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The Baby Maker

Page 64

by Tia Siren

I slid a hand down my stomach and pressed my fingers to my clit under the nightshirt.

  A low moan escaped my lips.

  I tugged up the tail of the nightshirt so my fingers could find my pussy. I dipped my fingers into the folds to get them wet, and then I rolled my clit between my fingers.

  I watched him milk his big cock as I bent my knees and slid two fingers inside myself. I matched his rhythm. Each time his hand went up to the head of his cock, I imagined his cock sliding out of me. Each time his hand slid back to the base of the shaft, I slid my fingers deep inside my pussy, imagining his cock buried deep inside me.

  His hand started to move faster.

  I could see the muscles in his legs tighten.

  He clutched the sheet beside him with his free hand.

  I was fingering myself to the point of coming with him.

  I heard him suck in a deep breath.

  He raised his ass off the bed.

  His hand pumped his cock furiously.

  Then, like a great geyser erupting from deep in the ground, he moaned and shot a string of milky rope into air. He let out a low groan as the cum came down to cover his stomach and his hand.

  The moment I saw him shoot his load, my body shuddered and my fingers pushed deep inside me to the knuckle.

  I fell against the door and moaned as the orgasm washed hot juice over my hand like a wave crashing against the shore.

  I closed my eyes and sucked in quick breaths.

  When I opened them, Jackson was leaning up on his elbows, staring at me. His cock was lying lazily to the side now. I could see the glow of his seed on his stomach in the moonlight.

  Our eyes met for a moment.

  I smiled.

  He smiled.

  There was no embarrassment or regret.

  Neither of us said a word.

  I straightened my nightshirt and tiptoed back to my room.

  I would be able to sleep now.

  My hunger pains were long gone.


  I realized Amy Lynne was watching me through the crack in the door, but I didn’t care. I’d woken up with a raging hard-on (the first in a very long time) thanks to a wonderfully dirty dream I’d been having about her. One thought kept running through my mind: If a woman could make my cock this hard in a dream, I could only imagine what she could do to it in real life.

  I’d had her bent over my writing desk with my fingers digging into her sweet ass, banging my monster cock hard into her from behind.

  A writer’s wet dream…

  Since she caused the erection in the first place, I figured she deserved to watch me jack myself off as I imagined that it was her tight pussy squeezing my cock.

  Then I heard her moan. I snuck a peek and saw her hand underneath her nightshirt, her fingers sliding in and out of her pussy. There was no way I was going to stop pumping my cock at that point. She was into it as much as I was.

  However, after I came and we looked each other in the eye, I began to worry that I’d really screwed things up.

  This girl was here to take care of my daughter’s needs, not mine.

  The last thing anyone needed was for me to start banging the nanny, no matter how fucking hot she was or how much I wanted to fuck her.

  I got out of bed and took a shower, knowing I would have to lay down some ground rules in the morning before things really got out of hand.

  No pun intended.

  * * *

  When I came down the stairs holding Lizzie in my arms, Amy Lynne was already in the kitchen preparing breakfast. Sadly, she was wearing a pair of baggy sweatpants and a T-shirt instead of the nightshirt she’d worn the night before.

  I wondered where the nightshirt was.

  I wondered if her scent was still on it.

  I wondered if I could steal it away long enough to Jack off to her scent.

  Stop it, Jackson, the little voice in my head said.

  Remember who you are and why she’s here.

  Set things right.

  She is not here for you.

  Amy Lynne had set out three plates on the table. Each plate had a portion of scrambled eggs, a few strips of bacon, and a slice of toast. The plate for me had twice the amount the other two did.

  “Good morning,” I said as I strapped Lizzie into her high chair and pulled her to the table. She jabbered a good morning as well and then picked up a strip of bacon and bit off the end.

  “Good morning,” Amy Lynne said with a timid smile. “I thought you might be hungry, so I fixed breakfast. I hope that was all right.”

  “That was more than all right,” I said with the hint of an innuendo in my voice. I cleared my throat and forced the image of her standing at the doorway with her hand on her breast out of my mind.

  I could tell she was nervous. She set a glass of orange juice and a cup of coffee in front of me, and then she sat down at the table to help Lizzie with her breakfast.

  I watched her for a moment. So, this was what she looked like in the morning. Fuck, she so incredibly sexy. Her long black curls cascaded over her shoulders and hung over her sleepy eyes. Her cheeks were pink. Her lips were so full and kissable. I felt my cock chubbing up just from looking at her. No, goddammit, Jackson, you can’t do this. She’s not here for you. Put the monster back in the box, you selfish prick. Do it for Lizzie’s sake.

  “So,” I suddenly said, making her jump, “about last night…”

  “I’m really sorry,” she said, looking at me with wide eyes. “I never should have—I mean, your door was open, but…”

  I gave her my best “I know you saw me jacking off and it’s okay” smile. “Amy Lynne, it’s okay, really. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. I should have been more discreet. I’ll make sure you don’t see me the next time I’m…I mean… Shit, now I’m all embarrassed!”

  She grinned at me.

  Lizzie looked at me and clapped her hands.

  “Look, let’s just move on,” I said. “We just have to remember that you’re here to take care of Lizzie, so we need to keep our arrangement strictly business. No more…you know…”

  “I understand,” she said with a smile that had a twinge of sadness to it. Was she as disappointed as I was that we were calling a moratorium on our mutual masturbation?

  Had she lain awake all night wondering what it would be like to fuck me the way I wondered what it would be like to fuck her?

  My eyes drifted to her lips.

  She ran her tongue over them.

  They were full and pink and longing to be kissed…


  She went back to feeding Lizzie.

  I took a deep breath and picked up my fork.

  I filled my mouth with eggs so there would be no room to insert my foot.

  CHAPTER TEN: Amy Lynne

  The next few days were both wonderful and frustrating.

  Wonderful because I had bonded with Lizzie and loved being her nanny.

  Wonderful because I was being paid a fortune for doing something I had grown to love.

  Wonderful because I got to live in a mansion.

  And wonderful because I got to spend time with Jackson and had gotten to know him better. He seemed like such a warm, caring man. I couldn’t imagine why his wife ever would have cheated on him.

  Then again, I’m not naïve. I know there are two sides to every story. I know nothing about Jackson’s dead wife or their marriage.

  I do know that women rarely cheat for sex.

  They cheat because they are not being fulfilled in some way, or are being ignored, or being abused and looking for comfort in the arms of another.

  I’ll probably never know the real reason why Jackson’s wife felt the need to cheat on him, though I can’t imagine it being totally his fault.

  Compared to my ex, Randy, Jackson was just… wonderful.

  There was one thing that bothered me about Jackson Ritter and that was that he worked from home, so he was always there.

y, that didn’t bother me exactly, but it flustered me because I was finding myself becoming more attracted to him as the days went by. There were times when our hands would touch or our eyes would meet and there would be a spark between us, like static electricity crossing from his body into mine. He felt it, too. I know he did by the way he looked at me in that split-second. It wasn’t something either of us acknowledged out loud, but it was there all the same.

  Having to behave myself was hard, especially when he could start my water works just by looking into my eyes. Every time I glanced his way I imagined him naked on the bed with his cock in his hand. I had to keep reminding myself: it’s a job, he’s your boss, you’re here for his daughter, not for him or yourself.

  So we were cordial to each other.

  We chatted and laughed a lot.

  He smiled a little more each day.

  We sat across the table from one another and sat on the floor playing games with Lizzie.

  But we never touched.

  When my hand brushed his, he’d pull his away.

  When we bumped into each other in the hallway, I plastered myself to the wall to let him pass.

  I struggled to resist the urge to sneak into his room at night.

  I forced myself not to go into his bathroom when he was taking a shower.

  My only release was lying in bed late at night and making myself cum, imagining it was his lips on my breasts and his cock inside me.

  Wonderful, yet frustrating. Wonderfully frustrating…

  I wasn’t sure how long my abstinence could last.

  * * *

  I put Lizzie to bed and went back downstairs to see if Jackson needed anything before I called it a night. He was in his study with the door closed.

  I knocked lightly on the door and called his name, but he didn’t respond. I tapped on the door again. When he didn’t answer, I turned the knob and opened the door enough to peer inside.

  Jackson was sitting in his chair at his writing desk. He had fallen asleep. I tiptoed toward him and was about to put my hand on his shoulder when I glanced at the computer monitor on the desk.

  On the screen was a Word document.

  The words “Chapter One” were at the top of the page.

  The rest of the page was blank.

  “I can’t write anymore,” Jackson said quietly. I glanced down to find him awake. He was staring at the blank page with a look of sadness in his eyes.

  “I thought having you here to watch Lizzie would allow me to focus on my writing, but I was just fooling myself,” he said. “Lizzie isn’t the reason I haven’t written a book in two years. My well has just run dry, I’m afraid. I’ll probably never write again.”

  “But you’re a great writer,” I said. “I don’t understand.”

  He glanced up and gave me a soft smile. “Putting the words on paper is the easy part. Thinking up those words is what’s difficult.” He nodded at the blank page. “I’ve sat here for two years staring at that screen. It’s no use. I’m afraid the muse has deserted me.”

  The look of sadness in his eyes was more than I could bear.

  My heart was breaking for him.

  Even though he hadn’t been in the wreck that had killed his wife, he’d been critically injured nonetheless.

  He was still bleeding inside.

  I could tell he blamed himself for what had happened to his wife. Somehow, in his mind, it was his fault.

  Jackson Ritter was a good man.

  He just needed a good woman to make him realize that.

  I got to my knees in front of him and put my hands on his thighs.

  Starting into his eyes, I said, “Maybe you just need a new muse.”


  Amy Lynne got to her knees in front of me. Her hands rested on my thighs. Her brown eyes were soft as moonbeams as they stared into mine.

  I could resist her no more.

  I leaned forward and took her face in my hands.

  I pressed my lips to hers.

  The kiss was soft at first. Our lips brushed together lightly.

  Her tongue slid across my bottom lip.

  My tongue responded by slowly probing into her sweet mouth.

  I felt her hands sliding up my thighs toward my cock, which was growing hard in my jeans.

  The kiss became passionate and our tongues began to duel.

  We were both breathing hard, panting.

  Her hand found my cock and I gasped.

  She smiled against my lips.

  She pushed me back in the chair and quickly unbuckled my belt and opened my jeans. I lifted my ass off the chair so she could pull the jeans and my boxers down my legs. I kicked them away and spread my legs so she could move in closer.

  As I held my breath, she wrapped her fingers around my cock and slowly began to slide her hand up and down.


  Jackson’s cock grew harder in my hand.

  The shaft was long, thick, and veiny.

  The head was like a great crimson mushroom that blossomed at my touch.

  I watched his face as my fingers slid the skin up and down over the rigid shaft. His eyes were closed. His mouth was open. His breath came in little bursts.

  I slid my hand toward the head of his cock and squeezed. The head mushroomed larger and turned dark. A little drop of juice appeared from the slit. I lowered my mouth and sucked it away.

  “Fuck, yeah…” Jackson moaned as I took the head of his cock into my mouth and slowly pumped the shaft with my hand. “Your lips feel so fucking good on my cock…”

  I smiled with my mouth full. I’d never been with a man who talked during sex, other than Randy’s grunts. I decided to play along.

  “Do you like that, baby?” I asked as my other hand found his balls. They were tight and full. I fondled them gently for a moment. I tweaked the skin between my fingers. His chest went up and down. I heard him sigh.

  “Yes, fuck, that’s amazing,” he sighed.

  My hand went under his T-shirt and found his nipples popping from his chest. They were hard, like little pebbles. I rolled one under my thumb for a moment and then dug my fingers into his chest.

  His cock felt wonderful in my mouth.

  I wanted to take it all in.

  I got to my knees and held the base of the shaft with my hand. Then I lowered my mouth to his cock head and slid my lips over the shaft an inch at a time.

  Jackson’s cock was long, at least nine inches, but I was determined to take it all into my mouth.

  I began bobbing my head up and down, soaking it with my spit, taking in a little more each time.

  When I felt the tip of his cock touch the back of my throat, I gave a satisfied sigh. That was as far as it went…

  I felt Jackson’s hands on my shoulders.

  I let his cock slide from my lips and glanced up at him.

  “I want to taste your sweet pussy,” he commanded. “Get these clothes off. Now.”


  I hated to interrupt the best blowjob of my life, but I wanted to play, too. I wanted to see Amy Lynne naked and spread out before me like a pussy buffet. I wanted to bend her over my writing desk and fuck her sweet cunt from behind, just like in my dream.

  She got to her feet and pulled her T-shirt over her head.

  She unhooked her bra and let it slide down her arms.

  Her tits fell free.

  They were large and natural, milky white, with dark areolas and nipples like pink thimbles.

  She slid her sweatpants and panties down her long legs.

  Her body was young and toned and perfect.

  A neatly-trimmed vee of black curls directed my eyes to her clit.

  I couldn’t wait to have it between my lips.

  I tugged off my T-shirt and threw it aside, then slid to my knees in front of her. She leaned back against the desk and spread her legs for me.

  “You’re beautiful,” I said, letting my hands explore her body.
I cupped her breasts and pinched her nipples between my fingers. She closed her eyes and moaned.

  “Do you like that?” I asked. I brushed her clit with my lips. “Do you like it when I squeeze your big tits? Do you love it when I squeeze your nipples?”

  “Yes,” she moaned. “Yes.”

  “Tell me,” I said. “Tell me what you like.”

  “I love your hands on my tits,” she said. “I love it when you squeeze my nipples.”

  “And what about this?” I used my fingers to spread her folds. I stuck out my tongue and swirled it around her clit. “Tell me you love my tongue on your clit.”

  “Yes,” she sighed. “I love your tongue on my clit.”

  “Tell me what you want me to do,” I said. My tongue teased her clit again and slid between her folds. She was flowing like a warm stream. I could smell her tangy juices. I could taste them on the tip of my tongue.

  “Lick my pussy,” she said. She spread her legs and pushed her cunt toward me. “Please, Jackson, lick me now.”

  I smiled, happy to oblige.

  I pushed her up so she was sitting on the edge of the desk with her legs spread wide. My hands went to her tits and my fingers toyed with her nipples.

  I leaned in with my tongue out and lapped at her pussy like a cat lapping milk. She was hot and wet on my tongue. The juices sluiced down her taint and pooled in her asshole. I eagerly licked them away.

  “You taste so good…” I sighed as my fingers spread her pussy lips. Her opening beckoned to me. I swirled my tongue around the little hole for a moment and then slid my tongue inside her as far as it would go.

  I pressed my mouth to her cunt and tongue-fucked her until she moaned and twisted her fingers in my hair.

  “Fuck me, Jackson,” she moaned. “I want your big cock inside me. Please. Fuck me now.”


  I’d had two lovers in my life: Randy and now Jackson.

  They couldn’t have been more different.

  Randy was a rough, selfish fuck, in every sense of the word.

  He was a “get in, get out” kind of guy.

  So long as he got his rocks off, he didn’t worry about me. I think I had one orgasm the entire time we were together. And it wasn’t worth the effort.


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