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Limelight (Hollywood Stardust)

Page 3

by Kim Carmichael

  At last, she allowed the thoughts she brushed aside earlier to come to the forefront. Here she stood in front of Drew’s home. Along with the dog by the fireplace could be a wife and maybe children. Heat flashed over her and she froze. Coming here was stupid, insane. She was one step away from stalking the man. Logan also gave her Drew’s phone number, she could have texted or called.

  For the second time in one night, a door opened before she had the chance to even get to the threshold.

  As she predicted, a beautiful black dog ran outside.

  She put her hand over her mouth. If some woman joined the animal, she would definitely pass out.

  The dog barked and ran up to her.

  “Don’t bite me.” Her voice came out muffled by her hand, and she stepped back. Though she worked with countless animals on set, for some reason she only co-starred with one dog, a little Yorkie who didn’t do much and reminded her of a muff she once had to wear for a winter scene. “Please don’t bite me.”

  A whistle rang out and suddenly the dog turned and trotted back inside.

  She tightened her hold on her purse.

  Drew appeared at the door.

  Back at the party she barely saw him because she was too focused on making it through the motions. Before she found out why he had to speak to her she took her chance to simply look at him

  Most people who didn’t see each other for long spans of time always commented on how they looked the same, didn’t change one bit. However, Drew had changed. Gone was the boy with the beautiful brown eyes and shy smile. In his place was a man with sultry dark eyes and matching hair simply combed back as if he didn’t have a care in the world. His smile possessed a little more knowledge behind it.

  Time had transformed him, gave him some edge, allowed him to come into himself. Tall and slender, he stood there leaning against the doorjamb as casual as ever in a pair of jeans and a blue t-shirt. Of all the cast, he was always the one to stop and take everything in, something she never learned to do.

  “You said you needed to speak to me?” Though she trembled, she forced her voice to come out even.

  He nodded.

  Again, she glanced around his front yard. There was even a hummingbird feeder hanging by one of the windows. “Did you hang that?” Maybe her question would give her a clue to what she walked in on.

  “It came with the house, but I refill it when it runs out.” He continued to stand by the door.

  Well, his answer didn’t offer her much. “What do you want to talk to me about?”

  “Not hummingbird feeders.” He let out a laugh.

  She couldn’t do this. Everyone always accused her of living her life like a movie. Somewhere in her head she assumed she would show up, he would run out and lean her back in a kiss fit for a final scene of an epic romance, pick her up and they would figure out their happily ever after. “I should have called. When I got your address, I just had to come see you.”

  “I knew you would come here.”

  As always, his voice caressed her, calmed her. Yes, it was deeper now, but she still wished she could wrap herself up in his voice and go to sleep. “Tell me what to do.”

  “No one tells you what to do.” Again, he laughed.

  She waited.

  “We can start with you coming inside.”

  With a nod she walked forward, stopping after two steps. “Will the dog bite me?”

  He shook his head.

  She took another step. “Are you sick?”

  “No.” As if trying to guide her, he opened the door a little wider. “I also don’t need money. Keep going.”

  While she wanted to know where he got a copy of her script, she continued to forge ahead. “Drew.”


  She stared into the face she missed. The scent of his soap wafted around her and she longed to touch him, but she needed to know something first. “Are you married?”

  His eyes seemed to dart to different parts of her, as if he needed some time to absorb her or didn’t want to tell her.

  Her heart seized. “Drew.”

  “I’m not married, divorced, engaged, in a relationship or even dating someone.” He leaned forward. “I thought I needed to talk to you.”

  She took her first full breath. “May I come in?”

  “All you have to do is step over the threshold.”

  She glanced down and stepped inside.

  After twenty years, they were finally in the same spot.

  The inside of his place was as pristine as the outside. The period pieces matched the house’s architecture coupled with some antiques.

  The dog approached her again, sniffing and assessing her. “You always wanted a pet.” She tensed at the dog’s analysis.

  “I got Beaker once I opened my business.” Again, Drew whistled, but added snapping his fingers. “Go lay down.”

  In less than an instant, the dog ran over to a cushion. She sort of wished Drew commanded her like that. There would be no better way to get to know each other again.

  “Would you like a drink?” Drew motioned toward a couch.

  “Sure.” The whole place was almost too homey. Still in her cocktail dress from the gala, she took a seat on the comfy sofa. She prayed he produced a bottle of vodka or something.

  Rather than sitting next to her, he took a chair across from her and poured them each a glass of sherry from a decanter on the coffee table.

  She lifted her glass and stared at the dark liquid. Once upon a time they never had awkward silences. What did he want? Why was she here? This reunion was nothing like she planned and she spent twenty years going through every scenario.

  “I suppose I should propose a toast.” He picked up his glass and tapped it against hers. “To old friends.”

  Without taking a sip, she put the glass down.

  “You don’t like the drink?” Drew sampled some of the alcohol.

  “After twenty years, I would have thought you had something more to toast to than old friends.” She sat back and crossed her legs making sure her skirt rode up her thigh.

  He gave her leg a glance and took another drink. “What would you like?”

  “I would have thought you would have found a better place to sit than the furthest position from me.”

  “All right.” He walked around the table and sat down on the couch. “Better?”

  The man was set on making her suffer. She turned to him. “Why don’t you tell me why I’m here? Tell me what you need to talk to me so badly about you show up after two decades in the middle of an event.”

  “You’re here because you couldn’t stay away.” He narrowed his eyes. “I asked to talk to you because I wanted to take advantage of an opportunity while I had it.”

  Somewhere the words she wanted to hear didn’t happen. She didn’t respond.

  “I think you heard I run a laboratory. I make nutraceuticals.” He continued. “Like vitamins and drinks and other nutritional supplements.”

  “I understand what they are.” She waited, wondering how she ended up here for what was appearing to be a work related conversation.

  “I am coming out with a line of products called Hollywood Glow. I want you to be the face of the line.”

  In movie magic, right about now would be the moment where a boulder fell on her and did her the favor of killing her or at least ending this scene. While that might not happen, her background in storytelling gave her a little insider information. His motivation made no sense. “You came out of hiding and showed up at a public venue where you made quite a scene all so you could ask me to be the spokesperson for a vitamin?”

  “Well, it’s a supplement, but yes.” He reclined back on the couch. “Were you expecting something else?”

  He knew damn well she expected something else. He knew it twenty years ago, the night she told him she wanted something else. He knew it right before he vanished. When she chased after his car, she wanted something else, and he knew it right now.

  Fine, th
is would be how he played the game. He wanted two things, to make her suffer and to make love to her, but needed to make her suffer first. They said payback was a bitch, and she was a bitch. She decided to call his bluff. “I don’t know. I have to think about it. You know I can’t just go endorsing any product.”

  “Of course, of course.” He retrieved his glass and downed the rest. “Strange thing with expectations, it’s like hope wrapped in a fancier word.”

  Nothing ever went as she hoped. At what point in her life would she understand? Thus far, in the same time it took to see a double feature, she’d gotten thrown out of her home and thrown for a loop with Drew only asking her to hock a product for him.

  She stood. “Well, I must get going.” She went toward the door, counting down her options of where to go tonight, tomorrow night, and the next.

  “You’re going to leave so soon? We haven’t even had the chance to catch up.” He came up behind her.

  “I think our business is concluded. I’ll have my people contact your people.” Only thing, she didn’t have any people anymore. She put her hand on the doorknob.

  “You know I could have called your people myself, but I wanted to deal with you personally.” He put his hand over hers.

  Maybe it was only because she craved it, but his touch sizzled through her body. “What did you expect to happen?” He moved in closer. “I don’t know. I try not to have expectations.”

  Shivers consumed her and she glanced at him out of the corner of her eye.

  “So, what do you say? Will you be my…spokesperson?” He raised his eyebrows. “No agents, no people, just you and me?”

  Now she would make him beg as she did too many times to count. “What if I say I’ll think about it, and I’ll give you an answer in the morning? In fact, if you let me stay the night, I’ll give you my answer in person.”

  “What expectations do you have for that?” He stood close enough for her to feel his breath on her neck.

  “Nothing, except a bed. I’m going through some renovations.” She didn’t exactly lie. “Since you found me, I sort of don’t want to let you out of my sight. Maybe we can talk about something other than work.”

  “I take it you have a bag in your car?” He opened the door. “It’ll be like old times.”

  “I’m not expecting a thing.” Yes, she lied.




  STEVEN – Eighteen-year-old going on thirty. Bad boy with an edge, the type that girls think they can change because their love will make a difference. He leans up against the wall by the office door twirling a pen between his fingers.

  CHARLES – The scholar of the bunch, he’s overweight, awkward, only interested in graduating. He plays the role of Steven’s minion. He paces up and down the hallway, reading a textbook barely missing bumping into other students. Every once in a while, Steven reaches out and redirects him from disaster.

  WILLIAM exits office and stops the moment he spots Steven and Charles.


  So what’s the verdict?

  CHARLES stops pacing and lowers his book.

  WILLIAM lifts his chin towards Charles.


  Academic probation. If I do everything right, I can make up my lost credits at summer school. I won’t be able to walk in the graduation ceremonies, but I’ll get my diploma and still make it to college in the fall.

  CHARLES shakes his head.

  STEVEN pushes Charles’ book back toward him.


  It will be okay Chuck, it’s not you.

  WILLIAM starts walking away.

  STEVEN grabs Charles’ sleeve and follows, catching up to William and elbowing him.


  Why did you leave?

  WILLIAM stops, but doesn’t answer.

  The first bell rings and the students around them start rushing to class.




  I couldn’t stay.

  STEVEN glances at CHARLES who shrugs.


  Was it worth it?

  WILLIAM pauses, looks around then up at the ceiling.


  I don’t know.

  WILLIAM goes to leave, but STEVEN snatches him by the collar and pulls him back.


  Where’s Roxy?

  WILLIAM shrugs.

  STEVEN yanks William and slams him up against a row of lockers.


  (Angry low tone)

  You left her there in Hollywood by herself?


  You left her first.

  STEVEN puts his face right in William’s.


  What are you saying?

  WILLIAM stares into Steven’s face.


  You drove away and never looked back.

  Chapter Four


  When the words Hollywood Glow fell out of his mouth, Drew had no choice but to continue the farce.

  Wasn’t it every day that someone came out of their self-imposed witness protection program to ask a star to endorse their product?

  No, he didn’t want to create a line with her as the spokesperson, but the minute she entered his home and they were reunited, he felt himself being sucked into the black hole that was Erin Holland.

  For once, they were in the same place at the same time, both physically and mentally. She didn’t hold back in basically saying she wanted him and the fact of the matter was he had always wanted her.

  Of course, last time he thought they were here, they missed the mark, resulting in him changing his name, his life and recreating himself.

  Something about seeing Logan and his now fiancée, Ivy, overcome every obstacle in their quest to be together coupled with knowing Erin begged to see him for years made Drew make the snap decision to come out of hiding.

  Then suddenly she was here, in his home and he froze. History could simply repeat itself, and to make matters worse he couldn’t vanish a second time.

  He needed to get to know her, needed to see if she’d changed. Maybe he even needed a little payback. Most of all, he had to figure out a way to keep her close, but leave some breathing room just in case.

  In that instant of uncertainty, Hollywood Glow was born.

  No doubt the renovations she spoke of weren’t on a property, but like his fib, he went along with hers. It seemed like the right thing to do.

  Like a little duckling, she followed him around as he moved her car into the garage and carried her numerous bags up the stairs, nearly bumping into him when he hesitated on bringing her either to the master bedroom or the guest room. While they both seemed desperate to keep the other in their line of sight, he had to remember to maintain some distance and forced himself toward the guest room.

  “Here we go.” He flipped on the light and glanced around the room that only the night before housed Logan until his best friend realized his place was with his own love.

  “Thank you.” She took one of the bags, put it on the floor and kneeled down opening it.

  From the neat stacks in the suitcase, he knew instantly Erin did not pack her own bags. Interesting.

  Also interesting was the contents, including her bras, underwear and lingerie.

  His focus alternated between Erin and her bag of tricks.

  “I think I’ll get out of this dress.” She lifted a couple of pieces.

  The entire contents of the case included satin, ribbons and lace, and he ran his hand through his hair. Was he insane? Here she was basically planning on wearing strings for clothing, and he brought her into the guest room rather than his room.

  With her selections in hand, she stood, slid her hair over her shoulder and backed up to him. “Would you mind?”

  Every fantasy he had about Erin ov
er twenty years began with this precise moment. How many times had he been in this exact position? She always asked the same way, as if anyone would mind undressing her. The first time she asked, maybe he should have taken action.

  It was on their first location shoot about a month after they started filming. The first night the studio had booked them rooms at the only motel in a small town in Colorado. At the end of the day, he had finally finished scrubbing his face of the makeup and put on a pair of pajamas when a soft knock came at his door.

  Figuring it was either one of the crewmembers needing to give him something for the next day or Logan wanting a partner in crime, he didn’t even ask who it was before opening the door.

  He sucked in his breath at the sight of Erin.

  “May I come in?” Still in her outfit from the set and holding a pillow and various other things, she gazed up at him.

  “Of course?” A jolt shot through him at his visitor. As he backed up, he clutched the edge of the door and watched her dart inside. After pausing to collect himself, he turned to her. “Everything good?” Somehow along with the role of Charles, he also had a secondary part as Erin’s confidante and friend, a position he coveted and hated, but couldn’t quit.

  She shook her head and sat down at the edge of the bed, hugging her pillow to her chest. “I like your pajamas.”


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