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The Baby Maker

Page 53

by Tia Siren

  “Yes,” I replied as I slid from his cock.

  I took Cam's hand, and we slowly walked to his bedroom, the lights dimmed, and the crispy white bed sheets cool against my skin.

  I lay on the bed and my long hair spread over the sheet, my nipples hard and my legs spread. I watched as Cam closed the door and walked toward the bed; his huge cock standing hard from his firm, sculptured body. It caught the soft light and glistened from the fine layer of perspiration which covered his skin.

  I could feel the bed move as Cam rested his weight on the edge of the bed and crawled like a wild animal, hunting closer to its prey. His tongue ran up my ankle, and he softly kissed my leg. He kissed the back of my knee and ran his tongue softly across the soft skin of my inner thigh.

  I cooed and purred like a kitten as his fingers swept over the skin of my pussy like a breeze that washes over your face. I cupped my breasts and grabbed my nipples. I teased myself and wriggled my body against the cold sheets. I spread my legs and the warmth of Cam's breath ignited the embers within my moist pussy. His lips placed against my vagina while he sucked, and his mouth gently pulled on my wet lips.

  His thumbs spread the lips of my pussy, and my clitoris greeted his darting tongue as he flicked and teased. He re-stirred the fire deep inside my body. I sucked in a deep breath as Cam sucked on my clit. Fuck… he sucked and sucked like a kid sucks on soda straw; my nub pulled and relaxed as it pulled back and forth.

  “Cam,” I murmured, spears of sexual pleasure shooting from my pinched nipples.

  I could feel the touch of Cam's teeth as he nibbled on my clit; it felt as if a rocket full of sensations had been guided toward my core and exploded. My whole body quivered under the magical spell of his tongue while it weaved around my private place.

  I pulled on Cam's shoulder and he slowly ran his tongue over my belly and up my lithe, womanly body. His tongue licked my breasts and skipped across my sensitive nipples. His teeth softly clamped on my nipples and I felt his hand caress the moistness of my pussy.

  I rolled my head to the side as Cam gently left trails of tiny kisses across my fair skin. His warm breath was deep in my ear; his chiseled body rubbing against mine.

  “Katie, that’s it, baby,” he softly murmured as he kissed my ear.

  My fingers were placed on his back and I softly dug my nails into his skin. His muscles pushed back against my touch as his body flexed under my touch.

  “Cam, make love to me,’ I whispered and ran my hands over his ass.

  I opened my eyes and watched Cam lift his body and take hold of his throbbing cock. He looked deeply into my eyes and rubbed the head of his swollen cock between the lips of my pussy. My juices moistened the head of his cock as he pushed gently forward, his perfect dick slowly sliding ever further inside my pussy.

  I put my hands on his shoulders and pulled him close to me. I placed my lips on him, and my tongue darted and danced against his mouth. Cam embraced my kiss, and his tongue danced its own song against my full lips. He bit my top lip as his power thrust into my pussy, leaving me shaken with need.

  Cam slowly thrust as the engine of his body stirred into action. He slowly increased the speed of his thrusts. It was pleasure-filled and my pussy welcomed his cock, the animal in me beginning to stir. God, it was insatiable as my hips wrapped around his body and clamped onto his waist; my wanting pussy rammed by his driving cock.

  I cooed into his ear before kissing his neck. His forehead pressed to mine as he thrusted again, driving me crazy with lust.

  Cam rested his weight on his arms and held his body close to mine. My nipples rubbed against his chest and his hips rocked my world with every thrust of his highly-tuned body. The heat of the moment took us both away to a safe place, a place where pleasure was all there was. I gripped his waist with my hips and he drilled deeper inside my pussy. My juices stirred and flowed; my heart raced and skipped a beat. His body sacrificed itself to my womanly temple.

  I pulled him close; my hips rose as I thrust my pussy up toward his body so our bodies danced together. My pussy gripped his huge cock like a vice. I dug my nails into his back and he winced under my touch. He drove himself harder and faster. I could feel my sensations stirring, and I would soon be feeling a rainbow of feelings flood all around my body.

  My perfect SEAL.

  Cam gazed deeply into my eyes as he kissed me with passion. His body thrusted and his cock stretched my pussy. My legs shook and my belly quivered. I would soon be reaching my finishing point. Cam pushed harder and harder. I wanted it to last.

  His breath deepened and he muffled groans as his cock stimulated my pleasure zones.

  “Fuck me harder hard Cam; come with me,” I said breathlessly.

  Cam thrust faster and harder while his body tensed. I could sense that he would soon reach his limit and his body would release itself to me. Our bodies were reaching a climatic ending to our lovemaking.

  I wrapped my arms around him. “Come on baby, make me come.”

  Cam thrust harder and harder. His hips pushed forward and I gripped his waist with my legs. I squeezed harder and shoved my hips toward the sexual beast that drove his cock inside my pussy. Warmth resurrected deep in my pussy as they spread, the embers bursting into flames. My breath sharpened as my orgasm hit me. I screamed his name and met him stroke-for-stroke; pleasure raced out from the center of my stomach.

  Cam's muscles tensed and his body seized. His cock released his manly seed. God, his cock twitched, and I could feel his hot, warm come shoot deep inside my pussy. I shook and trembled, my body quivered, and electric shocks flowed deep inside my body. My pussy had reached the ultimate peak and washed sensations all over my body. My face flushed and I closed my eyes while embracing Cam in my expression of wanting. I was fulfilled; a crescendo of perfection. From love and lust combined.

  Cam relaxed, and our bodies lay close to each other. Our breaths mellowed and we relaxed. We had committed our bodies to each other and gave it our all. Our rampant urges fulfilled.

  “Katie, that was fantastic. I did not know you were such an animal,” he giggled.

  “Meow!” I replied with a laugh.

  “Aha!” he winked and kissed my lips.

  Chapter 23


  The sunlight shone through the open window, and I opened my eyes. I rolled over and looked at Katie sleeping quietly beside me, her breath purred like the little kitten that she was. Yet, deep down, she had a tigress lurking to be released.

  I smiled and brushed the hair from the side of her face. I had feelings that had not been felt for a long time. And well, it seemed like forever. The last time was before Emmy had been born. I leaned forward and kissed Katie on her cheek as she murmured and stirred and pulled the bed sheet over her head.

  Cam, you’re so lucky. Just make sure you realize it.

  I loved the way I felt, but I still had some deep concerns with my relationship with Katie. I had realized I had fallen for her in a big way. Fuck… and it was how I felt when I first realized how serious my relationship was with Emmy’s mom.

  I still wished Emmy was slightly older, and that had always been my primary concern. But I had fallen for her big time. I had committed myself emotionally, and I couldn’t resist the way she made me feel.

  I rolled onto my back and I thought of how she looked while she tricked me outside the church, and how she had presented herself in the restaurant. God, she seemed a million miles away from the spoilt kid that strutted around the base.

  I started to wonder if she had realized she was the woman she was, and if the relationship with me had finally put an end to her rebellious phase. With some luck, it could be a phase that she has left well and truly in her past.

  Katie, you are a diamond in the rough.

  I was both proud and embarrassed at how our relationship had progressed so far. And the more I thought about it, the more I realized I could have handled myself better. I looked at Katie like everyone had seen her, and the rebel just fought
against my feelings toward her. I tried to fight her off, but I’d been drawn to her regardless. I had been trying to defend my emotions against it without winning.


  I placed my hands behind my head, a huge grin crossing my face. I had woken up happy and could feel the day would only get better.

  I heard a noise from Emmy’s bedroom and realized she got out of her bed on her own. She had become an adventurous little tyke, now that she had learned how to walk properly. She had also become very inquisitive. She had learned how to check all the room and had learned how to open cupboards and tug at drawers to check what was inside.

  Geez, my life is controlled by women. I’m lucky. I have two of the best.

  Katie had even gone around the house and moved everything that was dangerous to Emmy and placed it out of her reach. I waited for Emmy to open the door and come running in and climb on the bed.

  Shit, Katie, she will see Katie…

  I jumped up quickly, pulled on my shorts and headed out of the bedroom. I had to stop her before she noticed Katie was asleep in my bed. She would be confused and would begin to ask questions on why she was there, and once she had seen Katie, she would expect her to be there all the time.

  Keep an eye on Emmy, Cam. She will soon be causing trouble.

  I opened the door, and Emmy was reaching for the door handle. I looked at her hand and saw that she was holding on to my pants. Shit, we had dropped all our clothes by the couch.

  I scooped her into my arms and whisked her toward the kitchen.

  “Daddy,” Emmy screamed and threw her arms around my neck.

  “Who is Daddy’s girl?” I asked as I kissed her on the cheek.

  “Me, Daddy girl,” she replied, squeezed me and kissed me on the lips.

  “Emmy, what do you want for breakfast?” I asked and placed her in her high chair.

  “Loops,” she replied with a grin.

  Emmy loved the multi-colored loops cereal. They crunched and made her laugh with each mouthful. I placed a bowl of loops with Emmy and she got busy steadying her spoon and trying to get it in her mouth. I heard a noise from the bedroom and then the trickle of water as the shower started.

  I imagined Katie in the shower and my mind wandered away from the cooking eggs.

  The steam rose from the shower and I could picture Katie’s outline as the warm water flowed down her body and her curves. The glass steamed and I could just see her sponging herself. Bubbles flowing over her naked body as she washed away the scent of our lovemaking.

  The shower door opened and the steam began to fill the bathroom. I stood by the door and started to feel aroused, my towel becoming like a tent as I became erect. Katie appeared through the steam and enticed me into the shower with a wave of her finger. I dropped my towel and stepped closer to the shower and Katie, who waited for me.

  “Daddy, eggs!” Emmy shouted as the oil began to burn.

  Shit, I had drifted off into a bit of a daydream, and the eggs had started to burn.

  “Sorry Emmy,” I replied as I removed the pan from the stove.

  I noticed the shower had stopped and expected to see Katie appear any moment. The bedroom door opened and I could hear Katie’s footsteps on the floor as she stomped her way down the hallway. Katie looked at me, and I nodded in the direction of the couch. She turned and noticed the clothes that lay scattered all over the floor. Fuck, and her panties were visible on the couch. Katie walked toward the couch and scooped all the clothes before dropping them behind the kitchen counter.

  “Good morning beautiful,” she said as she walked over to Emmy. She kissed her on the forehead and helped her with her breakfast spoon.

  “Wow, you have loops Emmy. I love loops,” Katie said to Emmy.

  What about me, where is my good morning kiss?

  I looked at Katie and could see she had grabbed a pair of my sweatpants and rolled the waist down until they hung around her hips. She had also taken one of my US Navy shirts which were slightly smaller than my casual shirts. I did not want to show off my muscles all the time, or not in public, at least.

  I waited for Emmy’s response, and I don’t think she realized Katie had spent the night here. She just seemed overjoyed that she had her playmate for the day.

  “What’s that smell?” Katie asked and looked in my direction.

  “Daddy, eggs, bad,” Emmy said from beside her.

  “I see. Not much of a cook at breakfast time, are we?” she asked with a smile.

  “Okay, I burnt your eggs. I was daydreaming for a moment,” I replied and carried the plates to the table.

  “What were you dreaming about that could take your mind from cooking?” she asked.

  Warmth raced up my chest to coat my cheeks and neck, and I turned away from Katie so she couldn’t see my face.

  “Oh, it was just a work thing,” I said with a little white lie.

  “Liar. You were thinking about last night,” she laughed.

  “Well, maybe just a little,” I replied and winked at her, later blowing her a kiss.

  “Keep it up and you will need a sitter for the day. You’ll have me back in your bed before you can say one Mississippi, two Mississippi,” she said laughing.

  “Now there’s a thought. But just pay attention to Emmy for now, will ya?” I said in a commanding tone.

  “Sir, yes, Sir,” she said as she mock saluted me.

  Geez, no wonder you’re so sarcastic. You have just woken up and you’re at it already.

  “You mind if I hang here for the morning so I can play with Emmy. I have missed her this week,” Katie asked and started to tuck into her breakfast.

  I watched as Emmy grabbed some toast and placed an egg inside and bit down, yolk running down the side of her mouth.

  “You have yolk running down--,” I started to say, but Katie wiped it from her mouth with her finger.

  “Better?” she said as she licked the egg from her finger.

  I smiled and looked into her eyes. “Where is that polite woman from last night with the manners?” I asked.

  “She’s here. Just not at breakfast time,” she replied and gave me a cheeky grin. Cute little bitch. I was going to fall for her, no doubt.

  We finished breakfast and I started to do the dishes.

  “You want a bath, Emmy? Then we can play in the garden?” Katie asked.

  “Yeah, bath time,” Emmy shouted and threw her arms in the air.

  Katie lifted her up and carried her toward the bathroom. Damn; Emmy normally got stubborn when I asked her for a bath, but it was good she agreed so easily when Katie asking.

  I finished the dishes and could hear laughing and screaming coming from the bathroom. The splash of water and Katie started to sing to Emmy as she bathed her. I could see a very different side to Katie, and it was a rare treat. I had no thought of keeping my eye on her or thinking about how I should act. It was a pure and natural side to her, and it was easy to just go along with her. She never asked for anything apart from playing with Emmy.

  I liked what I witnessed, and it had become quite a revelation. She flicked the switch from sexy little minx who was on the prowl in an instant. Now, she had become a real princess, with all the airs and graces you would expect from one.

  “All done,” I heard Katie say to Emmy.

  “Hooyah,” they said together.

  I stood in the kitchen and started to make coffee. Emmy came running into the living room with her white fluffy towel wrapped around her snuggly. Katie followed with an armful of clothes and started to dress Emmy.

  Damn, who would think Katie is only the sitter. They look like mother and daughter, wow…

  “Come on Emmy, show Daddy,” Katie said as Emmy appeared from behind Katie.

  “Wow, you look fantastic,” I said.

  Emmy stood there with tiny pigtails and bows in her pink t-shirt and her little denim dungaree shorts. She looked like a right little madam. Emmy held her arms wide and spun in a circle to show me all of her. She got di
zzy and went to fall as Katie grabbed her and munched lovingly on her neck. Emmy giggled and pushed Katie’s head away from her.

  “Tickles,” Emmy said and walked around the living room.

  Katie jumped up and returned the towel back to the bathroom. She plodded back into the kitchen and threw her arms around my neck and kissed me.

  Katie looked at me with wanting eyes. “Good morning, Daddy,” she said with a giggle as I grabbed her ass.

  “Can I go and play with Emmy now?” she expressed in a childish tone.

  “Run along, have fun,” I said and slapped her ass when she turned away from me.


  “Don’t forget, I will be keeping an eye on you,” I stated with a chuckle.

  “Oh, that makes me feel gooey inside, and safe,” she replied and slid open the glass door before walking into the garden.

  I stood up, holding my coffee, and glanced out of the window. Katie and Emmy were playing on the see-saw.

  “Hold tight,” I heard Katie say to Emmy as she sprung her legs and Emmys side lowered to the floor.

  “Woo hoo,” Emmy yelled as her side of the see-saw rose into the air.

  I was amazed; they had bonded so well together. If anyone had seen Katie like this, they wouldn’t believe that she was the girl that stood nearly naked washing her car when I first lay my eyes on her.

  The two women I hold dear to me, and they are together playing in my garden. Heaven on earth.

  I could see why guys flocked after her when they had a chance. Yet she held them off. She had chosen me and let me get past her defenses. We had different reasons, but we had both built these walls toward everyone. And once we had been together, even from the first meeting, our walls had been weakened, and we allowed each other inside.

  “Swing,” I heard Emmy shout to Katie as she stepped away from the see-saw.

  I knew Emmy loved the swing. She loved to be pushed higher and higher, the wind blowing in her face. Katie strapped her into the swing and stood behind and shoved Emmy. She started to swing.

  “One, two three, whoo,” I heard Katie say as she shoved Emmy harder.


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