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The Baby Maker

Page 71

by Tia Siren

  In reality, my body trembled as my cock built up its pressure, my balls contracting so damn tight. I was ready to let go, to blow my load. Hot cum left my balls, and I felt the excess force as it shot from the tip of my cock. I squirted hard as it coated my skin, warm and sticky.

  “One more day and you will be mine,” I said as I continued to pump cum from my dick to my chest.

  I felt the heat as each load of cum slowly started to run down my chest and make its way to my belly. I closed my eyes, and my whole body vibrated as I orgasmed.

  Fuck! I imagined Elizabeth knelt over me as she licked and cleaned the cum from my body.

  “I hope I fulfilled your desire, Master,” she said in my mind.

  I relaxed on the bed and waited for my cock to subside. The pressure from the tightened cock ring had made my erection last much longer, and my cock felt hot as I removed the ring.

  I removed the nipple clamps and placed all my toys back into my silver case. It was going to be a good weekend, a special weekend. A fucking dark, erotic weekend.

  Elizabeth was going to be mine, if she liked it or not.

  The choice wasn’t hers anymore.


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  A Dangerous Game: A Baby Romance

  “He’s lookin’ a bit rough today, Angie,” I heard Jim say behind me.

  “Everyone has their off days, Jim,” I replied.

  “It seems it’s been more of an off season. The kid threw three interceptions this game alone. If he keeps this up, he won’t be on the roster next season.”

  He was right; this was a rough situation Jake had gotten himself into. His numbers were really low, and it was going to put me in a difficult position when negotiating his contract for next season.

  Monica was here watching as well, though I used the word watching loosely, because she preferred to spend her time nursing a glass of wine and talking to the other wives.

  She was quite gorgeous, slim figured and tiny, just the way Jake seemed to like them. I never really cared, quite honestly. She was the kind of girl I avoided: easy to look at and hard to please. The only real conversation we had was about money—how much her boyfriend was going to make her.

  The women were talking so loudly that I couldn’t help but overhear a bit of their conversation.

  “He’s making good money. Are you going to make him put a ring on it?”

  Monica replied, “There’s only one sure way to get him to ask me, and I don’t know if I should talk to him about it or just surprise him.”

  “You’re not thinking about having kids already.”

  “I always wanted a family, and I don’t want to have to wait to start one. He’s taking his sweet time proposing. I thought maybe if I had a bun in the oven, he might man up and ask.”

  “You’re terrible, Monica.”

  Monica giggled along with her friends. I couldn’t figure out how someone could talk about having kids with such a cavalier attitude.

  I tossed back the rest of the scotch in my glass and made for the bar nearby. This game was beginning to look like another loss, and I knew my boss would probably be ready to yell at me on Monday. I didn’t want to be sober for that.

  Monica gave me a look as I walked by, and I could feel the disgust coming from her friends as well. It seemed like they’d never seen a hard-working black woman before, as though all they wanted me to do was bring them a serving tray.

  “Another scotch, Angie?” asked Devlin, the barman.

  I nodded, and he poured me another.

  “You better make that a double, Devlin. It’s going to be a long night.”

  He added more caramel liquor to the glass while I reached for my wallet.

  “I think this one is on the house. Maybe it’s high time to start buying something to eat before you make yourself sick.”

  “Thanks, Dev. It’s going to be another one of those nights. Are you going to be working tonight again? I can swing by and give you a hefty tip.”

  He smiled.

  “If you’re drinking, then I know I won’t starve for the next month. I’ve got a few rumors flying around, though.”

  “What have you heard, Dev?” I asked.

  He leaned over the bar to whisper.

  “Some of the players are planning a night out. A couple of ’em just fired their agents and might be on the market. If you come with a straight head, then you might just bag one.”

  I pulled out a large tip and shoved it into Devlin’s hand. He tipped his hat, and I returned to the game.

  I wasn’t shocked at all when I noticed from the scoreboard that we were behind. I plopped down in my chair and nursed my drink. It was going to be a long afternoon.


  I was a classy dresser when I wanted to be, and for a night on the town, it was rare. If you were going to be dropping it on the bedroom floor anyway, it was best just to dress light and wear as little as possible.

  I didn’t have that intention tonight, but I still wanted to drink to forget Jake’s abysmal performance today. Devlin was right, though; signing a new client would be a great opportunity to cheer my boss up.

  Working with athletes and spending so much time around attractive people was an amazing inspiration to eat right and exercise regularly. The last thing you wanted to be was the ugly person in the corner trying to sign a new client.

  Still, no amount of exercise would cure genetics, and, as it was, I was stuck being curvier than most. I did enjoy the compliments from men I slept with, though. They said I had nice breasts, not too big, not too small. But I always thought my best feature was my legs: They were long and toned. To compliment my figure, I wore a long black gown that scooped low in the back and showed off my small amount of muscle.

  Upon arriving at the trendy little club, I made sure to tip the bouncer well—he always let me in when I came by now.

  You could get anything in life if you were willing to spend the right amount of money, but sometimes a friendly smile was worth more. I walked toward the bar after I got in, and I could already see a couple of players I recognized from today’s game. One of the players was celebrating victory over our local team with some women of the evening. I rolled my eyes at how easy some of these players were.

  “Devlin, I think I’ll have another drink. Send one over to that player with the girls as well, would you?”

  Devlin nodded and started pouring. Once the drink was delivered, it was easy enough to ingratiate myself into the group of women.

  I worked my subtle charms for about an hour before the player agreed to come in for a visit tomorrow before returning home. I handed him my card and got his number before buying his group another drink and walking off.

  I tended to get tunnel vision when I saw something I wanted, and it became easy to trip over things I didn’t see coming. This thing happened to be a man. My third drink of the evening slipped from my hands and covered his shirt.

  “Oh, excuse me. I can get clumsy after a few drinks.”

  I could already see the bouncer looking at me, hoping I wouldn’t make a scene.

  “It’s fine,” he said.

  I grabbed a nearby cocktail napkin and started doing my best to clean him off. He did the same. His shirt didn’t look cheaply made in the slightest, and I didn’t think any amount of dry cleaning would take out the stain I’d just caused.

  “Angie?” he said.

  I looked up; it was Jake. I couldn’t believe I hadn’t recognized him earlier.

  “Oh, wow. Hi, Jake,” I responded.

  He took the napkin out of my hands threw it on the table. Then he yanked the button-up over his head, revealing a tight white shirt underneath. He was rippling with muscle, and I rather lost my train of thought.

/>   “What are you doing at this hole in the wall?” he said. He tossed the shirt to the table, and I took a second to compose myself.

  “I come here pretty often; my place is a block away. I got a good tip on some talent looking for representation. What about you? I thought you never went out after a game.”

  He rolled his eyes.

  “Oh yeah, that,” he said.

  “I guess there’s only one way to celebrate a loss,” I said.

  He shuffled back into his seat.

  “You know, you owe me a drink. How about you get me a Jack and Coke, and I’ll tell you about it.”

  I sighed. I would have preferred meeting other player than listening to Jake talk about how sad he was about losing some game. But, when it came to being an agent, your time was client time.

  I ordered a drink for the two of us, and Devlin shot me a look of empathy; I think he knew what I was in for, so he made my drink extra strong.

  “All right, what’s on your mind, Jake? I know it was a tough loss,” I said, pushing the beverage across the table.

  “Loss I can deal with. It’s women that drive me crazy,” he replied before taking a large sip of his drink.

  “Women? I’d think you’d be more concerned about your prospects for next season. If you throw up another loss this season, there’s a good chance you won’t be back next year—and we’re only halfway in.”

  “I know. It’s Monica. She’s driving me crazy. She came to me with an ultimatum after the game. It’s either get married to her so she can start a family or she’ll leave.”

  “That’s rough. What did you do?” I asked.

  “I opened the door for her.” He laughed. “She just walked out and said she’d be back for her things.”

  I giggled. “Wow. That’s rough, pal.”

  “She’s been harping on me since the beginning of the season; it’s driving me insane. It’s been all I could think about. I don’t want kids, not right now.”

  I took another sip of my drink. He did the same.

  “So what are you going to do about it?” I asked.

  “I’ll probably meet up with some random girl and fuck her brains out tonight.”

  I spat out my scotch, soaking his shirt for the second time tonight.

  “This is going to make it difficult to meet someone. Thanks, Angie.”

  He sighed and wiped what he could off the shirt. I leaned back and could tell the alcohol was starting to affect my judgment, but I was drunk, so what did I know?

  “Give me one minute.” I walked to the bar and paid my bill. Devlin shot me a wink; I think he knew what was going to happen. I gestured for him to keep his lips sealed. He nodded, but I knew there were plenty of other people who came to him for gossip. I tipped him well, hoping it would give me a day before any word got around.

  When I returned to the table, Jake was taking his other shirt off.

  I swooned. He had that V-shaped chest that got me wet just thinking about it. I bent over and leaned in close to him. It must have caught him by surprise, because he leaned back, trying to avoid me doing more damage.

  “If you want discreet and fun, I already said my place was just down the block.”

  I rubbed along the length of his leg, and I could see a devilish smile form at the edges of his mouth.

  “Come to my address in ten minutes. Don’t get up until after I leave.”

  I wrote my address down on the back of a business card, slipped it into his hand, and left.


  It was a busy night out for a Sunday. Being a block away made getting home pretty easy, even though my heels weren’t helping in the slightest.

  I was on the 12th floor. It was the second highest floor of the building, and my neighbors liked to constantly remind me of that. The view was still excellent.

  I always liked to keep things tidy, but it was rare for me to spend more than a couple hours at home, so being messy was difficult anyway. Once inside, and with the door shut, I sloughed off my dress. I hadn’t expected to be this excited.

  Jake had been one of my first clients, which was probably why my boss always had me watching out for him. He was always so intimidating to stand next to; his large and well-built frame made me feel so small. That was part of the allure, though.

  I picked up my dress and hung it nicely in the closet, taking the chance to throw my heels in there as well. I had barely closed the closet door when I heard a knock at the door.

  I hopped my way across the cool floor, only realizing I was topless when I came to a stop in front of the door. I threw a hand over my exposed chest and pulled the door open enough to see who was outside.

  Jake was wearing his soiled shirt, now a little wrinkled, but I didn’t care. The person under it was gorgeous, and he was all mine tonight. I gestured him in, and he entered.

  He took a moment to look around the apartment while I shut the door. With him distracted, I came up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist.

  “I don’t want to be the only one topless for long,” I whispered in his ear.

  I had never seen a man take off his shirt faster, as he nearly knocked me to the floor in his efforts. I couldn’t help my laughter; he was so eager that it was hard for me to keep a straight face.

  When he turned around and saw me standing there in my tiniest panties, I could almost see him salivate. He pulled me close for a passionate kiss, and I returned in kind, massaging up and down his muscular back as I did.

  He had to lift me off the ground so I could reach up to his height, and I liked it. It felt like he could throw me around, and I wanted him to.

  I reached down and started undoing his pants. I could already feel his throbbing member waiting for release from beneath. He pulled me away for a second and set me back upon the floor. I giddily slid his pants down and was greeted by his erect beast.

  Without a thought, I began to stroke his shaft with my hand. I looked up at him with lust in my eyes as I licked the head. He let out a moan of pleasure, and I couldn’t help myself anymore. I took him into my mouth and began to slide it in and out.

  He quivered with delight as I continued my task. I could taste some of his juice coming out of the tip.

  “Oh, you are a bad girl,” he said.

  I smiled and felt him beginning to tense up. He leaned on my couch to hold himself up, and it felt like he was close.

  It only took another moment before he exploded in my mouth. Globs of his juice shot down the back of my throat, and I could feel him starting to get softer.

  “Hey, it’s my turn now, you know,” I said. I pulled off my panties and maneuvered myself to the kitchen counter, opening up my legs to give him a good view. The sight almost instantly made him hard again. I pulled apart my lips to show him how soaked I was, and that made him even more excited.

  He kicked off the remains of his clothing and sauntered over to me. With his powerful arms, he grabbed my sides and pulled me in for another kiss. I could feel him lining his member up to my welcoming slit. I was dripping over him while he slid up and down along my opening.

  Then with a powerful thrust, he pushed himself into me, opening me up all the way. He filled me up more than I thought possible and still had more to give. I welcomed him as he inched his way inside. I tensed up with the sensation, wishing it would never end, hungry for more.

  Then he started moving his hips around, tickling my mound with his pelvis. He was the first to work his hips like that, and it felt amazing. Sensations shot through my spine, hitting every nerve along the way.

  I moaned in ecstasy, and this only seemed to fuel his desire. He began thrusting, slowly. He was driving me crazy, and he knew it. Then he started thrusting faster and faster, driving his manhood deep inside.

  He picked me up, holding on to my legs and back. He lifted me and lowered me along his shaft. As he did so, I could feel him flexing inside, pulling me apart just a little more with each thrust.

  I couldn’t hold myself up anymore, and I
collapsed over his shoulder, holding onto his back as best I could. He walked me over to the wall and threw me up against it. Then he began driving into me harder, and I couldn’t take it anymore. My muscles starting to tense up as the orgasm welled up inside me.

  Then came the most powerful release I had ever felt. I shivered as waves of pleasure washed over me. I wasn’t alone, it seemed; I could feel him spurting inside me.

  Both of us collapsed on the cool kitchen floor, covered in sweat from head to toe. I threw an arm over Jake and hugged him close.

  “Maybe I should call out of work tomorrow,” I said.


  “Are you kidding me with this, Angie?!” Martin, my boss, said, with what almost seemed like fire shooting out of his ears.

  “Who I keep company with at nights is no business of yours,” I replied.

  “It matters when that company is a client. What the hell were you thinking? This is going to be all over the papers by tomorrow,” he continued.

  I sat there and listened to his objections to my relations with Jake for more than half an hour. Martin always had a way of blowing things way out of proportion, and he always made me laugh a little when he did.

  I had tried calling out of work this morning, but he’d said my presence was mandatory and he’d send a car over. I didn’t think he’d ever sent a car over for anyone except potential clients.

  My phone buzzed, and I received a text message from Jake.

  “Let’s try my place tonight,” it said.

  I hadn’t thought he’d want to go two nights in a row, but after a night like that, it was easy to want to go back for seconds.

  “Are we done here, Martin?” I asked.

  “We’re done. Just keep in mind that the last agent who dated her client is flipping burgers somewhere now. I don’t want this to end up that way with you; things like this always end poorly.”

  I stood up and made for the door, and then remembered my real goal from last night.

  “I might have pulled in another client. He should be in later today. I told him to talk to you if I was unavailable.”

  Martin nodded. “At least you managed that much before your escapade.”


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