleep,” I answered.

  Katie started to sit and then noticed her breast was hanging out from her blouse.

  “Oops, that was not supposed to happen,” she said as she fastened her blouse and smiled at me.

  “It was a beautiful view while it lasted,” I said with a laugh.

  “I should be getting home. It’s late,” Katie said, sitting up on the couch.

  “You’re not going anywhere,” I said with a smile, my dick hard already.

  “Why not? Cam, it’s late, and I have nothing more to do,” Katie said.

  “Have you forgotten what I said to you before I left?” I asked as Katie tied her hair.

  “Forgive me, I’m still half asleep, so I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she laughed quietly.

  “I said, I would see you when I got back,” I replied softly.

  “Ah yes, you promised me,” she said with a smile. “I thought you would have ignored it because you’d be tired.”

  “Never… a promise is a promise,” I said and stood up from the couch.

  “So, what did you promise me, Cam? Can you remember? If you can’t remember, I should just leave,” she added.

  I shook my head. “I want you to stay!”

  Katie looked deeply into my eyes. “So what was the promise?”

  I scooped Katie into my arms and carried her toward the bedroom. “I promised, I would make it all up to you,” I said and kissed her passionately.

  Chapter 18


  Cam carried me into the bedroom and placed me gently on the bed. I had an evil urge to ask him about the date that he had said was not a date. But, I could see that he was so turned on, he just wanted to make love to me again.

  I could from the look in his eyes that he was ready for me, and the huge bulge in his pants gave a good and honest second opinion.

  “A bit turned on, are we?” I asked as I slowly popped open the remaining buttons of my blouse.

  “I am; I was watching you while you were sleeping and…” he started to say.

  “Getting a free view of my tits while I was asleep?” I said, cutting him off with a giggle.

  “No, well I did see your tits, and they reminded me of last weekend. That is what has turned me on so much,” Cam replied.

  “A feeble excuse, but I don’t mind,” I said and reached for the buttons on Cam's shirt.

  “One, two, three goes your buttons,” I said and opened all of Cam's shirt buttons and pushed the shirt off his shoulders.

  I ran my fingers across his muscular chest, down to his perfectly formed stomach and grabbed his belt with both hands. I yanked on his belt like a dog pulling on a chain and fumbled with the buckle. With his belt open, I took his zipper with my fingers and pulled it down slowly. Cam let out a sigh as I slipped my hands inside his pants and pulled them down over his ass. I watched as his cock fell toward me, and twitched as it started to become erect.

  I took my hand and reached toward his balls and gently caressed the
m as he softly ran his hands over my pert breasts. My hand cupped his balls and I slowly moved my hand to the base of his cock and wrapped my fingers gently around his shaft.

  “Christ, I’ve missed your touch, Katie. And my body aches for you,” he said as he teased my budding nipples with his thumbs.

  My body trembled under his touch as it had done the first time, but this was not nervousness as it had been previously. For me, this time, it was excitement. I slowly caressed and stroked Cam's cock as he finally reached full hardness, and he moaned with appreciation to my tender and soft feel.

  Cam leaned toward me and placed his warm lips on mine. Our breathlessness collided and our tongues danced the dance of love. Cam removed his hand from my breast and brushed my long hair over my shoulder. He caressed my cheeks and then ran his fingers gently down the nape of my neck.

  My mind wandered to his date again. I still had doubts that he was being so tender because he was thinking of her.

  Come on Katie, snap out of it. You know it’s you he thinks about, don’t you?

  Cam ran his hands over my back and caressed my spine as I leaned forward and kissed his neck and nibbled at his ear. Then, he whispered sweet nothings as he accepted the touch of my tongue and I continued to tease the rest of his body with my warm and inviting mouth.

  “Get on the bed Cam and lay on your back,” I whispered. I wanted to prove my mouth was more inviting than any other woman.

  Cam slid himself onto the bed and lay on his back. His cock stood proud and hard as I ran my tongue over his chest and his hard stomach. Next, my hands glided across his thighs and stroked the base of his huge dick. I took the base of his shaft and wrapped my fingers around it and slid my hand down. I could see the head of his cock was smooth and perfect as it reached its maximum hardness.

  Cam teased my back as I moved my head close to his cock and dipped the tip of my tongue against the slit in his head. I felt his body shudder as little waves of pleasure were released from my mouthing.

  “Katie, fuck, yes!” Cam murmured as I flicked my tongue over and over his slit.

  I slowly stroked his dick as he arched his back a little. He fell into a gentle rhythm of trying to fuck my mouth as I ran my tongue around the head of his cock. I placed my hand on his stomach and gently pushed him back to the bed, his hips lowered and gentle spasms pushed against my hand as I ran my tongue along the underside of his massive manhood. I looked at his face and he had his eyes closed. He was gripping the bed sheet and relishing each moment as I tantalized his erection.


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